
#' Generate JavaScript file for a bipartite network
#'Function called by bipartite_D3() to write JavaScript and CSS file.
#'In most cases it is better to use bipartite_D3() directly.
#' @param df data.frame containing the names of the interactors and the link strengths. bipartite package data need to be passed through Matrix2DF or Array2DF first.
#' @param filename character string to name the .js and .css files. Do not include a file extension
#' @param colouroption Either 'monochrome', 'brewer' or 'manual'
#' @param HighlightLab Name of interactor to highlight
#' @param HighlightCol Highlight colour
#' @param monoChromeCol If using monochrome option, what colour to use
#' @param ColourBy Which set of interactors to colour by. 1= primary, 2= secondary
#' @param BrewerPalette RColorBrewer palette
#' @param NamedColourVector Named vector of colours for manual colour assignment
#' @param MainFigSize Size of figure, used here to calculate facet spacing.
#' @param SortPrimary Vector detailing order to arrange primary level. Default is alphabetical
#' @param SortSecondary Vector detailing order to arrange secondary level. Default is alphabetical
#' @param mp Numeric vector c(rows, columns)
#' @param MinWidth Numeric. Minimum size to shrink unselected interactors to.
#' @param Pad Numeric. Gap between species.
#' @param IndivFigSize Size of each facet, specifically the interactions.
#' @param BarSize Thickness of bars representing interactors
#' @param Orientation Either 'horizontal' or 'vertical' orientation.
#' @param EdgeMode Set to 'straight' to avoid curly lines.
#' @param AxisLabels c('Primary','Secondary') to overide column names of dataframe
#' @param FigureLabel Character vector, to allow overide of use of df column names
#' @param BoxLabPos c(x_p,x_s) To adjust position of species labels. Default is based on maximum length of labels.
#' @param IncludePerc Boolean. whether or not to show percentage links
#' @param PercentageDecimals Number of decimal places to display percentages to. Useful if rare species are rounded to 0.
#' @param PercPos c(x_p,x_s) To adjust position of percentages.  Default is based on maximum length of labels.
#' @param CSS_Output_Supress Boolean. Set to TRUE if you have changed the CSS file manually and don't want it over written
#' @param PRINT Boolean. Output generated JavaScript to screen?
#' @return As a side effect, saves visjs.js (vis plotting library), filename.js and filename.css to the working directory.
#' @import dplyr
#' @import tidyr
#' @import tibble
#' @examples
#' ## Simple Data Set
#' testdata <- data.frame(higher = c("bee1","bee1","bee1","bee2","bee1","bee3"),
#' lower = c("plant1","plant2","plant1","plant2","plant3","plant4"),
#'  Meadow=c(5,9,1,2,3,7))
#' BP_JS_Writer(testdata,PRINT=TRUE)
#'## tidy up (to keep CRAN happy, not needed in real life use)
#' @export
BP_JS_Writer<- function (df, filename = "JSBP", colouroption = c("monochrome",
                                                  "brewer", "manual")[1], HighlightLab = "Unlinked", HighlightCol = "#3366CC",
          monoChromeCol = "rgb(56,43,61)", ColourBy = c(1, 2)[2], BrewerPalette = "Accent",
          NamedColourVector, MainFigSize = NULL, SortPrimary = NULL,
          SortSecondary = NULL, mp = c(1, 1), MinWidth = 10, Pad = 1,
          IndivFigSize = c(200, 400), BarSize = 35, Orientation = c("vertical",
                                                                    "horizontal")[1], EdgeMode = c("straight", "smooth")[2],
          AxisLabels = NULL, FigureLabel = NULL,
          BoxLabPos = NULL,
          IncludePerc = TRUE,
          PercPos = NULL, CSS_Output_Supress = FALSE,
          PRINT = FALSE)
  JSON <- "JSON"
  JSONColumn <- df %>% unite(col = "JSON", 1:2, sep = "\",\"") %>%
    mutate(JSON = paste0("\"", JSON, "\"")) %>% unite(col = "JSON",
                                                      sep = ",") %>% mutate(JSON = paste0("[", JSON, "]"))
  data <- paste0("var data=[", paste0(JSONColumn$JSON, collapse = ",\n"),
  if (!(colouroption %in% c("monochrome", "brewer", "manual"))) {
    warning("Invalid Colour Option!\n            Must be one of \"monochrome\", \"brewer\"or \"manual\".\n            Defaulting to monochrome)")
    colouroption <- "monochrome"
  ToColour <- unique(df[, ColourBy])
  ToColour <- ToColour[ToColour != HighlightLab]
  if (colouroption == "monochrome") {
    colours <- paste0("var color = {'", HighlightLab, "':'",
                      HighlightCol, "',", paste0("'", ToColour, "':'",
                                                 monoChromeCol, "'", collapse = ","), "};\n\n")
  if (colouroption == "brewer") {
    colours <- paste0("var color = {'", HighlightLab, " ':'",
                      HighlightCol, "',", paste0("'", ToColour, "':'",
                                                 RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(n = length(ToColour),
                                                                          name = BrewerPalette), "'", collapse = ","),
  if (colouroption == "manual") {
    colours <- paste0("var color = {'", HighlightLab, "':'",
                      HighlightCol, "',", paste0("'", names(NamedColourVector),
                                                 "':'", NamedColourVector, "'", collapse = ","),
  SetUp <- paste0(" src=\"vizjs.js\"\n\n\n  var svg = d3.select(\"body\")\n                 .append(\"svg\").attr(\"width\",",
                  MainFigSize[1], ").attr(\"height\", ", MainFigSize[2],
  if ((mp[2] * mp[1]) > (ncol(df) - 2)) {
    warning("Making too many facets. Are you sure mp is set ok?")
