
Defines functions betalinkr_multi

Documented in betalinkr_multi

# metafunction to call betalinkr for all pairwise comparisons of a webarray with more than 2 webs
betalinkr_multi <- function(webarray, ...){
  # data.out <- data.frame(i=integer(0), j=integer(0), S=numeric(0), OS=numeric(0), WN=numeric(0), ST=numeric(0))
  data.out <- data.frame(i=integer(0), j=integer(0), as.data.frame(t(betalinkr(webarray=webarray[, , c(1,2)], ...)))[0,]) # had to change this to allow different length of betalinkr-output, which will occur for partition.st and partition.rr
  webnames <- dimnames(webarray)[[3]]
  if (is.null(webnames)) webnames <- 1:dim(webarray)[3]
  for (i in 1:(dim(webarray)[3]-1)){
    for (j in (i+1):dim(webarray)[3]){
      newrow <- nrow(data.out)+1
      data.out[newrow, 1:2]  <- c(webnames[i], webnames[j])
      data.out[newrow, 3:ncol(data.out)]  <- betalinkr(webarray=webarray[, , c(i,j)], ...)

# example
# betalinkr_multi(testarray)
# betalinkr_multi(webs2array(Safariland, vazquenc, vazarr), index="jaccard")

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bipartite documentation built on May 29, 2024, 2:23 a.m.