
Defines functions CreateFolds CenterScale SelectParams LassoCV CreateLogSeq RidgeGCV SelectRidge SparseKernOptScore FormQB GetProjections SolveKOS KwMat KernelMat Kernel OptScores IndicatMat

Documented in SelectParams

## Forms Categorical Response Matrix and Diagonal group proportion matrix. Each row
## consists of 0s and a single 1.  The 1 is in the column corresponding to the group
## data point i belongs to.
## Input: length n vector of categories. Categories labeled as 1, 2, 3, ...
## Output:  (n x G) categorical response matrix Y. 
IndicatMat<- function(TrainCat){
  ### Category is a vector of length n. The ith entry lists which group the ith data
  ### point belongs to.
  E <- matrix(0 , nrow = length(TrainCat), ncol = 2)
  E[TrainCat == 1 , 1] <- 1
  E[TrainCat == 2, 2] <- 1
  Dpi <- crossprod(E, E) / nrow(E) ### This forms the group proportion matrix
  return( list(Categorical = E, Dpi = Dpi) )

## Forms the optimal score matrix. Works with G >= 2 
## Input: Vector of length n of training categories.
## Output: (G x G-1) matrix of score vectors. 
OptScores <- function(TrainCat) {
  Y <- IndicatMat(TrainCat)$Categorical
  nclass = colSums(Y)
  n = nrow(Y)
  theta = NULL
  for (l in 1:(ncol(Y) - 1)) {
    temp = c(rep(sqrt(n * nclass[l + 1] / (sum(nclass[1:l]) * sum(nclass[1:(l + 1)])) ),
                 l), -sqrt(n * sum(nclass[1:l]/(nclass[l + 1] * sum(nclass[ 1:(l + 1) ])) )),
             rep(0, ncol(Y) - 1 - l))
    theta = cbind(theta, temp)
  return(Optimal_Scores = theta)

### Computes the gaussian kernel evaluation of the point x with each of the sample points.  x
### is a data point with p variables Data is a n times p matrix SigmaK is the
### bandwidth parameter of the Gaussian kernel.
Kernel <- function(x, TrainData, Sigma) {
  if(Sigma <= 0 ) stop('Gaussian kernel parameter <= 0.')
  DiffPart <- (t(t(TrainData) - x))^2  ## Computes the distance squared of the data and point x
  DiffPart <- rowSums(DiffPart)  # Sum of squares
  exp( - DiffPart / Sigma)  #Divide by kernel parameter and evluate exponential function

# Forms the kernel matrix.  (i,j) component is kernel evluated on data points i and
# j Data is n x p. SigmaKm is Gaussian kernel parameter.
KernelMat <- function(TrainData, Sigma) {
  if(Sigma <= 0 ){ stop('Gaussian kernel parameter <= 0.') }
  S = tcrossprod(as.matrix(TrainData))  ## computes XX^t
  n = nrow(S)
  D = -2 * S + matrix(diag(S), n, n, byrow = T) + matrix(diag(S), n, n)  ## computes all pairs of squared distances
  K = exp( - D / Sigma )  #evaluates kernel on distances

# Forms weighted kernel matrix. Data is (n x p) w is weight vector of length p. Each
# coordinate must lie between -1 and 1.  SigmaKw is Gaussian kernel parameter.
KwMat <- function(TrainData, w, Sigma) {
  # Check Parameters 
  if(Sigma <= 0 ) stop('Gaussian kernel parameter <= 0.')
  if(any( abs(w) > 1) ) stop('A weight coordinate is outside [-1,1].')
  w <- as.numeric(w)
  TrainData <- t(as.matrix(TrainData)) * w  #multiplies each  coordinate of the data
  # matrix by corresponding weight.
  TrainData <- t(TrainData)
  return(KernelMat(TrainData = TrainData, Sigma = Sigma))

SolveKOS <- function(YTheta, K, Gamma){
  n = nrow(K)
  Mat = K+ n*Gamma*diag(n)
  B = YTheta
  return(qr.solve(a = Mat, b= B))

