Man pages for bio.infer
Predict Environmental Conditions from Biological Observations

bcnt.emapwBenthic count data for the western United States
bcnt.ORBenthic count data for western Oregon
bcnt.otu.ORBenthic count data with OTU count with taxonomic hierarchy
bio.infer.packageScripts for computing biological inferences
coef.east.sedRegression coefficients for eastern U.S. sediment
coef.west.wtWeighted regression coefficients for western U.S.
correct.taxanamesCorrect unrecognized taxon names
envdata.emapwEnvironmental data from the western United States
envdata.OREnvironmental data from western OR
flist.dataList available data
flist.matchSelects data files matching search string
formtomatAnalyze formula string
get.dupe.selGet duplicate selection
get.otuDefines operational taxonomic units (OTUs)
get.taxon.namesGet taxon names from benthic count file
get.taxonomicMerge benthic count data with the ITIS taxonomy table
get.valid.namesGet taxon names from benthic count file
incorp.correctIncorporate taxon name revisions
inferguiGraphical User Interface for biological inferences
in.ITISCheck to see if taxon name is in ITIS
itis.ttableITIS taxonomic hierarchy table
load.itisLoad ITIS taxon table
load.revised.otuLoads a user-revised OTU table
load.revised.speciesLoads a user-revised list of species names
locate.dupesLocate duplicated taxon names
make.fulltab1Make full taxonomic table
make.speciesGenerate species names
makessMake a site-OTU matrix
mlsolveMaximum likelihood inferences
modaldialogModal dialog box using TclTK final taxonomic table
parse.taxon.nameParse taxon name
remove.dupesRemove unselected duplicates from taxon table
resolve.multResolve cases in which two taxa are found in ITIS
sel.coeffileSelect coefficient file
ss.ORsite-OTU matrix for western Oregon
taxon.envEstimate taxon-environment relationships
tklist.modalModal select list dialog using TclTk
trait.feedingFeeding traits for benthic invertebrates
trait.habitHabit traits for benthic invertebrates
trait.statCompute trait metrics
view.teView taxon-environment relationships
bio.infer documentation built on Sept. 2, 2020, 5:08 p.m.