
Defines functions cleanup read.csv2 create.csv.roster create.csv.file unzip.retrosheet download.retrosheet acquire_parse_restrosheet_event retrosheet_data

Documented in retrosheet_data

#' @rdname retrosheet_data
#' @title **Get, Parse, and Format Retrosheet Event and Roster Files** 
#' @description This function requires the use of the [**`Chadwick CLI`**](https://github.com/chadwickbureau/chadwick/releases). Follow 
#' the directions at the repository for installation of the CLI release for your platform. 
#' Specifically from the **`Chadwick CLI`** tools, this function requires the **`cwevent`** application to be available from the command line. 
#' For unix platform users: the ```retrosheet_data()``` function uses the ```system()``` interface under the hood.
#' For Windows and other platform users: the ```retrosheet_data()``` function interacts with the **`cwevent`** application 
#' using the ```shell()``` interface under the hood. 
#' @details  
#' ```r
#' retrosheet_data(path_to_directory = NULL, 
#'                 years_to_acquire =  most_recent_mlb_season()-1, 
#'                 sequence_years = FALSE)
#' ```
#' @param path_to_directory (default: NULL) A file path that if set, either:
#'    1) creates a new directory, or
#'    2) uses the path to an existing directory
#' @param years_to_acquire (format: YYYY) The seasons to collect. Single, multiple, and
#' sequential years can be passed. If passing multiple years, enclose in a
#' vector (i.e. c(2017,2018)). Defaults to ```most_recent_mlb_season()```.
#' @param sequence_years (logical, default: FALSE): If the seasons passed in the years_to_acquire parameter
#' should be sequenced so that the function returns all years including and
#' between the vector passed, set the argument to TRUE. Defaults to FALSE.
#' @return If `path_to_directory` is not set (default), the process will return a named list  
#' of tibbles: 'events' and 'rosters' for each season provided to `years_to_acquire`
#' If `path_to_directory` is set, will also write two csv files to the unzipped directory: 1) a combined csv
#' of the event data for a given year and 2) a combined csv of each team's
#' roster for each year provided to `years_to_acquire`
#' @importFrom dplyr mutate mutate_if
#' @importFrom janitor clean_names
#' @importFrom purrr map
#' @importFrom utils download.file tail unzip write.csv
#' @export

retrosheet_data <- function(path_to_directory = NULL,
                            years_to_acquire = most_recent_mlb_season()-1,
                            sequence_years = FALSE){
  # create a record for the starting working directory
  oldwd <- getwd()
  # reset to starting working directory
  path_temp_dir <- tempdir()
  if(!is.null(path_to_directory)) {
    # create folders at directory path specified
           dir.create(path_to_directory), FALSE)
    ifelse(!dir.exists(paste0(path_to_directory, "/download.folder")), 
           dir.create(paste0(path_to_directory, "/download.folder")), FALSE)
    ifelse(!dir.exists(paste0(path_to_directory, "/download.folder/unzipped")), 
           dir.create(paste0(path_to_directory, "/download.folder/unzipped")), FALSE)
    ifelse(!dir.exists(paste0(path_to_directory, "/download.folder/zipped")), 
           dir.create(paste0(path_to_directory, "/download.folder/zipped")), FALSE)
    # setwd
  } else {
    # create folders at directory path of temporary directory
    ifelse(!dir.exists(paste0(path_temp_dir, "/download.folder")), 
           dir.create(paste0(path_temp_dir, "/download.folder")), FALSE)
    ifelse(!dir.exists(paste0(path_temp_dir, "/download.folder/unzipped")), 
           dir.create(paste0(path_temp_dir, "/download.folder/unzipped")), FALSE)
    ifelse(!dir.exists(paste0(path_temp_dir, "/download.folder/zipped")), 
           dir.create(paste0(path_temp_dir, "/download.folder/zipped")), FALSE)
    # setwd to temporary directory path
    path_to_directory <- path_temp_dir
  fields <- csv_from_url("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/maxtoki/baseball_R/master/data/fields.csv", encoding ="UTF-8")
  data.table::fwrite(fields, file = paste0(path_to_directory, "/fields.csv"))
  if(sequence_years == FALSE) {
    years <- years_to_acquire
  } else {
    years <-seq(years_to_acquire[1], years_to_acquire[2],1)
  if(identical(Sys.which("cwevent")[["cwevent"]], "")){ 
    cli::cli_abort("Please install the Chadwick CLI program from:\n https://github.com/chadwickbureau/chadwick/releases")
  rs_season <- c(purrr::map(.x=years,
                              acquire_parse_restrosheet_event(season = .x,
                                                              wd = path_to_directory)
  names(rs_season) <- years
#' @rdname get_retrosheet_data
#' @title **(legacy) Get, Parse, and Format Retrosheet Event and Roster Files**
#' @inheritParams retrosheet_data
#' @return If `path_to_directory` is not set (default), the process will return a named list  
#' of tibbles: 'events' and 'rosters' for each season provided to `years_to_acquire`
#' If `path_to_directory` is set, will also write two csv files to the unzipped directory: 1) a combined csv
#' of the event data for a given year and 2) a combined csv of each team's
#' roster for each year provided to `years_to_acquire`
#' @keywords legacy
#' @export
get_retrosheet_data <- retrosheet_data 

