
Defines functions .gen_poisson .gen_gaussian .shape .distr_pmf .resample .MVN_density .MVN_sample .distr_sample .check_weights .check_input_TD .check_input_BUIS .check_discrete_samples .check_distr_params .check_implemented_distr .check_positive_number .check_real_number .check_cov .check_A .check_S


.DISTR_TYPES = c("continuous", "discrete")
.DISCR_DISTR = c("poisson", "nbinom")
.CONT_DISTR = c("gaussian")


.TOLL = 1e-15
.RTOLL = 1e-9


# Function to check values allowed in S.
.check_S <- function(S) {
  if(!identical(sort(unique(as.vector(S))), c(0,1)) ){
    stop("Input error in S: S must be a matrix containing only 0s and 1s.")
    stop("Input error in S: all bottom level forecasts must aggregate into an upper.")
    warning("S has some repeated rows.")
  # Check that each bottom has a corresponding row with with one 1 and the rest 0s.
  if (nrow(unique(S[rowSums(S)==1,])) < ncol(S)) {
    stop("Input error in S: there is at least one bottom that does not have a row with one 1 and the rest 0s.")

# Function to check aggregation matrix A
.check_A <- function(A) {
  if (!all(A %in% c(0,1))) {
    stop("Input error in A: A must be a matrix containing only 0s and 1s.")
    stop("Input error in A: some columns do not have any 1.
          All bottom level forecasts must aggregate into an upper.")
    warning("A has some repeated rows.")

# Check if it is a covariance matrix (i.e. symmetric p.d.)
.check_cov <- function(cov_matrix, Sigma_str,pd_check=FALSE,symm_check=FALSE) {
  # Check if the matrix is square
  if (!is.matrix(cov_matrix) || nrow(cov_matrix) != ncol(cov_matrix)) {
    stop(paste0(Sigma_str, " is not square"))
  # Check if the matrix is positive semi-definite
    eigen_values <- eigen(cov_matrix, symmetric = TRUE)$values
    if (any(eigen_values <= 0)) {
      stop(paste0(Sigma_str, " is not positive semi-definite"))
    # Check if the matrix is symmetric
    if (!isSymmetric(cov_matrix)) {
      stop(paste0(Sigma_str, " is not symmetric"))
  # Check if the diagonal elements are non-negative
  if (any(diag(cov_matrix) < 0)) {
    stop(paste0(Sigma_str, ": some elements on the diagonal are negative"))
  # If all checks pass, return TRUE

# Checks if the input is a real number
.check_real_number <- function(x) {
  return(length(x)==1 & is.numeric(x))

# Checks if the input is a positive number
.check_positive_number <- function(x) {
  return(length(x)==1 && is.numeric(x) && x > 0)

# Check that the distr is implemented
.check_implemented_distr <- function(distr) {
  if (!(distr %in% c(.DISCR_DISTR, .CONT_DISTR))) {
      "Input error: the distribution must be one of {",
      paste(c(.DISCR_DISTR, .CONT_DISTR), collapse = ', '), "}"))

# Check the parameters of distr
.check_distr_params <- function(distr, params) {
  if (!is.list(params)) {
    stop("Input error: the parameters of the distribution must be given as a list.")
    "gaussian" = {
      mean = params$mean
      sd = params$sd
      if (!.check_real_number(mean)) {
        stop("Input error: mean of Gaussian must be a real number")
      if (!.check_positive_number(sd)) {
        stop("Input error: sd of Gaussian must be a positive number")
    "poisson"  = {
      lambda = params$lambda
      if (!.check_positive_number(lambda)) {
        stop("Input error: lambda of Poisson must be a positive number")
    "nbinom"   = {
      size = params$size
      prob = params$prob
      mu = params$mu
      # Check that size is specified, and that is a positive number
      if (is.null(size)) {
        stop("Input error: size parameter for the nbinom distribution must be specified")
      if (!.check_positive_number(size)) {
        stop("Input error: size of nbinom must be a positive number")
      # Check that exactly one of prob, mu is specified
      if (!is.null(prob) & !is.null(mu)) {
        stop("Input error: prob and mu for the nbinom distribution are both specified ")
      } else if (is.null(prob) & is.null(mu)) {
        stop("Input error: either prob or mu must be specified")
      } else {
        if (!is.null(prob)) {
          if (!.check_positive_number(prob) | prob > 1) {
            stop("Input error: prob of nbinom must be positive and <= 1")
        } else if (!is.null(mu)) {
          if (!.check_positive_number(mu)) {
            stop("Input error: mu of nbinom must be positive")