GetProjections <- function(TrainData, TrainCat, TestData, Dvec = NULL, w = rep(1, ncol(TrainData)), Kw = NULL, Sigma = NULL, Gamma = NULL){
  n <- nrow(TrainData)
  #Generate ridge parameter if not provided
  if(is.null(Gamma) && !is.null(Sigma)){
    output <- SelectParams(TrainData, TrainCat, Sigma = Sigma)
    Gamma <- output$Gamma
  # Generate Parameters if none are supplied
  else if(is.null(Sigma)){
    output <- SelectParams(TrainData, TrainCat)
    Gamma <- output$Gamma
    Sigma <- output$Sigma
  #Test Parameters for inadmissible values
  if( any(w > 1) || any(w < -1)) stop("Some weight vector is outside the interval [-1,1]")
  if(Sigma <= 0 ) stop('Gaussian kernel parameter <= 0.')
  #form weighted kernel matrix if null
    Kw <- KwMat(TrainData = TrainData, w = w, Sigma = Sigma)
  Means <- colMeans(Kw) 
  # -- Double-center Kw --
  Kw <-scale(Kw, center = TRUE, scale = FALSE)
  Kw <- scale(t(Kw), center = TRUE, scale = FALSE)
  #Generate One-hot encoding matrix and optimal scores
  Y <- IndicatMat(TrainCat)$Categorical
  Theta <- OptScores(TrainCat)
  YTheta <- Y %*% Theta
  #Generate Discriminant Vectors
    Dvec <- SolveKOSCPP(YTheta = YTheta, K = Kw, Gamma = Gamma)
  # --- Weight TrainData ---
  TrainData <- t( t(TrainData) * w)
  # --- Checking if converting TestData to matrix has transposed it ---
  TestData <- as.matrix(TestData)
  if(ncol(TestData) != ncol(TrainData)){ 
    TestData <- t(TestData)
  # --- Weight TestData ---
  TestData <- t( t(TestData) * w)
  # --- Generate Projection Values ---
  PV <- apply(TestData, MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(z){
    # Kernel evalutations of x and each vector in Data
    Kx <- t(Kernel(x = z, 
                   TrainData = TrainData, 
                   Sigma = Sigma))
    # Create means vector to shift Kx 
    Dvec <- scale(Dvec, center = TRUE, scale = FALSE)
    P <- ( Kx - Means ) %*% Dvec

# Forms Q matrx and B vector in qudratic form used to update weights.  Data is n x p
# A is a n x G-1 matrix of Discriminant vectors. In the two group case, it will be a
# vector of length n.  YTheta is the n x G-1 transformed response matrix.  w is
# weight vector of length p. Each coordinate lies between -1 and 1.  Gamma is
# ridge parameter Sigma is Gaussian kernel parameter.
FormQB <- function(TrainData, Dvec, YTheta, w, Kw, Sigma, Gamma) {
  #Set parameters
  p <- length(w)
  n <- nrow(Kw)
  #Initialize Q matrix and B vector 
  Q <- matrix(rep(0, p^2), nrow = p)  #initialize Q matrix.
  B <- rep(0, p)  #initialize B vector
  #Form T matrix
  Tmat <- TMatCPP(TrainData, Dvec, w, Sigma)  
  Q <- (1/n) * crossprod(Tmat) 
  # Form linear component of quadratic form
  B <- (1/n) * crossprod(YTheta - Kw %*%  Dvec + Tmat %*% w, Tmat) - (Gamma/2) * crossprod(Dvec, Tmat)
  return(list(B = B, Q = Q))

SparseKernOptScore <- function(TrainData, TrainCat, 
                               Dvec = NULL, w0 = rep(1, ncol(TrainData)), 
                               Sigma, Gamma, Lambda, Maxniter = 100,
                               Epsilon = 1e-05, Error = 1e-05) {
  #--- Get Everything Initialized ---
  n <- nrow(TrainData)
  p <- ncol(TrainData)
  error <- 1  #Initialize Error value
  niter <- 1

  #--- Form optimal scores and weighted kernel matrix ---
  Y <- IndicatMat(TrainCat)$Categorical
  Opt_Scores <- OptScores(TrainCat)
  YTheta <- Y %*% Opt_Scores
  Kw <- KwMat(TrainData = TrainData,
              w = w0, 
              Sigma = Sigma)
  #-- Double-center Kw --
  Kw <- scale(Kw, center = TRUE, scale = FALSE)
  Kw <- scale(t(Kw), center = TRUE, scale = FALSE)
  # Create Initial Discrimiant Vector and Quadratic Form Terms#
    Dvec_old <- SolveKOSCPP(YTheta = YTheta, 
                         K = Kw, 
                         Gamma = Gamma) #initialize old coefficients
    Dvec_old = Dvec
  #If no sparsity penalty, return KOS vector and initial weights
  if(Lambda == 0){
    return(list(Weights = w0, Dvec = Dvec_old))

