#' Sort Pairs
#' A function to sort pairs of integers or factors and identify the pairs
#' @param c1 a vector of length n with value between 0 and N1 < n
#' @param c2 a vector of length n with value between 0 and N2 < n
#' @param spMat logical: send back the contingency table as sparsely encoded (cost more than the algorithm itself). Default is FALSE
#' @import Matrix
#' @export
sortPairs <- function(c1, c2, spMat=FALSE){
if (anyNA(c1) | anyNA(c2))
stop("NA are not supported.")
if (((!is.vector(c1) & !is.factor(c1)) | is.list(c1)) | ((!is.vector(c2) & !is.factor(c2)) | is.list(c2)))
stop("c1 and c2 must be vectors or factors but not lists.")
if (length(c1) != length(c2))
stop("the two vectors must have the same length.")
n <- length(c1)
## if c1 and c2 are integer
if (is.integer(c1) & is.integer(c2)) {
## getRank is O(n) if max(c1)-min(c1) and max(c2)-min(c2) is of order length(c1)=length(c2)
## NOTE: getRank does not assume c1 and c2 are between 0 and n
res1 <- getRank(c1)
res2 <- getRank(c2)
mylevels <- list(c1=res1$index, c2=res2$index)
c1 <- res1$translated # here ranks are in [0, n)
c2 <- res2$translated # here ranks are in [0, n)
} else if (is.factor(c1) & is.factor(c2)) {
mylevels <- list(c1 = levels(c1), c2 = levels(c2))
c1 <- as.integer(c1) - 1L
c2 <- as.integer(c2) - 1L
} else {
## if neither a factor nor an integer or different of types force to factor then integer
mylevels <- list(c1 = unique(c1), c2 = unique(c2))
c1 <- as.integer(factor(c1, levels = mylevels$c1)) - 1L
c2 <- as.integer(factor(c2, levels = mylevels$c2)) - 1L
i_order <- order(c1, c2, method="radix") - 1L
out <- countPairs(c1, c2, i_order)
if (spMat) {
spOut <- sparseMatrix(i=out$pair_c1,
dimnames = mylevels, index1=FALSE)
} else {
spOut <- NULL
res <- list(spMat = spOut,
levels = mylevels,
nij = out$pair_nb,
ni. = out$c1_nb,
n.j = out$c2_nb,
pair_c1 = out$pair_c1,
pair_c2 = out$pair_c2
#' Adjusted Rand Index
#' A function to compute the adjusted rand index between two classifications
#' @param c1 a vector containing the labels of the first classification. Must be a vector of characters, integers, numerics, or a factor, but not a list.
#' @param c2 a vector containing the labels of the second classification.
#' @return a scalar with the adjusted rand index.
#' @seealso \code{\link{RI}}, \code{\link{NID}}, \code{\link{NVI}}, \code{\link{NMI}}, \code{\link{clustComp}}
#' @examples
#' data(iris)
#' cl <- cutree(hclust(dist(iris[,-5])), 4)
#' ARI(cl,iris$Species)
#' @export
ARI <- function(c1, c2){
## get pairs using C
## ensure that values of c1 and c2 are between 0 and n1
res <- sortPairs(c1, c2)
## get ARI using pairs
N <- length(c1)
stot <- sum(choose(res$nij, 2), na.rm=TRUE)
srow <- sum(choose(res$ni., 2), na.rm=TRUE)
scol <- sum(choose(res$n.j, 2), na.rm=TRUE)
expectedIndex <-(srow*scol)/(choose(N,2))
maximumIndex <- (srow+scol)/2
if (expectedIndex == maximumIndex & stot != 0) {
res <- 1
} else {
res <- (stot-expectedIndex)/(maximumIndex-expectedIndex)
#' Rand Index
#' A function to compute the rand index between two classifications
#' @param c1 a vector containing the labels of the first classification. Must be a vector of characters, integers, numerics, or a factor, but not a list.
#' @param c2 a vector containing the labels of the second classification.
#' @return a scalar with the rand index.
