
Defines functions fim4r

Documented in fim4r

# arules - Mining Association Rules and Frequent Itemsets
# Copyright (C) 2011-2015 Michael Hahsler, Christian Buchta,
#			Bettina Gruen and Kurt Hornik
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.

#' Interface to Mining Algorithms from fim4r
#' Interfaces the algorithms implemented in fim4r. The algorithms include:
#' Apriori, Eclat, FPgrowth, Carpenter, IsTa, RElim and SaM.
#' **Installation:**
#' The package \pkg{fim4r} is not available via CRAN. If needed,
#' the `fim4r()` function downloads and installs the current version of the 
#' package automatically. Your system needs to have build tools installed.
#' Build tools: You need to be able to install source packages. For Windows
#' users this means that you need to install the
#' [RTools](https://cran.r-project.org/bin/windows/Rtools/) with a version 
#' matching your R version.
#' **Additional Notes:**
#' * Support and confidence are specified here in the range \eqn{[0,1]}. 
#'   This is different from the use in  `fim4r` package where `supp` and `conf` 
#'   have the range \eqn{[0, 100]}. 
#'   `arules::fim4r()` automatically converts support and confidence internally.
#' * `fim4r` methods also return the empty itemset while `arules` methods do not.
#' * See `? fim4r::fim4r` for help on additional available arguments. This is only available
#'   after package `fim4r` is installed. 
#' * Algorithm descriptions and references can be found on the
#'   [fim4r web page](https://borgelt.net/fim4r.html) in the References Section.
#' @family mining algorithms
#' @aliases fpgrowth FPgrowth carpenter ista IsTa relim RElim sam SaM
#' @param transactions a [transactions] object
#' @param method the algorithm to be used. One of:
#'   * `"apriori"`, `"eclat"`, `"fpgrowth"` can mine itemsets and rules.
#'   * `"relim"`, `"sam"` can mine itemsets.
#'   * `"carpenter"`, `"ista"`  can only mine closed itemset.
#' @param support a numeric value for the minimal support in the range \eqn{[0,1]}.
#' @param confidence a numeric value for the minimal confidence of rules in the range \eqn{[0,1]}.
#' @param target the target type. One of: `"frequent"`,
#'   `"closed"`, `"maximal"`, `"generators"` or `"rules"`.
#' @param originalSupport logical; Use the support threshold on the support of the whole rule (LHS and RHS).
#'  If `FALSE`, then LHS support (i.e., coverage) is used by the support threshold.
#' @param report cannot be used via the interface.
#' @param appear Specify item appearance in rules (only for apriori, eclat, fpgrowth 
#' and the target `"rules"`) Specify a list with two vectors (item labels and 
#' appearance modifiers) of the same length. Appearance modifiers are:
#'   * `"-"` (item may not appear in a rule),
#'   * `"a"` (item may only appear a rule antecedent/LHS), 
#'   * `"c"` (item may only appear a rule consequent/RHS), 
#'   * `"x"` (item may appear anywhere).
#' @param verbose logical; print used parameters?
#' @param ... further arguments are passed on to the function
#'    the `fim4r::fim4r` function for the given method. Examples
#'    are: `zmin`, `zmax`, `wgts`. 
#' @returns An object of class [itemsets] or [rules].
#' @references
#' Christian Borgelt, fimi4r: Frequent Item Set Mining and Association Rule Induction for R.
#' \url{https://borgelt.net/fim4r.html}
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' data(Adult)
#' # list available algorithms
#' fim4r()
#' # mine association rules with FPgrowth
#' r <- fim4r(Adult, method = "fpgrowth", 
#'   target = "rules", supp = .7, conf = .8)
#' r
#' inspect(head(r, by = "lift"))
#' # mine closed itemsets with Carpenter or IsTa
#' fim4r(Adult, method = "carpenter", 
#'   target = "closed", supp = .7)
#' fim4r(Adult, method = "ista", 
#'   target = "closed", supp = .7)
#' # mine frequent itemset of length 2 (zmin and zmax = 2)
#' freq_2 <- fim4r(Adult, method = "relim", target = "frequent", supp = .7,
#'   zmin = 2, zmax = 2)
#' inspect(freq_2)
#' # mine maximal frequent itemsets
#' mfis <- fim4r(Adult, method = "sam", target = "maximal", supp = .7)
#' inspect(mfis)
#' # Examples for how to use item appearance with apriori, eclat, 
#' #   fpgrowth in fim4r. We first mine all rules.
#' inspect(fim4r(Adult, method = "fpgrowth", 
#'   target = "rules", supp = .8))
#' # ignore item "capital-gain=None"
#' inspect(fim4r(Adult, method = "fpgrowth", 
#'   target = "rules", supp = .8,
#'   appear = list(c("capital-gain=None"), c("-"))))
#' # "capital-gain=None" cannot appear in consequent (antecedent only)
#' inspect(fim4r(Adult, method = "fpgrowth", 
#'   target = "rules", supp = .8,
#'   appear = list(c("capital-gain=None"), c("a"))))
#' # "capital-gain=None" cannot appear in the antecedent
#' inspect(fim4r(Adult, method = "fpgrowth", 
#'   target = "rules", supp = .8,
#'   appear = list(c("capital-gain=None"), c("c"))))
#' # restrict the consequent to the item "capital-gain=None".
#' # That is, "" = all items can only appear in the antecedent with the 
#' # exception that "capital-gain=None" can only appear in the consequent.
#' inspect(fim4r(Adult, method = "fpgrowth", 
#'   target = "rules", supp = .8,
#'   appear = list(c("", "capital-gain=None"), c("a", "c"))))
