
Defines functions log_mean_exp log_sum_exp dfa_cv

Documented in dfa_cv

#' Apply cross validation to DFA model
#' @param stanfit A stanfit object, to preserve the model structure from a call to fit_dfa()
#' @param cv_method The method used for cross validation. The options are 'loocv', where time is ignored and each data point is
#' assigned randomly to a fold. The method 'ltocv' is leave time out cross validation, and time slices are iteratively held out
#' out. Finally the method 'lfocv' implements leave future out cross validation to do one-step ahead predictions.
#' @param fold_ids A vector whose length is the same as the number of total data points. Elements are the fold id of each data point. If not all data points are
#' used (e.g. the lfocv or ltocv approach might only use 10 time steps) the value can be something other than a numbber,
#' e.g. NA
#' @param estimation Character string. Should the model be sampled using [rstan::sampling()] ("sampling",default),
#' [rstan::optimizing()] ("optimizing"), variational inference [rstan::vb()] ("vb").
#' @param n_folds Number of folds, defaults to 10
#' @param iter Number of iterations in Stan sampling, defaults to 2000.
#' @param thin Thinning rate in Stan sampling, defaults to 1.
#' @param chains Number of chains in Stan sampling, defaults to 4.
#' @param ... Any other arguments to pass to [rstan::sampling()].
#' @importFrom stats dnorm var
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' set.seed(42)
#' s <- sim_dfa(num_trends = 1, num_years = 20, num_ts = 3)
#' obs <- c(s$y_sim[1, ], s$y_sim[2, ], s$y_sim[3, ])
#' long <- data.frame("obs" = obs, "ts" = sort(rep(1:3, 20)),
#' "time" = rep(1:20, 3))
#' m <- fit_dfa(y = long, data_shape = "long", estimation="none")
#' # random folds
#' fit_cv <- dfa_cv(m, cv_method = "loocv", n_folds = 5, iter = 50,
#' chains = 1, estimation="sampling")
#' # folds can also be passed in
#' fold_ids <- sample(1:5, size = nrow(long), replace = TRUE)
#' m <- fit_dfa(y = long, data_shape = "long", estimation="none")
#' fit_cv <- dfa_cv(m, cv_method = "loocv", n_folds = 5, iter = 50, chains = 1,
#' fold_ids = fold_ids, estimation="sampling")
#' # do an example of leave-time-out cross validation where years are dropped
#' fold_ids <- long$time
#' m <- fit_dfa(y = long, data_shape = "long", estimation="none")
#' fit_cv <- dfa_cv(m, cv_method = "loocv", iter = 100, chains = 1,
#' fold_ids = fold_ids)
#' # example with covariates and long format data
#' obs_covar <- expand.grid("time" = 1:20, "timeseries" = 1:3,
#' "covariate" = 1:2)
#' obs_covar$value <- rnorm(nrow(obs_covar), 0, 0.1)
#' obs <- c(s$y_sim[1, ], s$y_sim[2, ], s$y_sim[3, ])
#' m <- fit_dfa(y = long, obs_covar = obs_covar,
#' data_shape = "long", estimation="none")
#' fit_cv <- dfa_cv(m, cv_method = "loocv", n_folds = 5,
#' iter = 50, chains = 1, estimation="sampling")
#' }
dfa_cv <- function(stanfit,
                   cv_method = c("loocv", "lfocv"),
                   fold_ids = NULL,
                   n_folds = 10,
                   estimation = c("sampling", "optimizing", "vb"),
                   iter = 2000,
                   chains = 4,
                   thin = 1,
                   ...) {
  cv_method <- match.arg(cv_method, c("loocv", "lfocv"))
  if (is.null(fold_ids)) {
    warning("the vector fold_ids containing fold ids is null, so random folds are being used")
    fold_ids <- sample(1:n_folds, nrow(stanfit$orig_data), replace = TRUE)
  if (length(fold_ids) != nrow(stanfit$orig_data)) {
    stop("The length of the vector fold_ids needs to tbe the same as the number of rows in the long format dataframe")
  if (stanfit$shape != "long") {
    stop("Error, please reshape the data into long format")

  if (!is.null(fold_ids)) n_folds <- max(fold_ids)
  y <- stanfit$orig_data
  y$time <- y$time - min(y$time) + 1

  # loop over the folds, re-fitting the dfa model each time with the folds held out
  log_lik <- matrix(0, nrow = ceiling(iter / (2 * thin)) * chains, ncol = n_folds)
  for (f in 1:n_folds) {

    # fit model holding out each time slice. subset observed data and covar
    y_train <- y
    y_train[which(fold_ids == f), "obs"] <- NA
    y_test <- y[which(fold_ids == f), ]
    obs_covar_train <- NULL
    if (length(stanfit$sampling_args$data$obs_covar_value) > 0) {
      stanfit$obs_covar$time_timeseries <- paste(stanfit$obs_covar$time, stanfit$obs_covar$timeseries)
      y_train$time_timeseries <- paste(y_train$time, y_train$ts)
      y_test$time_timeseries <- paste(y_test$time, y_test$ts)
      obs_covar_train <- stanfit$obs_covar[which(stanfit$obs_covar$time_timeseries %in% y_train$time_timeseries[which(fold_ids != f)]), 1:4]
      obs_covar_test <- stanfit$obs_covar[which(stanfit$obs_covar$time_timeseries %in% y_test$time_timeseries), 1:4]
    pro_covar_train <- NULL
    if (length(stanfit$sampling_args$data$pro_covar_value) > 0) {
      pro_covar_train <- stanfit$pro_covar[which(fold_ids != f), ]
      pro_covar_test <- stanfit$pro_covar[which(fold_ids == f), ]