  #From here on, sparsity penalty Lambda > 0. 
  OldQB <- FormQB(TrainData = TrainData, 
                  Dvec = Dvec_old, 
                  YTheta = YTheta,
                  w = w0,
                  Kw = Kw, 
                  Gamma = Gamma, 
                  Sigma = Sigma)
  Qold <- OldQB$Q #Initialize Q
  Bold <- OldQB$B #Initialize B
  # Record Objective Function Value with Initial Terms
  OFV <- ObjectiveFuncCPP(w0, Kw, TrainData, Dvec_old, YTheta, Lambda, Gamma,  Epsilon)
  # Enter while loop for updating weights and discriminant vectors.
  # Terminates if loss function values converge or if maximum 
  # iterations reached.
  while (error > Error && niter < Maxniter) {
    # Update the Weights
    w <- as.numeric(CoordDesCPP(w0, Qold, Bold, Lambda, 1e-06, 1e+07))
    Kw <- KwMat(TrainData = TrainData, 
                w = w, 
                Sigma = Sigma) #reform weighted kernel matrix
    #-- Double-center Kw --
    Kw <- scale(Kw, center = TRUE, scale = FALSE)
    Kw <- scale(t(Kw), center = TRUE, scale = FALSE)
    #Update Discriminant Vector
    Dvec <- SolveKOSCPP(YTheta = YTheta,  K = Kw, Gamma = Gamma)
    # --- Calculate updated objective function value ---
    OFV_dvec <- ObjectiveFuncCPP(w, Kw, TrainData, Dvec, YTheta, Lambda, Gamma, Epsilon)
    #--- Update quadratic form terms ---
    Output <- FormQB(TrainData = TrainData, 
                     Dvec = Dvec, 
                     YTheta = YTheta, 
                     w = w,
                     Kw = Kw, 
                     Gamma = Gamma, 
                     Sigma = Sigma)
    Q <- Output$Q
    B <- Output$B
    Error <- abs(OFV_dvec - OFV)
    niter <- niter + 1 #update iteration count
    #--- Update weights, quadratic form term, and Discriminant Vector ---
    w0 <- w
    Bold <- B
    Qold <- Q
    Dvec_old <- Dvec
    OFV <- OFV_dvec

  return(list(Weights = w0, Dvec = Dvec))

SelectRidge <- function(TrainData, TrainCat, Sigma, Epsilon = 1e-05) {
  n <- nrow(TrainData)
  YTrain <- IndicatMat(TrainCat)$Categorical
  Opt_ScoreTrain <- OptScores(TrainCat)
  YThetaTrain <- YTrain %*% Opt_ScoreTrain
  K <- KernelMat(TrainData, Sigma)
  K <- scale(K, center = TRUE, scale = FALSE)
  K <- scale(t(K), center = TRUE, scale = FALSE)
  VS <- (n / ((n - 1)^2 * (n - 2))) * (sum(diag(K)^2) - (1/n) * sum(K^2))
  denom <- (1 / (n - 1)^2) * (sum(K^2))
  t <- VS / denom
  Gamma <- t / (1 - t)

RidgeGCV <- function(Data, Cat, Sigma, Epsilon = 1e-05) {
  YTrain <- IndicatMat(Cat)$Categorical
  Opt_ScoreTrain <- OptScores(Cat)
  YThetaTrain <- YTrain %*% Opt_ScoreTrain
  K <- KernelMat(Data, Sigma)
  n <- nrow(K)
  K <- scale(K, center = TRUE, scale = FALSE)
  K <- scale(t(K), center = TRUE, scale = FALSE)
  Gammaseq <- seq(from = 0, to = 0.5, by = 1e-04)
  values <- sapply(Gammaseq, FUN = function(Gamma) {
    Mat <- MASS::ginv(K %*% K + Gamma * n * (K + Epsilon * diag(n))) %*% K
    Num <- sum((YThetaTrain - Mat %*% YThetaTrain)^2)
    Denom <- (n - sum(diag(Mat)))

# Create Logarithmic Sequence Helper Function 
# From: a parameter > 0 for the lower bound of the sequence
# To: A parameter >= From for the upper bound of the sequence
# NumPoints: A positive integer designating the number of points in the sequence
# Returns a sequence of an exponentially increasing number of NumPoints points from From to To.
CreateLogSeq <- function(From, To, NumPoints){
  LogFrom <- log(From)
  LogTo <- log(To)
  LogSeq <-  seq(from = LogFrom, to = LogTo, length.out = NumPoints)

