#' Saves estimation results to files.
#' Writes files in the working/output directory with the estimation results.
#' Estimation results are saved different files in the working/output directory:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \strong{\code{(modelName)_corr.csv}} CSV file with the estimated classical correlation matrix. Only when bayesian estimation was not used.
#' \item \strong{\code{(modelName)_covar.csv}} CSV file with the estimated classical covariance matrix. Only when bayesian estimation was not used.
#' \item \strong{\code{(modelName)_estimates.csv}} CSV file with the estimated parameter values, their standars errors, and t-ratios.
#' \item \strong{\code{(modelName).F12}} F12 file with model results. Compatible with ALOGIT.
#' \item \strong{\code{(modelName)_output.txt}} Text file with the output produced by function \code{apollo_modelOutput}.
#' \item \strong{\code{(modelName)_robcorr.csv}} CSV file with the estimated robust correlation matrix. Only when bayesian estimation was not used.
#' \item \strong{\code{(modelName)_robcovar.csv}} CSV file with the estimated robust covariance matrix. Only when bayesian estimation was not used.
#' }
#' @param model Model object. Estimated model object as returned by function \link{apollo_estimate}.
#' @param saveOutput_settings List. Contains settings for this function. User input is required for all settings except those with a default or marked as optional.
#' \itemize{
#' \item \strong{\code{printChange}}: Boolean. TRUE for printing difference between starting values and estimates. TRUE by default.
#' \item \strong{\code{printClassical}}: Boolean. TRUE for printing classical standard errors. TRUE by default.
#' \item \strong{\code{printCorr}}: Boolean. TRUE for printing parameters correlation matrix. If \code{printClassical=TRUE}, both classical and robust matrices are printed. For Bayesian estimation, this setting is used for the covariane of random parameters. TRUE by default.
#' \item \strong{\code{printCovar}}: Boolean. TRUE for printing parameters covariance matrix. If \code{printClassical=TRUE}, both classical and robust matrices are printed. For Bayesian estimation, this setting is used for the correlation of random parameters. TRUE by default.
#' \item \strong{\code{printDataReport}}: Boolean. TRUE for printing summary of choices in database and other diagnostics. FALSE by default.
#' \item \strong{\code{printFixed}}: Logical. TRUE for printing fixed parameters among estimated parameter. TRUE by default.
#' \item \strong{\code{printFunctions}}: Boolean. TRUE for printing apollo_control, apollo_randCoeff (when available), apollo_lcPars (when available) and apollo_probabilities. TRUE by default.
#' \item \strong{\code{printHBconvergence}}: Boolean. TRUE for printing Geweke convergence tests. TRUE by default.
#' \item \strong{\code{printHBiterations}}: Boolean. TRUE for printing an iterations report for HB estimation. TRUE by default.
#' \item \strong{\code{printModelStructure}}: Boolean. TRUE for printing model structure. TRUE by default.
#' \item \strong{\code{printOutliers}}: Boolean or Scalar. TRUE for printing 20 individuals with worst average fit across observations. FALSE by default. If Scalar is given, this replaces the default of 20.
#' \item \strong{\code{printPVal}}: Boolean or Scalar. TRUE or 1 for printing p-values for one-sided test, 2 for printing p-values for two-sided test, FALSE for not printing p-values. FALSE by default.
#' \item \strong{\code{printT1}}: Boolean. If TRUE, t-test for H0: apollo_beta=1 are printed. FALSE by default.
#' \item \strong{\code{saveEst}}: Boolean. TRUE for saving estimated parameters and standard errors to a CSV file. TRUE by default.
#' \item \strong{\code{saveCorr}}: Boolean. TRUE for saving estimated correlation matrix to a CSV file. FALSE by default.
#' \item \strong{\code{saveCov}}: Boolean. TRUE for saving estimated covariance matrix to a CSV file. FALSE by default.
#' \item \strong{\code{saveHBiterations}}: Boolean. TRUE for including HB iterations in the saved model object. FALSE by default.
#' \item \strong{\code{saveModelObject}}: Boolean. TRUE to save the R model object to a file (use \link{apollo_loadModel} to load it to memory). TRUE by default.
#' \item \strong{\code{saveOld}}: Boolean. If TRUE, existing files are kept with an added OLD suffix. If not, they are overwritten. TRUE by default.
