
Defines functions samp_move log_marg_likel get_summary_stats

Documented in get_summary_stats log_marg_likel samp_move

#' Internal function that calculates the sufficient statistics for the
#' segmentation model
#' An internal function that calculates the sufficient statistics to be used
#' within the reversible-jump MCMC Gibbs sampler called by
#' \code{link{samp_move}}.
#' @param breakpt numeric. A vector of breakpoints.
#' @param dat A matrix that only contains columns storing discretized data for
#'   each of the movement variables.
#' @param max.time numeric. The number of of the last observation of \code{dat}.
#' @param nbins numeric. A vector of the number of bins used to discretize each
#'   movement variable. These must be in the same order as the columns within
#'   \code{dat}.
#' @param ndata.types numeric. The length of \code{nbins}.
#' @return Returns the sufficient statistics associated with the provided
#'   breakpoints for a given animal ID.

get_summary_stats=function(breakpt, dat, max.time, nbins, ndata.types){

  #get summarized results
  res1<- list()
  breakpt1<- c(breakpt, max.time)
  nbreakpt<- length(breakpt1)

  #summarize per data stream
  for (j in 1:ndata.types){
    val1<- dat[,j]
    tmp<- summarize1(VecVals = val1-1, Breakpts = breakpt1-1,
                   nobs = max.time, nbins = nbins[j], nbreak = nbreakpt)
    res1[[j]]<- tmp



#' Internal function that calculates the log marginal likelihood of each model
#' being compared
#' An internal function that is used to calculate the log marginal likelihood of
#' models for the current and proposed sets of breakpoints. Called within
#' \code{\link{samp_move}}.
#' @param alpha numeric. A single value used to specify the hyperparameter for
#'   the prior distribution. A standard value for \code{alpha} is typically 1,
#'   which corresponds with a vague prior on the Dirichlet distribution.
#' @param summary.stats A matrix of sufficient statistics returned from
#'   \code{\link{get_summary_stats}}.
#' @param nbins numeric. A vector of the number of bins used to discretize each
#'   movement variable.
#' @param ndata.types numeric. The length of \code{nbins}.
#' @return The log marginal likelihood is calculated for a model with a given
#'   set of breakpoints and the discretized data.
log_marg_likel=function(alpha, summary.stats, nbins, ndata.types){

  #get ratios
  probs<- rep(NA, ndata.types)
  for (i in 1:ndata.types){
    lnum<- rowSums(lgamma(alpha + summary.stats[[i]]))
    lden<- lgamma(nbins[i] * alpha+rowSums(summary.stats[[i]]))
    p2<- sum(lnum) - sum(lden)
    p1<- nrow(summary.stats[[i]]) * (lgamma(nbins[i] * alpha) - nbins[i] * lgamma(alpha))
    probs[i]<- p1 + p2


#' Internal function for the Gibbs sampler within the reversible-jump MCMC
#' algorithm
#' This is RJMCMC algorithm that drives the proposal and selection of
#' breakpoints for the data based on the difference in log marginal likelihood.
#' This function is called within \code{\link{behav_gibbs_sampler}}.
#' @param breakpt numeric. A vector of breakpoints.
#' @param max.time numeric. The number of of the last observation of \code{dat}.
#' @param dat A matrix that only contains columns storing discretized data for
#'   each of the movement variables used within \code{\link{get_summary_stats}}.
#' @param alpha numeric. A single value used to specify the hyperparameter for
#'   the prior distribution. A standard value for \code{alpha} is typically 1,
#'   which corresponds with a vague prior on the Dirichlet distribution.
#' @param nbins numeric. A vector of the number of bins used to discretize each
#'   movement variable. These must be in the same order as the columns within
#'   \code{dat}.
#' @param ndata.types numeric. The length of \code{nbins}.
#' @return The breakpoints and log marginal likelihood are retained from the
#'   selected model from the Gibbs sampler and returned as elements of a list.
#'   This is performed for each iteration of the MCMC algorithm.
#' @importFrom stats "runif"
samp_move=function(breakpt, max.time, dat, alpha, nbins, ndata.types){

  breakpt.old<- breakpt
  p<- length(breakpt)
  new.brk<- sample(2:(max.time-1), size=1)  #don't propose a new.brk at brkpt = 1 or max.time
  brk.augmented<- sort(unique(c(breakpt.old, new.brk)))

  p0<- 1
  rand1<- runif(1)
  if (p == 1) {
    if (rand1 < 1/2){
      breakpt.new<- brk.augmented
      p0<- 2/3 #death prob 2 -> 1 is (1/3) and birth prob 1 -> 2 is 1/2.
    if (rand1 > 1/2) breakpt.new=new.brk
  if (p > 1) {
    if (rand1 < 1/3) {
      breakpt.new<- brk.augmented
    if (rand1 > 1/3 & rand1 < 2/3) {
      ind<- sample(1:length(breakpt.old), size=1)
      breakpt.new<- breakpt.old[-ind]
      if (p==2) p0<- 3/2 #birth prob from 1 -> 2 is 1/2 and death prob from 2 -> 1 is 1/3
    if (rand1 > 2/3) {
      ind<- sample(1:length(breakpt.old), size=1)
      breakpt.new<- sort(unique(c(breakpt.old[-ind], new.brk)))

  #get sufficient statistics
  stats.old<- get_summary_stats(breakpt = breakpt.old, max.time = max.time, dat = dat,
                              nbins = nbins, ndata.types = ndata.types)
  stats.new<- get_summary_stats(breakpt = breakpt.new, max.time = max.time, dat = dat,
                              nbins = nbins, ndata.types = ndata.types)

  #get marginal loglikel
  pold<- log_marg_likel(alpha = alpha, summary.stats = stats.old,
                      nbins = nbins, ndata.types = ndata.types)
  pnew<- log_marg_likel(alpha = alpha, summary.stats = stats.new,
                      nbins = nbins, ndata.types = ndata.types) + log(p0)
  prob<- exp(pnew - pold)
  rand2<- runif(1)

  if (rand2<prob) return(list(breakpt.new, pnew))
  return(list(breakpt.old, pold))

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bayesmove documentation built on Oct. 22, 2021, 9:08 a.m.