# Check that the samples are discrete 
.check_discrete_samples <- function(samples) {
  if (!isTRUE(all.equal(unname(samples), as.integer(samples)))) {
    stop("Input error: samples are not all discrete")

# Check input for BUIS (and for MH)
# base_forecasts, in_type, and distr must be list
.check_input_BUIS <- function(A, base_forecasts, in_type, distr) {
  n_tot_A <- ncol(A)+nrow(A)
  # Check in_type
  if (!is.list(in_type)) {
    stop("Input error: in_type must be a list")
  if (!(n_tot_A == length(in_type))) {
    stop("Input error: ncol(A)+nrow(A) != length(in_type)")
  for(i in 1:n_tot_A){
    if (!(in_type[[i]] %in% c("params", "samples"))) {
      stop("Input error: in_type[[",i,"]] must be either 'samples' or 'params'")
  # Check distr and base forecasts
  if (!is.list(distr)) {
    stop("Input error: distr must be a list")
  if (!(n_tot_A == length(distr))) {
    stop("Input error: ncol(A)+nrow(A) != length(distr)")
  if (!is.list(base_forecasts)) {
    stop("Input error: base_forecasts must be a list")
  if (!(n_tot_A == length(base_forecasts))) {
    stop("Input error: ncol(A)+nrow(A) != length(base_forecasts)")
  for(i in 1:n_tot_A){
    if (in_type[[i]] == "params") {
      .check_distr_params(distr[[i]], base_forecasts[[i]])
    } else if (in_type[[i]] == "samples") {
      if (!(distr[[i]] %in% .DISTR_TYPES)) {
          "Input error: the distribution must be one of {",
          paste(.DISTR_TYPES, collapse = ', '), "}"))
      if (distr[[i]] == "discrete") {
      # TODO: check sample size?
    } else {
      stop("Input error: in_type[[",i,"]] must be either 'samples' or 'params'")

# Check input for TDcond
.check_input_TD <- function(A, fc_bottom, fc_upper, 
                           bottom_in_type, distr,
                           return_type) {
  n_b = ncol(A)        # number of bottom TS
  n_u = nrow(A)        # number of upper TS
  if (!(bottom_in_type %in% c("pmf", "samples", "params"))) {
    stop("Input error: bottom_in_type must be either 'pmf', 'samples', or 'params'")
  if (!(return_type %in% c("pmf", "samples", "all"))) {
    stop("Input error: return_type must be either 'pmf', 'samples', or 'all'")
  if (length(fc_bottom) != n_b) {
    stop("Input error: length of fc_bottom does not match with A")
  # If Sigma is a number, transform into a matrix 
  if (length(fc_upper$Sigma) == 1) { 
    fc_upper$Sigma = as.matrix(fc_upper$Sigma)
  # Check the dimensions of mu and Sigma
  if (length(fc_upper$mu) != n_u | any(dim(fc_upper$Sigma) != c(n_u, n_u))) {
    stop("Input error: the dimensions of the upper parameters do not match with A")
  # Check that Sigma is a covariance matrix (symmetric positive semi-definite)
  .check_cov(fc_upper$Sigma, "Upper covariance matrix", symm_check=TRUE)
  # If bottom_in_type is not "params" but distr is specified, throw a warning
  if (bottom_in_type %in% c("pmf", "samples") & !is.null(distr)) {
    warning(paste0("Since bottom_in_type = '", bottom_in_type, "', the input distr is ignored"))
  # If bottom_in_type is params, distr must be one of the implemented discrete distr.
  # Also, check the parameters
  if (bottom_in_type == "params") {
    if (is.null(distr)) {
      stop("Input error: if bottom_in_type = 'params', distr must be specified")
    if (!(distr %in% .DISCR_DISTR)) {
      stop(paste0("Input error: distr must be one of {",
                  paste(.DISCR_DISTR, collapse = ', '), "}"))
    for (i in 1:n_b) {
      .check_distr_params(distr, fc_bottom[[i]])