#' \item \strong{\code{writeF12}}: Boolean. TRUE for writing results into an F12 file (ALOGIT format). FALSE by default.
#' }
#' @return nothing
#' @export
#' @importFrom RSGHB writeModel
#' @importFrom utils capture.output
apollo_saveOutput=function(model, saveOutput_settings=NA){
if(length(saveOutput_settings)==1 && saveOutput_settings=list()
default <- list(printClassical = TRUE,
printChange = TRUE,
printCorr = TRUE,
printCovar = TRUE,
printDataReport = TRUE,
printFixed = TRUE,
printFunctions = TRUE,
printHBconvergence = TRUE,
printHBiterations = TRUE,
printModelStructure = TRUE,
printOutliers = TRUE,
printPVal = FALSE,
printT1 = FALSE,
saveEst = TRUE,
saveCov = FALSE, #TRUE,
saveCorr = FALSE, #TRUE,
saveHBiterations = FALSE,
saveModelObject = TRUE,
saveOld = TRUE,
writeF12 = FALSE)
tmp <- names(default)[ !(names(default) %in% names(saveOutput_settings)) ]
for(i in tmp) saveOutput_settings[[i]] <- default[[i]]
rm(tmp, default)
printClassical = saveOutput_settings[["printClassical"]]
printPVal = saveOutput_settings[["printPVal"]]
printT1 = saveOutput_settings[["printT1"]]
printDiagnostics= saveOutput_settings[["printDiagnostics"]]
printCovar = saveOutput_settings[["printCovar"]]
printCorr = saveOutput_settings[["printCorr"]]
printOutliers = saveOutput_settings[["printOutliers"]]
printChange = saveOutput_settings[["printChange"]]
printFunctions = saveOutput_settings[["printFunctions"]]
saveEst = saveOutput_settings[["saveEst"]]
saveCov = saveOutput_settings[["saveCov"]]
saveCorr = saveOutput_settings[["saveCorr"]]
saveHBiterations= saveOutput_settings[["saveHBiterations"]]
saveModelObject = saveOutput_settings[["saveModelObject"]]
saveOld = saveOutput_settings[["saveOld"]]
writeF12 = saveOutput_settings[["writeF12"]]
scaling_used = length(model$scaling)>0 && !anyNA(model$scaling)
# Check if files exists, and if they do, rename them as OLD, or remove if saveOld=FALSE
modName <- paste0(model$apollo_control$outputDirectory,model$apollo_control$modelName)
if(file.exists( paste0(modName, "_output.txt") )){
# Figure out corresponding OLD version
n <- 1
while( file.exists( paste0(modName, "_OLD", n, "_output.txt") ) ) n <- n + 1
modNameOld <- paste0(modName, "_OLD", n)
# Rename files
outFiles <- c("_output.txt", "_estimates.csv",
"_covar.csv", "_robcovar.csv", "_bootcovar.csv",
"_corr.csv", "_robcorr.csv", "_bootcorr.csv",
"_model.rds", ".F12",
"_F.csv", "_A.csv", "_B.csv", "_Bsd.csv", "_C.csv", "_Csd.csv", "_D.csv",
".log", "_params_non_random.csv", "_params_random_mean.csv", "_params_random_cov_mean.csv",
"_params_random_cov_sd.csv", "_params_posterior.csv", "_HB_random_params_covar.csv", "_HB_random_params_corr.csv",
for(i in outFiles) if(file.exists(paste0(modName, i))){
file.rename(from=paste0(modName, i), to=paste0(modNameOld, i))
cat("\nOld result file \"", paste0(modName, i), "\" \n renamed to: \"", paste0(modNameOld, i), "\"", sep="")
file.remove(paste0(modName, i))
cat("\nOld result file \"", paste0(modName, i), "\" removed/overwritten", sep="")
#sink( paste0(modName, "_output.txt") )
#tmp <- apollo_modelOutput(model,saveOutput_settings)
capture.output(tmp <- apollo_modelOutput(model,saveOutput_settings),
file=paste0(modName, "_output.txt"))
cat("Model output saved to",paste0(modName, "_output.txt"),"\n")
# ################################## #
#### HB only components ####
# ################################## #
utils::write.csv(model$HB_chains_non_random, paste(model$apollo_control$outputDirectory,model$apollo_control$modelName, "_params_non_random" ,".csv", sep=""))
cat("Summary of chains for non-random parameters saved to:",paste(model$apollo_control$outputDirectory,model$apollo_control$modelName, "_params_non_random" ,".csv", sep=""),"\n")
