
Defines functions print_stepwise print_step_forward print_step_backward print_blr_twoway_segment print_stepwise_selection print_backward_elimination print_forward_selection print_blr_woe_iv print_blr_lr_test print_blr_test_hosmer_lemeshow print_blr_segment_dist print_blr_segment print_bivariate_analysis print_model_fit_stats print_blr_reg

print_blr_reg <- function(x) {
  w1 <- max(nchar("Data Set"), nchar(x$dataname))
  w2 <- max(nchar("Resp Var"), nchar(x$resp_name))
  w3 <- max(nchar("Obs."), nchar(x$n_obs))
  w4 <- max(nchar("Df. Model"), nchar(x$mod_df))
  w5 <- max(nchar("Df. