#' Likelihood Estimation
#' Compute the likelihood of input data, optionally conditioned on some event(s).
#' @param params Circuit parameters learned via \code{\link{forde}}.
#' @param query Data frame of samples, optionally comprising just a subset of
#' training features. Likelihoods will be computed for each sample. Missing
#' features will be marginalized out. See Details.
#' @param evidence Optional set of conditioning events. This can take one of
#' three forms: (1) a partial sample, i.e. a single row of data with some but
#' not all columns; (2) a data frame of conditioning events, which allows for
#' inequalities; or (3) a posterior distribution over leaves. See Details.
#' @param arf Pre-trained \code{\link{adversarial_rf}} or other object of class
#' \code{ranger}. This is not required but speeds up computation considerably
#' for total evidence queries. (Ignored for partial evidence queries.)
#' @param oob Only use out-of-bag leaves for likelihood estimation? If
#' \code{TRUE}, \code{x} must be the same dataset used to train \code{arf}.
#' Only applicable for total evidence queries.
#' @param log Return likelihoods on log scale? Recommended to prevent underflow.
#' @param batch Batch size. The default is to compute densities for all of
#' queries in one round, which is always the fastest option if memory allows.
#' However, with large samples or many trees, it can be more memory efficient
#' to split the data into batches. This has no impact on results.
#' @param parallel Compute in parallel? Must register backend beforehand, e.g.
#' via \code{doParallel}.
#' @details
#' This function computes the likelihood of input data, optionally conditioned
#' on some event(s). Queries may be partial, i.e. covering some but not all
#' features, in which case excluded variables will be marginalized out.
#' There are three methods for (optionally) encoding conditioning events via the
#' \code{evidence} argument. The first is to provide a partial sample, where
#' some but not all columns from the training data are present. The second is to
#' provide a data frame with three columns: \code{variable}, \code{relation},
#' and \code{value}. This supports inequalities via \code{relation}.
#' Alternatively, users may directly input a pre-calculated posterior
#' distribution over leaves, with columns \code{f_idx} and \code{wt}. This may
#' be preferable for complex constraints. See Examples.
#' @return
#' A vector of likelihoods, optionally on the log scale.
#' @references
#' Watson, D., Blesch, K., Kapar, J., & Wright, M. (2023). Adversarial random
#' forests for density estimation and generative modeling. In \emph{Proceedings
#' of the 26th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and
#' Statistics}, pp. 5357-5375.
#' @examples
#' # Estimate average log-likelihood
#' arf <- adversarial_rf(iris)
#' psi <- forde(arf, iris)
#' ll <- lik(psi, iris, arf = arf, log = TRUE)
#' mean(ll)
#' # Identical but slower
#' ll <- lik(psi, iris, log = TRUE)
#' mean(ll)
#' # Partial evidence query
#' lik(psi, query = iris[1, 1:3])
#' # Condition on Species = "setosa"
#' evi <- data.frame(Species = "setosa")
#' lik(psi, query = iris[1, 1:3], evidence = evi)
#' # Condition on Species = "setosa" and Petal.Width > 0.3
#' evi <- data.frame(variable = c("Species", "Petal.Width"),
#' relation = c("==", ">"),
#' value = c("setosa", 0.3))
#' lik(psi, query = iris[1, 1:3], evidence = evi)
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link{adversarial_rf}}, \code{\link{forge}}
#' @export
#' @import ranger
#' @import data.table
#' @importFrom stats predict
#' @importFrom foreach foreach %do% %dopar%
#' @importFrom truncnorm dtruncnorm
lik <- function(
evidence = NULL,
arf = NULL,
oob = FALSE,
log = TRUE,
batch = NULL,
parallel = TRUE) {
# To avoid data.table check issues
tree <- cvg <- leaf <- variable <- mu <- sigma <- value <- obs <- prob <-
V1 <- relation <- f_idx <- wt <- val <- family <- fold <- . <- NULL
# Check query
x <-
colnames_x <- colnames(x)
n <- nrow(x)
d <- ncol(x)
if (d == params$meta[, .N] & is.null(arf)) {
warning('For total evidence queries, it is faster to include the ',
'pre-trained arf.')