# Check importance sampling weights
.check_weights <- function(w, n_eff_min=200, p_n_eff=0.01) {
  warning = FALSE
  warning_code = c()
  warning_msg = c()
  n = length(w)
  n_eff = n
  # 1. w==0
  if (all(w==0)) {
    warning = TRUE
    warning_code = c(warning_code, 1) 
    warning_msg = c(warning_msg, 
                    "Importance Sampling: all the weights are zeros. This is probably caused by a strong incoherence between bottom and upper base forecasts.")
    # Effective sample size
    w = w / sum(w)
    n_eff = 1 / sum(w^2)
    # 2. n_eff < threshold
    if (n_eff < n_eff_min) {
      warning = TRUE
      warning_code = c(warning_code, 2) 
      warning_msg = c(warning_msg, 
                      paste0("Importance Sampling: effective_sample_size= ", round(n_eff,2), " (< ", n_eff_min,")."))
    # 3. n_eff < p*n, e.g. p = 0.05
    if (n_eff < p_n_eff*n) {
      warning = TRUE
      warning_code = c(warning_code, 3) 
      warning_msg = c(warning_msg, 
                      paste0("Importance Sampling: effective_sample_size= ", round(n_eff,2), " (< ", round(p_n_eff * 100, 2),"%)."))
  res = list(warning = warning,
             warning_code = warning_code,
             warning_msg = warning_msg,
             n_eff = n_eff)


# Sample from one of the implemented distributions
.distr_sample <- function(params, distr, n) {
  .check_distr_params(distr, params)
    "gaussian" = {
      mean = params$mean
      sd   = params$sd
      samples = stats::rnorm(n = n, mean = mean, sd = sd) },
    "poisson"  = {
      lambda = params$lambda
      samples = stats::rpois(n = n, lambda = lambda) },
    "nbinom"   = {
      size = params$size
      prob = params$prob
      mu   = params$mu
      if (!is.null(prob)) {
        samples = stats::rnbinom(n = n, size = size, prob = prob)
      } else if (!is.null(mu)) {
        samples = stats::rnbinom(n = n, size = size, mu = mu)

# Sample from a multivariate Gaussian distribution with specified mean and cov. matrix
.MVN_sample <- function(n_samples, mu, Sigma) {
  n = length(mu)
  if (any(dim(Sigma) != c(n,n))) {
    stop("Dimension of mu and Sigma are not compatible!")
  .check_cov(Sigma, "Sigma", pd_check = FALSE, symm_check = FALSE)
  Z = matrix(stats::rnorm(n*n_samples), ncol = n)
  Ch <- tryCatch(base::chol(Sigma),
                 error = function(e) stop(paste0(e,"check the covariance in .MVN_sample, the Cholesky fails.")))
  samples = Z %*% Ch + matrix(mu, nrow = n_samples, ncol = n, byrow = TRUE)

