Man pages for bcpa
Behavioral Change Point Analysis of Animal Movement

bcpa-packageBehavioral Change Point Analysis
ChangePointSummaryObtain summary of BCPA analysis
DiagPlotDiagnostic plot for BCPA
GetBestBreakFind most likely change point in irregular time series
GetDoubleLObtain log-likelihood and parameter estimates for a given...
GetLObtain likelihood estimates of gappy Gaussian time series
GetModelsModel selection at a known breakpoint
GetRhoCharacteristic time / auto-correlation for irregular time...
GetVTObtain VT table from Track
MakeTrackMake Track
PartitionParametersPartition parameters
PathPlotPath plot of BCPA output
PhasePlotPhase plot of BCPA output
plot.bcpaPlotting method for BCPA output
plot.trackPlot Track
SimpSimulated Chim (Simp) Data
WindowSweepPerform window sweep for BCPA
bcpa documentation built on May 30, 2022, 5:07 p.m.