  if ((mp[2] * mp[1]) < (ncol(df) - 2)) {
    warning("Making too few facets. Guessing you want 1 row")
    mp[2] <- ncol(df) - 2
  if (Orientation == "horizontal" & all(mp != c(1, 1))) {
    warning("Horizontal mode not very effective with multiple facets yet")
  if (is.null(MainFigSize)) {
    MainFigSize <- c(mp[2] * 700, mp[1] * 700)
  if (is.null(BoxLabPos)) {
    BoxLabPos <- (c(max(stringr::str_length(df[, 1])), max(stringr::str_length(df[,
                                                                                  2]))) * 1.2) + 20
  if (is.null(PercPos)) {
    PercPos <- (BoxLabPos) * 5 + c(5, 20)
  LeftSidePadding = 20 + BoxLabPos[1] + IncludePerc * PercPos[1]
  RightSidePadding = 20 + BoxLabPos[2] + IncludePerc * PercPos[2]
  TotalNeededSidePadding = sum(20 + BoxLabPos + IncludePerc *
                                 PercPos) + BarSize + IndivFigSize[1]
  WPerPlot <- (MainFigSize[1] - LeftSidePadding)/mp[2]
  ColPos <- rep(floor(seq(from = LeftSidePadding, by = WPerPlot,
                          length = mp[2])), mp[1])
  HPerPlot <- (MainFigSize[2] - 100)/mp[1]
  RowPos <- rep(floor(seq(from = 50, by = HPerPlot, length = mp[1])),
                each = mp[2])
  if (Orientation == "horizontal") {
    IndivFigSize <- rev(IndivFigSize)
  FigureFacets <- ""
  for (i in 1:(ncol(df) - 2)) {
    BaseFigure <- paste0("var g", i, " = svg.append(\"g\").attr(\"transform\",\"translate(",
                         ColPos[i], ",", RowPos[i], ")\");\n                         var bp",
                         i, "=viz.bP()\n                         .data(data)\n                         .value(d=>d[",
                         i + 1, "])\n                         .min(", MinWidth,
                         ")\n                         .pad(", Pad, ")\n                         .height(",
                         IndivFigSize[2], ")\n                         .width(",
                         IndivFigSize[1], ")\n                         .barSize(",
                         BarSize, ")\n                         .fill(d=>color[d.",
                         c("primary", "secondary")[ColourBy], "])", if (EdgeMode ==
                                                                        "straight") {
                         else {
                         }, if (!is.null(SortSecondary)) {
                           paste0(".sortSecondary(sort([\"", paste0(SortSecondary,
                                                                    collapse = "\",\""), "\"]))\n")
                         else {
                         }, if (!is.null(SortPrimary)) {
                           paste0(".sortPrimary(sort([\"", paste0(SortPrimary,
                                                                  collapse = "\",\""), "\"]))\n")
                         else {
                         }, ".orient(\"", Orientation, "\");\n\ng", i, ".call(bp",
                         i, ");")
    if (is.null(AxisLabels)) {
      AxisLabels <- colnames(df)[1:2]
    if (is.null(FigureLabel)) {
      FigureLabel <- colnames(df)[-c(1, 2)]
    if (Orientation == "vertical") {
      Labelling <- paste0("g", i, ".append(\"text\")\n                        .attr(\"x\",-50).attr(\"y\",-8)\n                        .style(\"text-anchor\",\"middle\")\n                        .text(\"",
                          AxisLabels[1], "\");\n                        g",
                          i, ".append(\"text\")\n                        .attr(\"x\", 250)\n                        .attr(\"y\",-8).style(\"text-anchor\",\"middle\")\n                        .text(\"",
                          AxisLabels[2], "\");\n                        g",
                          i, ".append(\"text\")\n                        .attr(\"x\",100).attr(\"y\",-25)\n                        .style(\"text-anchor\",\"middle\")\n                        .attr(\"class\",\"header\")\n                        .text(\"",
                          FigureLabel[i], "\");")
    else {
      Labelling <- paste0("g", i, ".append(\"text\")\n                        .attr(\"x\",0).attr(\"y\",-10)\n                        .style(\"text-anchor\",\"middle\")\n                        .attr(\"class\",\"header\")\n                        .text(\"",
