
#    Function to fit a lag regression model as per specifiation   #
lagReg_tobit = function(R, data_in, data_out, i, start_ind, end_ind, code, Condition_on_24_hours, fact, Threshold2, Threshold3, Detect_limit, DT, MaxIters, plotting, Name, ind_DL, FirstHours, MaxDiffInFirstHours, NeededInFirstHours, TimeRes1, TimeRes2, Threshold4, imageType=c("pdf", "png")){
  par(ask = FALSE)
  imageType <- match.arg(imageType)
	# Initialise indexes for storage of results
	indexes = start_ind:end_ind
	# Initialise where to store results - only where outliers have not been detected
    temp2 = which(R[start_ind:end_ind,4]==0)
	# Store the locations in current data set (start_ind:end_ind) where outliers were not identified
    temp3 = indexes[temp2]          		
	# Pull out data to fit the model to - only use data that has not been identified as outliers
	data_out_store = data_out
	data_in_store = data_in
	data_in = data_in[temp2]
	data_out = data_out[temp2]	
	# Take the logarithm of the output data
	ldata_out = log(data_out)	
	# Find how many data points we have to fit the model to 
	n2 = length(ldata_out)	
  	# Store the log(para) data.
	R[temp3,5] = ldata_out	
	# assume there is no model estimation
	lag_phase_attempted = 2
	# assume max regression model isn't used
   	filename2 <-sprintf("%s_%s.%s", Name, code, imageType)

	 NUM = data_in[which(data_in <= FirstHours)]
 	if (n2 == 3){
 		NE = 0		
 	else if (length(NUM)<=1){
 		NE = 1
 	else if ((max(diff(NUM))> MaxDiffInFirstHours) | (length(NUM)<NeededInFirstHours)){
 		NE = 1
 		NE = 0
 	LP_temp = which(data_out!=0)
 	LLP = LP_temp[length(LP_temp)]
 	LastPos = data_out[LLP]
 	# initialise k and tlag
	k = NULL; tlag =  data_in[1]
	if (n2>3){ # in case the 0 is not informative...
	Y = log(data_out[1:(n2-1)])
	X = data_in[1:(n2-1)]
	cf =  coef(lm(Y ~ X))
	#x_CI =  confint(nls(Y~beta*(X-x0), start=c(beta=cf[[2]],x0=-cf[[1]]/cf[[2]])))
	# correction to code...1/11/2011 
	x_CI =  try(confint(nls(Y~beta*(X-x0)-log(DT), start=c(beta=cf[[2]],x0=-cf[[1]]/cf[[2]]))))
	if (class(x_CI)=="try-error"){
   	 		x_CI = array(NA,c(2,2))
  }else if (is.na(x_CI[2,1])){
   	 		x_CI[2,1] = NA 	 		
   prof_type = -9999
	# fit a linear model to the data (without the last point that has been replaced with DL). If zero value is in the 
	# Do not fit a model becuase of two few data points to fit even a linear model to 
	if (n2 < 3){
		xx<-sprintf("TOBIT: There are not enough time points - no model fitted: data set %s", code)
		R[start_ind,56] = 1
	# Do not fit a model becauuse the baseline level is too low
	else if (data_out[1]< Threshold2){
		xx<-sprintf("TOBIT: Baseline level is too low - no model fitted: data set %s",code)
		R[start_ind,56] = 2
	#else if ((data_out[length(data_out)]> Threshold3) &(data_out[length(data_out)]!=DT )){
	#	xx<-sprintf("TOBIT: Parasite is OBVIOUSLY not cleared - no model is fitted: data set %s",code)
	#	}
	#else if ((data_out[length(data_out)]==DT) & ((data_in[n2] - data_in[n2-1]) > LastTimeDiff) & (data_out[n2-1]> Threshold2)){
	#   xx<-sprintf("TOBIT: Data too infrequent - no model is fitted: data set %s",code)	#	}
	    # If we have only 3 data points - only allow option to fit a linear model
	else if (n2==3){		
	#      fit a linear model (only option)  - normal linear model with replacing 0 with Detection limit  #
	# Take the logarithm of the output data
	ldata_out = log(data_out)	
 	# Store the log(para) data.
	R[temp3,5] = ldata_out                                                        	
	Linear = fitLinearAndStorage(data_in, ldata_out, start_ind, temp3, R)
	glm.linear = Linear$glm.linear; R= Linear$R; AIC1 = Linear$AIC1               
 	mod = glm.linear
 	LinPart = seq(1,n2)
	# Identify the rate of clearance (as the slope of the linear model)
    k = R[start_ind,21] # take the slope from the lienar model 
    alin = mod$coeff[[1]]	
   # SEs2 = sqrt(diag(vcov(mod)))
	R[start_ind,53] =  R[start_ind,22] # take the std error of slope from the glm.linear model. checked!
	 # Output message about which type of model is being fitted and why
    xx<-sprintf("TOBIT: Fitting a linear model since it has the lowest AIC n = 3: data set %s",code)
    # Set the profile type 
    prof_type = 1
    # Store the R2 value for the linear model
    R[start_ind,44] = R[start_ind, 23]		
	else if ((data_in[n2] >x_CI[[2,1]]) & (ldata_out[n2-1] > Threshold3)){	
		xx<-sprintf("TOBIT: zero is not informative- no model is fitted: data set %s",code)
   		R[start_ind,56] = 3.1	
	#else if ( (LastPos>= Threshold4) &( (data_in[ind_DL] - data_in[LLP]) > TimeRes2)){
	#   xx<-sprintf("TOBIT: Data too infrequent - no model is fitted: data set %s",code)
   	#	R[start_ind,56] = 3.2
	else if (NE==1){
	#      fit a linear model (only option)   #
	# Take the logarithm of the output data
	ldata_out = log(data_out)	
 	# Store the log(para) data.
	R[temp3,5] = ldata_out  
	Linear = try(fitLinearAndStorage_tobit(data_in, ldata_out, start_ind, temp3, R, DT, MaxIters))
	glm.linear = Linear$glm.linear; R= Linear$R; AIC1 = Linear$AIC1; alin = Linear$a1
 	mod = glm.linear
 	LinPart = seq(1,n2)
 	if (LinPart[length(LinPart)] == n2){
		LinPart = LinPart[1:(length(LinPart)-1)]
	# Identify the rate of clearance (as the slope of the linear model)
    k = R[start_ind,21] # take the slope from the lienar model 
    #SEs2 = sqrt(diag(vcov(mod)))
	R[start_ind,53] =  R[start_ind,22] # take the std error of slope from the glm.linear model. checked!  
    # Output message about which type of model is being fitted and why
    xx<-sprintf("TOBIT: Fitting a linear model since it has the lowest AIC n = 4: data set %s",code)
    # Set the profile type 
    prof_type = 1
    # Store the R2 value for the linear model
    R[start_ind,44] = R[start_ind, 23]	

