
### R code from vignette source 'basicspace.Rnw'

### code chunk number 1: one
N <- 1000
M <- 20
s <- 2
fraction.missing <- 0.3
E <- matrix(runif(N * M, min = -0.5, max = 0.5), nrow = N, ncol = M)

### code chunk number 2: two
U <- matrix(runif(N * s), nrow = N, ncol = s)
D <- diag(seq(from = 2.1, by = -0.2, length.out = s)) <- matrix(runif(s * M), nrow = s, ncol = M)
c <- rnorm(M)
Jn <- rep(1, N)

### code chunk number 3: three
X.true <- U %*% D %*% + Jn %o% c
X.0 <- X.true + E
Psi.true <- U %*% sqrt(D)
W.true <- t( %*% sqrt(D)

### code chunk number 4: four
missing <- sample(1:(N * M), round(fraction.missing * N * M))
X.0[missing] <- 999

### code chunk number 5: five
rownames(X.0) <- paste("Legis", 1:N, sep = "")
colnames(X.0) <- paste("V", 1:M, sep = "")

### code chunk number 6: six
result <- blackbox(X.0, missing = c(999), verbose = TRUE, dims = 3, minscale = 8)

### code chunk number 7: seven

Psi.hat <- cbind(result$individuals[[2]]$c1, result$individuals[[2]]$c2)
c.hat <- result$stimuli[[2]]$c
xrow <- sapply(1:N, function(i) length(rep(1,s)[![i,])]))
Psi.hat <- Psi.hat[!(xrow<2),]
Psi.true <- Psi.true[!(xrow<2),]
Psi.hat[,1] <- Psi.hat[,1]-mean(Psi.hat[,1])
Psi.hat[,2] <- Psi.hat[,2]-mean(Psi.hat[,2])
Psi.true[,1] <- Psi.true[,1]-mean(Psi.true[,1])
Psi.true[,2] <- Psi.true[,2]-mean(Psi.true[,2])
C <- t(Psi.true)%*%Psi.hat
svddecomp <- svd(C)
U.rotate <- svddecomp$u
V.rotate <- svddecomp$v
T <- V.rotate %*% t(U.rotate)
Psi.hatrotate <- Psi.hat %*% T

plot(Psi.true[,1],Psi.hatrotate[,1], xlim= c(-0.7,0.7), ylim= c(-0.5, 0.5),
pch=20, cex=0.4, cex.lab=1.6, bty="n",
xlab="True Psi, first dimension",
ylab="Recovered Psi, first dimension")
plot(Psi.true[,2],Psi.hatrotate[,2], xlim= c(-0.7,0.7), ylim= c(-0.5, 0.5),
pch=20, cex=0.4, cex.lab=1.6, bty="n",
xlab="True Psi, second dimension", ylab="Recovered Psi, second dimension")

### code chunk number 8: six
W.hat <- cbind(result$stimuli[[2]]$w1, result$stimuli[[2]]$w2)
W.hatrotate <- W.hat%*%T

plot(W.true[,1],W.hatrotate[,1], xlim= c( 0.00, 1.50), ylim= c(-0.75, 2.75),
pch=20, cex=1.5, cex.lab=1.6, bty="n",
xlab="True W, first dimension", ylab="Recovered W, first dimension")

plot(W.true[,2],W.hatrotate[,2], xlim= c( 0.00, 1.50), ylim= c(-0.75, 2.75),
pch=20, cex=1.5, cex.lab=1.6, bty="n",
xlab="True W, second dimension", ylab="Recovered W, second dimension")

### code chunk number 9: eight


plot(c, c.hat, 
pch=20, cex=1.2, cex.lab=1.1, bty="n", 
xlab="True C", ylab="Recovered C")

### code chunk number 10: nine

W.hat <- cbind(result$stimuli[[2]]$w1, result$stimuli[[2]]$w2)
Psi.hat <- cbind(result$individuals[[2]]$c1, result$individuals[[2]]$c2)
X.hat <- Psi.hat %*% t(W.hat) + Jn %o% result$stimuli[[2]]$c


plot(X.true[missing], X.hat[missing],
pch = 20, cex = 0.4, cex.lab = 1.2, bty = "n",
xlab = "True X, missing values", ylab = "Recovered X, missing values")

plot(X.true[!(1:(N*M) %in% missing)], X.hat[!(1:(N*M) %in% missing)],
pch = 20, cex = 0.4, cex.lab = 1.2, bty = "n",
xlab = "True X, nonmissing values", ylab = "Recovered X, nonmissing values")

### code chunk number 11: ten
Issues1980[1:10, 1:4]

### code chunk number 12: eleven
Issues1980[Issues1980[, "abortion1"] == 7, "abortion1"] <- 8
Issues1980[Issues1980[, "abortion2" ]== 7, "abortion2"] <- 8

### code chunk number 13: twelve

## Commented to shorten runtimes
# Issues1980_bb <- blackbox(Issues1980, missing=c(0,8,9), verbose=FALSE,
#     dims=3, minscale=8)

### code chunk number 14: thirteen

### code chunk number 15: fourteen
cor(Issues1980_bb$individuals[[1]]$c1, Issues1980[, "libcon1"], use="pairwise")

### code chunk number 16: blackbt
LCdat=LC1980[, -1]

## Commented to shorten runtimes
# LC1980_bbt <- blackbox_transpose(LCdat, missing=c(0,8,9), dims=3,
#  minscale=5,verbose=TRUE)

### code chunk number 17: bbt

par(mfrow = c(1, 2))


### code chunk number 18: blackfinal

### code chunk number 19: aldmck
result <- aldmck(data = LC1980, polarity = 2, respondent = 1,
    missing = c(0, 8, 9), verbose = TRUE)

### code chunk number 20: aldmck_plot


### code chunk number 21: aldmck_boot
result <- boot_aldmck(data=LC1980, polarity=2, respondent=1,
    missing=c(0,8,9), iter=100)
apply(result, 2, sd)

### code chunk number 22: aldmck_MC
Nstimuli <- 6
Nresp <- 500

Z_j <- rnorm(6)
Z_j <- (Z_j - mean(Z_j))/sd(Z_j) <- runif(Nresp, min = 0.3, max = 0.9)
error_heteroskedastic <- matrix(NA, Nresp, Nstimuli)
for(i in 1:Nresp) error_heteroskedastic <- rnorm(Nstimuli, sd =

w_i <- runif(Nresp, min=0, max=1)
c_i <- rnorm(Nresp)
Y_ij <- rep(1,500) %o%  Z_j
Y_ij <- Y_ij + error_heteroskedastic
R_ij <-  1/w_i %o% rep(1,Nstimuli) * (Y_ij - c_i %o% rep(1,Nstimuli))

result <- aldmck(R_ij, polarity = 6, missing = c(999))

cor(Z_j, result$stimuli)

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