
Defines functions ecx_x_direct ecx_x_absolute ecx_x_relative ecx.bayesmanecfit ecx.bayesnecfit ecx

Documented in ecx

#' Extracts the predicted ECx value
#' Extracts the predicted ECx value as desired from an object of class
#' \code{\link{bayesnecfit}} or \code{\link{bayesnecfit}}.
#' @param object An object of class \code{\link{bayesnecfit}} or
#' \code{\link{bayesmanecfit}} returned by \code{\link{bnec}}.
#' @param ecx_val The desired percentage effect value. This must be a value
#' between 1 and 99 (for type = "relative" and "absolute"), defaults to 10.
#' @param type A \code{\link[base]{character}} vector, taking values of
#' "relative", "absolute" (the default) or "direct". See Details.
#' @param resolution The number of unique x values over which to find ECx --
#' large values will make the ECx estimate more precise.
#' @param posterior A \code{\link[base]{logical}} value indicating if the full
#' posterior sample of calculated ECx values should be returned instead of
#' just the median and 95 credible intervals.
#' @param hormesis_def A \code{\link[base]{character}} vector, taking values
#' of "max" or "control". See Details.
#' @param xform A function to apply to the returned estimated concentration
#' values.
#' @param x_range A range of x values over which to consider extracting ECx.
#' @param prob_vals A vector indicating the probability values over which to
#' return the estimated ECx value. Defaults to 0.5 (median) and 0.025 and
#' 0.975 (95 percent credible intervals).
#' @details \code{type} "relative" is calculated as the percentage decrease
#' from the maximum predicted value of the response (top) to the minimum
#' predicted value of the response. Type "absolute" (the default) is
#' calculated as the percentage decrease from the maximum value of the
#' response (top) to 0. Type "direct"
#' provides a direct estimate of the x value for a given y.
#' Note that for the current version, ECx for an "nechorme" (NEC Hormesis)
#' model is estimated at a percent decline from the control.
#' For \code{hormesis_def}, if "max", then ECx values are calculated as a
#' decline from the maximum estimates (i.e. the peak at NEC);
#' if "control", then ECx values are calculated relative to the control, which
#' is assumed to be the lowest observed concentration.
#' Calls to functions \code{\link{ecx}} and \code{\link{nsec}} and
#' \code{\link{compare_fitted}} do not require the same level of flexibility
#' in the context of allowing argument \code{newdata}
#' (from a \code{\link[brms]{posterior_predict}} perspective) to
#' be supplied manually, as this is and should be handled within the function
#' itself. The argument \code{resolution} controls how precisely the
#' \code{\link{ecx}} or \code{\link{nsec}} value is estimated, with 
#' argument \code{x_range} allowing estimation beyond the existing range of
#' the observed data (otherwise the default range) which can be useful in a
#' small number of cases. There is also no reasonable case where estimating
#' these from the raw data would be of value, because both functions would
#' simply return one of the treatment concentrations, making NOEC a better
#' metric in that case.
#' @seealso \code{\link{bnec}}
#' @return A vector containing the estimated ECx value, including upper and
#' lower 95% credible interval bounds.
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' library(brms)
#' library(bayesnec)
#' data(manec_example)
#' ecx(manec_example, ecx_val = 50)
#' ecx(manec_example)
#' }
#' @export
ecx <- function(object, ecx_val = 10, resolution = 1000,
                posterior = FALSE, type = "absolute",
                hormesis_def = "control", x_range = NA,
                xform = identity, prob_vals = c(0.5, 0.025, 0.975)) {