## Cross Validation Code
LassoCV <- function(TrainData, TrainCat, B, Gamma, Sigma,
                    Epsilon = 1e-05) {
  #Generate Lambda Seqeunce
  c <- 2 * max(abs(B))
  Lambdaseq <- LambdaSeqCpp(from = 1e-10 * c, to = c, length = 20)
  n <- nrow(TrainData)
  FoldLabels <- CreateFolds(TrainCat)
  Errors <- rep(0, 20) #Initialize Errors
  nfold <- 5
  for (i in 1:nfold) {
    ## Make Train and Validation Folds##
    NewTrainData <- subset(TrainData, FoldLabels != i)
    NewTrainCat <- subset(TrainCat, FoldLabels != i)
    NewTestCat <- subset(TrainCat, FoldLabels == i)
    NewTestData <- subset(TrainData, FoldLabels == i)
    ## Scale and Center Folds ##
    output <- CenterScale(NewTrainData, NewTestData)
    NewTrainData <- output$TrainData
    NewTestData <- output$TestData
    YTrain <- IndicatMat(NewTrainCat)$Categorical  #Create n x G categorical response matrix
    Opt_ScoreTrain <- OptScores(NewTrainCat)
    YTheta <- YTrain %*% Opt_ScoreTrain
    w <- rep(1, ncol(TrainData)) #Initialize weights 
    #--- Run through lambda seqeunce and compute CV errors---
    for (j in 1:20) {
      totalError <- 0
      # If sparsity parameter was too large, all weights are set to 0. Set misclassification
      # Error to be maximial
      if (sum(abs(w)) == 0) {
        totalError <- length(TrainCat)
      else {
        #Initialize Dvec to KOS solution at first iteration
        if(j ==1){ 
          K <- KernelMat(TrainData = NewTrainData, Sigma = Sigma)
          K <- scale(K, center = TRUE, scale = FALSE)
          K <- scale(t(K), center = TRUE, scale = FALSE)
          Dvec <- SolveKOSCPP(YTheta, K, Gamma = Gamma)
        # Else use warm start from previous solution
        # Apply kernel feature selection algorithm on training data
        output <- SparseKernOptScore(TrainData = NewTrainData, 
                                     TrainCat = NewTrainCat, 
                                     Dvec = Dvec, #warm start Dvec
                                     w0 = w,#warm start Weights
                                     Sigma = Sigma,
                                     Gamma = Gamma,
                                     Lambda = Lambdaseq[j], 
                                     Maxniter = 100, 
                                     Epsilon = Epsilon)
        w <- as.numeric(output$Weights)
        Dvec <- output$Dvec
        if (sum(abs(w)) == 0) {
          totalError <- length(TrainCat)
        } else {
          # Scale test data by weights
          NewTestDataFold <- t(t(NewTestData) * w)
          NewTrainDataFold <- t(t(NewTrainData) * w)
          ## Need weighted kernel matrix to compute projection values
          NewKtrain <- KernelMat(NewTrainDataFold, Sigma = Sigma)
          # Create projection Values
          NewTestProjections <- GetProjectionsCPP(TrainData = NewTrainDataFold, 
                                               TrainCat = NewTrainCat, 
                                               TestData = NewTestDataFold, 
                                               Dvec = Dvec, 
                                               w = w, 
                                               Kw = NewKtrain, 
                                               Sigma = Sigma, 
                                               Gamma = Gamma)
          ### Need Train projection values for LDA
          TrainProjections <- GetProjectionsCPP(TrainData = NewTrainDataFold, 
                                             TrainCat = NewTrainCat, 
                                             TestData = NewTrainDataFold, 
                                             Dvec = Dvec, 
                                             w = w, 
                                             Kw = NewKtrain, 
                                             Sigma = Sigma, 
                                             Gamma = Gamma)
          predictions <- LDA(TrainData = as.matrix(TrainProjections),
                             TrainCat = NewTrainCat,
                             TestData = as.matrix(NewTestProjections))$Predictions
          # Compute number of misclassified points
          FoldError <- sum(predictions != NewTestCat)
          totalError <- totalError + FoldError
    Errors[j] <- totalError / n
  # Select maximal Lambda value which minimizes CV errors
  MinimialError <- min(Errors)
  Indices <- which(Errors == min(Errors))
  return(list(Lambda = Lambdaseq[max(Indices)], Errors = Errors))

