
Defines functions plot_post_cdf.default plot_post_cdf plot_dens.default plot_dens max_lim.default max_lim min_lim.default min_lim post_sample.default post_sample comp_postsd.default comp_postsd prune.default prune comp_postmean.default comp_postmean comp_postmean2.default comp_postmean2 postsd.default postsd postmean2.default postmean2 postmean.default postmean pcdf_post vcdf_post cdf_post.default cdf_post comp_cdf_post.default comp_cdf_post comp_postprob.default comp_postprob comp_cdf_conv.default dens_conv.default dens_conv log_comp_dens_conv.default log_comp_dens_conv comp_dens_conv.default comp_dens_conv loglik_conv.default loglik_conv loglik.default loglik dens.default dens comp_cdf.default comp_cdf mixcdf.default mixcdf mixprop.default mixprop ncomp.default ncomp comp_mean.default comp_mean calc_mixsd.default calc_mixsd mixmean2.default mixmean2 calc_mixmean.default calc_mixmean comp_mean2.default comp_mean2 pm_on_zero.default pm_on_zero comp_sd.default comp_sd comp_dens.default comp_dens

Documented in calc_mixmean calc_mixsd cdf_post comp_cdf comp_cdf_post comp_dens comp_dens_conv comp_mean comp_mean2 comp_postmean comp_postmean2 comp_postprob comp_postsd comp_sd dens dens_conv log_comp_dens_conv loglik_conv loglik_conv.default mixcdf mixcdf.default mixmean2 mixprop ncomp ncomp.default pcdf_post pm_on_zero postmean postmean2 post_sample postsd prune vcdf_post

################################## GENERIC FUNCTIONS ############################

#' Generic function of calculating the component densities of the
#'     mixture
#' @param m mixture of k components generated by normalmix() or
#'     unimix() or igmix()
#' @param y is an n-vector of location
#' @param log whether to use log-scale on densities
#' @return A k by n matrix of densities
#' @export
comp_dens = function(m,y,log=FALSE){
#' @export
comp_dens.default = function(m,y,log=FALSE){
  stop(paste("Invalid class", class(m), "for first argument in",  match.call()))

#' Generic function to extract the standard deviations of
#'     components of the mixture
#' @param m a mixture of k components generated by normalmix() or
#'     unimix() or igmix()
#' @return it returns a vector of standard deviations
#' @export
comp_sd = function(m){
#' @export
comp_sd.default = function(m){
  stop("method comp_sd not written for this class")

#' Generic function to extract which components of mixture are point mass on 0
#' @param m a mixture of k components generated by normalmix() or unimix() or igmix()
#' @return a boolean vector indicating which components are point mass on 0 
#' @export
pm_on_zero = function(m){
#' @export
pm_on_zero.default = function(m){
  return(comp_mean(m)==0 & comp_sd(m)==0)

#' Generic function of calculating the second moment of components of
#'     the mixture
#' @param m a mixture of k components generated by normalmix() or
#'     unimix() or igmix()
#' @return it returns a vector of second moments.
comp_mean2 = function(m){
comp_mean2.default = function(m){
  comp_sd(m)^2 + comp_mean(m)^2

#' Generic function of calculating the overall mean of the mixture
#' @param m a mixture of k components generated by normalmix() or
#'     unimix() or igmix()
#' @return it returns scalar, the mean of the mixture distribution.
calc_mixmean = function(m){
calc_mixmean.default = function(m){
  sum(m$pi * comp_mean(m))

#' Generic function of calculating the overall second moment of the
#'     mixture
#' @param m a mixture of k components generated by normalmix() or
#'     unimix() or igmix()
#' @return it returns scalar
mixmean2 = function(m){
mixmean2.default = function(m){
  sum(m$pi * comp_mean2(m))

#' Generic function of calculating the overall standard deviation of
#'     the mixture
#' @param m a mixture of k components generated by normalmix() or
#'     unimix() or igmix()
#' @return it returns scalar
#' @export
calc_mixsd = function(m){
#' @export
calc_mixsd.default = function(m){

#' Generic function of calculating the first moment of components of
#'     the mixture
#' @param m a mixture of k components generated by normalmix() or
#'     unimix() or igmix()
#' @return it returns a vector of means.
#' @export
comp_mean = function(m){
#' @export
comp_mean.default = function(m){
  stop("method comp_mean not written for this class")

