#' Student's t-test
#' This function is a wrapper for the function \code{\link[stats]{t.test}},
#' which returns group-specific sample sizes and variances, in addition to the
#' usual output of \code{\link[stats]{t.test}}.
#' This wrapper allows users to enjoy the functionality of bain with the
#' familiar interface of the stats-function t.test.
#' For more documentation, see \code{\link[stats]{t.test}}.
#' @param x An object for which an S3 method of t.test exists (vector or
#' formula).
#' @param \dots arguments passed to \code{\link[stats]{t.test}}.
#' @return A list with class \code{"t_test"} containing the following
#' components: \item{statistic}{the value of the t-statistic.}
#' \item{parameter}{the degrees of freedom for the t-statistic.}
#' \item{p.value}{the p-value for the test.} \item{}{a confidence
#' interval for the mean appropriate to the specified alternative hypothesis.}
#' \item{estimate}{the estimated mean or difference in means depending on
#' whether it was a one-sample test or a two-sample test.}
#' \item{null.value}{the specified hypothesized value of the mean or mean
#' difference depending on whether it was a one-sample test or a two-sample
#' test.} \item{alternative}{a character string describing the alternative
#' hypothesis.} \item{method}{a character string indicating what type of t-test
#' was performed.} \item{}{a character string giving the name(s) of
#' the data.}\item{v}{The variance or group-specific variances.}\item{n}{The
#' sample size, or group-specific sample size.}
#' @seealso \code{\link[stats]{t.test}}
#' @keywords htest
#' @examples
#' tmp <- t_test(extra ~ group, data = sleep)
#' tmp$n
#' tmp$v
#' tmp2 <- t_test(extra ~ group, data = sleep)
#' tmp2$n
#' tmp2$v
#' tmp <- t_test(Pair(sleep$extra[sleep$group == 1], sleep$extra[sleep$group == 2]) ~ 1)
#' tmp$n
#' tmp$v
#' t_test(sesamesim$postnumb)
#' tmp <- t_test(sesamesim$prenumb)
#' tmp$n
#' tmp$v
#' tmp2 <- t_test(sesamesim$prenumb)
#' tmp2$n
#' tmp2$v
#' tmp <- t_test(sesamesim$prenumb, sesamesim$postnumb)
#' tmp$n
#' tmp$v
#' tmp2 <- t_test(sesamesim$prenumb, sesamesim$postnumb)
#' tmp2$n
#' tmp2$v
#' tmp <- t_test(sesamesim$prenumb, sesamesim$postnumb, paired = TRUE)
#' tmp$n
#' tmp$v
#' tmp2 <- t_test(sesamesim$prenumb, sesamesim$postnumb, paired = TRUE)
#' tmp2$n
#' tmp2$v
#' @export
t_test <- function(x, ...)
#' @method t_test default
#' @export
t_test.default <- function(x, ...) {
cl <-
cl[[1]] <-"t.test")
var_eq <- FALSE
if("var.equal" %in% names(cl)){
var_eq <- cl[["var.equal"]]
} else {
if(length(cl) > 6){
if(names(cl)[7] == "") {
var_eq <- cl[["var.equal"]]
rval <- eval.parent(cl)
if (!rval$method == "One Sample t-test") { # If it's a two sample t-test
if("y" %in% names(cl)){
y <- eval.parent(cl[["y"]])
} else {
if(names(cl)[3] == ""){
y <- eval.parent(cl[[3]])
#if(!hasArg("y")) y <- eval.parent(cl[[3]])
if (rval$method == "Paired t-test"){
complete_data <- complete.cases(x, y)
x <- x[complete_data] - y[complete_data]
rval$n <- length(x)
rval$v <- var(x)
} else { # Independent samples t-test
y <- y[!]
x <- x[!]
rval$n <- c(length(x), length(y))
if (var_eq) {
df <- length(x) + length(y) - 2
v <- 0
if (length(x) > 1)
v <- v + (length(x) - 1) * var(x)
if (length(y) > 1)
v <- v + (length(y) - 1) * var(y)
v <- v/df
rval$v <- v
rval$v <- c(var(x), var(y))
} else {
rval$v <- c(var(x), var(y))
} else {
x <- x[!]
rval$n <- length(x)
rval$v <- var(x)
class(rval) <- c("t_test", "htest")
#' @importFrom stats terms
#' @method t_test formula
#' @export
t_test.formula <- function(x, ...) {
cl <-
cl[[1]] <-"t.test")
names(cl)[match("x", names(cl))] <- "formula"
rval <- eval.parent(cl)
data <-[["data"]]))
model_frame <- stats::model.frame(cl[["formula"]], data)
response <- attr(attr(model_frame, "terms"), "response")
if (!rval$method == "One Sample t-test") { # If it's a two sample t-test
if (rval$method == "Paired t-test"){
if(inherits(model_frame[[response]], "Pair")){
x <- apply(unclass(model_frame[[response]]), 1, diff)
} else {
x <- model_frame[model_frame[[2]] == unique(model_frame[[2]])[1], 1] - model_frame[model_frame[[2]] == unique(model_frame[[2]])[2], 1]
rval$n <- length(x)
rval$v <- var(x)
} else { # Independent samples t-test
rval$n <- c(length(model_frame[model_frame[[2]] == unique(model_frame[[2]])[1], 1]),
length(model_frame[model_frame[[2]] == unique(model_frame[[2]])[2], 1]))
rval$v <- c(var(model_frame[model_frame[[2]] == unique(model_frame[[2]])[1], 1]),
var(model_frame[model_frame[[2]] == unique(model_frame[[2]])[2], 1]))
} else {
rval$n <- length(model_frame[[1]])
rval$v <- var(model_frame[[1]])
if (length(rval$estimate) == 2L){
g <- factor(model_frame[[-response]])
names(rval$estimate) <- paste0("mean of group", levels(g))
class(rval) <- c("t_test", "htest")
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