addto.test.summary: Adds a row to a 'test.summary' 'data.frame'.

addto.test.summaryR Documentation

Adds a row to a test.summary data.frame.


A row that summarizes the result of a proposed change to a model is added to a test.summary data.frame. Only the values of those arguments for which there are columns in test.summary will be included in the row.


addto.test.summary(test.summary, terms, DF = 1, denDF = NA, 
                          p = NA, AIC = NA, BIC = NA,
                          action = "Boundary")



A data.frame whose columns are a subset of terms, DF, denDF, p, AIC, BIC and action. Each row summarizes the results of proposed changes to the fitted model. See asrtests.object for more information.


A character giving the name of a term that might be added to or removed from the model or a label indicating a change that might be made to the model.


A numeric giving the numerator degrees of freedom for a Wald F-statistic or the number of variance parameters in the current model minus the number in the proposed model.


A numeric giving the denominator degrees of freedom for a Wald F-statistic.


A numeric giving the p-value for a Wald F-statistic or REML ratio test.


A numeric giving Akiake Information Criterion (AIC) for a model or the difference between the AIC values for the current and proposed models.


A numeric giving Bayesian (Schwarz) Information Criterion for a model or the difference between the AIC values for the current and proposed models.


A character giving what action was taken with respect to the proposed change. See asrtests.object for more information.


A data.frame.


Chris Brien

See Also

asremlPlus-package, asrtests.object, print.test.summary


  ## Not run: 

## Fit an autocorrelation model
ar1.asr <- asreml(yield ~ Rep + WithinColPairs + Variety, 
                  random = ~ Row + Column + units,
                  residual = ~ ar1(Row):ar1(Column), 
ar1.asrt <- as.asrtests(ar1.asr, NULL, NULL, 
                        label = "Autocorrelation model")
ar1.asrt <- rmboundary.asrtests(ar1.asrt)

## Fit a tensor spline
Wheat.dat <- within(Wheat.dat, 
                      cRow <- dae::as.numfac(Row)
                      cRow <- cRow - mean(unique(cRow))
                      cColumn <- dae::as.numfac(Column)
                      cColumn <- cColumn - mean(unique(cColumn))
ts.asr <- asreml(yield ~ Rep + cRow + cColumn + WithinColPairs + 
                  random = ~ spl(cRow) + spl(cColumn) + 
                             dev(cRow) + dev(cColumn) + 
                             spl(cRow):cColumn + cRow:spl(cColumn) + 
                  residual = ~ Row:Column, 
ts.asrt <- as.asrtests(ts.asr, NULL, NULL, 
                       label = "Tensor spline model")
ts.asrt <- rmboundary.asrtests(ts.asrt)
ar1.ic <- infoCriteria(ar1.asrt$asreml.obj)
ts.ic <- infoCriteria(ts.asrt$asreml.obj)
if (ar1.ic$AIC < ts.ic$AIC)
  ic.diff <- ar1.ic - ts.ic
  new.asrt <- ar1.asrt 
  new.asrt$test.summary <- addto.test.summary(ar1.asrt$test.summary, 
                                              terms = "Compare ar1 to ts", 
                                              DF = ic.diff$varDF, 
                                              AIC = ic.diff$AIC, BIC = ic.diff$BIC, 
                                              action = "Chose ar1")
} else
  ic.diff <- ts.ic - ar1.ic
  new.asrt <- ts.asrt
  new.asrt$test.summary <- addto.test.summary(ts.asrt$test.summary, 
                                              terms = "Compare ar1 to ts", 
                                              DF = ic.diff$varDF, 
                                              AIC = ic.diff$AIC, BIC = ic.diff$BIC, 
                                              action = "Chose ts")

## End(Not run)

asremlPlus documentation built on Oct. 27, 2024, 5:06 p.m.