#number of components
#' ncomp
#' @param m a mixture of k components generated by normalmix() or
#'     unimix() or igmix()
#' @export
ncomp = function(m){

#' @title ncomp.default
#' @description The default version of \code{\link{ncomp}}.
#' @param m a mixture of k components generated by normalmix() or
#'     unimix() or igmix()
#' @export
ncomp.default = function(m){

#' Generic function of extracting the mixture proportions
#' @param m a mixture of k components generated by normalmix() or
#'     unimix() or igmix()
#' @return it returns a vector of component probabilities, summing up
#'     to 1.
#' @export
mixprop = function(m){
#' @export
mixprop.default = function(m){

#' @title mixcdf
#' @description Returns cdf for a mixture (generic function)
#' @details None
#' @param x a mixture (eg of type normalmix or unimix)
#' @param y locations at which cdf to be computed
#' @param lower.tail boolean indicating whether to report lower tail
#' @return an object of class normalmix
#' @export
#' @examples mixcdf(normalmix(c(0.5,0.5),c(0,0),c(1,2)),seq(-4,4,length=100))
mixcdf = function(x,y,lower.tail=TRUE){
#' @title mixcdf.default
#' @description The default version of \code{\link{mixcdf}}.
#' @param x a mixture (eg of type normalmix or unimix)
#' @param y locations at which cdf to be computed
#' @param lower.tail boolean indicating whether to report lower tail
#' @export
mixcdf.default = function(x,y,lower.tail=TRUE){
  x$pi %*% comp_cdf(x,y,lower.tail)

#find cdf for each component, a generic function
#' Generic function of computing the cdf for each component
#' @param m a mixture (eg of type normalmix or unimix)
#' @param y locations at which cdf to be computed
#' @param lower.tail boolean indicating whether to report lower tail
#' @return it returns a vector of probabilities, with length equals to
#'     number of components in m
#' @export
comp_cdf = function(m,y,lower.tail=TRUE){
#' @export
comp_cdf.default = function(m,y,lower.tail=TRUE){
  stop("comp_cdf not implemented for this class")

#' Find density at y, a generic function
#' @param x A mixture of k components generated by
#'     \code{\link{normalmix}} or \code{\link{unimix}}.
#' @param y An n-vector of the location.
#' @export
dens = function(x,y){
#' @export
dens.default = function(x,y){
  return (x$pi %*% comp_dens(x, y))

#find log likelihood of data in x (a vector) for mixture in m
loglik = function(m,x){
loglik.default = function(m,x){

#' @title loglik_conv
#' @description find log likelihood of data using convolution of mixture with error distribution
#' @param m mixture distribution with k components
#' @param data details depend on the model
#' @export
loglik_conv = function(m,data){
#' @title loglik_conv.default
#' @description The default version of \code{\link{loglik_conv}}.
#' @param m mixture distribution with k components
#' @param data data whose details depend on model
#' @export
loglik_conv.default = function(m,data){

#' @title comp_dens_conv
#' @description compute the density of data for each component of mixture when convolved with error distribution 
#' @inheritParams loglik_conv
#' @param \dots other arguments
#' @return a k by n matrix of densities
comp_dens_conv = function(m,data,...){
comp_dens_conv.default = function(m,data,...){
  stop(paste("Invalid class", class(m), "for first argument in",  match.call()))

#' @title log_comp_dens_conv
#' @description compute the log density of the components of the
#'     mixture m when convoluted with a normal with standard deviation
#'     s or a scaled (se) student.t with df v, the density is
#'     evaluated at x
#' @inheritParams loglik_conv
#' @return a k by n matrix of log densities
log_comp_dens_conv = function(m,data){
log_comp_dens_conv.default = function(m,data){

#' @title dens_conv
#' @description compute density of mixture m convoluted with normal of
#'     sd (s) or student t with df v at locations x
#' @inheritParams loglik_conv
dens_conv = function(m,data){
dens_conv.default = function(m,data){
  colSums(m$pi * comp_dens_conv(m,data))