 	# If we have only 4 data points - only allow option to fit a linear model
    else if (n2==4){ 
   	# Take the logarithm of the output data
	ldata_out = log(data_out)	
 	# Store the log(para) data.
	R[temp3,5] = ldata_out
	Linear = try(fitLinearAndStorage_tobit(data_in, ldata_out, start_ind, temp3, R, DT, MaxIters))
	glm.linear = Linear$glm.linear; R= Linear$R; AIC1 = Linear$AIC1; alin = Linear$a1
 	mod = glm.linear
 	LinPart = seq(1,n2)
 	if (LinPart[length(LinPart)] == n2){
		LinPart = LinPart[1:(length(LinPart)-1)]
	# Identify the rate of clearance (as the slope of the linear model)
    k = R[start_ind,21] # take the slope from the lienar model 
    #SEs2 = sqrt(diag(vcov(mod)))
	R[start_ind,53] =  R[start_ind,22] # take the std error of slope from the glm.linear model. checked!
	 # Output message about which type of model is being fitted and why
    xx<-sprintf("TOBIT: Fitting a linear model since it has the lowest AIC n = 4: data set %s",code)
    # Set the profile type 
    prof_type = 1
    # Store the R2 value for the linear model
    R[start_ind,44] = R[start_ind, 23]		    
    # If we have only 4 data points - only allow option to fit a linear or quadratic model
  else if (n2==5){ 
	#      Fit a linear model               	#
	Linear = try(fitLinearAndStorage_tobit(data_in, ldata_out, start_ind, temp3, R, DT, MaxIters))
	glm.linear = Linear$glm.linear; R= Linear$R; AIC1 = Linear$AIC1; alin = Linear$a1

	#      Fit a quadratic model	          #
	Quad =  try(fitQuadraticAndStorage_tobit(data_in, ldata_out, start_ind, temp3, R, DT, MaxIters))
	glm.quad = Quad$glm.quad; R= Quad$R; AIC2 = Quad$AIC2; scaledQ = Quad$scaled

    # Find the model with the minimum AIC value
	ind = which(c(AIC1, AIC2) == min(c(AIC1, AIC2)))

    # Find the model with the minimum AIC value
	ind = which(c(AIC1, AIC2) == min(c(AIC1, AIC2)))

	#  Use model with minimum AIC	to find clearance rate etc         #
 if (data_out[2] > (1+fact)*data_out[1]){
    # Find the indices from the maximum value of the parasites level to the end of the data set
    #inds =  which(max(ldata_out)==ldata_out)
    # Isolate the part of the input data set past the maximum value
    data_in_mod = data_in[2:n2]
    # Isolate the part of the data set past the maximum value
    ldata_out_mod = ldata_out[2:n2]
    tlag = data_in_mod[1]
   	# Fit a linear model to the data past the maximum value
    m1 <- lm(ldata_out_mod ~ poly(data_in_mod, 1, raw = TRUE)) 
	MaxReg <- try(tobit(ldata_out_mod ~ poly(data_in_mod, 1, raw = TRUE), left = log(DT), iter.max = MaxIters))
	if (class(MaxReg)[1]=="try-error"){
		yy<-sprintf("Fixing error in tobit fitting, data set: %s",code)
		options(warn = 1)
		MaxReg <- tobit(ldata_out_mod ~ poly(data_in_mod, 1, raw = TRUE), left = log(DT), init = coef(m1), iter.max = MaxIters)
		options(warn = 2)

