#' random forest feature selection based on binomial exact test
#' \code{binomialRF} is the R implementation of the feature selection algorithm by (Zaim 2019)
#' @param binomialRF_object the binomialRF object output
#' @param gene_ontology a two- or three-column representation of a gene ontology with gene and geneset names
#' @param cutoff a real-valued number between 0 and 1, used as a p-value threshold
#' @references Zaim, SZ; Kenost, C.; Lussier, YA; Zhang, HH. binomialRF: Scalable Feature Selection and Screening for Random Forests to Identify Biomarkers and Their Interactions, bioRxiv, 2019.
#' @return a data.frame with 4 columns: Geneset Name, P-value, Adjusted P-value based on \code{fdr.method}
#' @export
geneset_binomialRF <- function(binomialRF_object, gene_ontology, cutoff=0.2){
if(!is.numeric(cutoff) ){
stop("Error: the cutoff parameter should be a numeric input")
binomialRF_object <- binomialRF_object[binomialRF_object$adjSignificance < cutoff,]
enrich_pathway <- function(pathway, gene_ontology, binomialRF_object){
pathway_genes = gene_ontology$symbol[gene_ontology$goid ==pathway]
a = sum(binomialRF_object$variable %in% pathway_genes)
b = length(pathway_genes)
c = sum(!binomialRF_object$variable %in% pathway_genes)
d = length(unique(gene_ontology$symbol)) -b
mat = matrix(c(a,b,c,d), ncol=2, byrow = T)
return(c(pathway,stats::fisher.test(mat, alternative = 'greater')$p.value))
pathway_scores = lapply(unique(gene_ontology$goid), function(x) enrich_pathway(x, gene_ontology, binomialRF_object))
pathway_scores = data.frame(, pathway_scores),stringsAsFactors = F)
colnames(pathway_scores) <- c('Geneset','P_value')
pathway_scores$P_value <- as.numeric(pathway_scores$P_value)
pathway_scores$AdjPvalue <- stats::p.adjust(pathway_scores$P_value, method = 'BY' )
pathway_scores <- pathway_scores[order(pathway_scores$AdjPvalue, decreasing = F),]
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