
Defines functions time_to_size distribution_to_logcount time_to_logcount

Documented in distribution_to_logcount time_to_logcount time_to_size

#' Time to reach a given microbial count
#' @description 
#' `r lifecycle::badge("superseded")`
#' The function [time_to_logcount()] has been superseded by 
#' function [time_to_size()], which provides a more general interface.
#' But it still returns the storage time required for the microbial count to
#' reach `log_count` according to the predictions of `model`.
#' Calculations are done using linear interpolation of the model predictions.
#' @param model An instance of `IsothermalGrowth` or `DynamicGrowth`.
#' @param log_count The target log microbial count.
#' @importFrom stats approx
#' @return The predicted time to reach `log_count`.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' ## First of all, we will get an IsothermalGrowth object
#' my_model <- "modGompertz"
#' my_pars <- list(logN0 = 2, C = 6, mu = .2, lambda = 25)
#' my_time <- seq(0, 100, length = 1000)
#' static_prediction <- predict_isothermal_growth(my_model, my_time, my_pars)
#' plot(static_prediction)
#' ## And now we calculate the time to reach a microbial count
#' time_to_logcount(static_prediction, 2.5)
#' ## If log_count is outside the range of the predicted values, NA is returned
#' time_to_logcount(static_prediction, 20)
time_to_logcount <- function(model, log_count) {

    if (is.IsothermalGrowth(model)) {
        approx(model$simulation$logN, model$simulation$time,
               ties = function(x) min(x, na.rm = TRUE))$y
    } else if(is.DynamicGrowth(model)) {
        approx(model$simulation$logN, model$simulation$time,
               ties = function(x) min(x, na.rm = TRUE))$y
    } else {
        stop("Model type not supported: ", class(model))


#' Distribution of times to reach a certain microbial count
#' @description 
#' `r lifecycle::badge("superseded")`
#' The function [distribution_to_logcount()] has been superseded by 
#' function [time_to_size()], which provides more general interface.
#' Returns the probability distribution of the storage time required for
#' the microbial count to reach `log_count` according to the predictions of
#' a stochastic `model`.
#' Calculations are done using linear interpolation of the individual
#'  model predictions.
#' @param model An instance of `StochasticGrowth` or `MCMCgrowth`.
#' @param log_count The target microbial count.
#' @return An instance of [TimeDistribution()].
#' @importFrom purrr map_dfr
#' @importFrom dplyr %>% summarize
#' @importFrom rlang .data
#' @importFrom stats sd median quantile
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' ## We need an instance of StochasticGrowth
#' my_model <- "modGompertz"
#' my_times <- seq(0, 30, length = 100)
#' n_sims <- 3000
#' library(tibble)
#' pars <- tribble(
#'     ~par, ~mean, ~sd, ~scale,
#'     "logN0", 0, .2, "original",
#'     "mu", 2, .3, "sqrt",
#'     "lambda", 4, .4, "sqrt",
#'     "C", 6, .5, "original"
#' )
#' stoc_growth <- predict_stochastic_growth(my_model, my_times, n_sims, pars)
#' }
distribution_to_logcount <- function(model, log_count) {

    if (is.StochasticGrowth(model)) {

        time_dist <- split(model$simulations, model$simulations$iter) %>%
            # split(.$iter) %>%
            map_dfr(~ approx(.$logN, .$time, log_count, ties = "ordered")

    } else if(is.MCMCgrowth(model)) {

        time_dist <- split(model$simulations, model$simulations$sim) %>%
            # split(.$sim) %>%
            map_dfr(~ approx(.$logN, .$time, log_count, ties = "ordered")

    } else {
        stop("Model type not supported: ", class(model))

    my_summary <- time_dist %>%
        summarize(m_time = mean(.data$y, na.rm = TRUE),
                  sd_time = sd(.data$y, na.rm=TRUE),
                  med_time = median(.data$y, na.rm = TRUE),
                  q10 = quantile(.data$y, .1, na.rm = TRUE),
                  q90 = quantile(.data$y, .9, na.rm = TRUE))

    out <- list(distribution = time_dist$y,
                summary = my_summary)

    class(out) <- c("TimeDistribution", class(out))