acquire_parse_restrosheet_event <- function(season, wd){
  ## This code was adapted from Jim Albert
  ## source: https://gist.github.com/bayesball/8892981
  ## Asssumes you have downloaded and installed The Chadwick Files
  ## source: https://sourceforge.net/projects/chadwick/files/
  # ADJUSTED FOR MAC -- function will work for WINDOWS and MAC
  # download, unzip, append retrosheet data
  # assume current directory has a folder download.folder
  # download.folder has two subfolders unzipped and zipped
  # program cwevent.exe is in unzipped folder (for windows)
  # create a record for the starting working directory
  oldwd <- getwd()
  # reset to starting working directory
  download.retrosheet(wd, season)
  create.csv.file(wd, season)
  create.csv.roster(wd, season)
  events <- data.table::fread(paste0(wd,"/download.folder/unzipped/all",season,".csv")) %>%
    make_baseballr_data("Retrosheet MLB events data from retrosheet.org",Sys.time())
  rosters <- data.table::fread(paste0(wd,"/download.folder/unzipped/roster",season,".csv")) %>%
    make_baseballr_data("Retrosheet MLB rosters data from retrosheet.org",Sys.time())
  retrosheet_season <- c(list(events),list(rosters))
  names(retrosheet_season) <- c("events","rosters")

download.retrosheet <- function(wd, season){
  # get zip file from retrosheet website
    url=paste0("https://www.retrosheet.org/events/", season, "eve.zip")
    , destfile=paste0(wd, "/download.folder", "/zipped/",
                      season, "eve.zip")

unzip.retrosheet <- function(season){
  #unzip retrosheet files
  unzip(paste0("download.folder", "/zipped/", season, "eve.zip"),
        exdir=paste0("download.folder", "/unzipped"))

create.csv.file <- function(wd, year){
  # http://chadwick.sourceforge.net/doc/cwevent.html#cwtools-cwevent
  # shell("cwevent -y 2000 2000TOR.EVA > 2000TOR.bev")
  # create a record for the starting working directory
  oldwd <- getwd()
  # reset to starting working directory
  setwd(paste0(wd, "/download.folder/unzipped"))
  character_vars <- c('GAME_ID', 'AWAY_TEAM_ID', 'PITCH_SEQ_TX',
                      'BAT_ID', 'BAT_HAND_CD', 'RESP_BAT_ID',
                      'RESP_BAT_HAND_CD', 'PIT_ID', 'PIT_HAND_CD',
                      'RESP_PIT_ID', 'RESP_PIT_HAND_CD', 'POS2_FLD_ID',
                      'POS3_FLD_ID', 'POS4_FLD_ID', 'POS5_FLD_ID',
                      'POS6_FLD_ID', 'POS7_FLD_ID', 'POS8_FLD_ID',
                      'POS9_FLD_ID', 'BASE1_RUN_ID', 'BASE2_RUN_ID',
                      'BASE3_RUN_ID', 'EVENT_TX', 'BATTEDBALL_CD',
                      'BATTEDBALL_LOC_TX', 'ERR1_CD', 'ERR2_CD',
                      'ERR3_CD', 'RUN1_RESP_PIT_ID', 'RUN2_RESP_PIT_ID',
                      'RUN3_RESP_PIT_ID', 'REMOVED_FOR_PR_RUN1_ID',
                      'REMOVED_FOR_PR_RUN2_ID', 'REMOVED_FOR_PH_BAT_ID')
  numeric_vars <- c('INN_CT', 'BAT_HOME_ID', 'OUTS_CT',
                    'BALLS_CT', 'STRIKES_CT', 'AWAY_SCORE_CT',
                    'HOME_SCORE_CT', 'BAT_FLD_CD', 'BAT_LINEUP_ID',
                    'EVENT_CD', 'H_FL', 'EVENT_OUTS_CT',
                    'RBI_CT', 'FLD_CD', 'ERR_CT',
                    'ERR1_FLD_CD', 'ERR2_FLD_CD', 'ERR3_FLD_CD',
                    'BAT_DEST_ID', 'RUN1_DEST_ID', 'RUN2_DEST_ID',
                    'RUN3_DEST_ID', 'BAT_PLAY_TX', 'RUN1_PLAY_TX',
                    'RUN2_PLAY_TX', 'REMOVED_FOR_PH_BAT_FLD_CD',
                    'PO1_FLD_CD', 'PO2_FLD_CD', 'PO3_FLD_CD',
                    'ASS1_FLD_CD', 'ASS2_FLD_CD', 'ASS3_FLD_CD',
                    'ASS4_FLD_CD', 'ASS5_FLD_CD', 'EVENT_ID', 'year')
  logical_vars <- c('LEADOFF_FL', 'PH_FL', 'BAT_EVENT_FL',
                    'AB_FL', 'SH_FL', 'SF_FL', 'DP_FL',
                    'TP_FL', 'WP_FL', 'PB_FL', 'BUNT_FL',
                    'FOUL_FL', 'RUN3_PLAY_TX', 'RUN1_SB_FL',
                    'RUN2_SB_FL', 'RUN3_SB_FL', 'RUN1_CS_FL',
                    'RUN2_CS_FL', 'RUN3_CS_FL', 'RUN1_PK_FL',
                    'RUN2_PK_FL', 'RUN3_PK_FL', 'GAME_NEW_FL',
                    'GAME_END_FL', 'PR_RUN1_FL', 'PR_RUN2_FL',
                    'PR_RUN3_FL', 'REMOVED_FOR_PR_RUN3_ID')
  if (.Platform$OS.type == "unix"){
    system(paste(paste("cwevent -y", year, "-f 0-96 -q"),
                 paste("> all", year, ".csv", sep="")))
  } else {
    shell(paste(paste("cwevent -y", year, "-f 0-96 -q"),
                paste("> all", year, ".csv", sep="")))
  fields <- data.table::fread(paste0(wd, "/fields.csv"))
  payload <- data.table::fread(paste0("all", year, ".csv"), header = FALSE)
  names(payload) <- fields$Header
  payload <- payload %>%
    dplyr::mutate(year = year)
    payload <- payload %>%
      dplyr::mutate_if(names(payload) %in% character_vars, as.character) %>%
      dplyr::mutate_if(names(payload) %in% numeric_vars, as.numeric) %>%
      dplyr::mutate_if(names(payload) %in% logical_vars, as.logical)
  payload <- payload %>%
  data.table::fwrite(payload, paste0(wd, "/download.folder/unzipped/all", year, ".csv"))

create.csv.roster <- function(wd, year){
  # creates a csv file of the rosters
  filenames <- list.files(path = paste0(wd, "/download.folder/unzipped/"))
  filenames.roster <-
    subset(filenames, substr(filenames, 4, 11) == paste0(year,".ROS"))
  R <- do.call("rbind", lapply(filenames.roster, function(x){
    read.csv2(wd = wd, file = x)
  names(R)[1:6] = c("Player.ID", "Last.Name", "First.Name",
                    "Bats", "Pitches", "Team")
  R <- R %>%
    dplyr::mutate(year = year) %>%
  data.table::fwrite(R, file = paste0(wd, "/download.folder/unzipped/roster",
                                      year, ".csv"))

read.csv2 <- function(wd, file){
  data.table::fread(file = paste0(wd,
                                  "/download.folder/unzipped/", file),
                    header = FALSE)

cleanup <- function(wd){
  # create a record for the starting working directory
  oldwd <- getwd()
  # reset to starting working directory
  # removes retrosheet files not needed from unzipped directory
  setwd(paste0(wd, "/download.folder/unzipped"))
  if (.Platform$OS.type == "unix") {
    system("rm *.EDN")
    system("rm *.EDA")
    system("rm *.EVN")
    system("rm *.EVA")
    system("rm *.ROS")
    system("rm TEAM*")
  } else {
    shell("if exist *.EDN del *.EDN")
    shell("if exist *.EDA del *.EDA")
    shell("if exist *.EVN del *.EVN")
    shell("if exist *.EVA del *.EVA")
    shell("if exist *.ROS del *.ROS")
    shell("if exist TEAM* del TEAM*")
  # removes retrosheet files not needed from unzipped directory
  setwd(paste0(wd, "/download.folder/zipped"))
  if (.Platform$OS.type == "unix") {
    system("rm *.zip")
  } else {
    shell("del *.zip")

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baseballr documentation built on April 1, 2023, 12:12 a.m.