
## sequencerules 
## ceeboo 2007, 2008, 2015, 2016, 2020

        elements = "itemsets",
        lhs      = "sgCMatrix",
        rhs      = "sgCMatrix",
        ruleInfo = "data.frame"
    contains = "associations",

    prototype(quality = data.frame(), ruleInfo = data.frame()),

    validity = function(object) {
        if (dim(object@lhs)[2] != dim(object@rhs)[2])
            stop("slots 'lhs' and 'rhs' do not conform")

        if (dim(object@lhs)[1] != dim(object@elements@items)[1])
            return("slots 'items' and 'lhs' do not conform")
        if (dim(object@rhs)[1] != dim(object@elements@items)[1])
            return("slots 'items' and 'rhs' do not conform")

        if (length(object@quality) &&
            dim(object@quality)[1] != dim(object@lhs)[2])
            stop("slot 'quality' and number of rules do not conform")
        if (length(object@ruleInfo) &&
            dim(object@ruleInfo)[1] != dim(object@lhs)[2])
            stop("slot 'ruleInfo' and number of rules do not conform")



setMethod("length", signature(x = "sequencerules"),
    function(x) x@lhs@Dim[2])

setMethod("[", signature(x = "sequencerules", i = "ANY", j = "missing", drop = "ANY"),
    function(x, i, j, ..., drop) {
        if (!missing(j))
            stop("incorrect number of dimensions (j not possible)")
        if (missing(i))
        x@lhs <- x@lhs[,i]
        x@rhs <- x@rhs[,i]
        if (length(quality))
            x@quality <- x@quality[i,, drop = FALSE]
        if (length(x@ruleInfo))
            x@ruleInfo <- x@ruleInfo[i,, drop = FALSE]
        validObject(x, complete = TRUE) 

## this needs to be different than in arules.
## however, from the numerical point of view
## this is a bad idea.

setMethod("lhs", signature(x = "sequencerules"),
    function(x) {
        q <- if (length(x@quality) > 0)
                 data.frame(support = x@quality$support / 

        new("sequences", elements  = x@elements,
                         data      = x@lhs,
                         quality   = q,
			 info      = x@info)

setMethod("rhs", signature(x = "sequencerules"),
    function(x) {
        q <- if (length(x@quality) > 0)
                 data.frame(support = x@quality$confidence / 
        new("sequences", elements  = x@elements,
                         data      = x@rhs,
                         quality   = q,
			 info      = x@info)

setMethod("labels", signature(object = "sequencerules"),
    function(object, setSep = ",", seqStart = "<", seqEnd = ">", ruleSep = " => ", decode = TRUE, ...) {
        paste(labels(lhs(object), setSep, seqStart, seqEnd, decode, ...),
              labels(rhs(object), setSep, seqStart, seqEnd, decode, ...),
              sep = "")

setAs("sequencerules", "data.frame",
    function(from) {
        if (!length(from))
        if (!length(from@quality))
            return(data.frame(rule = labels(from)))
        data.frame(rule = labels(from), from@quality)

## currently we only represent rules of the form
## <A1,A2,...> => <C> with Ai and C elements and
## A1 < A2 < ... < C.

setMethod("inspect", signature(x = "sequencerules"),
    function(x, setSep = ",", seqStart = "<", seqEnd = ">", ruleSep = "=>", decode = TRUE) {
        if (!length(x))

        q <- quality(x)

        # fixme: inefficient
        lx <- LIST(lhs(x), decode)
        rx <- LIST(rhs(x), decode)

        x <- rbind(lx, rx)
        i <- sapply(unlist(x, recursive = FALSE), length)
        i <- cumsum(i)

        s <- sapply(x, function(x) sum(sapply(x, length)))

