
setMethodS3("stextSize", "AromaMicroarrayDataFile", function(this, side=1, fmtstr="n=%d", size, pos=1, cex=0.7, col="darkgray", ...) {
  stext(side=side, line=-1, text=sprintf(fmtstr, round(size)), pos=pos, cex=cex, col=col, ...)
}, private=TRUE)

setMethodS3("stextLabel", "AromaMicroarrayDataFile", function(this, side=3, fmtstr="%s", label=getName(this), pos=0, cex=0.7, col="black", ...) {
  stext(side=side, text=sprintf(fmtstr, label), pos=pos, cex=cex, col=col, ...)
}, private=TRUE)

setMethodS3("stextLabels", "AromaMicroarrayDataFile", function(this, others=NULL, side=3, fmtstr="%d) %s. ", pos=0, cex=0.7, col="black", ...) {
  # Build list of AromaMicroarrayDataFile objects
  if (!is.list(others))
    others <- list(others)
  objects <- c(list(this), others)

  # Build text labels
  text <- vector("list", length(objects))
  for (kk in seq_along(objects)) {
    object <- objects[[kk]]
    if (is.null(object))
    value <- getName(object)
    str <- NULL
    tryCatch({ str <- sprintf(fmtstr, value) }, error=function(ex){})
    if (is.null(str))
      str <- sprintf(fmtstr, kk, value)
    text[[kk]] <- str

  # Combine the into one
  text <- unlist(text, use.names=FALSE)
  text <- paste(text, collapse="")

  # Display it
  stext(side=side, text=text, pos=pos, cex=cex, col=col, ...)
}, private=TRUE)

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aroma.core documentation built on June 25, 2024, 1:15 a.m.