#' }
fim4r <-
    method = NULL,
    target = "frequent",
    support = .1,
    confidence = .8,
    originalSupport = TRUE,
    appear = NULL,
    report = NULL,
    verbose = TRUE,
    ...) {
    #fim4r_url <- "https://borgelt.net/src/fim4r_1.7.tar.gz"
    fim4r_url <-
    if (!check_installed("fim4r", action = "check")) {
      question <-
        "Package fim4r is required.\nDownload and install the package?"
      cat(question, sep = '')
      if (utils::menu(c("Yes", "No")) != 1) {
      utils::install.packages(fim4r_url, repos = NULL)
    methods_itemsets <-
    # these use conf
    methods_rules <-
    methods <- c(methods_rules, methods_itemsets)
    if (is.null(method)) {
      cat("Available methods in fim4r are:",
        paste(sQuote(methods), collapse = ", "))
    method_id <- pmatch(tolower(method), methods)
    if (is.na(method_id))
        "Unknown method: ",
        "\n Available methods in fim4r are: ",
        paste(sQuote(methods), collapse = ", ")
    method <- methods[method_id]
    if (!is.null(report))
      stop("Argument 'report' cannot be used with this interface!")
    # targets: "frequent", "closed", "maximal", "generators", "rules"
    if (!is.na(pmatch("r", target)) &&
        is.na(pmatch(method, methods_rules)))
        " cannot be used to mine target rules. \nOnly methods ",
        paste(methods_rules, collapse = ", "),
        " can mine rules directly."
    # prepare data
    transactions <- transactions(transactions)
    tracts <- LIST(transactions, decode = FALSE)
    # fix supp to support count and conf to scale [0, 100]
    # Note: the man page for fim4r:: is wrong! support is not the support
    # Note: fim4r has a bug and returns elements with support < supp so we have to filter it manually!
    supp <- support * 100
    conf <- confidence * 100
    # translate appear to IDs
    if (!is.null(appear)) {
      if (!is.list(appear) ||
          length(appear) != 2 ||
          length(appear[[1]]) != length(appear[[2]]))
          "'appear' needs to contain a list with two elements specifying a vector of items and a vector of appearance specifiers. See ? fim4r::fim4r"
     if (is.numeric(appear[[1]])) {
          appear[[1]] <- as.integer(appear[[1]])
        } else{
          # "" means all items in fim4r. Translate to -1L
          appearID <- pmatch(appear[[1]], itemLabels(transactions), duplicates.ok = TRUE)
          appearID[appear[[1]] == ""] <- -1L
          if (any(is.na(appearID)))
            stop("The following item labels cannot be matched: ",
              paste(sQuote(appear[[1]][is.na(appearID)]), collapse = ", "))
          appear[[1]] <- appearID
    args <- c(list(target = target, report = "scl"),
    # appear messed up verbose output so we add it later
    if (!is.null(appear))
      args$appear = "specified"
    if (method %in% methods_rules)
      args <- c(list(supp = supp, conf = conf), args)
      args <- c(list(supp = supp), args)
    fun <- paste0("fim4r.", method)
    if (verbose) {
      cat(fun, "\n\nParameter specification:\n")
      print(data.frame(args, row.names = ""))
      cat("Data size:", paste(dim(transactions), c("transactions", "items"), collapse = " and "), "\n")
    # appear messed up verbose output so we add it now
    if (!is.null(appear))
      args$appear = appear
    res <-
      do.call(utils::getFromNamespace(fun, "fim4r"),
        args = c(list(tracts = tracts), args))
    # handle no rules/itemsets
    if (length(res) == 0) {
      nosets <- encode(list(), itemLabels = itemLabels(transactions))
      if (!is.na(pmatch("r", target))) {
        if (verbose) 
          cat("Result: 0 rules\n")
        return(rules(lhs = nosets, rhs = nosets))
      } else{
        if (verbose) 
          cat("Result: 0 itemsets\n")
        return(itemsets(items = nosets))
    # encode rules/itemsets
    if (!is.na(pmatch("r", target))) {
      # for rules
      rhs <- lapply(res, "[[", 1)
      rhs <- encode(rhs, itemLabels = itemLabels(transactions))
      lhs <- lapply(res, "[[", 2)
      lhs <- encode(lhs, itemLabels = itemLabels(transactions))
      qual <- do.call(rbind.data.frame, lapply(res, "[[", 3))
      qual <-
        cbind(qual, as.integer(qual[[1]] * length(transactions)))
      colnames(qual) <-
        c("support", "confidence", "lift", "count")
      r <- rules(
        lhs = lhs,
        rhs = rhs,
        quality = qual
      # fim4r uses LHS support so we need to filter 
      if (originalSupport) 
        r <- r[quality(r)$support >= support] 
      if (verbose) 
        cat("Result:", length(r), "rules\n")
    } else{
      # for itemsets
      items <- lapply(res, "[[", 1)
      items <-
        encode(items, itemLabels = itemLabels(transactions))
      qual <-
        do.call(rbind.data.frame, lapply(res, "[[", 2))[, 1, drop = FALSE]
      qual <-
        cbind(qual, as.integer(qual[[1]] * length(transactions)))
      colnames(qual) <- c("support", "count")
      if (verbose) 
        cat("Result:", length(items), "itemsets\n")
      return(itemsets(items = items, quality = qual))

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arules documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 8:15 p.m.