    # Find the AIC value associated with the linear model    
	AICMaxReg = AIC(MaxReg)
	#sum of squared residuals for all datapoints starting from the second.
	ss_1 = sum(residuals(glm.linear)[2:(n2-1)]^2)
	ss_2 = sum(residuals(glm.quad)[2:(n2-1)]^2)
	ss_3 = sum(residuals(MaxReg)[1:3]^2)
	ind = which(c(ss_1, ss_2, ss_3) == min(c(ss_1, ss_2, ss_3)))
 #Fit a linear model, since it has the lowest AIC  (ind ==1)
 if (ind == 1){ 
 	mod = glm.linear
 	LinPart = seq(1,n2)
 	if (LinPart[length(LinPart)] == n2){
		LinPart = LinPart[1:(length(LinPart)-1)]

    tlag = data_in[1]
	# Identify the rate of clearance (as the slope of the linear model)
    k = R[start_ind,21] # take the slope from the lienar model 
    #SEs2 = sqrt(diag(vcov(mod)))
	R[start_ind,53] =  R[start_ind,22] # take the std error of slope from the glm.linear model. checked!
    # Output message about which type of model is being fitted and why
    xx<-sprintf("TOBIT: Fitting a linear model since it has the lowest SS n = 5: data set %s",code)
    # Set the profile type 
    prof_type = 1
    # Store the R2 value for the linear model
    R[start_ind,44] = R[start_ind, 23]		    
  	# Fit a quadratic model, since it has the lowest AIC
 else if (ind == 2){
    	# Set the model fitted to be the quadratic one 
    	mod = glm.quad
		# Find the a,b,c values in the quadratic fit (ln(para) = a*time^2 + b*time + c)
		mu = mean(data_in)
		sd = sd(data_in)
		a1 = coef(mod)[[1]]
		b1 = coef(mod)[[2]]
		c1 = coef(mod)[[3]]
		if (scaledQ == 1){
			c = a1 - b1*mu/sd + c1*mu^2/sd^2
			b = b1/sd - 2*mu*c1/sd^2 
			a = c1/sd^2 
		else {
			c = coef(mod)[[1]]
			b = coef(mod)[[2]]
			a = coef(mod)[[3]]

    	# Calculate the fitted values for the model
		mod.fitted <-fitted.values(mod)
		# Calculate the slopes between consecutive points (using the model fitted values)
		slopes = diff(mod.fitted)/diff(data_in)
		# Isolate the candidate points for the slowest and fastest rates: the left most point, the right most points
		c_points = c(data_in[1], data_in[length(data_in)-1]) 
		# Isolate the slopes of the cubic at the candidate points (slope = first derivative of cubic function)
		c_devs = 2*a*c_points + b
	     # Find the fastest absolute rate out of the three candidate points
		ind_max = 2
		# Isolate the fastest rate
		fastest_rate = c_devs[ind_max]
		ratios = fastest_rate/slopes
		LinPart = c(which((ratios <= 5)&(ratios>=0)),n2)
		# Isolate the linear parts of the input data
		ldattemp = mod.fitted[LinPart] 
		# Convex: if the 'a' value is negative then we have a lag phase to identify -> Slow initial clearance followed by faster clearance later
    	if (a <0){
			# Output message about which type of model is being fitted and why
			xx<-sprintf("TOBIT: Fitting a quadratic (convex) model since it has the lowest SS and n = 5: data set %s",code)
			# Set the profile type 
			prof_type = 3
			if (LinPart[length(LinPart)] == n2){
				LinPart = LinPart[1:(length(LinPart)-1)]
			ldattemp = mod.fitted[LinPart]

			tlag = data_in[LinPart[1]]
			# Isolate the linear parts of the output data
			dattemp = data_in[LinPart]
			# Fit a linear model the identified 'linear part'
			mod <-glm(ldattemp ~ dattemp)	
			k = mod$coeff[[2]]	
			alin = mod$coeff[[1]]	
		# Concave: if the 'a' value is postive then we have a fast initial clearance followed by slower clearance later. There is no lag phase identified and 		we fit a linear model -- NO TLAG
		else if (a>=0) { 
        	 # Output message about which type of model is being fitted and why
   	     	xx<-sprintf("TOBIT: Fitting a linear model since we have identified a concave quadratic (quadratic has the lowest SS) and n = 5: data set %s",code)
         	# Set the profile type 
         	prof_type = 2
			LinPart = seq(1,n2)
			# Isolate the linear parts of the output data
			ldattemp = ldata_out[LinPart]
			if (LinPart[length(LinPart)] == n2){
				LinPart = LinPart[1:(length(LinPart)-1)]
			tlag = data_in[LinPart[1]]
			# Fit a linear model the identified 'linear part'
			mod <-glm.linear
			k = R[start_ind,21] # take the slope from the lienar model 
    	if (tlag ==  data_in[1]){
    		LinPart = seq(1,n2)
    		LinPart = LinPart[1:(length(LinPart)-1)]
    		mod <-glm.linear
    		k = R[start_ind,21] # take the slope from the lienar model 
    		to_include_R2 = LinPart
    		to_include_R2 = seq(1,length(LinPart))

