
##' @export
##' @method ascii meanscomp
ascii.meanscomp <- function (x, header = TRUE, caption = NULL, include.rownames = TRUE, include.colnames = TRUE, ...) {
    rlab <- ifelse(is.null(x$row.label), x$row, x$row.label)
    clab <- ifelse(is.null(x$column.label), x$column, x$column.label)
    msg1 <- gettext("Mean value of", domain = "R-descr")
    msg2 <- gettext("according to", domain = "R-descr")
    msg <- switch(1 + (caption == ""), caption, paste(msg1, " \"", clab, "\" ", msg2, " \"", rlab, "\"", sep = ""))
    ascii(x$table, caption = msg, include.rownames = include.rownames, include.colnames = include.colnames, header = header, ...)

##' @export
##' @method ascii CrossTable
ascii.CrossTable <- function (x, ...) {
  t <- x$t
  CPR <- x$prop.row
  CPC <- x$prop.col
  CPT <- x$prop.tbl
  GT <- x$gt
  RS <- x$rs
  CS <- x$cs
  TotalN <- x$total.n
  CST <- x$chisq
  CSTc <- x$chisq.corr
  FTt <- x$fisher.ts
  FTl <- x$fisher.lt
  FTg <- x$fisher.gt
  McN <- x$mcnemar
  McNc <- x$mcnemar.corr
  ASR <- x$asr
  RowData <- x$RowData
  ColData <- x$ColData
  digits <- x$digits
  max.width <- x$max.width
  vector.x <- x$vector.x
  expected <- x$expected
  prop.r <- (is.na(CPR[1]) == FALSE)
  prop.c <- (is.na(CPC[1]) == FALSE)
  prop.t <- (is.na(CPT[1]) == FALSE)
  chisq <- (is.na(CST[1]) == FALSE)
  prop.chisq <- x$prop.chisq
  fisher <- (class(FTt) == "htest")
  resid <- x$resid
  sresid <- x$sresid
  asresid <- x$asresid
  mcnemar <- x$print.mcnemar
  missing.include <- x$missing.include
  format <- x$format
  outDec <- getOption("OutDec")
  nsep <- "  | "
  if (format == "SAS") {
    resid <- sresid <- asresid <- FALSE
    hdd <- 1
    psep <- "  | "
  } else {
    if (format == "SPSS") {
      hdd <- 100
      psep <- "% | "
    } else {
      stop("unknown format")
  if (vector.x)
    expected <- prop.chisq <- prop.c <- prop.t <- resid <- sresid <- asresid <- FALSE
  ColTotal <- gettext("Total", domain = "R-descr")
  RowTotal <- ColTotal
  CWidth <- max(digits + 2, c(nchar(t), nchar(dimnames(t)[[2]]),
                              nchar(RS), nchar(CS), nchar(RowTotal)))
  RWidth <- max(c(nchar(dimnames(t)[[1]]), nchar(ColTotal)))
  if (is.na(RowData) == FALSE)
    RWidth <- max(RWidth, nchar(RowData))
  RowSep <- paste(rep("-", CWidth + 2), collapse = "")
  RowSep1 <- paste(rep("-", RWidth + 1), collapse = "")
  SpaceSep1 <- paste(rep(" ", RWidth), collapse = "")
  SpaceSep2 <- paste(rep(" ", CWidth), collapse = "")
  FirstCol <- formatC(dimnames(t)[[1]], width = RWidth, format = "s")
  ColTotal <- formatC(ColTotal, width = RWidth, format = "s")
  RowTotal <- formatC(RowTotal, width = CWidth, format = "s")
  caption <- gettext("Cell Contents", domain = "R-descr")
  if (format == "SAS") {
    content <- c("N",
                 ifelse(expected, "Expected N", NA),
                 ifelse(prop.chisq, "Chi-square contribution", NA),
                 ifelse(prop.r, "N / Row Total", NA),
                 ifelse(prop.c, "N / Col Total", NA),
                 ifelse(prop.t, "N / Table Total", NA)
    content <- as.list(content[!is.na(content)])
  } else if (format == "SPSS") {
    content <- c("Count",
                 ifelse(expected, "Expected Values", NA),
                 ifelse(prop.chisq, "Chi-square contribution", NA),
                 ifelse(prop.r, "Row Percent", NA),
                 ifelse(prop.c, "Column Percent", NA),
                 ifelse(prop.t, "Total Percent", NA),