        ## mark left sequences
        k <- rep(c(TRUE,FALSE), length.out = length(s))
        k <- rep(k, s)
        s <- cumsum(s)

        x <- unlist(x)

        tmp <- matrix(" ", 5, length(x))

        tmp[3,] <- x

        tmp[4,]   <- ","            # item separator
        tmp[4, i] <- "}"            # itemset closing delimiter
        tmp[5, i] <- setSep         # itemset (element) seperator
        tmp[5, s] <- seqEnd         # sequence closing delimiter
        lc <- s[seq(1,length(s),2)] # left sequence closing

        i <- c(1, i[-length(i)]+1)
        s <- c(1, s[-length(s)]+1)

        lo <- s[seq(1,length(s),2)] # right sequence opening
        tmp[2, i] <- "{"            # item opening delimiter
        tmp[1, s] <- seqStart       # sequence opening delimiter

        tmp[1,] <- format(tmp[1,])

        tmp <- apply(tmp, 2, paste, collapse = "")
        tmp <- format(tmp)
        out <- matrix("", 5+length(q), length(x)-length(rx)+1)
        ro <- lc + 1                # right sequence opening

        out[2, which(c(TRUE, k[-ro]))] <- c("lhs", tmp[ k])
        out[4, which(c(TRUE,!k[-lo]))] <- c("rhs", tmp[!k])

        out[2,] <- format(out[2,])
        out[4,] <- format(out[4,])
        # fixme: original sequence numbers
        k  <- seq(length(lo))
        lo <- lo - k + 2            # header
        out[1, lo] <- k
        out[1,]    <- format(out[1,], justify = "right")
        lc <- lc - k + 2            # header
        out[3, lc] <- ruleSep
        out[3,]    <- format(out[3,])

        for (i in seq(q)) {
            tmp <- format(q[[i]], justify = "right")
            out[4+i, c(1, lc)] <- 
                format(c(names(q)[i], tmp), justify = "right")
        out[4+i+1,] <- "\n"
        cat("", out, "\n")


    function(object, ...) standardGeneric("ruleInfo"))

setMethod("ruleInfo", signature(object = "sequencerules"),
    function(object) object@ruleInfo)

    function(object, value) standardGeneric("ruleInfo<-"))

setReplaceMethod("ruleInfo", signature(object = "sequencerules"),
    function(object, value) {
        object@ruleInfo <- value

# fixme: extend to lhs and rhs statistics

        sizes   = "table",
        lengths = "table"
    contains = "summary.associations"

setMethod("summary", signature(object = "sequencerules"),
    function(object) {
        if (!length(object))
            return(new("summary.sequencerules", length = 0L))

        s <- size(lhs(object)) + size(rhs(object))
        l <- size(lhs(object), "items") + 
             size(rhs(object), "items")

        q <- if (length(object) > 0)

        new("summary.sequencerules", length  = length(object),
                                     sizes   = table(sizes = s),
                                     lengths = table(lengths = l),
                                     quality = q,
                                     info    = object@info)

setMethod("show", signature(object = "summary.sequencerules"),
    function(object) {
        cat("set of", object@length, "sequencerules with\n")
        if (object@length) {
            cat("\nrule size distribution (lhs + rhs)\n")

            cat("\nrule length distribution (lhs + rhs)\n")

            cat("\nsummary of quality measures:\n")

            if (length(object@info)) {
                info <- object@info
                if (is.language(info$data))
                    info$data <- deparse(info$data)
                cat("\nmining info:\n")
                print(data.frame(info, row.names = ""))

## induce sequential rules, i.e. rules of the form
## <A1, A2, ...> => <C> with Ai, and C elements and
## A1 < A2 < ... < C.
## NOTE that due to the backport to R_pnrindex 
##      itemsets instead of sequences are reported
##      in verbose mode.

setMethod("ruleInduction", signature(x = "sequences"),
    function(x, transactions, confidence = 0.8, control = NULL) {
        if (confidence < 0 || confidence > 1)
            stop("'confidence' invalid range")

	verbose <- control[['verbose']]	
        if (is.null(verbose))
            verbose <- FALSE
        if (!is.logical(verbose))
            stop("'verbose invalid range'")

        if (!missing(transactions)) {
            ## stop("'transactions' not implemented")
	    if (verbose) {
		t1 <- proc.time()
		cat("\ngenerating ... ")

	    i <- .Call(R_asList_ngCMatrix, x@data, NULL)
	    i <- unique(i)
	    n <- length(i)

	    # complete LHS
	    k <- lapply(i, function(x) x[-length(x)])
	    k <- unique(k)
	    k <- k[match(k, i, nomatch = 0L) == 0L]
	    i <- c(i, k)

