cx_cube_from_ComplexVector: I/O: Only used within Rcpp

View source: R/RcppExports.R

cx_cube_from_ComplexVectorR Documentation

I/O: Only used within Rcpp


This workaround for parsing cubes was neccessary at development time because there was a (presumable) bug in RcppArmadillo that sometimes caused the parsing of arma::cx_cube objects to fail, such that the function received an un-initialized object instead of the parsed one.




The workaround parses an Rcpp vector instead, and manually copies the data in an arma::cx_cube object. Besides being redundant, it also makes the code less readable and it is hoped that this workaround can be removed in future revisions.

beyondWhittle documentation built on June 22, 2024, 11:35 a.m.