
Defines functions pop_pred_samp

Documented in pop_pred_samp

#' generate population prediction sample from parameters
#' This [EXPERIMENTAL] function combines several sampling tricks to compute a version of an importance sample (based on flat priors) for the parameters. 
#' @param object a fitted \code{mle2} object
#' @param n number of samples to return
#' @param n_imp number of total samples from which to draw, if doing importance sampling
#' @param return_wts return a column giving the weights of the samples, for use in weighted summaries?
#' @param impsamp subsample values (with replacement) based on their weights?
#' @param PDify use Gill and King generalized-inverse procedure to correct non-positive-definite variance-covariance matrix if necessary?
#' @param PDmethod method for fixing non-positive-definite covariance matrices
#' @param rmvnorm_method package to use for generating MVN samples
#' @param Sigma covariance matrix for sampling
#' @param tol tolerance for detecting small eigenvalues
#' @param fix_params parameters to fix (in addition to parameters that were fixed during estimation)
#' @param return_all return a matrix including all values, and weights (rather than taking a sample)
#' @param ... additional parameters to pass to the negative log-likelihood function
#' @export
#' @references Gill, Jeff, and Gary King. "What to Do When Your Hessian Is Not Invertible: Alternatives to Model Respecification in Nonlinear Estimation." Sociological Methods & Research 33, no. 1 (2004): 54-87.
#' Lande, Russ and Steinar Engen and Bernt-Erik Saether, Stochastic Population Dynamics in Ecology and Conservation. Oxford University Press, 2003.

pop_pred_samp <- function(object,
                     tol = 1e-6,
                     ...) {

    rmvnorm_method <- match.arg(rmvnorm_method)
    min_eval <- function(x) {
        ev <- eigen(x,only.values=TRUE)$values
        if (is.complex(ev)) {
            stop("covariance matrix with complex eigenvalues (!)")

    ## extract var-cov,
    cc_full <- object@fullcoef ## full parameters
    cc <- object@coef ## varying parameters only
    keep_params <- !names(cc) %in% fix_params

    cc <- cc[keep_params]
    Sigma <- Sigma[keep_params,keep_params]

    fixed_pars <- setdiff(names(object@fullcoef),names(cc))
    res <- matrix(NA,nrow=n,ncol=length(cc_full),
    if (any(is.na(cc))) return(res)  ## bail out if coefs are NA

    ## try to fix bad covariance matrices
    bad_vcov <- any(is.na(Sigma))
    if (!bad_vcov) {
        min_eig <- min_eval(Sigma)
    } else {
        min_eig <- NA
    if (is.na(min_eig) || any(min_eig<tol)) {
        if (!PDify) {
            stop("NA or non-positive definitive variance-covariance matrix ",
                 sprintf("(min eig=%f): ",min_eig),
                 "consider PDify=TRUE (and probably impsamp=TRUE)")
        ## use King 1994 to 'posdefify' variance-covariance matrix
        ## (better than e.g. Matrix::nearPD)
        hh <- object@details$hessian[keep_params,keep_params]
        if (any(is.na(hh))) {
            warning("NA values in Hessian set to zero: check results *very* carefully!") 
            hh[is.na(hh)] <- 0 # !! questionable
        if ((is.null(PDmethod) && bad_vcov) ||
            identical(PDmethod,"King")) {
            ## ONLY use this
            warning("using EXPERIMENTAL King et al method")
            ## semi definite: use King et al method
            ## (we may need this when semidefinite, because
            ##  we couldn't invert H in the first place ... nearPD
            ##  wants to take a non-pos-def matrix and PDify it.
            ##  (perhaps we could PDify the Hessian and then invert it ???
            Sigma <- crossprod(as.matrix(bdsmatrix::gchol(MASS::ginv(hh)),
                                      ones = FALSE))
        } else {
            Sigma <- as.matrix(Matrix::nearPD(Sigma)$mat)

    mv_n <- if (impsamp) n_imp else n  ## take more samples if actually sampling

    ## draw MVN samples
    res[,names(cc)] <- mv_vals <- switch(rmvnorm_method,
                                         mvtnorm=mvtnorm::rmvnorm(mv_n, mean=cc, sigma=Sigma),
                                         MASS=MASS::mvrnorm(mv_n, mu=cc, Sigma=Sigma))
    ## fill in fixed parameters as necessary
    if (length(fixed_pars)>0) {
        for (p in fixed_pars) {
            res[,p] <- object@fullcoef[p]
    if (!(impsamp || return_wts)) return(res)  ## done
    ## compute MV sampling probabilities
    mv_wts <- mvtnorm::dmvnorm(mv_vals,mean=cc,sigma=Sigma,log=TRUE)
    if (all(is.na(mv_wts)) && length(mv_wts)==1) {
        ## work around emdbook bug
        mv_wts <- rep(NA,length(mv_vals))
        warning("can't compute MV sampling probabilities")

    ## compute **log**-likelihoods of each sample point (Lfun is negative LL)
    Lfun <- function(x) -1*do.call(object@minuslogl,c(list(x),list(...)))
    L_wts0 <- apply(res,1,Lfun)
    ## shift negative log-likelihoods (avoid underflow);
    ## find scaled likelihood
    L_wts <- L_wts0 - mv_wts ## subtract log samp prob
    L_wts <- exp(L_wts - max(L_wts,na.rm=TRUE))
    L_wts <- L_wts/sum(L_wts,na.rm=TRUE)
    eff_samp <- 1/sum(L_wts^2,na.rm=TRUE)  ## check ???
    res <- cbind(res,wts=L_wts)
    attr(res,"eff_samp") <- eff_samp
    ## FIXME: warn if eff_samp is low?
    if (return_all) {
    if (return_wts) return(res)
    ## do importance sampling
    res <- res[sample(seq(nrow(res)),
## ## copy (!!) dmvnorm from emdbook to avoid cyclic dependency problems
## dmvnorm <- function (x, mu, Sigma, log = FALSE, tol = 1e-06) {
##     if (is.vector(x)) 
##         x = t(as.matrix(x))
##     n = length(mu)
##     if (is.vector(mu)) {
##         p <- length(mu)
##         if (is.matrix(x)) {
##             mu <- matrix(rep(mu, nrow(x)), ncol = p, byrow = TRUE)
##         }
##     }
##     else {
##         p <- ncol(mu)
##     }
##     if (!all(dim(Sigma) == c(p, p)) || nrow(x) != nrow(mu)) 
##         stop("incompatible arguments")
##     eS <- eigen(Sigma, symmetric = TRUE) 
##     ev <- eS$values
##     if (!all(ev >= -tol * abs(ev[1]))) 
##         warning("Sigma is not positive definite, trying anyway")
##     z = t(x - mu)
##     logdetS = try(determinant(Sigma, logarithm = TRUE)$modulus,
##                   silent=TRUE)
##     if (inherits(logdetS,"try-error")) return(rep(NA,nrow(x)))
##     attributes(logdetS) <- NULL
##     iS = MASS::ginv(Sigma)
##     ssq = diag(t(z) %*% iS %*% z)
##     loglik = -(n * (log(2*pi)) +  logdetS + ssq)/2
##     if (log) loglik else exp(loglik)
##   }

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