                 ifelse(resid, "Residual", NA),
                 ifelse(sresid, "Std Residual", NA),
                 ifelse(asresid, "Adj Std Resid", NA)
    content <- as.list(content[!is.na(content)])
  if (vector.x) {
    stop("For single vector description, use freq() function in package descr.\n")
  nelements <- 1 + expected + prop.chisq + prop.r + prop.c +
    prop.t + resid + sresid + asresid
  nr <- nrow(t) * nelements + 1 + prop.c
  nc <- ncol(t)
  m <- matrix(nrow = nr, ncol = nc + 1)
  rnames <- rownames(t)
  n.rnames <- vector(mode = "numeric", length = nrow(t) + 1)
  k <- 1
  for (i in 1:nrow(t)) {
    for (l in 1:nc) m[k, l] <- formatC(t[i, l], format = "d")
    m[k, nc + 1] <- RS[i]
    n.rnames[i] <- 1
    k <- k + 1
    if (expected) {
      for (l in 1:nc) m[k, l] <- formatC(CST$expected[i,
                                                      l], digits = 1, format = "f", decimal.mark = outDec)
      m[k, nc + 1] <- " "
      n.rnames[i] <- n.rnames[i] + 1
      k <- k + 1
    if (prop.chisq) {
      for (l in 1:nc) m[k, l] <- formatC((((CST$expected[i,
                                                         l] - t[i, l])^2)/CST$expected[i, l]), digits = digits,
                                         format = "f", decimal.mark = outDec)
      m[k, nc + 1] <- " "
      n.rnames[i] <- n.rnames[i] + 1
      k <- k + 1
    if (prop.r) {
      for (l in 1:nc) m[k, l] <- formatC(CPR[i, l] * hdd,
                                         digits = digits, format = "f", decimal.mark = outDec)
      m[k, nc + 1] <- formatC(hdd * RS[i]/GT, digits = digits,
                              format = "f", decimal.mark = outDec)
      n.rnames[i] <- n.rnames[i] + 1
      k <- k + 1
    if (prop.c) {
      for (l in 1:nc) m[k, l] <- formatC(CPC[i, l] * hdd,
                                         digits = digits, format = "f", decimal.mark = outDec)
      m[k, nc + 1] <- " "
      n.rnames[i] <- n.rnames[i] + 1
      k <- k + 1
    if (prop.t) {
      for (l in 1:nc) m[k, l] <- formatC(CPT[i, l] * hdd,
                                         digits = digits, format = "f", decimal.mark = outDec)
      m[k, nc + 1] <- " "
      n.rnames[i] <- n.rnames[i] + 1
      k <- k + 1
    if (resid) {
      for (l in 1:nc) m[k, l] <- formatC(CST$observed[i,
                                                      l] - CST$expected[i, l], digits = digits, format = "f",
                                         decimal.mark = outDec)
      m[k, nc + 1] <- " "
      n.rnames[i] <- n.rnames[i] + 1
      k <- k + 1
    if (sresid) {
      for (l in 1:nc) m[k, l] <- formatC(CST$residual[i,
                                                      l], digits = digits, format = "f", decimal.mark = outDec)
      m[k, nc + 1] <- " "
      n.rnames[i] <- n.rnames[i] + 1
      k <- k + 1
    if (asresid) {
      for (l in 1:nc) m[k, l] <- formatC(ASR[i, l], digits = digits,
                                         format = "f", decimal.mark = outDec)
      m[k, nc + 1] <- " "
      n.rnames[i] <- n.rnames[i] + 1
      k <- k + 1
  ColTotal <- gettext("Total", domain = "R-descr")
  RowTotal <- ColTotal
  rnames[length(rnames) + 1] <- RowTotal
  for (l in 1:nc) m[k, l] <- formatC(c(CS[l]), format = "d")
  m[k, nc + 1] <- formatC(GT, format = "d")
  n.rnames[length(n.rnames)] <- 1
  if (prop.c) {
    k <- k + 1
    for (l in 1:nc) m[k, l] <- formatC(hdd * CS[l]/GT, digits = digits,
