
Defines functions `H2fun`

`H2fun` <-
function(web, H2_integer=TRUE){
    # function to calculate a measure of specialisation in a bipartite web: H2'
    # web   a bipartite interaction web, with e.g. pollinators as columns and plants as rows
    # returns the normalised H2' and its subcomponents H2max, H2min and H2uncorrected
    # for web implementation see also: http://itb1.biologie.hu-berlin.de/~nils/stat/
    # Example:
    # set.seed(8793)
    # web <- matrix(rpois(81, 0.5), 9)
    # H2prime(web)
    # code proposals by Jochen to deal with non-integer data:
    if (H2_integer & any((web %% 1) != 0)) stop("web does not contain integers! maybe you should set H2_integer to FALSE")

    tot <- sum(web)       #saemtliche Interaktionen im Netz
    rs <- rowSums(web)    #Interaktion der Pflanze mit saemtlichen Bestaeubern
    cs <- colSums(web)    #saemtliche Interaktionen des jeweiligen Bestaebers

   #--------------- H2 uncorrected------------
    H2uncorr = -sum(web/tot*log(web/tot), na.rm=TRUE)

   #--------------- H2 max ------------
    # Key idea here is to allocate interactions one-by-one into the places where
    # they fit best according to the non-integer optimal web. Easy! (Not.)
    exexpec <- outer(rs, cs/tot) # non-integer optimal web
    if (!H2_integer) {
    	newweb <- exexpec
    	H2_max <- -sum(newweb/tot*log(newweb/tot), na.rm=TRUE)    # first attempt of finding H2_max
    } else {
    	expec <- matrix(0, nrow(web), ncol(web)) # empty web
    	difexp <- exexpec-expec # where are differences between non-integer and 0-web greatest?
    	newweb <- floor(exexpec)  # start new web
    	webfull <- matrix("no", nrow(web), ncol(web)) # makes boolean web, set to 0
    	while (sum(newweb) < tot) {
       	webfull[which(rowSums(newweb)==rs),] <- "yo" # sets columns/rows with correct cs/rs to 1
       	webfull[,which(colSums(newweb)==cs)] <- "yo"
       	OK <- webfull=="no" # matrix of potential cells
	       smallestpossible <- newweb==min(newweb[OK])  # find cell with lowest number of interactions (e.g. 0)
       	greatestdif <- max(difexp[smallestpossible & OK]) # find cell value with largest different between "is" and "should"
       	bestone <- which(OK & smallestpossible & difexp==greatestdif ) # find cell for all three conditions
       	if (length(bestone)>1) bestone <- sample(bestone,1) # select randomly a cell, if different are possible
       	newweb[bestone] <- newweb[bestone] + 1 # put an interaction into that cell
       	difexp <- exexpec - newweb
      H2_max <- -sum(newweb/tot*log(newweb/tot), na.rm=TRUE)    # first attempt of finding H2_max
#    ## what may happen is that there are very few too-high-entries, but many too-low-entries!!
#    difweb <- newweb - exexpec #positive values indicate too-high-entries
#    H2_max <- -sum(newweb/tot*log(newweb/tot), na.rm=TRUE)
#    while (range(difweb)[1] < -.5){    # CFD, 2 Aug 2009
#        difweb <- newweb - exexpec #positive values indicate too-high-entries
#        range(difweb)
#        ## now we need to allocate entries from towards the too-low-slots:
#        towards <- which.min(difweb)
#        from <- which.max(difweb)[1]
#        newweb[towards] <- newweb[towards] + 1
#        newweb[from] <- newweb[from] - 1
#        H2_max_proposal <- -sum(newweb/tot*log(newweb/tot), na.rm=TRUE)
#        H2_max <- ifelse (H2_max_proposal > H2_max, H2_max_proposal, H2_max)
#    }