#' @seealso \code{\link{ARI}}, \code{\link{NID}}, \code{\link{NVI}}, \code{\link{NMI}}, \code{\link{clustComp}}
#' @examples
#' data(iris)
#' cl <- cutree(hclust(dist(iris[,-5])), 4)
#' RI(cl,iris$Species)
#' @export
RI <- function(c1, c2){
## get pairs using C
## ensure that values of c1 and c2 are between 0 and n1
res <- sortPairs(c1, c2)
## get ARI using pairs
N <- length(c1)
## return the rand-index
res <- 1 + (sum(res$nij^2) - (sum(res$ni.^2) + sum(res$n.j^2))/2)/choose(N,2)
#' Modified Adjusted Rand Index
#' A function to compute a modified adjusted rand index between two classifications as proposed by Sundqvist et al. in prep, based on a multinomial model.
#' @param c1 a vector containing the labels of the first classification. Must be a vector of characters, integers, numerics, or a factor, but not a list.
#' @param c2 a vector containing the labels of the second classification.
#' @return a scalar with the modified ARI.
#' @seealso \code{\link{ARI}}, \code{\link{NID}}, \code{\link{NVI}}, \code{\link{NMI}}, \code{\link{clustComp}}
#' @examples
#' data(iris)
#' cl <- cutree(hclust(dist(iris[,-5])), 4)
#' MARI(cl,iris$Species)
#' @export
MARI <- function(c1, c2){
## get pairs using C
## ensure that values of c1 and c2 are between 0 and n1
res <- sortPairs(c1, c2)
N <- length(c1)
stot <- sum(choose(res$nij, 2), na.rm=TRUE)
srow <- sum(choose(res$ni., 2), na.rm=TRUE)
scol <- sum(choose(res$n.j, 2), na.rm=TRUE)
## using Lemma 3.3
## triplets
T1 <- 2*N
T2 <- sum(res$nij * res$ni.[res$pair_c1+1] * res$n.j[res$pair_c2+1], na.rm=TRUE)
T3 <- -sum(res$nij^2, na.rm=TRUE) - sum(res$ni.^2, na.rm=TRUE) - sum(res$n.j^2, na.rm=TRUE)
## quadruplets (and division by 6 choose(N, 4)
expectedIndex <- (srow*scol - stot - (T1+T2+T3)) / (6 *choose(N, 4))
## return the rand-index
expectedIndex <- expectedIndex * choose(N, 2) ## RESCALE SO THAT THE CODE IS EQUIVALENT TO THE ARI
maximumIndex <- (srow+scol)/2
if (expectedIndex == maximumIndex & stot != 0) {
res <- 1
} else {
res <- (stot-expectedIndex)/(maximumIndex-expectedIndex)
## return the adjusted (and divided) rand-index
#' raw Modified Adjusted Rand Index
#' A function to compute a modified adjusted rand index between two classifications as proposed by Sundqvist et al. in prep, based on a multinomial model. Raw means, that the index is not divided by the (maximum - expected) value.
#' @param c1 a vector containing the labels of the first classification. Must be a vector of characters, integers, numerics, or a factor, but not a list.
#' @param c2 a vector containing the labels of the second classification.
#' @return a scalar with the modified ARI without the division by the (maximum - expected)
#' @seealso \code{\link{ARI}}, \code{\link{NID}}, \code{\link{NVI}}, \code{\link{NMI}}, \code{\link{clustComp}}
#' @examples
#' data(iris)
#' cl <- cutree(hclust(dist(iris[,-5])), 4)
#' MARIraw(cl,iris$Species)
#' @export
MARIraw <- function(c1, c2){
## get pairs using C
## ensure that values of c1 and c2 are between 0 and n1
res <- sortPairs(c1, c2)
N <- length(c1)
stot <- sum(choose(res$nij, 2), na.rm=TRUE)
srow <- sum(choose(res$ni., 2), na.rm=TRUE)
scol <- sum(choose(res$n.j, 2), na.rm=TRUE)
## using Lemma 3.3
## triplets
T1 <- 2*N
T2 <- sum(res$nij * res$ni.[res$pair_c1+1] * res$n.j[res$pair_c2+1], na.rm=TRUE)
T3 <- -sum(res$nij^2, na.rm=TRUE) - sum(res$ni.^2, na.rm=TRUE) - sum(res$n.j^2, na.rm=TRUE)
## quadruplets (and division by 6 choose(N, 4)
expectedIndex <- (srow*scol - stot - (T1+T2+T3)) / (6 *choose(N, 4))
## return the rand-index
res <- (stot / choose(N, 2)) - expectedIndex
#' Chi-square statistics
#' A function to compute the Chi-2 statistics
#' @param c1 a vector containing the labels of the first classification. Must be a vector of characters, integers, numerics, or a factor, but not a list.