# Code to select kernel, ridge, and sparsity parameters.
#' @title Generates parameters.
#' @param TrainData (n x p) Matrix of training data with numeric features. Cannot have missing values.
#' @param TrainCat (n x 1) Vector of class membership. Values must be either 1 or 2.
#' @param Sigma Scalar Gaussian kernel parameter. Default set to NULL and is automatically generated if user-specified value not provided. Must be > 0. User-specified parameters must satisfy hierarchical ordering.
#' @param Gamma Scalar ridge parameter used in kernel optimal scoring. Default set to NULL and is automatically generated if user-specified value not provided. Must be > 0. User-specified parameters must satisfy hierarchical ordering.
#' @param Epsilon Numerical stability constant with default value 1e-05. Must be > 0 and is typically chosen to be small.
#' @references Lancewicki, Tomer. "Regularization of the kernel matrix via covariance matrix shrinkage estimation." arXiv preprint arXiv:1707.06156 (2017).
#' @references Lapanowski, Alexander F., and Gaynanova, Irina. ``Sparse feature selection in kernel discriminant analysis via optimal scoring'', Artificial Intelligence and Statistics, 2019.
#' @description Generates parameters to be used in sparse kernel optimal scoring.
#' @details Generates the gaussian kernel, ridge, and sparsity parameters for use in sparse kernel optimal scoring using the methods presented in [Lapanowski and Gaynanova, preprint]. 
#' The Gaussian kernel parameter is generated using five-fold cross-validation of the misclassification error rate aross the {.05, .1, .2, .3, .5} quantiles of squared-distances between groups. 
#' The ridge parameter is generated using a stabilization technique developed in Lapanowski and Gaynanova (2019).
#' The sparsity parameter is generated by five-fold cross-validation over a logarithmic grid of 20 values in an automatically-generated interval.
#' @importFrom stats quantile sd
#' @return A list of 
#' \item{Sigma}{ Gaussian kernel parameter.}  
#' \item{Gamma}{ Ridge Parameter.}
#' \item{Lambda}{ Sparsity parameter.}
#' @examples 
#' \donttest{
#' Sigma <- 1.325386  #Set parameter values equal to result of SelectParam.
#' Gamma <- 0.07531579 #Speeds up example
#' TrainData <- KOS_Data$TrainData
#' TrainCat <- KOS_Data$TrainCat
#' SelectParams(TrainData = TrainData , 
#'              TrainCat = TrainCat, 
#'              Sigma = Sigma, 
#'              Gamma = Gamma)
#' @export
SelectParams <- function(TrainData, TrainCat, Sigma = NULL, Gamma = NULL, Epsilon = 1e-05) {
  # --- Initialize Parameters ---
  n <- nrow(TrainData)
  p <- ncol(TrainData)
  n1 <- sum(TrainCat == 1)
  n2 <- n - n1
  p1 <- n1/n
  p2 <- 1- p1
  #--- Form YTheta ---
  Y <- IndicatMat(TrainCat)$Categorical
  Theta <- OptScores(TrainCat)
  YTheta <- Y %*% Theta
  # --- Generate Sigma and Gamma Values if NULL ---
  if(is.null(Sigma) & is.null(Gamma)){
    E <- matrix(0, nrow = 5, ncol = 4)
    QuantileTest <- c(0.05, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.5)
    Data1 <- subset(TrainData , TrainCat == 1)
    Data2 <- subset(TrainData , TrainCat == 2)
    DistanceMat <- fields::rdist(x1 = Data1, x2 = Data2)
    # --- Run Through Folds ---
    for(j in 1:5){
      #Set Sigma to quantile value
      Sigma <- stats::quantile(DistanceMat, QuantileTest[j])
      #Select ridge parameter using above Sigma
      Gamma <- SelectRidge(TrainData = TrainData, 
                           TrainCat = TrainCat, 
                           Sigma = Sigma, 
                           Epsilon = Epsilon)
      K <- KernelMat(TrainData, Sigma)
      #-- Double-center K --
      K <- scale(K, center = TRUE, scale = FALSE)
      K <- scale(t(K), center = TRUE, scale = FALSE)
      Dvec <- SolveKOSCPP(YTheta = YTheta, K = K, Gamma = Gamma)
      B <- FormQB(TrainData = TrainData, 
                  Dvec = Dvec, 
                  YTheta = YTheta, 
                  w = rep(1, p),
                  Kw = K, 
                  Sigma = Sigma, 
                  Gamma = Gamma)$B
      output <- LassoCV(TrainData = TrainData, 
                        TrainCat = TrainCat, 
                        B = B, 
                        Sigma = Sigma,
                        Gamma = Gamma, 
                        Epsilon = Epsilon)
      E[j, ] <- c(min(output$Errors), Gamma, output$Lambda, Sigma)
    j <- which.min(E[, 1])
    return(list(Sigma = E[j, 4], Gamma = E[j, 2], Lambda = E[j, 3]))
  else if( is.null(Sigma) == FALSE & is.null(Gamma) == FALSE){
    #--- Need to Create Lambda Value ---
    Y <- IndicatMat(TrainCat)$Categorical
    Theta <- OptScores(TrainCat)
    YTheta <- Y %*% Theta
    K <- KernelMat(TrainData, Sigma)
    #-- Double-center K --
    K <- scale(K, center = TRUE, scale = FALSE)
    K <- scale(t(K), center = TRUE, scale = FALSE)
    Dvec <- SolveKOSCPP(YTheta = YTheta, K = K, Gamma = Gamma)
    B <- FormQB(TrainData, 
                w = rep(1, p),
                Kw = K, 
    Lambda <- LassoCV(TrainData = TrainData , 
                      TrainCat = TrainCat, 
                      B = B, 
                      Gamma = Gamma, 
                      Sigma = Sigma, 
                      Epsilon = Epsilon)$Lambda
  else if(is.null(Sigma) == FALSE & is.null(Gamma)){
    Gamma <- SelectRidge(TrainData, TrainCat, Sigma, Epsilon)
    Y <- IndicatMat(TrainCat)$Categorical
    Theta <- OptScores(TrainCat)
    YTheta <- Y %*% Theta
    K <- KernelMat(TrainData, Sigma)
    #-- Double-center K --
    K <- scale(K, center = TRUE, scale = FALSE)
    K <- scale(t(K), center = TRUE, scale = FALSE)
    #--- Solve for Discriminant Vector ---
    Dvec <- SolveKOSCPP(YTheta = YTheta, K = K, Gamma = Gamma)
    B <- FormQB(TrainData, 
                w = rep(1, p),
                Kw = K, 
    Lambda <- LassoCV(TrainData = TrainData, 
                      TrainCat = TrainCat, 
                      B = B, 
                      Gamma = Gamma, 
                      Sigma = Sigma)$Lambda
    stop("Hierarchical order of parameters violated. Please specify Sigma before Gamma, and both Sigma and Gamma before Lambda.")
  return(list(Sigma = Sigma, Gamma = Gamma, Lambda = Lambda))