if (any(!colnames(x) %in% params$meta$variable)) {
err <- setdiff(colnames(x), params$meta$variable)
stop('Unrecognized feature(s) among colnames: ', err)
x <- suppressWarnings(prep_x(x))
factor_cols <- sapply(x, is.factor)
# Prep evidence
conj <- FALSE
if (!is.null(evidence)) {
evidence <- prep_evi(params, evidence)
if (!all(c('f_idx', 'wt') %in% colnames(evidence))) {
conj <- TRUE
# Check ARF
if (d == params$meta[, .N] & !is.null(arf)) {
num_trees <- arf$num.trees
preds <- stats::predict(arf, x, type = 'terminalNodes')$predictions + 1L
preds <- data.table('tree' = rep(seq_len(num_trees), each = n),
'leaf' = as.vector(preds),
'obs' = rep(seq_len(n), times = num_trees))
if (isTRUE(oob)) {
preds <- stats::na.omit(preds)
preds <- merge(preds, params$forest[, .(tree, leaf, f_idx)],
by = c('tree', 'leaf'), sort = FALSE)
setnames(x, params$meta$variable)
} else {
arf <- NULL
setnames(x, colnames_x)
# PMF over leaves
if (is.null(evidence)) {
num_trees <- params$forest[, max(tree)]
omega <- params$forest[, .(f_idx, cvg)]
omega[, wt := cvg / num_trees]
omega[, cvg := NULL]
} else if (isTRUE(conj)) {
omega <- leaf_posterior(params, evidence)
} else {
omega <- evidence
omega <- omega[wt > 0]
leaves <- omega[, f_idx]
# Optional batching
if (is.null(batch)) {
batch <- n
k <- round(n/batch)
if (k < 1) {
k <- 1L
batch_idx <- suppressWarnings(split(seq_len(n), seq_len(k)))
# Likelihood function
lik_fn <- function(fold, arf) {
# Prep work
psi_cnt <- psi_cat <- NULL
pure <- all(factor_cols) | all(!factor_cols)
if (is.null(arf) & !isTRUE(pure)) {
omega_tmp <- rbindlist(lapply(batch_idx[[fold]], function(i) {
omega$obs <- i
omega$wt <- NULL
# Continuous data
if (any(!factor_cols)) {
fam <- params$meta[class == 'numeric', unique(family)]
x_long <- melt(
data.table(obs = batch_idx[[fold]],
x[batch_idx[[fold]], !factor_cols, drop = FALSE]),
id.vars = 'obs', variable.factor = FALSE
if (is.null(arf)) {
psi_cnt <- merge(params$cnt[f_idx %in% leaves], x_long, by = 'variable',
sort = FALSE, allow.cartesian = TRUE)
} else {
preds_cnt <- merge(preds[f_idx %in% leaves], x_long, by = 'obs',
sort = FALSE, allow.cartesian = TRUE)
psi_cnt <- merge(params$cnt[f_idx %in% leaves], preds_cnt,
by = c('f_idx', 'variable'), sort = FALSE)
if (fam == 'truncnorm') {
psi_cnt[, lik := truncnorm::dtruncnorm(value, a = min, b = max,
mean = mu, sd = sigma)]
} else if (fam == 'unif') {
psi_cnt[, lik := stats::dunif(value, min = min, max = max)]
psi_cnt[value == min, lik := 0]
psi_cnt[, lik := prod(lik), by = .(f_idx, obs)]
psi_cnt <- unique(psi_cnt[lik > 0, .(f_idx, obs, lik)])
if (is.null(arf) & !isTRUE(pure)) {
omega_tmp <- merge(omega_tmp, psi_cnt[, .(f_idx, obs)],
by = c('f_idx', 'obs'), sort = FALSE)
leaves <- omega_tmp[, unique(f_idx)]
# Categorical data
if (any(factor_cols)) {
x_tmp <- x[batch_idx[[fold]], factor_cols, drop = FALSE]