#' @title comp_cdf_conv
#' @description compute the cdf of data for each component of mixture when convolved with error distribution 
#' @param m mixture distribution with k components
#' @param data details depend on the model
#' @return a k by n matrix of cdfs
comp_cdf_conv = function (m, data) {
comp_cdf_conv.default = function(m, data){
  stop(paste("Invalid class", class(m), "for first argument in",  match.call()))

#' @title cdf_conv
#' @description compute cdf of mixture m convoluted with error distribution
#'  either normal of sd (s) or student t with df v at locations x
#' @inheritParams comp_cdf_conv
cdf_conv = function (m, data) {
cdf_conv.default = function (m, data) {
  colSums(m$pi * comp_cdf_conv(m, data))

#' @title comp_postprob
#' @description compute the posterior prob that each observation came
#'     from each component of the mixture m,output a k by n vector of
#'     probabilities computed by weighting the component densities by
#'     pi and then normalizing
#' @inheritParams loglik_conv
#' @export

#' @export
comp_postprob.default = function(m,data){
  lpost = log_comp_dens_conv(m,data) + log(m$pi) # lpost is k by n of log posterior prob (unnormalized)
  lpmax = apply(lpost,2,max) #dmax is of length n
  tmp = exp(t(lpost)-lpmax) #subtracting the max of the logs is just done for numerical stability
  tmp = tmp/rowSums(tmp)
  ismissing = (is.na(data$x) | is.na(data$s))

#' @title comp_cdf_post
#' @description evaluate cdf of posterior distribution of beta at c. m
#'     is the prior on beta, a mixture; c is location of evaluation
#'     assumption is betahat | beta ~ t_v(beta,sebetahat)
#' @param m mixture distribution with k components
#' @param c a scalar
#' @param data details depend on model
#' @return a k by n matrix
#' @examples
#' beta = rnorm(100,0,1)
#' betahat= beta+rnorm(100,0,1)
#' sebetahat=rep(1,100)
#' ash.beta = ash(betahat,1,mixcompdist="normal")
#' comp_cdf_post(get_fitted_g(ash.beta),0,data=set_data(beta,sebetahat))
#' @export
#' @export
  stop("method comp_cdf_post not written for this class")

#' @title cdf_post
#' @description evaluate cdf of posterior distribution of beta at c. m
#'     is the prior on beta, a mixture; c is location of evaluation
#'     assumption is betahat | beta ~ t_v(beta,sebetahat)
#' @param m mixture distribution with k components
#' @param c a scalar
#' @param data details depend on model
#' @return an n vector containing the cdf for beta_i at c
#' @examples
#' beta = rnorm(100,0,1)
#' betahat= beta+rnorm(100,0,1)
#' sebetahat=rep(1,100)
#' ash.beta = ash(betahat,1,mixcompdist="normal")
#' cdf0 = cdf_post(ash.beta$fitted_g,0,set_data(betahat,sebetahat))
#' graphics::plot(cdf0,1-get_pp(ash.beta))
#' @export
cdf_post = function(m,c,data){
#' @export
#' @title vcdf_post
#' @description vectorized version of \code{\link{cdf_post}}
#' @param m mixture distribution with k components
#' @param c a numeric vector
#' @param data depends on context
#' @return an n vector containing the cdf for beta_i at c
#' @examples
#' beta = rnorm(100,0,1)
#' betahat= beta+rnorm(100,0,1)
#' sebetahat=rep(1,100)
#' ash.beta = ash(betahat,1,mixcompdist="normal")
#' c = vcdf_post(get_fitted_g(ash.beta),seq(-5,5,length=1000),data = set_data(betahat,sebetahat))
#' @export
vcdf_post = function(m,c,data){
#' @title pcdf_post
#' @description ``parallel" vector version of \code{\link{cdf_post}} where c is a vector, of same length as betahat and sebetahat
#' @param m mixture distribution with k components
#' @param c a numeric vector with n elements
#' @param data depends on context
#' @return an n vector, whose ith element is the cdf for beta_i at c_i
#' @examples
#' beta = rnorm(100,0,1)
#' betahat= beta+rnorm(100,0,1)
#' sebetahat=rep(1,100)
#' ash.beta = ash(betahat,1,mixcompdist="normal")
#' c = pcdf_post(get_fitted_g(ash.beta),beta,set_data(betahat,sebetahat))
#' @export
pcdf_post = function(m,c,data){

