gibbs_np: Gibbs sampler for Bayesian nonparametric inference with...

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gibbs_npR Documentation

Gibbs sampler for Bayesian nonparametric inference with Whittle likelihood


Obtain samples of the posterior of the Whittle likelihood in conjunction with a Bernstein-Dirichlet prior on the spectral density.


  thin = 1,
  print_interval = 100,
  numerical_thresh = 1e-07,
  M = 1,
  g0.alpha = 1,
  g0.beta = 1,
  k.theta = 0.01,
  tau.alpha = 0.001,
  tau.beta = 0.001,
  kmax = 100 * coars + 500 * (!coars),
  trunc_l = 0.1,
  trunc_r = 0.9,
  coars = F,
  L = max(20, length(data)^(1/3))



numeric vector; NA values are interpreted as missing values and treated as random


total number of iterations to run the Markov chain


number of initial iterations to be discarded


thinning number (postprocessing)


Number of iterations, after which a status is printed to console


Lower (numerical pointwise) bound for the spectral density


DP base measure constant (> 0)

g0.alpha, g0.beta

parameters of Beta base measure of DP


prior parameter for polynomial degree k (propto exp(-k.theta*k*log(k)))

tau.alpha, tau.beta

prior parameters for tau (inverse gamma)


upper bound for polynomial degree of Bernstein-Dirichlet mixture (can be set to Inf, algorithm is faster with kmax<Inf due to pre-computation of basis functions, but values 500<kmax<Inf are very memory intensive)

trunc_l, trunc_r

left and right truncation of Bernstein polynomial basis functions, 0<=trunc_l<trunc_r<=1


flag indicating whether coarsened or default bernstein polynomials are used (see Appendix E.1 in Ghosal and van der Vaart 2017)


truncation parameter of DP in stick breaking representation


Further details can be found in the simulation study section in the references papers.


list containing the following fields:

psd.median, psd.mean

psd estimates: (pointwise) posterior median and mean

psd.p05, psd.p95

pointwise credibility interval

psd.u05, psd.u95

uniform credibility interval

k, tau, V, W

posterior traces of PSD parameters


trace of log posterior


C. Kirch et al. (2018) Beyond Whittle: Nonparametric Correction of a Parametric Likelihood With a Focus on Bayesian Time Series Analysis Bayesian Analysis <doi:10.1214/18-BA1126>

N. Choudhuri et al. (2004) Bayesian Estimation of the Spectral Density of a Time Series JASA <doi:10.1198/016214504000000557>

S. Ghosal and A. van der Vaart (2017) Fundamentals of Nonparametric Bayesian Inference <doi:10.1017/9781139029834>


## Not run: 

## Example 1: Fit the NP model to sunspot data:

data <- sqrt(as.numeric(sunspot.year))
data <- data - mean(data)

# If you run the example be aware that this may take several minutes
print("example may take some time to run")
mcmc <- gibbs_np(data=data, Ntotal=10000, burnin=4000, thin=2)

# Plot spectral estimate, credible regions and periodogram on log-scale
plot(mcmc, log=T)

## Example 2: Fit the NP model to high-peaked AR(1) data

n <- 256
data <- arima.sim(n=n, model=list(ar=0.95)) 
data <- data - mean(data)
omega <- fourier_freq(n)
psd_true <- psd_arma(omega, ar=0.95, ma=numeric(0), sigma2=1)

# If you run the example be aware that this may take several minutes
print("example may take some time to run")
mcmc <- gibbs_np(data=data, Ntotal=10000, burnin=4000, thin=2)

# Compare estimate with true function (green)
plot(mcmc, log=F, pdgrm=F, credib="uniform")
lines(x=omega, y=psd_true, col=3, lwd=2)

# Compute the Integrated Absolute Error (IAE) of posterior median
cat("IAE=", mean(abs(mcmc$psd.median-psd_true)[-1]) , sep="")

## End(Not run)

beyondWhittle documentation built on June 22, 2024, 11:35 a.m.