    # fit the new model
    fit.mod <- fit_dfa(
      y = y_train,
      num_trends = stanfit$sampling_args$data$K,
      varIndx = stanfit$sampling_args$data$varIndx,
      data_shape = stanfit$shape,
      iter = iter,
      chains = chains,
      thin = thin,
      control = stanfit$sampling_args$control,
      nu_fixed = stanfit$sampling_args$data$nu_fixed,
      est_correlation = stanfit$sampling_args$data$est_cor,
      estimate_nu = stanfit$sampling_args$data$estimate_nu,
      estimate_trend_ar = ifelse(stanfit$sampling_args$data$est_phi == 1, TRUE, FALSE),
      estimate_trend_ma = ifelse(stanfit$sampling_args$data$est_theta == 1, TRUE, FALSE),
      estimate_process_sigma = ifelse(stanfit$sampling_args$data$est_sigma_process == 1, TRUE, FALSE),
      equal_process_sigma = ifelse(stanfit$sampling_args$data$n_sigma_process == 1, TRUE, FALSE),
      estimation = estimation,
      obs_covar = obs_covar_train,
      pro_covar = pro_covar_train,
      z_bound = stanfit$z_bound,
      z_model = stanfit$z_model,
      trend_model = stanfit$trend_model,
      verbose = FALSE

    # extract posterior parameters for the training set
    pars <- rstan::extract(fit.mod$model)
    r <- rotate_trends(fit.mod)
    # loop over each iterations (mcmc sample)
    for (j in 1:nrow(log_lik)) {

      # determine if covariates are included
      obs_covar_offset <- rep(0, nrow(y_test))
      if (is.null(obs_covar_train) & is.null(pro_covar_train)) {
        # pred <- pars$Z[j,,] %*% matrix(pars$x[j,,],nrow=stanfit$sampling_args$data$K)
        pred <- r$Z_rot[j, , ] %*% matrix(r$trends[j, , ], nrow = stanfit$sampling_args$data$K)
        # subset predictions corresponding to observations
        pred <- pred[cbind(y_test$ts, y_test$time)]
        # pred = pars$Z[j,,] %*% matrix(pars$xstar[j,,],ncol=1)
      if (!is.null(obs_covar_train) & is.null(pro_covar_train)) {
        # pred = pars$Z[j,,] %*% matrix(pars$xstar[j,,],ncol=1) + pars$b_obs[j,,] * obs_covar_test$value
        # pred <- pars$Z[j,,] %*% matrix(pars$x[j,,],nrow=stanfit$sampling_args$data$K)
        pred <- r$Z_rot[j, , ] %*% matrix(r$trends[j, , ], nrow = stanfit$sampling_args$data$K)
        pred <- pred[cbind(y_test$ts, y_test$time)]
        for (i in 1:max(obs_covar_test$covariate)) {
          indx <- which(obs_covar_test$covariate == i)
          pred <- pred + pars$b_obs[j, i, obs_covar_test$timeseries[indx]] * obs_covar_test$value[indx]

      log_lik[j, f] <- sum(dnorm(
        x = y_test$obs,
        mean = pred,
        sd = pars$sigma[j, stanfit$sampling_args$data$varIndx], log = TRUE
      ), na.rm = T)
      # log_lik[j,k] = sum(dnorm(x = ytest, mean = pred, sd = pars$sigma[j,varIndx], log=TRUE), na.rm=T)

    # Predictions now vary based on how the cross validation is done, and whether covariates used
    # if(cv_method == "loocv") {
    # }
    # if(cv_method == "lfocv") {
    # for(j in 1:nrow(log_lik)) {
    #   # loop over iterations
    #   if(is.null(obs_covar) & is.null(pro_covar)) {
    #     pred = pars$Z[j,,] %*% matrix(pars$xstar[j,,],ncol=1)
    #   }
    #   if(!is.null(obs_covar) & is.null(pro_covar)) {
    #     pred = pars$Z[j,,] %*% matrix(pars$xstar[j,,],ncol=1) + pars$b_obs[j,,] * covar_test$value
    #   }
    #   log_lik[j,k] = sum(dnorm(x = ytest, mean = pred, sd = pars$sigma[j,varIndx], log=TRUE), na.rm=T)
    # }
    # }

  elpds <- apply(log_lik, 2, log_sum_exp)
  elpd <- list(
    "log_lik" = log_lik,
    "elpds" = elpds,
    "elpd_kfold" = sum(elpds),
    "se_elpd_kfold" = sqrt(length(elpds) * var(elpds))

# more stable than log(sum(exp(x)))
log_sum_exp <- function(x) {
  max_x <- max(x)
  max_x + log(sum(exp(x - max_x)))

# more stable than log(mean(exp(x)))
log_mean_exp <- function(x) {
  log_sum_exp(x) - log(length(x))

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bayesdfa documentation built on June 22, 2024, 12:17 p.m.