#' @inheritParams ecx
#' @inherit ecx details return seealso examples
#' @param object An object of class \code{\link{bayesnecfit}} returned by
#' \code{\link{bnec}}.
#' @importFrom stats quantile
#' @importFrom brms posterior_epred
#' @importFrom chk chk_logical chk_numeric
#' @noRd
#' @export
ecx.bayesnecfit <- function(object, ecx_val = 10, resolution = 1000,
                            posterior = FALSE, type = "absolute",
                            hormesis_def = "control", x_range = NA,
                            xform = identity,
                            prob_vals = c(0.5, 0.025, 0.975)) {
  if (length(ecx_val)>1) {
    stop("You may only pass one ecx_val")  
  if ((type %in% c("relative", "absolute", "direct")) == FALSE) {
    stop("type must be one of 'relative', 'absolute' (the default) or 'direct'. 
         Please see ?ecx for more details.")
  if ((hormesis_def %in% c("max", "control")) == FALSE) {
    stop("type must be one of 'max' or 'control' (the default). 
         Please see ?ecx for more details.")
  if (!inherits(xform, "function")) {
    stop("xform must be a function.")
  if (length(prob_vals) < 3 || prob_vals[1] < prob_vals[2] ||
      prob_vals[1] > prob_vals[3] || prob_vals[2] > prob_vals[3]) {
    stop("prob_vals must include central, lower and upper quantiles,",
         " in that order")
  if (type != "direct") {
    if (ecx_val < 1 || ecx_val > 99) {
      stop("Supplied ecx_val is not in the required range. ",
           "Please supply a percentage value between 1 and 99.")
  if (length(grep("ecx", object$model)) > 0) {
    mod_class <- "ecx"
  } else {
    mod_class <- "nec"
  if (!is.null(object$bot)) {
    m4param <- 1
  } else {
    m4param <- 0
  if (object$fit$family$family == "gaussian" && type == "absolute" &&
      m4param == 0) {
    stop("Absolute ECx values are not valid for a gaussian ",
         "response variable unless a model with a bot parameter is fit")
  newdata_list <- newdata_eval(
    object, resolution = resolution, x_range = x_range
  p_samples <- posterior_epred(object, newdata = newdata_list$newdata,
                               re_formula = NA)
  x_vec <- newdata_list$x_vec
  if (grepl("horme", object$model)) {
    n <- seq_len(nrow(p_samples))
    p_samples <- do_wrapper(n, modify_posterior, object, x_vec,
                            p_samples, hormesis_def, fct = "rbind")
  ecx_fct <- get(paste0("ecx_x_", type))
  ecx_out <- apply(p_samples, 1, ecx_fct, ecx_val, x_vec)
  formula <- object$bayesnecformula
  x_str <- grep("crf(", labels(terms(formula)), fixed = TRUE, value = TRUE)
  x_call <- str2lang(eval(parse(text = x_str)))
  if (inherits(x_call, "call")) {
    x_call[[2]] <- str2lang("ecx_out")
    ecx_out <- eval(x_call)
  if (inherits(xform, "function")) {
    ecx_out <- xform(ecx_out)

  ecx_estimate <- quantile(unlist(ecx_out), probs = prob_vals)
  names(ecx_estimate) <- clean_names(ecx_estimate)
  attr(ecx_estimate, "resolution") <- resolution
  attr(ecx_out, "resolution") <- resolution
  attr(ecx_estimate, "ecx_val") <- ecx_val
  attr(ecx_out, "ecx_val") <- ecx_val
  attr(ecx_estimate, "toxicity_estimate") <- "ecx"
  attr(ecx_out, "toxicity_estimate") <-  "ecx"
  if (signif(ecx_estimate[1], 3) == signif(ecx_estimate[3], 3)) {
    message("The estimated mean is identical or nearly identical to your",
            " upper credible interval for the ", object$model, " model.",
            " This suggests the ecx estimate lies beyond the upper bound of",
            " your x_range and should be reported as greater than, and used",
            " as a censored value. You could try increasing x_range, although",
            " extrapolation beyond the data range should be done with",
            " caution.")
  } else if (signif(ecx_estimate[3], 3) == signif(max(x_vec), 3)) {
    message("The estimated upper credible interval is identical or nearly",
            " identical to the upper bound of your x_range value for the ",
            object$model, " model. This suggests the estimated uncertainty",
            "may be constrained. You could try increasing x_range to ensure",
            " this is not the case.")
  if (!posterior) {
  } else {