        # Store the locations in current data set (start_ind:end_ind) where outliers were not identified
        temp3 = indexes[temp2]     
		# Store the R2 value for the 'linear part' model
        #R[start_ind,44] = 1 - sum(residuals(mod)^2)/sum((ldattemp-mean(ldattemp))^2) # modified 29/5/2013, for the quadratic model
		R[start_ind,44] = 1 - sum((fitted(mod)[to_include_R2]-ldata_out[LinPart])^2)/sum((ldata_out[LinPart]-mean(ldata_out[LinPart]))^2)
        # Store the clearance rate -> equal to the slope of the identified 'linear part'
	   #SEs2 = sqrt(diag(vcov(mod)))  checked!
		SE_temp = R[start_ind,22]
		if (tlag>data_in[1]){
            SE_temp = sqrt(diag(vcov(mod)))[[2]]
		R[start_ind,53] = SE_temp   # take the std error of slope from the glm.linear model (only if tlag == 0), otherwise use linear part of model only
      	# Store the difference between the fitted value from the 'linear part' at the time lag value and the first value in the 'linear part' model
		R[start_ind, 50] <- mod.fitted[which(data_in == tlag)[1]] - mod.fitted[1]
		R[start_ind, 50] <- mod.fitted[which(data_in == tlag)[1]] - mod.fitted[1]
		# Store the quadratic model fitted values (the original model fitted)    
        glm.quad.fitted <-fitted.values(glm.quad)
		# Find the difference between the maximum quadratic fitted value and the fitted value (from the quadratic model) at the time lag
        R[start_ind, 51] <- max(glm.quad.fitted) -  glm.quad.fitted[which(data_in == tlag)[1]]
 else if (ind == 3){
    # Find the AIC value associated with the linear model    
	AIC1 = AIC(mod)
	LinPart = 1:(n2-1)
	if (LinPart[length(LinPart)] == (n2-1)){
		LinPart = LinPart[1:(length(LinPart)-1)]

    k = coef(mod)[[2]]# take the slope from the lienar model  
    alin = mod$coeff[[1]]	

    SEs2 = sqrt(diag(vcov(mod)))
	R[start_ind,53] = SEs2[[2]]  # leave this one as is, since the mod is MaxReg and is never scaled. checked!
    # Output message about which type of model is being fitted and why
    xx<-sprintf("TOBIT: Fitting a linear model from max value since we only have 5 data points and an initial increase in parasite level (also - lowest SS): data set %s",code)
    # Set the profile type 
    prof_type = 5
    # Store the R2 value for the linear model
    R[start_ind,44] = 1 - sum(residuals(mod)^2)/sum((ldata_out_mod-mean(ldata_out_mod))^2)
    MAXREG = 1

  # If we have more than 5 data points - allow option to fit linear, quadratic or cubic model
  else {
	#      Fit a linear model               	#
	Linear = fitLinearAndStorage_tobit(data_in, ldata_out, start_ind, temp3, R, DT, MaxIters)
	glm.linear = Linear$glm.linear; R= Linear$R; AIC1 = Linear$AIC1; alin = Linear$a1

	#      Fit a quadratic model	          #
	Quad = fitQuadraticAndStorage_tobit(data_in, ldata_out, start_ind, temp3, R, DT, MaxIters)
	glm.quad = Quad$glm.quad; R= Quad$R; AIC2 = Quad$AIC2; scaledQ = Quad$scaled

	#      Fit a cubic model		#
	Cubic =  fitCubicAndStorage_tobit(data_in, ldata_out, start_ind, temp3, R, DT, MaxIters)
	glm.cubic = Cubic$glm.cubic; R=Cubic$R; AIC3 = Cubic$AIC3; scaledC = Cubic$scaled

    # Find the model with the minimum AIC value
	ind = which(c(AIC1, AIC2, AIC3) == min(c(AIC1, AIC2, AIC3)))

	#  Use model with minimum AIC	to find clearance rate etc       #
	# Fit a linear model, since it has the lowest AIC  (ind ==1)
  if (ind == 1){
	mod = glm.linear
 	# add the linear plot to the current figure

	LinPart = seq(1,n2)
	if (LinPart[length(LinPart)] == n2){
		LinPart = LinPart[1:(length(LinPart)-1)]
    # Identify the rate of clearance (as the slope of the linear model)
    k = R[start_ind,21] # take the slope from the lienar model 
    #SEs2 = sqrt(diag(vcov(mod)))
	R[start_ind,53] =  R[start_ind,22] # take the std error of slope from the glm.linear model. checked!
    # Output message about which type of model is being fitted and why
    xx<-sprintf("TOBIT: Fitting a linear model since it has the lowest AIC: data set %s",code)
    # Set the profile type
    prof_type = 1
    # Store the R2 value for the linear model
    R[start_ind,44] = R[start_ind, 23]
  	# Fit a quadratic model, since it has the lowest AIC
  	else if (ind == 2){
		# Set the model fitted to be the quadratic one
    	mod = glm.quad