#' Time for the population to reach a given size 
#' @description 
#' `r lifecycle::badge("experimental")`
#' Calculates the elapsed time required for the population to reach a given size
#' (in log scale)
#' @details 
#' The calculation method differs depending on the value of `type`. If `type="discrete"`
#' (default), the function calculates by linear interpolation a discrete time to 
#' reach the target population size. If `type="distribution"`, this calculation
#' is repeated several times, generating a distribution of the time. Note that this
#' is only possible for instances of [GrowthUncertainty] or [MCMCgrowth].
#' @param model An instance of [GrowthPrediction], [GrowthFit], [GlobalGrowthFit],
#' [GrowthUncertainty] or [MCMCgrowth].
#' @param size Target population size (in log scale)
#' @param logbase_logN Base of the logarithm for the population size. By default,
#' 10 (i.e. log10). See vignette about units for details.
#' @param type Tye of calculation, either "discrete" (default) or "distribution"
#' @importFrom purrr map_dbl
#' @return If  `type="discrete"`, a number. If `type="distribution"`, an instance of 
#' [TimeDistribution].
#' @export
#' @examples 
#' ## Example 1 - Growth predictions -------------------------------------------
#' ## The model is defined as usual with predict_growth
#' my_model <- list(model = "modGompertz", logN0 = 0, C = 6, mu = .2, lambda = 20)
#' my_time <- seq(0, 100, length = 1000)  # Vector of time points for the calculations
#' my_prediction <- predict_growth(my_time, my_model, environment = "constant")
#' plot(my_prediction)
#' ## We just have to pass the model and the size (in log10)
#' time_to_size(my_prediction, 3)
#' ## If the size is not reached, it returns NA
#' time_to_size(my_prediction, 8)
#' ## By default, it considers the population size is defined in the same log-base
#' ## as the prediction. But that can be changed using logbase_logN
#' time_to_size(my_prediction, 3)
#' time_to_size(my_prediction, 3, logbase_logN = 10)
#' time_to_size(my_prediction, log(100), logbase_logN = exp(1))
#' ## Example 2 - Model fit ----------------------------------------------------
#' my_data <- data.frame(time = c(0, 25, 50, 75, 100), 
#'                       logN = c(2, 2.5, 7, 8, 8))
#' models <- list(primary = "Baranyi")
#' known <- c(mu = .2)
#' start <- c(logNmax = 8, lambda = 25, logN0 = 2)
#' primary_fit <- fit_growth(my_data, models, start, known,
#'                           environment = "constant",
#'                           )
#' plot(primary_fit)
#' time_to_size(primary_fit, 4)
#' ## Example 3 - Global fitting -----------------------------------------------
#' ## We need a model first
#' data("multiple_counts")
#' data("multiple_conditions")
#' sec_models <- list(temperature = "CPM", pH = "CPM")
#' known_pars <- list(Nmax = 1e8, N0 = 1e0, Q0 = 1e-3,
#'                    temperature_n = 2, temperature_xmin = 20, 
#'                    temperature_xmax = 35,
#'                    temperature_xopt = 30,
#'                    pH_n = 2, pH_xmin = 5.5, pH_xmax = 7.5, pH_xopt = 6.5)
#' my_start <- list(mu_opt = .8)
#' global_fit <- fit_growth(multiple_counts, 
#'                          sec_models, 
#'                          my_start, 
#'                          known_pars,
#'                          environment = "dynamic",
#'                          algorithm = "regression",
#'                          approach = "global",
#'                          env_conditions = multiple_conditions
#'                          ) 
#' plot(global_fit)
#' ## The function calculates the time for each experiment
#' time_to_size(global_fit, 3)
#' ## It returns NA for the particular experiment if the size is not reached
#' time_to_size(global_fit, 4.5)
time_to_size <- function(model, 
                         type = "discrete",
                         logbase_logN = NULL
                         ) {
    ## Convert the size to the right scale if not NULL
    if (!is.null(logbase_logN)) {
        size <- size/log(model$logbase_logN, base = logbase_logN)
    if (type == "discrete") {  # Calculation of a discrete time ----------------
        if (is.GrowthPrediction(model)) {  # For model predictions
            d <- model$simulation
            approx(x = d$logN, y = d$time, size, 
                   ties = function(x) min(x, na.rm = TRUE))$y
        } else if (is.GrowthFit(model)) {  # For model fits using the single approach
            d <- model$best_prediction$simulation
            approx(x = d$logN, y = d$time, size, 
                   ties = function(x) min(x, na.rm = TRUE))$y
        } else if (is.GlobalGrowthFit(model)) {  # For global fits

            model$best_prediction %>%
                map_dbl(~ approx(x = .$simulation$logN, 
                                 y = .$simulation$time, 
                                 ties = function(x) min(x, na.rm = TRUE))$y
        } else if (is.GrowthUncertainty(model)) {  # For growth with uncertainty
            d <- model$quantiles
            approx(x = d$q50, y = d$time, size,  # Interpolate the median
                   ties = function(x) min(x, na.rm = TRUE))$y
        } else if (is.MCMCgrowth(model)) { 
            d <- model$quantiles
            approx(x = d$q50, y = d$time, size,  # Interpolate the median
                   ties = function(x) min(x, na.rm = TRUE))$y
        } else {
            stop("Model type not supported for discrete calculations: ", class(model))
    } else if (type == "distribution") {  # Calculation of the distribution ----
        if (is.GrowthUncertainty(model)) {  # Predictions with parameter uncertainty
            time_dist <- lapply(split(model$simulations, model$simulations$iter),
                   function(x) {
                       unique_vals <- unique(x$logN)
                       if (length(unique_vals < 2)) {
                           approx(x$logN, x$time, size, method = "constant",
                                  ties = function(x) min(x, na.rm = TRUE)
                       } else {
                           approx(x$logN, x$time, size, method = "linear",
                                  ties = function(x) min(x, na.rm = TRUE)
                   ) %>%
        } else if (is.MCMCgrowth(model)) {
            time_dist <- lapply(split(model$simulations, model$simulations$sim),
                   function(x) {
                       unique_vals <- unique(x$logN)
                       if (length(unique_vals < 2)) {
                           approx(x$logN, x$time, size, method = "constant",
                                  ties = function(x) min(x, na.rm = TRUE)
                       } else {
                           approx(x$logN, x$time, size, method = "linear",
                                  ties = function(x) min(x, na.rm = TRUE)
            ) %>%
        } else {
            stop("Model type not supported for calculating distributions: ", class(model))
        ## Put the calculations together and return
        my_summary <- time_dist %>%
            summarize(m_time = mean(.data$y, na.rm = TRUE),
                      sd_time = sd(.data$y, na.rm=TRUE),
                      med_time = median(.data$y, na.rm = TRUE),
                      q10 = quantile(.data$y, .1, na.rm = TRUE),
                      q90 = quantile(.data$y, .9, na.rm = TRUE))
        out <- list(distribution = time_dist$y,
                    summary = my_summary)
        class(out) <- c("TimeDistribution", class(out))
    } else {
        stop("type must be 'discrete' or 'distribution', not ", type)



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