
# Definition ###################################################################
#' Interface for BoardGameGeek's XML API2
#' @description This is a class that works as a main interface to
#'   BoardGameGeek's API. All other \code{bgg*} classes inherit from
#'   \code{bggAPI}. Furthermore, there is no initialization method for
#'   \code{bggAPI} as it serves just as a super class for other classes.
#' @references
#'   \href{https://boardgamegeek.com/wiki/page/BGG_XML_API2}{BoardGameGeek XML
#'   API2}
#' @export
#' @include class_utils.R
bggAPI <- R6::R6Class(
    classname = "bggAPI",
    private = list(
        # Fields
        .ids = NULL,
        .data = NULL,
        .xml = NULL,
        .api_url = NULL,
        .params = NULL,
        .timestamp = NULL,

        # Methods
        .get_varspecs = .get_varspecs

    active = list(
        #' @field ids Numeric vector of positive integers. Contains IDs of all
        #'   BoardGameGeek items that were requested and are present in
        #'   \code{data}. The vector is sorted by default.
        ids = .private_getter("ids"),

        #' @field data Data.table with currently fetched variables from the
        #'   object's XML. It has a row count equal to the length of \code{ids}.
        #'   Note that the copy is returned, so no modification of \code{data}
        #'   is possible outside of class methods.
        data = function(value)
            # Manual so that a copy is returned
            if (missing(value)) {
            } else {
                stop("'data' is a private field and cannot be manually overwritten",
                     call. = FALSE)

        #' @field xml An XML nodeset obtained through the BoardGameGeek's API.
        #'   It's length is equal to the length of \code{ids}.
        xml = .private_getter("xml"),

        #' @field api_url A character vector of one or more strings with URLs
        #'   used to fetch XMLs.
        api_url = .private_getter("api_url"),

        #' @field params A list with object parameters.
        params = .private_getter("params"),

        #' @field timestamp The date (with time) of the object creation and,
        #'   what follows, the last moment that the data was certainly up to
        #'   date.
        timestamp = .private_getter("timestamp")

    public = list(
    # Fetch --------------------------------------------------------------------
    #' @description Fetches variables with given \code{variable_names} from the
    #'   object's \code{xml}. Returns them as a list. This is a main method of
    #'   getting non-scalar variables (as they are hard to fit into a
    #'   data.table).
    #' @param variable_names a character vector with names of variables to
    #'   fetch.
    #' @param compress a logical value, decides whether the fetched variables
    #'   should be compress into a scalar form (if possible).
    fetch = function(variable_names = NULL,
                     compress = FALSE)
        # Assign to avoid NOTEs while checking the package
        Variable <- NULL
        Stats <- NULL

        # Internal data
        obj_class <- class(self)[1]
        specs <- private$.get_varspecs()

        if (!is.null(variable_names)) {
                             any.missing = FALSE,
                             min.len = 1,
                             unique = TRUE)
        } else {
            variable_names <- specs$Variable

        if (!all(variable_names %in% specs$Variable)) {
            unavailable <- setdiff(variable_names, specs$Variable)
            stop("following variables are not available for '", obj_class,
                 "' objects:\n", .to_string(unavailable))

        stats_param <- private$.params$stats
        if (!is.null(stats_param) && !stats_param) {
            stats_vars <- specs[Stats == TRUE, Variable]
            unavailable <- intersect(stats_vars, variable_names)
            if (length(unavailable) > 0) {
                stop("following variables are not available without stats module:\n",
                     ",\nconsider setting 'stats = TRUE' when creating an object")

        # Loop for every variable ----------------------------------------------
        xml <- private$.xml

        result <- list()
        for (var in variable_names) {
            vs <- specs[Variable == var]

            # Extract ----------------------------------------------------------
            if (vs$Custom != "") {
                fun <- .internal_fun(paste0(".fetch_", vs$Custom))
                fetched <- fun(xml)
            } else if (vs$Attribute != "") {
                fun <- .internal_fun(paste0(".attr2", vs$Type))
                fetched <- fun(xml = xml,
                               xpath = vs$Node,
                               attr = vs$Attribute,
                               scalar = vs$Scalar)
            } else {
                fun <- .internal_fun(paste0(".nodes2", vs$Type))
                fetched <- fun(xml = xml,
                               xpath = vs$Node,
                               scalar = vs$Scalar)