		# Find the a,b,c values in the quadratic fit (ln(para) = a*time^2 + b*time + c)
		mu = mean(data_in)
		sd = sd(data_in)
		a1 = coef(mod)[[1]]
		b1 = coef(mod)[[2]]
		c1 = coef(mod)[[3]]

		c = a1 - b1*mu/sd + c1*mu^2/sd^2
		b = b1/sd - 2*mu*c1/sd^2 
		a = c1/sd^2 
		if (scaledQ == 1){
			c = a1 - b1*mu/sd + c1*mu^2/sd^2
			b = b1/sd - 2*mu*c1/sd^2 
			a = c1/sd^2 
		else {
			c = coef(mod)[[1]]
			b = coef(mod)[[2]]
			a = coef(mod)[[3]]
    	# Calculate the fitted values for the model
		mod.fitted <-fitted.values(mod)
		# Calculate the slopes between consecutive points (using the model fitted values)
		slopes = diff(mod.fitted)/diff(data_in)

		# Isolate the candidate points for the slowest and fastest rates: the left most point, the right most points
		c_points = c(data_in[1], data_in[length(data_in)-1])
		# Isolate the slopes of the cubic at the candidate points (slope = first derivative of cubic function)
		c_devs = 2*a*c_points + b

	    # Find the fastest absolute rate out of the candidate points
		ind_max = 2
		# Isolate the fastest rate
		fastest_rate = c_devs[ind_max]
		ratios = fastest_rate/slopes
		LinPart = c(which((ratios <= 5)&(ratios>=0)),n2)

		# Isolate the linear parts of the input data
		ldattemp = mod.fitted[LinPart]

		# Convex: if the 'a' value is negative then we have a lag phase to identify -> Slow initial clearance followed by faster clearance later
    	if (a <0){
			# Output message about which type of model is being fitted and why
			xx<-sprintf("TOBIT: Fitting a quadratic (convex) model since it has the lowest AIC: data set %s",code)
			# Set the profile type
			prof_type = 3
			if (LinPart[length(LinPart)] == n2){
				LinPart = LinPart[1:(length(LinPart)-1)]
			ldattemp = mod.fitted[LinPart]

			tlag = data_in[LinPart[1]]
			# Isolate the linear parts of the output data
			dattemp = data_in[LinPart]
			# Fit a linear model the identified 'linear part'
			mod <-glm(ldattemp ~ dattemp)
			k = mod$coeff[[2]]
			alin = mod$coeff[[1]]	

		# Concave: if the 'a' value is postive then we have a fast initial clearance followed by slower clearance later. There is no lag phase identified and 		we fit a linear model- NO TLAG
		else if (a>=0) {

        	 # Output message about which type of model is being fitted and why
   	     	xx<-sprintf("TOBIT: Fitting a linear model since we have identified a concave quadratic (quadratic has the lowest AIC): data set %s",code)
         	# Set the profile type - NO TLAG
         	prof_type = 2
			LinPart = seq(1,n2)
			# Isolate the linear parts of the output data
			ldattemp = ldata_out[LinPart]
			if (LinPart[length(LinPart)] == n2){
				LinPart = LinPart[1:(length(LinPart)-1)]
			tlag = data_in[LinPart[1]]
			# Fit a linear model the identified 'linear part'
			mod <-glm.linear
			k = R[start_ind,21] # take the slope from the lienar model 
    	if (tlag ==  data_in[1]){
    		LinPart = seq(1,n2)
    		LinPart = LinPart[1:(length(LinPart)-1)]
    		mod <-glm.linear
    		k = R[start_ind,21] # take the slope from the lienar model 
    		to_include_R2 = LinPart
    	} else {
    		to_include_R2 = seq(1,length(LinPart))
        # Store the locations in current data set (start_ind:end_ind) where outliers were not identified
        temp3 = indexes[temp2]

		# Store the R2 value for the 'linear part' model
        #R[start_ind,44] = 1 - sum(residuals(mod)^2)/sum((ldattemp-mean(ldattemp))^2) # modified 29/5/2013, for the quadratic model
		R[start_ind,44] = 1 - sum((fitted(mod)[to_include_R2]-ldata_out[LinPart])^2)/sum((ldata_out[LinPart]-mean(ldata_out[LinPart]))^2)

        # Store the clearance rate -> equal to the slope of the identified 'linear part'
		#SEs2 = sqrt(diag(vcov(mod)))  checked!
		SE_temp = R[start_ind,22]
		if (tlag>data_in[1]){
			SE_temp = sqrt(diag(vcov(mod)))[[2]]
		R[start_ind,53] = SE_temp   # take the std error of slope from the glm.linear model (only if tlag == 0), otherwise use linear part of model only
		# Store the difference between the fitted value from the 'linear part' at the time lag value and the first value in the 'linear part' model
		R[start_ind, 50] <- mod.fitted[which(data_in == tlag)[1]] - mod.fitted[1]
		R[start_ind, 50] <- mod.fitted[which(data_in == tlag)[1]] - mod.fitted[1]
		# Store the quadratic model fitted values (the original model fitted)
        glm.quad.fitted <-fitted.values(glm.quad)
		# Find the difference between the maximum quadratic fitted value and the fitted value (from the quadratic model) at the time lag
        R[start_ind, 51] <- max(glm.quad.fitted) -  glm.quad.fitted[which(data_in == tlag)[1]]