#' @param c2 a vector containing the labels of the second classification.
#' @return a scalar with the chi-square statistics.
#' @seealso \code{\link{ARI}}, \code{\link{NID}}, \code{\link{NVI}}, \code{\link{NMI}}, \code{\link{clustComp}}
#' @examples
#' data(iris)
#' cl <- cutree(hclust(dist(iris[,-5])), 4)
#' Chi2(cl,iris$Species)
#' @export
Chi2 <- function(c1, c2){
## get pairs using C
## ensure that values of c1 and c2 are between 0 and n1
res <- sortPairs(c1, c2)
N <- length(c1)
res <- N* sum(res$nij^2 / (res$ni.[res$pair_c1+1] * res$n.j[res$pair_c2+1]) )
res <- res - N
#' Entropy
#' A function to compute the empirical entropy for two vectors of classification and the joint entropy
#' @param c1 a vector containing the labels of the first classification. Must be a vector of characters, integers, numerics, or a factor, but not a list.
#' @param c2 a vector containing the labels of the second classification.
#' @return a list with the two conditional entropies, the joint entropy and output of sortPairs.
#' @examples
#' data(iris)
#' cl <- cutree(hclust(dist(iris[,-5])), 4)
#' entropy(cl,iris$Species)
#' @export
entropy <- function(c1, c2){
res <- sortPairs(c1, c2)
N <- length(c1)
H.UV <- - sum(res$nij * log(res$nij))/N + log(N)
H.U <- - sum(res$ni. * log(res$ni.))/N + log(N)
H.V <- - sum(res$n.j * log(res$n.j))/N + log(N)
res <- list(UV = H.UV, U = H.U, V = H.V, sortPairs = res)
#' Measures of similarity between two classification
#' A function various measures of similarity between two classifications
#' @param c1 a vector containing the labels of the first classification. Must be a vector of characters, integers, numerics, or a factor, but not a list.
#' @param c2 a vector containing the labels of the second classification.
#' @return a list with the RI, ARI, NMI, NVI and NID.
#' @seealso \code{\link{RI}}, \code{\link{NID}}, \code{\link{NVI}}, \code{\link{NMI}}, \code{\link{ARI}}
#' @examples
#' data(iris)
#' cl <- cutree(hclust(dist(iris[,-5])), 4)
#' clustComp(cl,iris$Species)
#' @export
clustComp <- function(c1, c2) {
H <- entropy(c1,c2)
MI <- - H$UV + H$U + H$V
VI <- H$UV - MI
NVI <- 1 - MI/H$UV
ID <- max(H$U, H$V) - MI
NID <- 1 - MI / max(H$U, H$V)
NMI <- MI / max(H$U, H$V)
EMI <- expected_MI(as.integer(H$sortPairs$ni.), as.integer(H$sortPairs$n.j))
res <- list(RI = RI(c1,c2) ,
ARI = ARI(c1,c2) ,
MI = - H$UV + H$U + H$V ,
AMI = (- H$UV + H$U + H$V - EMI) / (max(H$U,H$V) - EMI),
VI = H$UV - MI ,
NVI = 1 - MI/H$UV ,
ID = max(H$U, H$V) - MI ,
NID = 1 - MI / max(H$U, H$V),
NMI = MI / max(H$U, H$V) ,
Chi2 = Chi2(c1,c2) ,
MARI = MARI(c1,c2) ,
MARIraw = MARIraw(c1,c2)
#' Adjusted Mutual Information
#' A function to compute the adjusted mutual information between two classifications
#' @param c1 a vector containing the labels of the first classification. Must be a vector of characters, integers, numerics, or a factor, but not a list.
