
Defines functions PlotMapDot PlotPremReg PlotMSRe PlotPolg PlotBezk PlotGreg PlotKant PlotBfsMap PlotCH PlotMap GetMap ToSwissCRS AddWaters AddRivers AddLakes

Documented in AddLakes AddRivers AddWaters GetMap PlotBezk PlotCH PlotGreg PlotKant PlotMapDot PlotMSRe PlotPolg PlotPremReg

# ****************************************************************************
# Projekt:	  bfsMaps.r
# Zweck:	    Convenience-wrapper for plotting CH maps
# Autor:	    Andri Signorell
# Version:	  2.0.0
# Datum:      2023-04-30  rewritten for package sf
#             2020-12-20  undergone some garbage collection
#             2011-01-18  goes back to a first version in 2011
# ****************************************************************************

# ToDo:
# * implement Stamp() as option, default text as defined

# globalVariables

AddLakes <- function(categ=1:2, col="lightskyblue1", border="lightskyblue3", lwd=1, ...) {

  # Add lakes to an already plotted map
  # categ defines the categories, of which there are 2 for the lakes.
  # (the lakes can be found in two separate shape files *.shp)

  # Example:		plot(ch.map)
  #			        AddLakes(categ=1)	  # add lakes of category 1 (the biggest ones)

  ch.lakes <- GetMap(gettextf("see%s.map", 1:2))

  for( i in categ ) plot(ch.lakes[[i]]$geometry, col = col, border=border,
                         lwd = lwd, add = TRUE, ...)

AddRivers <- function(categ=1:5, col="lightskyblue3", ...) {

  # Add rivers to an already plotted map
  # categ defines the categories, of which there are 3 for the rivers
  # (the lakes can be found in two separate shape files *.shp)

  # Example:		plot(ch.map)
  #			        AddRivers(categ=1:3)	# add lakes of category 1 (the biggest ones)

  ch.rivers <- GetMap(gettextf("fluss%s.map", 1:5))

  for( i in categ ) plot(ch.rivers[[i]]$geometry, col = col, add = TRUE, ... )


AddWaters <- function(lakes=1, rivers=1:5, col=NULL,
                      border="lightskyblue3", lwd=1, ...) {

    col <- ColToOpaque(SetAlpha(col=border, alpha=0.6))

  AddRivers(categ=rivers, col=border, lwd=lwd, ...)
  AddLakes(categ=lakes, col=col, border=border, lwd=lwd, ...)


ToSwissCRS <- function(x, crs=2056, ...){

  # EPSG:2056 (CH1903+/LV95)
  # Kartesische 2D-Koordinaten für die Schweiz (Militärkoordinatensystem). Erwähnt in der CH-Norm eCH-0056.

  sf::st_transform(x,  crs = 2056, ...)

  # alternative:
  # st_crs(point.map) <- st_crs(GetMap("kant.map"))


GetMap <- function(name_x,
                   basedir = getOption("bfsMaps.base",
                                       default = file.path(find.package("bfsMaps"), "extdata")),
                   crs = 2056) {

  LoadMap <- function(name_x, basedir, crs = 2056) {

    if(getOption("debug", default = FALSE))
      cat(gettextf("Used basedir: %s\n", basedir))

    # load map named name_x
    fn <- gettextf("%s/maps.csv", basedir)

    # check if file exists in basedir,
    # if it does not check the packages extdata directory
      fn <- gettextf("%s/maps.csv", file.path(find.package("bfsMaps"), "extdata"))

    # stop if file was not found neither in basedir nor in extdata
      stop(gettextf("Maps information file could not be found as %s. \nCheck location!", fn))

    if(getOption("debug", default = FALSE))
      cat(gettextf("Using maps info file from: %s\n", fn))

    maps <- read.csv(file = fn, header = TRUE, sep=";", stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

      fn <- maps$path[name_x]
      name_x <- paste0("m_", name_x)

    } else {

      fn <- character(length(name_x))
      for(i in 1:length(fn)){
        #        jj <- grepl(name_x[i], maps$name_x)
        # we need exactly matching file names here, not similar ones
        jj <- match(name_x[i], maps$name_x)

          stop(gettextf("No entry in maps.csv for shortname:  %s \n", name_x[i]))

        # at least on file exists, use the last if there are several
        fn[i] <- maps$path[tail(jj, 1)]

    fn <- gettextf("%s/%s", basedir, fn)
      stop(gettextf("Map file could not be found as:  %s \n", fn))

    opt <- options(stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

    map <- sf::st_read(fn, quiet = TRUE)
    # order along id (or first column?)
    # map <- map[order(map$id), ]
    map <- map[order(map[[1]]), ]

    if(name_x %in% c("kant.map", "kantvf.map") ){
      map$idx <- c("ZH","BE","LU","UR","SZ","OW","NW","GL","ZG","FR","SO","BS","BL","SH",