   # Fit a cubic model, since it has the lowest AIC
   else if (ind == 3){
	   	# Set the model fitted to be the cubic one
    	mod = glm.cubic

		# Find the 'a', 'b' and 'c' values in the cibic fit (ln(para) = a*time^3 + b*time^2 + c*time + d)
		a1 = coef(mod)[[1]]
		b1 = coef(mod)[[2]]
		c1 = coef(mod)[[3]]
		d1 = coef(mod)[[4]]

		mu = mean(data_in)
		sd = sd(data_in)
		if (scaledC == 1){
			d = a1 - b1*mu/sd + c1*mu^2/sd^2 - d1*mu^3/sd^3
			c = b1/sd - 2*mu*c1/sd^2 + 3*mu^2*d1/sd^3
			b = c1/sd^2 - 3*mu*d1/sd^3
			a = d1/sd^3
		else {
			d = coef(mod)[[1]]
			c = coef(mod)[[2]]
			b = coef(mod)[[3]]
			a = coef(mod)[[4]]

		# Calculate the point of inflection of the cubic model (-b/3a) which is found by putting the second derivative to 0
		PoI = -b/(3*a)
		# Isolate the candidate points for the slowest and fastest rates: the left most point, the PoI, the right most points
		c_points = c(data_in[1], PoI,  data_in[length(data_in)-1])
		# Isolate the slopes of the cubic at the candidate points (slope = first derivative of cubic function)
		c_devs = 3*a*c_points^2 + 2*b*c_points + c

		# Find the slowest absolute rate out of the three candidate points
		ind_min = which(abs(c_devs) == min(abs(c_devs)))
		# Isolate the slowest rate
		slowest_rate = c_devs[ind_min]
		# Find the fastest absolute rate out of the three candidate points
		ind_max = which(abs(c_devs) == max(abs(c_devs)))
		# Isolate the fastest rate
		fastest_rate = c_devs[which(c_devs == min(c_devs))]
		ind_max_neg = which(c_devs == min(c_devs))
		fastest_rate = c_devs[ind_max_neg]
		# Calculate the fitted values for the model
		mod.fitted <-fitted.values(mod)
		# Calculate the slopes between consecutive points (using the model fitted values)
		slopes = diff(mod.fitted)/diff(data_in)
		ratios = fastest_rate/slopes
		FastParts = which((ratios <= 5)&(ratios>=0))

		if (((PoI < data_in[1]) | (PoI > data_in[length(data_in)-1])) & (b<0)){ #  PoI is outside range and convex
 			# Output message about which type of model is being fitted and why
			xx<-sprintf("TOBIT: Fitting a cubic model for cubic case (d) where b <0: data set %s",code)

			fastest_rate = min(c(c_devs[1], c_devs[3]))
			ratios = fastest_rate/slopes
			# Set the profile type
			prof_type = 7
			LinPart = which((ratios <= 5)&(ratios>=0))
			temp = seq(1,n2)
			LinPart = c(LinPart, temp[LinPart[length(LinPart)]+1])
			if (LinPart[length(LinPart)] == n2){
				LinPart = LinPart[1:(length(LinPart)-1)]
			ldattemp = mod.fitted[LinPart]

			tlag = data_in[LinPart[1]]
			# Isolate the linear parts of the output data
			dattemp = data_in[LinPart]
			# Fit a linear model the identified 'linear part'
			mod <-glm(ldattemp ~ dattemp)
			# Store the clearance rate -> equal to the slope of the identified 'linear part'
			k = mod$coeff[[2]]
			alin = mod$coeff[[1]]	

		else if (((PoI < data_in[1]) | (PoI > data_in[length(data_in)-1])) & (b>0)){ # PoI is outside range and concave  -- NO TLAG
			# Output message about which type of model is being fitted and why
    	    xx<-sprintf("TOBIT: Fitting a linear model for cubic case (d) where b >0: data set %s",code)
        	# Set the profile type
        	prof_type = 6
			LinPart = seq(1,n2)
			# Isolate the linear parts of the input data
			ldattemp = ldata_out[LinPart]
			if (LinPart[length(LinPart)] == n2){
				LinPart = LinPart[1:(length(LinPart)-1)]
			tlag = data_in[LinPart[1]]
			# Fit a linear model the identified 'linear part'
			mod <-glm.linear			
			# Store the clearance rate -> equal to the slope of the identified 'linear part'
			k = R[start_ind,21] # take the slope from the lienar model 
		else if (ind_max_neg==2) {# max negative rate of change occurs at the PoI
			# Output message about which type of model is being fitted and why
        	xx<-sprintf("TOBIT: Fitting a cubic model for cubic case (a): data set %s",code)
			# Set the profile type
       		prof_type = 4