#' @param c2 a vector containing the labels of the second classification.
#' @return a scalar with the adjusted rand index.
#' @seealso \code{\link{ARI}}, \code{\link{RI}}, \code{\link{NID}}, \code{\link{NVI}}, \code{\link{NMI}}, \code{\link{clustComp}}
#' @examples
#' data(iris)
#' cl <- cutree(hclust(dist(iris[,-5])), 4)
#' AMI(cl,iris$Species)
#' @export
AMI <- function(c1, c2){
H <- entropy(c1,c2)
MI <- - H$UV + H$U + H$V
EMI <- expected_MI(as.integer(H$sortPairs$ni.), as.integer(H$sortPairs$n.j))
res <- (MI - EMI) / (max(H$U,H$V) - EMI)
#' Normalized mutual information (NMI)
#' A function to compute the NMI between two classifications
#' @param c1 a vector containing the labels of the first classification. Must be a vector of characters, integers, numerics, or a factor, but not a list.
#' @param c2 a vector containing the labels of the second classification.
#' @param variant a string in ("max", "min", "sqrt", "sum", "joint"): different variants of NMI. Default use "max".
#' @return a scalar with the normalized mutual information .
#' @seealso \code{\link{RI}}, \code{\link{NID}}, \code{\link{NVI}}, \code{\link{ARI}}, \code{\link{clustComp}}
#' @examples
#' data(iris)
#' cl <- cutree(hclust(dist(iris[,-5])), 4)
#' NMI(cl,iris$Species)
#' @export
NMI <- function(c1, c2, variant = c("max", "min", "sqrt", "sum", "joint")) {
variant <- match.arg(variant)
H <- entropy(c1,c2)
MI <- - H$UV + H$U + H$V
D <- switch(variant,
"max" = max(H$U, H$V),
"sqrt" = sqrt(H$U * H$V),
"min" = min(H$U, H$V),
"sum" = .5*(H$U + H$V),
"joint" = H$UV)
res <- MI / D
#' Normalized information distance (NID)
#' A function to compute the NID between two classifications
#' @param c1 a vector containing the labels of the first classification. Must be a vector of characters, integers, numerics, or a factor, but not a list.
#' @param c2 a vector containing the labels of the second classification.
#' @return a scalar with the normalized information distance .
#' @seealso \code{\link{RI}}, \code{\link{NMI}}, \code{\link{NVI}}, \code{\link{ARI}}, \code{\link{clustComp}}
#' @examples
#' data(iris)
#' cl <- cutree(hclust(dist(iris[,-5])), 4)
#' NID(cl,iris$Species)
#' @export
NID <- function(c1, c2) {
H <- entropy(c1,c2)
MI <- - H$UV + H$U + H$V
res <- 1 - MI / max(H$U, H$V)
#' Normalized variation of information (NVI)
#' A function to compute the NVI between two classifications
#' @param c1 a vector containing the labels of the first classification. Must be a vector of characters, integers, numerics, or a factor, but not a list.
#' @param c2 a vector containing the labels of the second classification.
#' @return a scalar with the normalized variation of information.
#' @seealso \code{\link{RI}}, \code{\link{NID}}, \code{\link{NMI}}, \code{\link{ARI}}, \code{\link{clustComp}}
#' @examples
#' data(iris)
#' cl <- cutree(hclust(dist(iris[,-5])), 4)
#' NVI(cl,iris$Species)
#' @export
NVI <- function(c1, c2) {
H <- entropy(c1,c2)
MI <- - H$UV + H$U + H$V
res <- 1 - MI/H$UV
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