#  # Hmaxfind     IMPROVED CODE FROM JOCHEN ------------------------------------
  	if (max(exexpec)>0.3679*tot) {    # 0.3679 is the proportion yielding maximal contribution
    # warning("one cell dominates too extremely, H2max can probably not be estimated correctly")
    # further modification to match expected values even better... ; great advance, but can get caught!!  introduce random step if this happens
    	for (tries in 1:500) {# reduces overfits, but NOT underfits!!
      		newmx <- newweb                         # "hin- und herschieben"
      		difexp <- exexpec - newmx #newmx=newweb!
      		greatestdif <- difexp==min(difexp)
      		if (length(which(greatestdif))>1) {
          		largestvalue = newmx==max(newmx[greatestdif])  # evtl den groessten auswaehlen
          		first <- greatestdif & largestvalue
      		} else {first=greatestdif}   # "first" is a boolean matrix
      		newmx[first][1] <-  newmx[first][1] - 1                                    # remove one interaction from one cell (with largest difference to expected values; "too large")
      		throw = which(rowSums(first)>0)[1] ;  thcol = which(colSums(first)>0)[1]  # find row- and column-number of removed cell (not elegant!!)
      		mr=max(difexp[throw,])   ; mc=max(difexp[,thcol])                         # find largest difference value in row and column to expected; "too small"
      		if (mr>=mc) {scnd = which(difexp[throw,]==mr) [1]                         # reallocation; start in row
              	 newmx[throw,scnd] = newmx[throw,scnd]+1                      # put in cell
                   newmx[thrd,scnd] = newmx[thrd,scnd] - 1                      # remove interaction from "too large cell" in that column
                   newmx[thrd,thcol] = newmx[thrd,thcol] + 1                    # put interaction in the cell that recovers original r/c-sums
                  } else {                                                      # as above, but first reallocation in column
                   scnd = which(difexp[,thcol]==mc)[1]
                   newmx[scnd,thcol] = newmx[scnd,thcol] + 1
                   newmx[scnd,thrd] = newmx[scnd,thrd] - 1
                   newmx[throw,thrd] = newmx[throw,thrd] + 1
      		newweb <- newmx
  }     # end Hmaxfind
		#  Hmax=H2(newmx)    
	} # end else-part of initial exexpec
    H2_max.improved <- -sum(newweb/tot*log(newweb/tot), na.rm=TRUE)
    H2_max <- ifelse(H2_integer && H2_max >= H2_max.improved, H2_max, H2_max.improved) # JF: changed September 2019, as the improvement made things worse for certain small webs

   #--------------- H2 min ------------
    # The key idea here is that allocating the col- & row-sums into the
    # web-matrix will yield the minimum H2 for the matrix (since it is the
    # maximum of aggregation possible.
    newweb <- matrix(0,length(rs),length(cs))
    rsrest=rs; csrest=cs
    while (round(sum(rsrest), 10) != 0) { ## Bob O'Hara's suggestion: while (isTRUE(all.equal(sum(rsrest),0))) {
        newweb[which(rsrest==max(rsrest))[1],which(csrest==max(csrest))[1]] = min(c(max(rsrest),max(csrest)))
    # Now we have our new web, with maximum aggregation of observations,
    # and hence minimum H2
    Pnew <- newweb/sum(newweb)
    H2_min <- -sum(Pnew*log(Pnew), na.rm=TRUE)

   #--------------- H2'  ------------
   if (H2uncorr < H2_min) H2_min <- H2uncorr
   if (H2_max < H2uncorr) H2_max <- H2uncorr  # ideally, this should not occur
    #ranging (between 0 and 1):
    H_2prime <- (H2_max - H2uncorr) / (H2_max - H2_min)

    c("H2"=H_2prime, "H2min"=round(H2_min,3), "H2max"=round(H2_max,3), "H2uncorr"=round(H2uncorr,3))

#H2fun(r2dtable(1, r=rowSums(Safariland), c=colSums(Safariland))[[1]])

# This is still a bit unsatisfactory: First, we build a web which contains too many too-high-values, then we correct it. Ideally, the check for BOTH, too-high and too-low values would be done in the building of the web. That would certainly save computational time!!
# Currently, the build-up is relatively complicated and slow because marginal totals need to be observed.

# New test cases (bug in H2fun, H2maxfind, up to version 2.13):
# myweb <- matrix(c(0,1,5,2), nrow=2, byrow=T) # this and similar webs don't work with H2fun!! can lead to NaN or "wrong" 0s
# H2fun(matrix(c(0,1,5,2), nrow=2, byrow=T)) # here, the maximum is not found (only the same as the min is found) so H2=NaN
# the web that it should find is
# bestweb <- matrix(c(1,0,4,3),nrow=2,byrow=T)
# H2fun(bestweb)  # yep, H2'=0, H2max is 0.974, but just because the function uses the observed web for H2max if that is better then the one found

# conclusion: yes, there is a long-standing bug in H2fun! the "improvement" introduced unknown time after bipartite0.3 actually makes things worse at least sometimes (in above example web, H2max-web is found in basic H2maxfind, and then in the second step lost again!!)

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bipartite documentation built on May 29, 2024, 2:23 a.m.