
Defines functions reconc_gaussian

Documented in reconc_gaussian

#' @title Analytical reconciliation of Gaussian base forecasts
#' @description
#' Closed form computation of the reconciled forecasts in case of Gaussian base forecasts.
#' @param A aggregation matrix (n_upper x n_bottom).
#' @param base_forecasts.mu a vector containing the means of the base forecasts.
#' @param base_forecasts.Sigma a matrix containing the covariance matrix of the base forecasts.
#' @details
#' In the vector of the means of the base forecasts the order must be: first the upper, 
#' then the bottom; the order within the uppers is given by the rows of A, 
#' the order within the bottoms by the columns of A.
#' The order of the rows of the covariance matrix of the base forecasts is the same.
#' The function returns only the reconciled parameters of the bottom variables.
#' The reconciled upper parameters and the reconciled samples for the entire hierarchy 
#' can be obtained from the reconciled bottom parameters. 
#' See the example section.
#' @return A list containing the bottom reconciled forecasts. The list has the following named elements:
#' * `bottom_reconciled_mean`: reconciled mean for the bottom forecasts;
#' * `bottom_reconciled_covariance`: reconciled covariance for the bottom forecasts.
#' @examples
#'# Create a minimal hierarchy with 2 bottom and 1 upper variable
#'A <- get_reconc_matrices(agg_levels=c(1,2), h=2)$A
#'#Set the parameters of the Gaussian base forecast distributions
#'mu1 <- 2
#'mu2 <- 4
#'muY <- 9
#'mus <- c(muY,mu1,mu2)
#'sigma1 <- 2
#'sigma2 <- 2
#'sigmaY <- 3
#'sigmas <- c(sigmaY,sigma1,sigma2)
#'Sigma <- diag(sigmas^2)  # need to transform into covariance matrix
#'analytic_rec <- reconc_gaussian(A, base_forecasts.mu = mus,
#'                                base_forecasts.Sigma = Sigma)
#'bottom_mu_reconc <- analytic_rec$bottom_reconciled_mean
#'bottom_Sigma_reconc <- analytic_rec$bottom_reconciled_covariance
#'# Obtain reconciled mu and Sigma for the upper variable
#'upper_mu_reconc <- A %*% bottom_mu_reconc
#'upper_Sigma_reconc <- A %*% bottom_Sigma_reconc %*% t(A)
#'# Obtain reconciled mu and Sigma for the entire hierarchy
#'S <- rbind(A, diag(2))  # first, get summing matrix S
#'Y_mu_reconc <- S %*% bottom_mu_reconc
#'Y_Sigma_reconc <- S %*% bottom_Sigma_reconc %*% t(S)  # note that this is a singular matrix
#'# Obtain reconciled samples for the entire hierarchy:
#'# i.e., sample from the reconciled bottoms and multiply by S
#'chol_decomp = chol(bottom_Sigma_reconc) # Compute the Cholesky Decomposition
#'Z = matrix(stats::rnorm(n = 2000), nrow = 2) # Sample from standard normal
#'B = t(chol_decomp) %*% Z + matrix(rep(bottom_mu_reconc, 1000), nrow=2) # Apply the transformation
#'U = S %*% B
#'Y_reconc = rbind(U, B)
#' @references
#' Corani, G., Azzimonti, D., Augusto, J.P.S.C., Zaffalon, M. (2021). 
#' *Probabilistic Reconciliation of Hierarchical Forecast via Bayes' Rule*. 
#' ECML PKDD 2020. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 12459.
#' \doi{10.1007/978-3-030-67664-3_13}.
#' Zambon, L., Agosto, A., Giudici, P., Corani, G. (2024). 
#' *Properties of the reconciled distributions for Gaussian and count forecasts*. 
#' International Journal of Forecasting (in press).
#' \doi{10.1016/j.ijforecast.2023.12.004}.
#' @seealso [reconc_BUIS()]
#' @export
reconc_gaussian <- function(A, base_forecasts.mu,
                            base_forecasts.Sigma) {
  # Check matrix A 
  k = nrow(A)    #number of upper TS
  m = ncol(A)    #number of bottom TS
  n = length(base_forecasts.mu) #total number of TS

  # Ensure that data inputs are valid
  if (!(nrow(base_forecasts.Sigma) == n)) {
    stop("Input error: nrow(base_forecasts.Sigma) != length(base_forecasts.mu)")
  if (!(k + m == n)) {
    stop("Input error: the shape of A is not correct")
  .check_cov(base_forecasts.Sigma, "Sigma", pd_check=FALSE, symm_check=TRUE)
  Sigma_u  = base_forecasts.Sigma[1:k, 1:k]
  Sigma_b  = base_forecasts.Sigma[(k+1):n, (k+1):n]
  Sigma_ub = base_forecasts.Sigma[1:k, (k+1):n, drop=FALSE]
  mu_u = base_forecasts.mu[1:k]
  mu_b = base_forecasts.mu[(k+1):n]

  # Formulation from:
  # Zambon, L., et al. "Properties of the reconciled distributions for
  # Gaussian and count forecasts." (2023)
  Q = Sigma_u - Sigma_ub %*% t(A) - A %*% t(Sigma_ub) + A %*% Sigma_b %*% t(A)
  # we only need to check if Q is p.d.
  .check_cov(Q, "Q", pd_check=TRUE, symm_check=FALSE)
  invQ = solve(Q)
  mu_b_tilde = mu_b + (t(Sigma_ub) - Sigma_b %*% t(A)) %*% invQ %*% (A %*% mu_b - mu_u)
  Sigma_b_tilde = Sigma_b - (t(Sigma_ub) - Sigma_b %*% t(A)) %*% invQ %*% t(t(Sigma_ub) - Sigma_b %*% t(A))

  out = list(
    bottom_reconciled_mean = mu_b_tilde,
    bottom_reconciled_covariance = Sigma_b_tilde

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bayesRecon documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 9:08 p.m.