if(scaling_used) cat(" These outputs have had the scaling used in estimation applied to them\n")}
utils::write.csv(model$HB_posterior_means_summary, paste(model$apollo_control$outputDirectory,model$apollo_control$modelName, "_posterior_means_summary" ,".csv", sep=""))
cat("Summary of distribution of posterior means for random parameters saved to:",paste(model$apollo_control$outputDirectory,model$apollo_control$modelName, "_posterior_means_summary" ,".csv", sep=""),"\n")
if(scaling_used) cat(" These outputs have had the scaling used in estimation applied to them\n")}
utils::write.csv(model$HB_posterior_means, paste(model$apollo_control$outputDirectory,model$apollo_control$modelName, "_posterior_means" ,".csv", sep=""))
cat("Individual-level posterior means for random parameters saved to:",paste(model$apollo_control$outputDirectory,model$apollo_control$modelName, "_posterior_means" ,".csv", sep=""),"\n")
if(scaling_used) cat(" These outputs have had the scaling used in estimation applied to them\n")}
utils::write.csv(model$HB_posterior_sd, paste(model$apollo_control$outputDirectory,model$apollo_control$modelName, "_posterior_sd" ,".csv", sep=""))
cat("Individual-level posterior standard deviation for random parameters saved to:",paste(model$apollo_control$outputDirectory,model$apollo_control$modelName, "_posterior_means" ,".csv", sep=""),"\n")
if(scaling_used) cat(" These outputs have had the scaling used in estimation applied to them\n")}
utils::write.csv(model$HB_random_params_mean_sd, paste(model$apollo_control$outputDirectory,model$apollo_control$modelName, "_params_random" ,".csv", sep=""))
cat("Summary for randomly distributed parameters (with distributional transforms) saved to:",paste(model$apollo_control$outputDirectory,model$apollo_control$modelName, "_params_random" ,".csv", sep=""),"\n")
if(scaling_used) cat(" These outputs have had the scaling used in estimation applied to them\n")}
utils::write.csv(model$HB_random_params_covar , paste(model$apollo_control$outputDirectory,model$apollo_control$modelName, "_params_random_covar" ,".csv", sep=""))
cat("Covariance matrix of random coeffients (after distributional transforms) saved to:",paste(model$apollo_control$outputDirectory,model$apollo_control$modelName, "_params_random_covar" ,".csv", sep=""),"\n")
if(scaling_used) cat(" These outputs have had the scaling used in estimation applied to them\n")}
utils::write.csv(model$HB_random_params_corr , paste(model$apollo_control$outputDirectory,model$apollo_control$modelName, "_params_random_corr" ,".csv", sep=""))
cat("Correlation matrix of random coeffients (after distributional transforms) saved to:",paste(model$apollo_control$outputDirectory,model$apollo_control$modelName, "_params_random_corr" ,".csv", sep=""),"\n")
if(scaling_used) cat(" These outputs have had the scaling used in estimation applied to them\n")}
# if(saveEst){
# currentWD <- getwd()
# if(dir.exists(model$apollo_control$outputDirectory)) setwd(model$apollo_control$outputDirectory)
# RSGHB::writeModel(model, writeDraws = FALSE, path = getwd())
# setwd(currentWD)
# cat("\n\nRSGHB output saved in following files\n")
# cat("\nOutputs at iteration level (post burn-in chains)\n")
# if(!is.null(tmp$non_random)){ cat("Non-random parameters:",paste(model$apollo_control$modelName, "_F" ,".csv", sep=""),"\n")
# if(scaling_used) cat("These outputs have had the scaling used in estimation applied to them\n")}
# if(!is.null(tmp$random_mean)){ cat("Means for underlying normals:",paste(model$apollo_control$modelName, "_A" ,".csv", sep=""),"\n")
# if(scaling_used) cat(" These outputs have NOT had the scaling used in estimation applied to them\n")}
# cat("\nPosteriors\n")
# if(!is.null(tmp$random_mean)){ cat("Mean individual-level draws for underlying normals:",paste(model$apollo_control$modelName, "_B" ,".csv", sep=""),"\n")
# if(scaling_used) cat(" These outputs have NOT had the scaling used in estimation applied to them\n")}
# if(!is.null(tmp$random_mean)){ cat("SD of individual-level draws for underlying normals:",paste(model$apollo_control$modelName, "_Bsd" ,".csv", sep=""),"\n")
# if(scaling_used) cat(" These outputs have NOT had the scaling used in estimation applied to them\n")}
# if(!is.null(tmp$random_mean)){ cat("Mean individual-level draws after transformations to underlying normals:",paste(model$apollo_control$modelName, "_C" ,".csv", sep=""),"\n")
# if(scaling_used) cat(" These outputs have had the scaling used in estimation applied to them\n")}
# if(!is.null(tmp$random_mean)){ cat("SD of individual-level draws after transformations to underlying normals:",paste(model$apollo_control$modelName, "_Csd" ,".csv", sep=""),"\n")
# if(scaling_used) cat(" These outputs have had the scaling used in estimation applied to them\n")}
# if(!is.null(tmp$random_mean)){ cat("Sample variance-covariance matrix for underlying normals:",paste(model$apollo_control$modelName, "_D" ,".csv", sep=""),"\n")
# if(scaling_used) cat(" These outputs have NOT had the scaling used in estimation applied to them\n")}
# cat("\nRSGHB log file saved to",paste(model$apollo_control$outputDirectory,model$apollo_control$modelName, ".log", sep=""),"\n")
# cat("\nAdditional output files:\n")
# if(!is.null(tmp$non_random)){
# utils::write.csv(tmp$non_random , paste(model$apollo_control$outputDirectory,model$apollo_control$modelName, "_params_non_random" ,".csv", sep=""))
# cat("Summary of chains for non-random parameters:",paste(model$apollo_control$outputDirectory,model$apollo_control$modelName, "_params_non_random" ,".csv", sep=""),"\n")
# if(scaling_used) cat(" These outputs have had the scaling used in estimation applied to them\n")}
# if(!is.null(tmp$random_mean)){utils::write.csv(tmp$random_mean , paste(model$apollo_control$outputDirectory,model$apollo_control$modelName, "_params_random_mean" ,".csv", sep=""))
# cat("Summary of chains for means of normals:",paste(model$apollo_control$outputDirectory,model$apollo_control$modelName, "_params_random_mean" ,".csv", sep=""),"\n")
# if(scaling_used) cat(" These outputs have NOT had the scaling used in estimation applied to them\n")}
# if(!is.null(tmp$random_cov_mean)){utils::write.csv(tmp$random_cov_mean, paste(model$apollo_control$outputDirectory,model$apollo_control$modelName, "_params_random_cov_mean",".csv", sep=""))
# cat("Means of chains for covariance of normals:",paste(model$apollo_control$outputDirectory,model$apollo_control$modelName, "_params_random_cov_mean" ,".csv", sep=""),"\n")
# if(scaling_used) cat(" These outputs have NOT had the scaling used in estimation applied to them\n")}
# if(!is.null(tmp$random_cov_sd)){utils::write.csv(tmp$random_cov_sd, paste(model$apollo_control$outputDirectory,model$apollo_control$modelName, "_params_random_cov_sd",".csv", sep=""))
# cat("SDs of chains for covariance of normals:",paste(model$apollo_control$outputDirectory,model$apollo_control$modelName, "_params_random_cov_sd" ,".csv", sep=""),"\n")
# if(scaling_used) cat(" These outputs have NOT had the scaling used in estimation applied to them\n")}
# if(!is.null(tmp$posterior)){utils::write.csv(tmp$posterior , paste(model$apollo_control$outputDirectory,model$apollo_control$modelName, "_params_posterior" ,".csv", sep=""))
# cat("Summary of posteriors for random parameters:",paste(model$apollo_control$outputDirectory,model$apollo_control$modelName, "_params_posterior" ,".csv", sep=""),"\n")
# if(scaling_used) cat(" These outputs have had