n_tmp <- nrow(x_tmp)
x_long <- melt(
data.table(obs = batch_idx[[fold]], x_tmp),
id.vars = 'obs', = 'val', variable.factor = FALSE
# Speedups are possible if there are many duplicates
is_unique <- !duplicated(x_tmp)
if (all(is_unique)) {
x_unique <- x_long
colnames(x_unique)[1] <- 's_idx'
} else {
x_unique <- unique(x_tmp)
x_unique <- melt(
data.table(s_idx = seq_len(nrow(x_unique)), x_unique),
id.vars = 's_idx', = 'val', variable.factor = FALSE
s_idx <- integer(length = n_tmp)
s_idx[is_unique] <- seq_len(sum(is_unique))
for (i in 2:n_tmp) {
if (s_idx[i] == 0L) {
s_idx[i] <- s_idx[i - 1L]
idx_dt <- data.table(obs = batch_idx[[fold]], s_idx = s_idx)
if (is.null(arf)) {
grd <- rbindlist(lapply(which(factor_cols), function(j) {
expand.grid('f_idx' = leaves, 'variable' = colnames(x)[j],
'val' = x_long[variable == colnames(x)[j], unique(val)],
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
psi_cat <- merge(params$cat[f_idx %in% leaves], grd,
by = c('f_idx', 'variable', 'val'),
sort = FALSE, all.y = TRUE)
psi_cat[, prob := 0]
psi_cat <- merge(psi_cat, x_unique, by = c('variable', 'val'),
sort = FALSE, allow.cartesian = TRUE)
psi_cat[, lik := prod(prob), by = .(f_idx, s_idx)]
psi_cat <- unique(psi_cat[lik > 0, .(f_idx, s_idx, lik)])
if (all(is_unique)) {
setnames(psi_cat, 's_idx', 'obs')
} else {
if (!isTRUE(pure)) {
omega_tmp <- merge(idx_dt, omega_tmp, by = 'obs', sort = FALSE)
psi_cat <- merge(psi_cat, omega_tmp, by = c('f_idx', 's_idx'),
sort = FALSE)[, s_idx := NULL]
setcolorder(psi_cat, c('f_idx', 'obs', 'lik'))
psi_cnt <- merge(psi_cnt, psi_cat[, .(f_idx, obs)],
by = c('f_idx', 'obs'), sort = FALSE)
} else {
preds_cat <- merge(preds[f_idx %in% leaves], x_long, by = 'obs',
sort = FALSE, allow.cartesian = TRUE)
psi_cat <- merge(params$cat, preds_cat, by = c('f_idx', 'variable', 'val'),
sort = FALSE, allow.cartesian = TRUE, all.y = TRUE)
psi_cat[, prob := 0]
psi_cat[, lik := prod(prob), by = .(f_idx, obs)]
psi_cat <- unique(psi_cat[lik > 0, .(f_idx, obs, lik)])
# Put it together
psi_x <- rbind(psi_cnt, psi_cat)
if (!isTRUE(pure)) {
psi_x <- psi_x[, prod(lik), by = .(f_idx, obs)]
setnames(psi_x, 'V1', 'lik')
if (isTRUE(parallel)) {
out <- foreach(fold = seq_len(k), .combine = rbind) %dopar% lik_fn(fold, arf)
} else {
out <- foreach(fold = seq_len(k), .combine = rbind) %do% lik_fn(fold, arf)
# Compute per-sample likelihoods
out <- merge(out, omega, by = 'f_idx', sort = FALSE)
out <- out[, log(crossprod(wt, lik)), by = obs]
setnames(out, 'V1', 'lik')
# Anybody missing?
zeros <- setdiff(seq_len(n), out[, obs])
if (length(zeros) > 0L) {
zero_dt <- data.table(obs = zeros, lik = -Inf)
out <- rbind(out, zero_dt)
# Export
if (!isTRUE(log)) {
out[, lik := exp(lik)]
return(out[order(obs), lik])
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