#' @inheritParams ecx
#' @param object An object of class \code{\link{bayesmanecfit}} returned by
#' \code{\link{bnec}}.
#' @inherit ecx details return seealso examples
#' @importFrom stats quantile
#' @importFrom chk chk_logical chk_numeric
#' @noRd
#' @export
ecx.bayesmanecfit <- function(object, ecx_val = 10, resolution = 1000,
                              posterior = FALSE, type = "absolute",
                              hormesis_def = "control", x_range = NA,
                              xform = identity,
                              prob_vals = c(0.5, 0.025, 0.975)) {
  if (length(ecx_val)>1) {
    stop("You may only pass one ecx_val")  
  if ((type %in% c("relative", "absolute", "direct")) == FALSE) {
    stop("type must be one of 'relative', 'absolute' (the default) or 'direct'. 
         Please see ?ecx for more details.")
  if ((hormesis_def %in% c("max", "control")) == FALSE) {
    stop("type must be one of 'max' or 'control' (the default). 
         Please see ?ecx for more details.")
  if (!inherits(xform, "function")) { 
    stop("xform must be a function.")}   
  if (length(prob_vals) < 3 || prob_vals[1] < prob_vals[2] ||
      prob_vals[1] > prob_vals[3] || prob_vals[2] > prob_vals[3]) {
    stop("prob_vals must include central, lower and upper quantiles,",
         " in that order")
  sample_ecx <- function(x, object, ecx_val, resolution,
                         posterior, type, hormesis_def,
                         x_range, xform, prob_vals, sample_size) {
    mod <- names(object$mod_fits)[x]
    target <- suppressMessages(pull_out(object, model = mod))
    out <- ecx(target, ecx_val = ecx_val, resolution = resolution,
               posterior = posterior, type = type, hormesis_def = hormesis_def,
               x_range = x_range, xform = xform, prob_vals = prob_vals)
    n_s <- as.integer(round(sample_size * object$mod_stats[x, "wi"]))
    sample(out, n_s)
  sample_size <- object$sample_size
  to_iter <- seq_len(length(object$success_models))
  ecx_out <- sapply(to_iter, sample_ecx, object, ecx_val, resolution,
                    posterior = TRUE, type, hormesis_def, x_range,
                    xform, prob_vals, sample_size)
  ecx_out <- unlist(ecx_out)
  ecx_estimate <- quantile(ecx_out, probs = prob_vals)
  names(ecx_estimate) <- clean_names(ecx_estimate)
  attr(ecx_estimate, "resolution") <- resolution
  attr(ecx_out, "resolution") <- resolution
  attr(ecx_estimate, "ecx_val") <- ecx_val
  attr(ecx_out, "ecx_val") <- ecx_val
  attr(ecx_estimate, "toxicity_estimate") <- "ecx"
  attr(ecx_out, "toxicity_estimate") <-  "ecx"
  if (!posterior) {
  } else {

#' @noRd
ecx_x_relative <- function(y, ecx_val, x_vec) {
  if (length(which(!is.na(y))) == 0) {
    outval <- max(x_vec)
  } else {
    range_y <- range(y, na.rm = TRUE)
    ecx_y <- max(range_y) - diff(range_y) * (ecx_val / 100)
    outval <- x_vec[min_abs(y - ecx_y)]

#' @noRd
ecx_x_absolute <- function(y, ecx_val, x_vec) {
  if (length(which(!is.na(y))) == 0) {
    outval <- max(x_vec)
  } else {
    range_y <- c(0, max(y, na.rm = TRUE))
    ecx_y <- max(range_y) - diff(range_y) * (ecx_val / 100)
    outval <- x_vec[min_abs(y - ecx_y)]

#' @noRd
ecx_x_direct <- function(y, ecx_val, x_vec) {
  if (length(which(!is.na(y))) == 0) {
    outval <- max(x_vec)
  } else {
    ecx_y <- ecx_val
    outval <- x_vec[min_abs(y - ecx_y)]

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bayesnec documentation built on Sept. 26, 2023, 9:06 a.m.