	    # complete RHS
	    k <- lapply(i, function(x) x[ length(x)])
	    k <- unique(k)
	    k <- k[match(k, i, nomatch = 0L) == 0L]
	    i <- c(i, k)

	    if (length(i) > n) {
		k <- sapply(i, length)
		names(k) <- NULL
		k <- cumsum(k)
		i <- new("sgCMatrix", 
		    p   = c(0L, k), 
		    i   = unlist(i) - 1L,
		    # NOTE the number of itemsets referenced 
		    #      must be the same.
		    Dim = c(x@data@Dim[1L], length(k))
	    } else
		i <- x@data

	    if (verbose) {
		t2 <- proc.time()
		cat(sprintf("%i sequences [%.2fs]\n", dim(i)[2L],
			    (t2 - t1)[3L]))

	    # index
	    r <- .Call(R_pnrindex, i, verbose)
	    r <- lapply(r, "[", !duplicated(r[[1L]], fromLast = TRUE))
	    r <- data.frame(r)
	    names(r) <- c("i", "li", "ri")
	    # filter
	    r <- r[r$i <= n,]
	    if (!all(r$li) || !all(r$ri))	    # FIXME
		stop("cannot induce rules because the set of sequences is incomplete")

	    k <- unique(unlist(r, use.names = FALSE))
	    if (suppressWarnings(max(k)) > n)
		x <- new("sequences",
		    data = i, 
		    elements = x@elements
	    if (length(x) > length(k)) {	    # reduce
		k <- sort(k)
		x <- x[k]
		r$i  <- match(r$i,  k)
		r$li <- match(r$li, k)
		r$ri <- match(r$ri, k)

	    # compute
	    k <- support.ptree(x, transactions, type = "relative",
			       verbose = verbose)
	    x@quality <- data.frame(support = k)
	    k <- suppressWarnings(min(k))
	    n <- transactionInfo(transactions)[['sequenceID']]
	    n <- length(
		if (is.factor(n))
	    x@info <- list(
		data          = 
		    match.call(call = sys.call(sys.parent(1)))$transactions,
		ntransactions = length(transactions),
		nsequences    = n,
		support       = k
	} else {
	    if (is.null(quality(x)))
		stop("cannot induce rules because support is missing")
	    # index
	    r <- .Call(R_pnrindex, x@data, verbose)
	    r <- lapply(r, "[", !duplicated(r[[1L]], fromLast = TRUE))

	    r <- data.frame(r)
	    names(r) <- c("i", "li", "ri")

	    if (!all(r$li) || !all(r$ri))
		stop("cannot induce rules because the set of sequences is incomplete")

        r$support    <- x@quality[['support']][r$i]
        r$confidence <- r$support /
        # filter
	if (any(is.na(r$confidence)))
	    stop("cannot filter rules because missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed")
        r <- r[r$confidence >= confidence,]

        if (dim(r)[1] == 0)
        r$lift       <- r$confidence / x@quality[['support']][r$ri]

        info <- c(x@info, confidence = confidence)
        if (is.null(info$data))
            info <- c(x = match.call(call = sys.call(sys.parent(1)))$x, info)

        new("sequencerules", elements   = x@elements,
                             lhs        = x@data[,r$li],
                             rhs        = x@data[,r$ri],
                             quality    = r[4:6],
                             info       = info)

# generatingItemsets is a misnomer
setAs("sequencerules", "sequences",
    function(from) {
        d <- .Call(R_colAppend_sgCMatrix, from@lhs, from@rhs, FALSE)
        new("sequences", elements  = from@elements,
                         data      = d,
                         quality   = from@quality["support"],
			 info      = from@info)

setMethod("duplicated", signature(x = "sequencerules"),
    function(x, incomparables = FALSE) {
        i <- .Call(R_colAppend_sgCMatrix, x@lhs, x@rhs, TRUE)
        i <- .Call(R_pnindex, i, NULL, FALSE)
        duplicated(i, incomparables)

setMethod("unique", signature(x = "sequencerules"),
    function(x, incomparables = FALSE) x[!duplicated(x)])

