Phylogenetic Methods for Multiple Gene Data

# set global chunk options: images will be 7x5 inches
knitr::opts_chunk$set(fig.width=7, fig.height=10, fig.path="figs/")
old <- options(digits = 4)

apex: Phylogenetic Methods for Multiple Gene Data

apex implements new classes and methods for analysing DNA sequences from multiple genes. It implements new classes extending object classes from ape and phangorn to store multiple gene data, and some useful wrappers mimicking existing functionalities of these packages for multiple genes. This document provides an overview of the package's content.

Installing apex

To install the development version from github:


The stable version can be installed from CRAN using:


Then, to load the package, use:


Importing data

ape wrappers

Two simple functions permit to import data from multiple alignements into multidna objects: read.multidna: reads multiple DNA alignments with various formats read.multiFASTA: same for FASTA files

Both functions rely on the single-gene counterparts in ape and accept the same arguments. Each file should contain data from a given gene, where sequences should be named after individual labels only. Here is an example using a dataset from apex:

## get address of the file within apex
files <- dir(system.file(package="apex"),patter="patr", full=TRUE)

## read these files
x <- read.multiFASTA(files)
names(x@dna) # names of the genes
oldpar <-par(mar=c(6,11,4,1))

phangorn wrappers

In addition to the above functions for importing data: read.multiphyDat: reads multiple DNA alignments with various formats. The arguments are the same as the single-gene read.phyDat in phangorn*:

z <- read.multiphyDat(files, format="fasta")

New object classes

Two new classes of object extend existing data structures for multiple genes: multidna: based on ape's DNAbin class, useful for distance-based trees. multiphyDat: based on phangorn's phyDat class, useful for likelihood-based and parsimony trees. Conversion between these classes can be done using multidna2multiPhydat and multiPhydat2multidna.


This formal (S4) class can be seen as a multi-gene extension of ape's DNAbin class. Data is stored as a list of DNAbin objects, with additional slots for extra information. The class definition can be obtained by:


Any of these slots can be accessed using @, however accessor functions are available for most and are preferred (see examples below).

New multidna objects can be created via different ways:

  1. using the constructor new("multidna", ...)
  2. reading data from files (see section on 'importing data' below)
  3. converting a multiphyDat object using multidna2multiphyDat

We illustrate the use of the constructor below (see ?new.multidna) for more information. We use ape's dataset woodmouse, which we artificially split in two 'genes', keeping the first 500 nucleotides for the first gene, and using the rest as second gene. Note that the individuals need not match across different genes: matching is handled by the constructor.

## empty object

## using a list of genes as input
genes <- list(gene1=woodmouse[,1:500], gene2=woodmouse[,501:965])
x <- new("multidna", genes)

## access the various slots
getNumInd(x) # The number of individuals
getNumLoci(x) # The number of loci
getLocusNames(x) # The names of the loci
getSequenceNames(x) # A list of the names of the sequences at each locus

getSequences(x) # A list of all loci
getSequences(x, loci = 2, simplify = FALSE) # Just the second locus (a single element list)
getSequences(x, loci = "gene1") # Just the first locus as a DNAbin object

## compare the input dataset and the new multidna
oldpar <- par(mfrow=c(3,1), mar=c(6,6,2,1))
image(as.matrix(getSequences(x, 1)))
image(as.matrix(getSequences(x, 2)))
## same but with missing sequences and wrong order
genes <- list(gene1=woodmouse[,1:500], gene2=woodmouse[c(5:1,14:15),501:965])
x <- new("multidna", genes)
oldpar <- par(mar=c(6,6,2,1))


Like multidna and ape's DNAbin, the formal (S4) class multiphyDat is a multi-gene extension of phangorn's phyDat class. Data is stored as a list of phyDat objects, with additional slots for extra information. The class definition can be obtained by:


Any of these slots can be accessed using @ (see example below).

As for multidna, multiphyDat objects can be created via different ways:

  1. using the constructor new("multiphyDat", ...)
  2. reading data from files (see section on 'importing data' below)
  3. converting a multidna object using multiphyDat2multidna

As before, we illustrate the use of the constructor below (see ?new.multiphyDat) for more information.


## empty object

## simple conversion after artificially splitting data into 2 genes
genes <- list(gene1=Laurasiatherian[,1:1600], gene2=Laurasiatherian[,1601:3179])
x <- new("multiphyDat", genes, type="DNA")

Handling data

Several functions facilitate data handling: concatenate: concatenate several genes into a single DNAbin or phyDat matrix x[i,j]: subset x by individuals (i) and/or genes (j) multidna2multiphyDat: converts from multidna to multiphyDat multiphyDat2multidna: converts from multiphyDat to multidna

Example code:

files <- dir(system.file(package="apex"),patter="patr", full=TRUE)

## read files
x <- read.multiFASTA(files)
oldpar <- par(mar=c(6,11,4,1))

## subset
## concatenate
y <- concatenate(x)
oldpar <- par(mar=c(5,8,4,1))

## concatenate multiphyDat object
z <- multidna2multiphyDat(x)
u <- concatenate(z)

tree <- pratchet(u, trace=0, all = FALSE)
oldpar <- par(mar=c(1,1,1,1))
plot(tree, "u")

Building trees

Distance-based trees

Distance-based trees (e.g. Neighbor Joining) can be obtained for each gene in a multidna object using getTree

## make trees, default parameters
trees <- getTree(x)
plot(trees, 4, type="unrooted")
oldpar <- par(mfrow=c(2,2)) 
for(i in 1:length(trees))plot(trees[[i]], type="unr")

As an alternative, all genes can be pooled into a single alignment to obtain a single tree using:

## make one single tree based on concatenated genes
tree <- getTree(x, pool=TRUE)
plot(tree, type="unrooted")

Likelihood-based trees

It is also possible to use functions from phangorn to estimate with maximum likelihood trees. Here is an example using the multiphyDat object z created in the previous section:

## input object
## build trees
pp <- pmlPart(bf ~ edge + nni, z, control = pml.control(trace = 0))
## convert trees for plotting
trees <- pmlPart2multiPhylo(pp)
plot(trees, 4)
par(mfrow=c(2,2)); for(i in 1:length(trees))plot(trees[[i]])

Exporting data

The following functions enable the export from apex to other packages: multidna2genind: concatenates genes and export SNPs into a genind object; alternatively, Multi-Locus Sequence Type (MLST) can be used to treat genes as separate locus and unique sequences as alleles. multiphyDat2genind: does the same for multiphyDat object

This is illustrated below:

## find source files in apex
files <- dir(system.file(package="apex"),patter="patr", full=TRUE)

## import data
x <- read.multiFASTA(files)

## extract SNPs and export to genind
obj1 <- multidna2genind(x)

The MLST option can be useful for a quick diagnostic of diversity amongst individuals. While it is best suited to clonal organisms, we illustrate this procedure using our toy dataset:

obj3 <- multidna2genind(x, mlst=TRUE)

## alleles of the first locus (=sequences)

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apex documentation built on June 22, 2024, 12:21 p.m.