# Compute the MVN density
.MVN_density <- function(x, mu, Sigma, max_size_x=5e3, suppress_warnings=TRUE) {
  # save dimension of mu
  n = length(mu)
  # Check Sigma
  if (any(dim(Sigma) != c(n,n))) {
    stop("Dimension of mu and Sigma are not compatible!")
  .check_cov(Sigma, "Sigma", pd_check = FALSE, symm_check = FALSE)
  # x must be a matrix with ncol = n (nrow is the number of points to evaluate)
  # or a vector with length n (in which case it is transformed into a matrix)
    if (length(x)!=n) stop("Length of x must be the same of mu")
    x <- matrix(x, ncol=length(x))
  } else if (is.matrix(x)) {
    if (ncol(x)!=n) stop("The number of columns of x must be equal to the length of mu")
  } else {
    stop("x must be either a vector or a matrix")
  # Compute Cholesky of Sigma
  chol_S <- tryCatch(base::chol(Sigma),
                     error = function(e) stop(paste0(e,"check the covariance in .MVN_density, the Cholesky fails.")))
  # Constant of the loglikelihood (computed here because it is always the same)
  const <- -sum(log(diag(chol_S))) - 0.5 * n * log(2 *pi)
  # This part breaks down the evaluation of the density eval into batches, for memory
  rows_x <- nrow(x)
  if(rows_x > max_size_x){
    logval <- rep(0, rows_x)
    # Compute how many batches we need
    num_backsolves <- rows_x %/% max_size_x 
      warning_msg <- paste0("x has ",rows_x," rows, the density evaluation is broken down into ",num_backsolves," pieces for memory preservation.")
    for(j in seq(num_backsolves)){
      idx_to_select <- (1+(j-1)*max_size_x):((j)*max_size_x)
      # Do one backsolve for each batch
      tmp <- backsolve(chol_S, t(x[idx_to_select,]) - mu, transpose = TRUE)
      rss <- colSums(tmp^2)
      # Update the logval for those indices
      logval[idx_to_select] <- const - 0.5 * rss
    # Last indices: if the number of rows of x is not exactly divided by the size of the batches 
    remainder <- rows_x %% max_size_x 
    if(remainder !=0){
      idx_to_select <- (1+(num_backsolves)*max_size_x):(remainder+(num_backsolves)*max_size_x)
      # Do backsolve on the remaining indices
      tmp <- backsolve(chol_S, t(x[idx_to_select,]) - mu, transpose = TRUE)
      rss <- colSums(tmp^2)
      logval[idx_to_select] <- const - 0.5 * rss
    tmp <- backsolve(chol_S, t(x) - mu, transpose = TRUE)
    rss <- colSums(tmp^2)
    logval <- const - 0.5 * rss
# Resample from weighted sample
.resample <- function(S_, weights, num_samples = NA) {
  if (is.na(num_samples)) {
    num_samples = length(weights)
    stop("Error in .resample: nrow(S_) != length(weights)")
  tmp_idx = sample(x = 1:nrow(S_), num_samples, replace = TRUE, prob = weights)
  return(S_[tmp_idx, ])

# Miscellaneous

# Compute the pmf of the distribution specified by distr and params at the points x
.distr_pmf <- function(x, params, distr) {
  .check_distr_params(distr, params)
    "gaussian" = {
      mean = params$mean
      sd   = params$sd
      pmf = stats::dnorm(x = x, mean = mean, sd = sd) },
    "poisson"  = {
      lambda = params$lambda
      pmf = stats::dpois(x = x, lambda = lambda) },
    "nbinom"   = {
      size = params$size
      prob = params$prob
      mu   = params$mu
      if (!is.null(prob)) {
        pmf = stats::dnbinom(x = x, size = size, prob = prob)
      } else if (!is.null(mu)) {
        pmf = stats::dnbinom(x = x, size = size, mu = mu)

.shape <- function(m) {
  print(paste0("(", nrow(m), ",", ncol(m), ")"))

# Functions for tests

.gen_gaussian <- function(params_file, seed=NULL) {
  if (!is.null(seed)) set.seed(seed)
  params = utils::read.csv(file = params_file, header = FALSE)
  out = list()
  for (i in 1:nrow(params)) {
    out[[i]] = stats::rnorm(n=1e6, mean=params[[1]][i], sd=params[[2]][i])

.gen_poisson <- function(params_file, seed=NULL) {
  if (!is.null(seed)) set.seed(seed)
  params = utils::read.csv(file = params_file, header = FALSE)
  out = list()
  for (i in 1:nrow(params)) {
    out[[i]] = stats::rpois(n=1e6, lambda=params[[1]][i])

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