setMethod("match", signature(x = "sequencerules", table = "sequencerules"),
    function(x, table, nomatch = NA_integer_, incomparables = NULL) {
        k <- match(x@elements, table@elements)
        n <- which(is.na(k))
        if (length(n)) {
            k[n] <- table@lhs@Dim[1] + seq(length(n))
            table@lhs@Dim[1] <- 
            table@rhs@Dim[1] <- table@lhs@Dim[1] + length(n)
        if (any(k != seq_len(length(k)))) {
            x@lhs <- .Call(R_recode_ngCMatrix, x@lhs, k)
            x@rhs <- .Call(R_recode_ngCMatrix, x@rhs, k)
        if (x@lhs@Dim[1] <  table@lhs@Dim[1])
            x@lhs@Dim[1] <- 
            x@rhs@Dim[1] <- table@lhs@Dim[1]
        table <- .Call(R_colAppend_sgCMatrix, table@lhs, table@rhs, TRUE)
        x     <- .Call(R_colAppend_sgCMatrix, x@lhs, x@rhs, TRUE)
        i <- .Call(R_pnindex, table, x, FALSE)
        match(i, seq(table@Dim[2]), nomatch, incomparables)

setMethod("c", signature(x = "sequencerules"),
    function(x, ..., recursive = FALSE) {
        args <- list(...)
        if (recursive)
            args <- unlist(args)
        for (y in args) {
            if (!is(y, "sequencerules"))
                stop("can only combine sequencerules")
            info <- y@info
            if (length(info)) {
                k <- match(names(info), names(x@info))
                k <- mapply(identical, info, x@info[k])
                info <- info[k]
            x@info <- info
            x <- .combineMeta(x, y, "quality")
            x <- .combineMeta(x, y, "ruleInfo")
            k <- match(y@elements, x@elements)
            n <- which(is.na(k))
            if (length(n)) {
                k[n] <- x@lhs@Dim[1] + seq(length(n))
                x@lhs@Dim[1] <- 
                x@rhs@Dim[1] <- x@lhs@Dim[1] + length(n)
                x@elements <- c(x@elements, y@elements[n])
            if (any(k != seq_len(length(k)))) {
                y@lhs <- .Call(R_recode_ngCMatrix, y@lhs, k)
                y@rhs <- .Call(R_recode_ngCMatrix, y@rhs, k)
            if (y@lhs@Dim[1] <  x@lhs@Dim[1])
                y@lhs@Dim[1] <- y@rhs@Dim[1] <- x@lhs@Dim[1]

            x@lhs <- .Call(R_cbind_ngCMatrix, x@lhs, y@lhs)
            x@rhs <- .Call(R_cbind_ngCMatrix, x@rhs, y@rhs)
        validObject(x, complete = TRUE)

# why not define for associations in arules?

setMethod("coverage", signature(x = "sequencerules"),
    function(x, transactions = NULL) {
	if (!is.null(transactions))
	    stop("'transactions' not implemented")
        q <- quality(x)
        if (!all(c("support", "confidence") %in% names(q)))
            stop("support and/or confidence missing in slot 'quality'")
        q$support / q$confidence

# fixme: we cannot dispatch as sequences.

setMethod("subset", signature(x = "sequencerules"),
    function(x, subset) {
        if (missing(subset))
        i <- eval(substitute(subset), 
                  envir = c(x@quality, x@ruleInfo))


setMethod("is.redundant", signature(x = "sequencerules"),
    function(x, measure = "confidence") {
	q <- quality(x)
	q <- q[[pmatch(measure, names(q))]]
	if (is.null(q)) 
	    stop("invalid 'measure'")

	r <- logical(length(x))
	k <- .Call(R_pnindex, rhs(x)@data, NULL, FALSE)
	for (p in unique(k)) {
	    p <- which(p == k)
	    if (length(p) == 1L)
	    s <- lhs(x)[p]
	    if (any(duplicated(s)))
		stop("'x' not unique")
	    if (FALSE) {
		if (any(is.na(q[p])))
		    stop("missing values not implemented")
		s <- is.subset(s)
		if (!all(s@x))
		    stop("reduce not implemented")
		s@x <- q[p[s@i + 1L]] >=
		       q[p[rep(seq_len(length(s@p) - 1L), diff(s@p))]]
		s <- selectMethod("colSums", class(s))(s) > 1L
	    } else
		s <- .Call(R_pnsredundant, s@data, s@elements@items@data,
			   rank(q[p], na.last = "keep", ties.method = "min"),
	    r[p[s]] <- TRUE


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arulesSequences documentation built on May 31, 2023, 8:52 p.m.