          	LinPart = which((ratios <= 5)&(ratios>=0)&(slopes<0))
			temp = seq(1,n2)
			LinPart = c(LinPart, temp[LinPart[length(LinPart)]+1])
			ldattemp = mod.fitted[LinPart]
			if (LinPart[length(LinPart)] == n2){
				LinPart = LinPart[1:(length(LinPart)-1)]
			ldattemp = mod.fitted[LinPart]

			tlag = data_in[LinPart[1]]
			# Isolate the linear parts of the output data
			dattemp = data_in[LinPart]
			# Fit a linear model the identified 'linear part'
			mod <-glm(ldattemp ~ dattemp)
			# Store the clearance rate -> equal to the slope of the identified 'linear part'
			k = mod$coeff[[2]]	
			alin = mod$coeff[[1]]		
		else if ((ind_max_neg!=2) & (FastParts[1]==1)){  # max negative rate of change doesn't occur at the PoI and there is a fast change at the beginning of the profile -- NO TLAG
			## Output message about which type of model is being fitted and why
            xx<-sprintf("TOBIT: Fitting a linear model for cubic case (biii) where there is no lag phase: data set %s",code)
	       	# Set the profile type
           	prof_type = 9
           	LinPart = seq(1,n2)
           	ldattemp = ldata_out[LinPart]
           	if (LinPart[length(LinPart)] == n2){
				LinPart = LinPart[1:(length(LinPart)-1)]
           	tlag = data_in[LinPart[1]]
			# Fit a linear model the identified 'linear part'
			mod <-glm.linear
			# Store the clearance rate -> equal to the slope of the identified 'linear part'
			k = R[start_ind,21] # take the slope from the lienar model 
		else if  ((ind_max_neg!=2) & (FastParts[1]!=1)){ # max negative rate of change doesn't occur at the PoI and there is NOT a fast change at the beginning of the profile
			xx<-sprintf("TOBIT: Fitting a linear model for cubic case (bii) where there is a lag phase: data set %s",code)
			# Set the profile type
          	prof_type = 8
          	LinPart = which((ratios <= 5)&(ratios>=0)&(data_in[2:n2]>PoI))
			temp = seq(1,n2)
			LinPart = c(LinPart, temp[LinPart[length(LinPart)]+1])
			ldattemp = mod.fitted[LinPart]
			if (LinPart[length(LinPart)] == n2){
				LinPart = LinPart[1:(length(LinPart)-1)]
			ldattemp = mod.fitted[LinPart]

			tlag = data_in[LinPart[1]]
			# Isolate the linear parts of the output data
			dattemp = data_in[LinPart]
			# Fit a linear model the identified 'linear part'
			mod <-glm(ldattemp ~ dattemp)
			# Store the clearance rate -> equal to the slope of the identified 'linear part'
			k = mod$coeff[[2]]
			alin = mod$coeff[[1]]	


		if (tlag ==  data_in[1]){
    		LinPart = seq(1,n2)
    		LinPart = LinPart[1:(length(LinPart)-1)]
    		mod <-glm.linear
    		# Store the clearance rate -> equal to the slope of the identified 'linear part'
    		k = R[start_ind,21] # take the slope from the lienar model 
    		to_include_R2 = LinPart
    		to_include_R2 = seq(1,length(LinPart))

        # Store the locations in current data set (start_ind:end_ind) where outliers were not identified
        temp3 = indexes[temp2]
		# Store the R2 value for the 'linear part' model
		# R[start_ind,44] = 1 - sum(residuals(mod)^2)/sum((ldattemp-mean(ldattemp))^2) # modified 29/5/2013, for the cubic model
		R[start_ind,44] = 1 - sum((fitted(mod)[to_include_R2]-ldata_out[LinPart])^2)/sum((ldata_out[LinPart]-mean(ldata_out[LinPart]))^2)
	   #R[start_ind,53] =  R[start_ind,22] # take the std error of slope from the glm.linear model
		#SEs2 = sqrt(diag(vcov(mod)))   checked!
		SE_temp = R[start_ind,22]
		if (tlag>data_in[1]){
            SE_temp = sqrt(diag(vcov(mod)))[[2]]
		R[start_ind,53] = SE_temp   # take the std error of slope from the glm.linear model (only if tlag == 0), otherwise use linear part of model only
		# Store the difference between the fitted value from the 'linear part' at the time lag value and the first value in the 'linear part' model
		R[start_ind, 50] <- mod.fitted[which(data_in == tlag)[1]] - mod.fitted[1]
		# Store the quadratic model fitted values (the original model fitted)
        glm.cubic.fitted <-fitted.values(glm.cubic)
		# Find the difference between the maximum quadratic fitted value and the fitted value (from the quadratic model) at the time lag
        R[start_ind, 51] <- max(glm.cubic.fitted) -  glm.cubic.fitted[which(data_in == tlag)[1]]
        R[start_ind, 51] <- max(glm.cubic.fitted) - glm.cubic.fitted[which(data_in == tlag)[1]]