the scaling used in estimation applied to them\n")}
# if(!is.null(tmp$HB_random_params_covar)){utils::write.csv(tmp$HB_random_params_covar, paste(model$apollo_control$outputDirectory,model$apollo_control$modelName, "_HB_random_params_covar",".csv", sep=""))
# cat("Covariance matrix of random coeffients (after distributional transforms):",paste(model$apollo_control$outputDirectory,model$apollo_control$modelName, "_HB_random_params_covar" ,".csv", sep=""),"\n")
# if(scaling_used) cat(" These outputs have had the scaling used in estimation applied to them\n")}
# if(!is.null(tmp$HB_random_params_corr)){utils::write.csv(tmp$HB_random_params_corr , paste(model$apollo_control$outputDirectory,model$apollo_control$modelName, "_HB_random_params_corr" ,".csv", sep=""))
# cat("Correlation matrix of random coeffients (after distributional transforms):",paste(model$apollo_control$outputDirectory,model$apollo_control$modelName, "_HB_random_params_corr" ,".csv", sep=""),"\n")
# if(scaling_used) cat(" These outputs have had the scaling used in estimation applied to them\n")}
# }
tryCatch( {
saveRDS(model, file=paste0(model$apollo_control$outputDirectory,model$apollo_control$modelName,"_model.rds"))
cat("\nModel object saved to",paste(model$apollo_control$outputDirectory,model$apollo_control$modelName, ".rds", sep=""),"\n")
}, error=function(e) cat("Model object could not be written to file."))
# ################################## #
#### for all ####
# ################################## #
# Build matrix with results table
output <- matrix(model$estimate, nrow=length(model$estimate), ncol=1, dimnames=list(names(model$estimate)))
colnames(output) <- c("Estimate")
output <- cbind(output, Std.err.=model$se, `t-ratio(0)`=model$estimate/model$se)
if(printPVal==1) output <- cbind( output, `p(1-sided)`=printPVal*(1-stats::pnorm(abs(model$estimate/model$se))) )
if(printPVal==2) output <- cbind( output, `p(2-sided)`=printPVal*(1-stats::pnorm(abs(model$estimate/model$se))) )
output <- cbind(output, `t-ratio(1)`=(model$estimate-1)/model$se)
if(printPVal==1) output <- cbind( output, `p(1-sided)`=printPVal*(1-stats::pnorm(abs((model$estimate-1)/model$se))) )
if(printPVal==2) output <- cbind( output, `p(2-sided)`=printPVal*(1-stats::pnorm(abs((model$estimate-1)/model$se))) )
output <- cbind(output, Rob.std.err.=model$robse, `Rob.t-ratio(0)`=model$estimate/model$robse)
if(printPVal) output <- cbind(output, `Rob.p-val(0)`=2*(1-stats::pnorm(abs(model$estimate/model$robse))) )
output <- cbind(output, `Rob.t-ratio(1)`=(model$estimate-1)/model$robse)
if(printPVal) output <- cbind(output, `Rob.p-val(1)`=2*(1-stats::pnorm(abs((model$estimate-1)/model$robse))) )
# Write to file
cat("Estimates saved to",paste0(modName, "_estimates.csv"),"\n")
cat("Classical covariance matrix saved to",paste0(modName, "_covar.csv"),"\n")
cat("Robust covariance matrix saved to",paste0(modName, "_robcovar.csv"),"\n")
if(!is.null(model$bootstrapSE) && model$bootstrapSE>0){
cat("Bootstrap covariance matrix saved to",paste(modName, "_bootcovar.csv" , sep=""),"\n")
cat("Classical correlation matrix saved to",paste(modName, "_covar.csv" , sep=""),"\n")
cat("Robust correlation matrix saved to",paste0(modName, "_robcorr.csv"),"\n")
if(!is.null(model$bootstrapSE) && model$bootstrapSE>0){
utils::write.csv(model$bootcorrmat, paste0(modName,"_bootcorr.csv"))
cat("Bootstrap correlation matrix saved to",paste(modName, "_bootcorr.csv" , sep=""),"\n")
tryCatch( {
saveRDS(model, file=paste0(modName,"_model.rds"))
cat("Model object saved to",paste0(modName, ".rds"),"\n")
}, error=function(e) cat("Model object could not be written to file."))
if(writeF12) apollo_writeF12(model)
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