#output posterior mean for beta for prior mixture m,
#given data
#' postmean
#' @inheritParams loglik_conv
#' @export
postmean = function(m,data){

#' @export
postmean.default = function(m,data){
  colSums(comp_postprob(m,data) * comp_postmean(m,data))

#' @title postmean2
#' @description output posterior mean-squared value given prior
#'     mixture m and data
#' @inheritParams loglik_conv
#' @export
postmean2 = function(m, data){
#' @export

postmean2.default = function(m,data){
  postmean2_vals <- colSums(comp_postprob(m,data) * comp_postmean2(m,data))
  postmean2_vals[postmean2_vals < 0] <- 0

#' @title postsd
#' @description output posterior sd given prior mixture m and data
#' @inheritParams loglik_conv
#' @export
postsd = function(m,data){

#' @export
postsd.default = function(m,data){
  postvar = postmean2(m,data)-postmean(m,data)^2
  postvar[postvar<0]=0 #deal with occasional numerical underflow

#' @title comp_postmean2
#' @description output posterior mean-squared value given prior
#'     mixture m and data
#' @inheritParams loglik_conv
#' @export
comp_postmean2 = function(m,data){
#' @export
comp_postmean2.default = function(m,data){
  stop("method comp_postmean2 not written for this class")
  #comp_postsd(m,betahat,sebetahat,v)^2 + comp_postmean(m,betahat,sebetahat,v)^2

#' @title comp_postmean
#' @description output posterior mean for beta for each component of
#'     prior mixture m,given data
#' @inheritParams loglik_conv
#' @export
comp_postmean = function(m,data){
#' @export
comp_postmean.default = function(m,data){
  stop("method comp_postmean not written for this class")

#' @title prune
#' @description prunes out mixture components with low weight
#' @param m What is this argument?
#' @param thresh the threshold below which components are removed
#' @export
prune = function(m,thresh=1e-10){
#' @export
prune.default = function(m,thresh = 1e-10){
  which.comp = (m$pi > thresh)
  for(i in 1:length(m)){
    m[[i]] = m[[i]][which.comp]
  m$pi = m$pi/sum(m$pi) #renormalize

#' @title comp_postsd
#' @description output posterior sd for beta for each component of
#'     prior mixture m,given data
#' @inheritParams loglik_conv
#' @examples
#' beta = rnorm(100,0,1)
#' betahat= beta+rnorm(100,0,1)
#' ash.beta = ash(betahat,1,mixcompdist="normal")
#' data= set_data(betahat,rep(1,100))
#' comp_postmean(get_fitted_g(ash.beta),data)
#' comp_postsd(get_fitted_g(ash.beta),data)
#' comp_postprob(get_fitted_g(ash.beta),data)
#' @export
comp_postsd = function(m,data){
#' @export
comp_postsd.default = function(m,data){
  stop("method comp_postsd not written for this class")

#' @title post_sample
#' @description returns random samples from the posterior, given a prior distribution
#'     m and n observed datapoints. 
#' @details exported, but mostly users will want to use `get_post_sample`
#' @param m prior distribution (eg of type normalmix)
#' @param data a list with components x and s, each vectors of length n, to be interpreted as a 
#'     normally-distributed observations and corresponding standard errors
#' @param nsamp number of random samples to return for each observation
#' @return an nsamp by n matrix
#' @export
post_sample = function(m,data,nsamp){

#' @export
post_sample.default = function(m,data,nsamp){
  stop("method post_sample not written for this class")

#find nice limits of mixture m for plotting
min_lim = function(m){

max_lim = function(m){

#plot density of mixture
plot_dens = function(m,npoints=100,...){
plot_dens.default = function(m,npoints=100,...){
  x = seq(min_lim(m),max_lim(m),length=npoints)

plot_post_cdf = function(m,data,npoints=100,...){
plot_post_cdf.default = function(m,data,npoints=100,...){
  x = seq(min_lim(m),max_lim(m),length=npoints)
  x_cdf = vapply(x,cdf_post,FUN.VALUE=data$x,m=m,data=data)

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