### Helper Function. Computes column means and standard deviations
### of Training Data matrix. Shifts and scales Test Data matrix
### columns by those values.
CenterScale<-function(TrainData, TestData){
  TrainData <- as.matrix(TrainData)
  TestData <- as.matrix(TestData)
  ColMeans<-apply(TrainData, MARGIN=2, FUN = mean)
  ColSD <- apply(TrainData, MARGIN=2, FUN = stats::sd)
  TrainData <- scale(TrainData, scale=T)
  TestData <- t(t(TestData) - ColMeans)
  for(j in 1:ncol(TrainData)){
    if(ColSD[j] != 0){
      TestData[,j] <- TestData[,j] / ColSD[j]
  return(list(TrainData = TrainData, TestData = TestData))

### Helper Function. Creates fold labels which maintain class proportions
CreateFolds <- function(Cat) {
  n <- length(Cat)
  Index <- c(1:n)
  Category <- data.frame(Cat = Cat, Index = Index)
  Cat1 <- subset(Category, Cat == 1)
  n1 <- nrow(Cat1)
  Cat2 <- subset(Category, Cat == 2)
  n2 <- nrow(Cat2)
  nfold <- 5
  FoldLabels1 <- cut( seq(1, n1), breaks = nfold, labels = FALSE)
  FoldLabels1 <- sample( FoldLabels1, size = n1, replace = FALSE)
  Cat1 <- cbind(Cat1, FoldLabel = FoldLabels1)
  FoldLabels2 <- cut( seq(1, n2), breaks = nfold, labels = FALSE)
  FoldLabels2 <- sample( FoldLabels2, size = n2, replace = FALSE)
  Cat2 <- cbind( Cat2, FoldLabel = FoldLabels2)
  Labels <- rbind(Cat1, Cat2)

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