    if ((plotting==TRUE) & all(ldata_out!=-Inf)){     
	if (imageType == "png") {
     # MPF 2015/02/25 Cairo attached by Depends
     # library(Cairo)
    Cairo(file=filename2, type="png")
  } else if (imageType == "pdf") {
  			filename <-sprintf("patient id: %s", code)
		 	par( mar = c( 5.1, 5.1, 4.1, 2.1 ) )
		 	x0 = data_in[1]
		 	xend = data_in[length(data_in)]*1.05
		 	y0 = 0
		 	yend = max(ldata_out)*1.05
		 	if (yend==-Inf){yend = 10}
		 	plot(data_in, ldata_out, main = filename, xlab="Time (hours)", ylab =  expression(log[e](parasitaemia)), cex = 2, cex.main=2,cex.lab=2, cex.axis=2, xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim, type = 'p', pch=19)
		if (R[start_ind,56]==0){
	 	if (length(fitted(mod))==length(LinPart)){

			lines(data_in[LinPart], fitted(mod), lty=1, col = "blue",lwd=3)

		else if (prof_type == 5){
			lines(data_in[LinPart+1], fitted(mod)[LinPart], lty=1, col = "blue",lwd=3)
		else {	
			lines(data_in[LinPart], fitted(mod)[LinPart], lty=1, col = "blue",lwd=3)
		out_temp = floor(as.numeric(R[start_ind:end_ind,4]))
		outliers = which(out_temp ==2.0)
    	if (length(outliers)>0){
  			points(data_in_store[outliers], log(data_out_store[outliers]), col = "red", pch = 19, cex = 2)
    	if ((tlag >0)&(R[start_ind,56]==0)){
    		t_temp = which(data_in <tlag)
    		points(data_in[t_temp], log(data_out[t_temp]), col = "gray", pch = 19, cex = 2)
   		points(data_in_store[ind_DL], log(data_out_store[ind_DL]), col = "green", pch = 19, cex = 2)


	if (is.null(k) == FALSE){
		# store R2 value for 'linear model' where measuremetns below the Detect level are ignored
		mod_lin <- lm(ldata_out[-ind_DL]~data_in[-ind_DL])
		R[start_ind,70]= 1-sum(residuals(mod_lin)^2)/sum((ldata_out[-ind_DL]-mean(ldata_out[-ind_DL]))^2)
		if (MAXREG == 1){
			MSRE = sqrt(mean((fitted(mod)[LinPart] - ldata_out[LinPart+1])^2))
       else if (tlag == data_in[1]){
			MSRE = (mean(residuals(mod)^2))^(1/2)
		else {
			MSRE = sqrt(mean((fitted(mod) - ldata_out[LinPart])^2))
		R[start_ind, 55] = MSRE

		R[temp3[LinPart], 52] = 1                             # Store an indicator value of 1 for those points used in the 'linear part'
		if (MAXREG == 1){
			# shift values by 1...
			R[temp3[LinPart+1], 45] <-fitted.values(mod)[LinPart]            # Store fitted values
			R[temp3[LinPart+1], 46] <- residuals(mod)[LinPart]               # Store residual values
		else if (length(fitted(mod))==length(LinPart)){
			R[temp3[LinPart], 45] <-fitted.values(mod)            # Store fitted values
			R[temp3[LinPart], 46] <- residuals(mod)               # Store residual values

		else {	
			R[temp3[LinPart], 45] <-fitted.values(mod)[LinPart]            # Store fitted values
			R[temp3[LinPart], 46] <- residuals(mod)[LinPart]               # Store residual values

		# Store the time lag for the model
    	R[start_ind, 49] <- tlag -  data_in[1]
    	# Store the profile type for the model
    	R[start_ind, 42] <- prof_type
    	# Store clearance rate for the model
   	    R[start_ind, 43] <- k   	    
  	    knum =as.numeric(k)
   	    int = alin + knum*as.numeric(R[start_ind, 49]) 
       R[start_ind,67] = int # intercept at tlag  
   	    PC50 = (log(data_out[1]*(1-0.5)) - alin)/knum # PC50
       PC90 = (log(data_out[1]*(1-0.9)) - alin)/knum  # PC90
       PC95 = (log(data_out[1]*(1-0.95)) - alin)/knum # PC95
       PC99 = (log(data_out[1]*(1-0.99)) - alin)/knum  # PC99
   	    if (PC50>0){R[start_ind,59] =PC50} # PC50
   	    if (PC90>0){R[start_ind,60] =PC90} # PC50
   	    if (PC95>0){R[start_ind,61] =PC95} # PC50
   	    if (PC99>0){R[start_ind,62] =PC99} # PC50
     	lag_phase_attempted = 1 # assume no lag estimation
  	    if ((NE==0)|(n2==3)){
   	    		lag_phase_attempted = 0
   	    # store the change_max and change_tlag
		R[start_ind, 50] <- data_out[which(data_in == tlag)[1]] -  max(data_out[which(data_in <=tlag)])
 	    R[start_ind, 51] <- data_out[which(data_in == tlag)[1]] -  data_out[1]

   		if (k >0){
			xx<-sprintf("TOBIT: NOTE: Model is fitted, but parasites not cleared: data set %s",code)
	   	    R[start_ind, 57] <- lag_phase_attempted

	# Return the array R

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