                                       format = "f", decimal.mark = outDec)
    n.rnames[length(n.rnames)] <- 2
  colnames(m) <- c(colnames(t), ColTotal)
  nc <- nc + 1
  mcolnames <- colnames(m)
  res.m <- ascii(m, include.colnames = T, header = T, lgroup = rnames, n.lgroup = n.rnames, lstyle = "s")
  res.t <- NULL
  if (chisq) {
    res.t <- list("Pearson's Chi-squared test" = paste(gettext("Chi^2 = ", domain = "R-descr"), format(CST$statistic),
                    ", ", gettext("d.f. = ", domain = "R-descr"), format(CST$parameter),
                    ", ", gettext("p = ", domain = "R-descr"), format(CST$p.value), sep = ""))
    if (all(dim(t) == 2)) {
      res.t <- c(res.t, "Pearson's Chi-squared test with Yates' continuity correction" = paste(gettext("Chi^2 = ", domain = "R-descr"),
                          ", ", gettext("d.f. = ", domain = "R-descr"),
                          format(CSTc$parameter), ", ", gettext("p = ", domain = "R-descr"),
                          format(CSTc$p.value), sep = ""))
  if (is.na(McN[1]) == FALSE) {
    res.t <- c(res.t, "McNemar's Chi-squared test" = paste(gettext("Chi^2 = ", domain = "R-descr"), format(McN$statistic),
                        ", ", gettext("d.f. = ", domain = "R-descr"), format(McN$parameter),
                        ", ", gettext("p = ", domain = "R-descr"), format(McN$p.value), sep = ""))
    if (is.na(McNc[1]) == FALSE) {
      res.t <- c(res.t, "McNemar's Chi-squared test with continuity correction" = paste(gettext("Chi^2 = ", domain = "R-descr"), format(McNc$statistic),
                          ", ", gettext("d.f. = ", domain = "R-descr"),
                          format(McNc$parameter), ", ", gettext("p = ", domain = "R-descr"),
                          format(McNc$p.value), sep = ""))
  if (fisher) {
    res.t <- c(res.t, "Fisher's Exact Test for Count Data" = paste(gettext("Alternative hypothesis: two.sided",
                        domain = "R-descr"), gettext(", p = ", domain = "R-descr"), format(FTt$p.value), sep = ""))
  if (format == "SPSS") {
    if (any(dim(t) >= 2) & any(chisq, mcnemar, fisher)) {
      MinExpF = min(CST$expected)
      res.t <- c(res.t, list("Minimum expected frequency" = format(MinExpF)))
      NMinExpF = length(CST$expected[which(CST$expected <
      if (NMinExpF > 0) {
        NCells = length(CST$expected)
        res.t <- c(res.t, "Cells with Expected Frequency < 5" = paste(format(NMinExpF), " ", "of ",
                            NCells, " (", format(100 * NMinExpF/NCells),
                            "%)", sep = ""))
      ## cat("\n")
  content <- ascii(content, caption = "Cell Contents", caption.level = "s")
  if (!is.null(res.t))
    res.t <- ascii(res.t, caption = "Statistics for All Table Factors", caption.level = "s", list.type = "label")
  res <- asciiMixed$new(args = list(content, res.m, res.t))

##' @export
##' @method ascii freqtable
ascii.freqtable <- function (x, header = TRUE, footer = TRUE, digits = c(0, 2, 2), format = "f", na.print = "", include.rownames = TRUE, include.colnames = TRUE, caption = attr(x, "xlab"), ...) {
  class(x) <- "matrix"
  ascii(x, header = header, footer = footer, include.rownames = include.rownames, include.colnames = include.colnames, caption = caption, digits = digits, format = format, na.print = na.print, ...)

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ascii documentation built on Sept. 17, 2020, 5:07 p.m.