      # set to swiss crs, as not all maps have the same CRS.... :-(
      if(!st_crs(map)$input == "CH1903+ / LV95")
        map <- ToSwissCRS(map)



  if(identical(name_x, NA)){
    basedir  <- getOption("bfsMaps.base",
                          default = file.path(find.package("bfsMaps"), "extdata"))
    fn <- gettextf("%s/maps.csv", basedir)
    View(read.csv(file = fn, header = TRUE, sep=";", stringsAsFactors = FALSE))

    note <- gettextf("\033[36m\nNote: ------\n  Maps information file is located in %s.\n\n\033[39m", fn)

    res <- NULL

  } else {

    res <- lapply(name_x, LoadMap, basedir)

      res <- res[[1]]



PlotMap <- function(map_x, id=NULL, col=NA, pbg="white", main="",
                    vf=FALSE, border="grey", lwd=1, labels = NULL, tmtxt=TRUE,
                    add=FALSE, ...) {

  # check for loaded maps
    if (vf)
      map_x <- paste0(strsplit(map_x, "\\.")[[1]], c("vf", ""), collapse = ".")
    map <- GetMap(map_x)

  } else {
    map <- map_x

    id <- map$id

  # # recycle color
  col <- rep(col, length.out=length(id))
  border <- rep(border, length.out=length(id))

  # suggested window: windows(width=4/3*7)

  acol <- rep(ifelse(add, NA, pbg), length(map$id))
  bcol <- rep(ifelse(add, NA, "grey"), length(map$id))

  # area can be defined by nr (special BfS order) or by 2char-abbreviation
  if (is.numeric(id)) {
    # old (<2013): idx <- match(kt, map@data$ID0)
    idx <- match(id, map[[1]])
  } else {

    idx <- match(id, map[[1]])

    warning( gettextf( "The following entities do not exist:\n    %s", paste( id[is.na(idx)],collapse=", ")) )

  # # ktcol <- rep(ifelse(add, NA, col), nrow(map@data))
  acol[idx[!is.na(idx)]] <- col[!is.na(idx)]
  bcol[idx[!is.na(idx)]] <- border[!is.na(idx)]

  # set margin default only if it has not been changed by the user either
  # by par(mar or as argument par=...)

  # if(all(InDots(..., arg = "mar", default = par("mar")) == .pardefault$mar )){
  #   Mar(bottom = 2.5, left = 1, top = 2, right = 1)
  # }

  plot(map$geometry, col=acol, border=bcol, lwd=lwd, add=add, ... )

    # get the point map with the same name
    map_pnt <- GetMap(gsub(".map", ".pnt", map_x, fixed = TRUE))

    xy <- sf::st_coordinates(map_pnt$geometry[idx])

  } else {
    # user defined map, extract midpoints from sp object
    # xy <- SetNames(t(sapply(map@polygons, slot, "labpt")),
    #                colnames=c("coords.x1","coords.x2"))[idx, , drop = FALSE]
    xy <- sf::st_centroid(map)

  if(!is.null(labels) && !identical(labels, FALSE)){
    if(identical(labels, TRUE))
      labels <- id
    text(x = xy, labels = labels)

  if(tmtxt & !add)  BfSStamp()

  if(!add) title( main = main )

  return(xy.coords(x = xy[,1], y = xy[,2], xlab = "x", ylab = "y"))


PlotCH <- function(col=NA, main="", col.vf=NA,
                   border="grey", border.vf=NA,
                   lwd=1, tmtxt=TRUE, add=FALSE, ...) {

  # # plot CH-border
  # ch <- CombineKant(1:26, g = 1,  map = GetMap("kant.map"))
  # # delete holes (lakes)
  # h <- sapply(ch@polygons[[1]]@Polygons, slot, "hole")
  # ch@polygons[[1]]@Polygons[h] <- NULL

  plot(GetMap("ch.map")$geometry, col=col, lwd=lwd, border=border, add=add, ...)

    plot(GetMap("chvf.map")$geometry, col=col.vf, border=border.vf, add=TRUE, ...)

  if(tmtxt & !add)  BfSStamp()

  if(!add) title( main = main )