            # Apply postprocessing function ------------------------------------
            if (vs$Postprocessing != "") {
                post_fun <- .internal_fun(paste0(".", vs$Postprocessing))

                if (vs$Scalar) {
                    fetched <- post_fun(fetched)
                } else {
                    fetched <- lapply(fetched, post_fun)

            # Compression ------------------------------------------------------
            if (compress) {
                if (vs$Compression == "toString") {
                    fetched <- sapply(fetched, toString)
                if (vs$Compression == "squeeze") {
                    fetched <- suppressWarnings(lapply(fetched, as.numeric))
                    fetched <- sapply(fetched, squeeze)

            result[[vs$Variable]] <- fetched

        # Naming
        names(result) <- variable_names

    # Expand ---------------------------------------------------------------
    #' @description Expands the \code{data} table by given \code{variable_names}
    #'   by reference. For the list of available variables for every object
    #'   check the \code{\link{bgg_variables}} dataset.
    #' @param variable_names a character vector with names of variables to add
    #'   to \code{data}.
    expand = function(variable_names = NULL)
        # Assign to avoid NOTEs while checking the package
        Variable <- NULL
        Scalar <- NULL
        Compression <- NULL

        specs <- private$.get_varspecs()

        if (!is.null(variable_names)) {
                             any.missing = FALSE,
                             min.len = 1,
                             unique = TRUE)

            # Already present and omitted
            existing <- intersect(variable_names, names(private$.data))
            if (length(existing) > 0) {
                variable_names <- setdiff(variable_names, existing)
                msg <- paste0("following variables already exist in the 'data' slot ",
                              "and will be omitted:\n",
        } else {
            available <- specs[Scalar == TRUE | Compression != "NULL", Variable]
            variable_names <- setdiff(available, names(private$.data))

            # Which are added automatically
            if (length(variable_names) > 0) {
                msg <- paste0("expanding by all the available variables:\n",

        # Non-scalar and can't be compressed
        non_scalars <- specs[Scalar == FALSE & Compression == "NULL", Variable]
        nonsc_vars <- intersect(non_scalars, variable_names)
        if (length(nonsc_vars) > 0) {
            stop("following variables are non-scalar and cannot be used within ",
                 "the 'expand' method (use 'fetch' instead):\n",

        # Expanding
        if (length(variable_names) != 0) {
            fetched <- self$fetch(variable_names, compress = TRUE)
            var_names <- names(fetched)
            for (i in seq_along(fetched)) {
                set(private$.data, j = var_names[i], value = fetched[[i]])

            if (exists("msg", inherits = FALSE)) {

        } else {
            message("there was nothing to add to the 'data' slot")

    # Switch namestyle -----------------------------------------------------
    #' @description Switches between two styles of naming the variables:
    #'   \code{'classic'} and \code{'pretty'}. The former is a default value and
    #'   uses code names concordant with BoardGameGeek's naming convention in
    #'   the XMLs. The latter is more intuitive and uses UpperCamelCase.
    #' @return Returns \code{TRUE} or \code{FALSE} invisibly depending on
    #'   whether the names have been switched.
    #' @param to a single string, either \code{'classic'} or \code{'pretty'}.
    switch_namestyle = function(to)
        # Assertions
        assert_choice(to, choices = c("pretty", "classic"))

        # Assign to avoid NOTEs while checking the package
        Class <- NULL

        specs <- var_specs[Class == class(self)[1]]
        current <- names(private$.data)

        has_pn <- private$.params$pretty_names
        pn_str <- fifelse(has_pn, "pretty", "classic")
        if (pn_str == to) {

        if (to == "pretty") {
            new <- specs$PrettyName
            old <- specs$Variable

            private$.params$pretty_names <- TRUE
        } else if (to == "classic") {
            new <- specs$Variable
            old <- specs$PrettyName

            private$.params$pretty_names <- FALSE

        replacement <- new[match(current, old)]
        setnames(private$.data, old = current, new = replacement)


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bggAnalytics documentation built on Aug. 31, 2022, 5:09 p.m.