                          FigureLabel[i], "\");")
    MouseOver <- paste0("\n\n g", i, ".selectAll(\".mainBars\")\n                        .on(\"mouseover\",mouseover)\n                        .on(\"mouseout\",mouseout);")
    if (Orientation == "vertical") {
      BoxLabels <- paste0("\n\n g", i, ".selectAll(\".mainBars\").append(\"text\").attr(\"class\",\"label\")\n                        .attr(\"x\",d=>(d.part==\"primary\"? -",
                          BoxLabPos[1], ":", BoxLabPos[2], "))\n                        .attr(\"y\",d=>+6)\n                        .text(d=>d.key)\n                        .attr(\"text-anchor\",d=>(d.part==\"primary\"? \"end\": \"start\"));")
      if (IncludePerc) {
        BoxPerc <- paste0("\n\n g", i, ".selectAll(\".mainBars\").append(\"text\").attr(\"class\",\"perc\")\n                        .attr(\"x\",d=>(d.part==\"primary\"? -",
                          PercPos[1], ":", PercPos[2], "))\n                        .attr(\"y\",d=>+6)\n                        .text(function(d){ return d3.format(\"0.",PercentageDecimals,"%\")(d.percent)})\n                        .attr(\"text-anchor\",d=>(d.part==\"primary\"? \"end\": \"start\")); ")
      else {
        BoxPerc <- ""
    if (Orientation == "horizontal") {
      BoxLabels <- paste0("\n\n g", i, ".selectAll(\".mainBars\").append(\"text\").attr(\"class\",\"label\")\n                        .attr(\"x\",d=>(d.part==\"primary\"? -",
                          0, ":", 0, "))\n                        .attr(\"y\",d=>(d.part==\"primary\"? -",
                          BarSize, ":", BarSize, "))\n                        .text(d=>d.key)\n                        .attr(\"text-anchor\",d=>(d.part==\"primary\"? \"middle \": \"middle \"));")
      if (IncludePerc) {
        BoxPerc <- paste0("\n\n g", i, ".selectAll(\".mainBars\").append(\"text\").attr(\"class\",\"perc\")\n                        .attr(\"x\",d=>(d.part==\"primary\"? -",
                          0, ":", 0, "))\n                        .attr(\"y\",d=>(d.part==\"primary\"? -",
                          BarSize + 15, ":", BarSize + 15, "))\n                        .text(function(d){ return d3.format(\"0.",PercentageDecimals,"%\")(d.percent)})\n                        .attr(\"text-anchor\",d=>(d.part==\"primary\"? \"middle \": \"middle \")); ")
      else {
        BoxPerc <- ""
    FigureFacets <- paste0(FigureFacets, "\n\n\n", BaseFigure,
                           Labelling, MouseOver, BoxLabels, BoxPerc)
  is <- 1:(ncol(df) - 2)
  MO_funcs <- paste0("\n\nfunction mouseover(d){\n", paste0("bp",
                                                            is, ".mouseover(d);\n                            g",
                                                            is, ".selectAll(\".mainBars\")\n                            .select(\".perc\")\n                            .text(function(d){ return d3.format(\"0.",PercentageDecimals,"%\")(d.percent)});",
                                                            collapse = "\n"), "\n}\n\n                     function mouseout(d){\n",
                     paste0("bp", is, ".mouseout(d);\n                            g",
                            is, ".selectAll(\".mainBars\")\n                            .select(\".perc\")\n                            .text(function(d){ return d3.format(\"0.",PercentageDecimals,"%\")(d.percent)});",
                            collapse = "\n"), "\n}")
  Output <- paste0(data, "\n function sort(sortOrder){\n                    return function(a,b){ return d3.ascending(sortOrder.indexOf(a),sortOrder.indexOf(b)) }\n                  }\n",
                   colours, FigureFacets, MO_funcs, sep = "\n\n")
  writeLines(Output, paste0(filename, ".js"))
  writeLines(" .mainBars{\n    shape-rendering: auto;\n    fill-opacity: 1;\n    stroke-width: 0.5px;\n    stroke: rgb(0, 0, 0);\n    stroke-opacity: 0;\n  }\n    .subBars{\n    shape-rendering:crispEdges;\n    }\n    .edges{\n    stroke:none;\n    fill-opacity:0.3;\n    }\n    .label{\n    color:#000000;\n    }",
             paste0(filename, ".css"))
  if (PRINT) {

Try the bipartiteD3 package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

bipartiteD3 documentation built on Oct. 20, 2021, 5:08 p.m.