  # return CH centroid
  invisible(xy.coords(x = 2660623, y = 1183997, xlab = "x", ylab = "y"))


PlotBfsMap <- function(map_x, id=NULL, col="white", pbg="white", main="", border="grey", lwd=1,
                     col.vf=NA, border.vf=NA,
                     tmtxt=TRUE, add=FALSE, ...) {

  vf <- ( !(identical(col.vf, NA) & identical(border.vf, NA)) )

  xy <- PlotMap(map_x=map_x, id = id, col = col, pbg=pbg, main=main, vf=FALSE, border=border,
                lwd=lwd, tmtxt=tmtxt, add=add, labels=if(!vf) labels else NULL, ...)

    xy <- PlotMap(map_x=map_x, id = id, col = col.vf, pbg=pbg, main=main, vf=TRUE, border=border.vf,
            lwd=lwd, tmtxt=FALSE, add=TRUE, labels=labels, ...)



PlotKant <- function(id=NULL, col=NA, pbg="white", main="", border="grey", lwd=1,
                       col.vf=NA, border.vf=NA,
                       tmtxt=TRUE, add=FALSE, map_x="kant.map", ...) {

  if(is.null(id)) id <- 1:26

  if(identical(labels, TRUE))  labels <- id

  if(all(grepl("[A-Z]{2}", id)))  id <- match(id, bfsMaps::kt)

  PlotBfsMap(map_x=map_x, id=id, col=col, pbg=pbg, main=main, border=border, lwd=lwd,
                         col.vf=col.vf, border.vf=border.vf,
                         tmtxt=tmtxt, add=add, ...)

PlotGreg <- function(id=NULL, col=NA, pbg="white", main="", border="grey", lwd=1,
                     col.vf=NA,  border.vf=NA,
                     tmtxt=TRUE, add=FALSE, map_x="greg.map", ...) {

  PlotBfsMap(map_x=map_x, id=id, col=col, pbg=pbg, main=main, border=border, lwd=lwd,
             col.vf=col.vf, border.vf=border.vf,
             tmtxt=tmtxt, add=add, ...)

PlotBezk <- function(id=NULL, col=NA, pbg="white", main="", border="grey", lwd=1,
                     col.vf=NA, border.vf=NA,
                     tmtxt=TRUE, add=FALSE, map_x="bezk.map", ...) {

  PlotBfsMap(map_x=map_x, id=id, col=col, pbg=pbg, main=main, border=border, lwd=lwd,
             col.vf=col.vf, border.vf=border.vf,
             tmtxt=tmtxt, add=add, ...)

PlotPolg <- function(id=NULL, col=NA, pbg="white", main="", border="grey", lwd=1,
                     col.vf=NA, border.vf=NA,
                     tmtxt=TRUE, add=FALSE, map_x="polg.map", ...) {

  PlotBfsMap(map_x=map_x, id=id, col=col, pbg=pbg, main=main, border=border, lwd=lwd,
             col.vf=col.vf, border.vf=border.vf,
             tmtxt=tmtxt, add=add, ...)

PlotMSRe <- function(id=NULL, col=NA, pbg="white", main="", border="grey", lwd=1,
                     col.vf=NA, border.vf=NA,
                     tmtxt=TRUE, add=FALSE, map_x="msre.map", ...) {

  PlotBfsMap(map_x=map_x, id=id, col=col, pbg=pbg, main=main, border=border, lwd=lwd,
             col.vf=col.vf, border.vf=border.vf,
             tmtxt=tmtxt, add=add, ...)

PlotPremReg <- function(id=NULL, col=NA, pbg="white", main="", border="grey", lwd=1,
                        tmtxt=TRUE, add=FALSE, ...) {

  # define premium regions based on d.bfsrg
  polg.map <- GetMap("polg.map")
  polg.map <- merge(polg.map, d.bfsrg[, c("gem_id", "preg_x")],
                    by.x="id", by.y="gem_id")

  preg.map <- aggregate(polg.map, by=list(polg.map$preg_x), FUN=length)

  if(is.null(id)) id <- preg.map[[1]]

  if(identical(labels, TRUE))  labels <- preg.map[[1]]

  if(!add) PlotCH(col=NA, main=main)

  plot(preg.map$geometry[match(id, preg.map[[1]])], col=col,
       border=border, lwd=lwd,
       add=TRUE, ...)


PlotMapDot <- function(mar=c(5.1,4.1,0,1), oma=c(0,0,5,0), widths = c(2, 0.8)) {

  oldpar <- par(mar = mar, oma = oma)
  # on.exit(par(oldpar))

  layout(matrix(c(1, 2), nrow = 1, byrow = TRUE), widths=widths, TRUE)


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bfsMaps documentation built on July 9, 2023, 5:57 p.m.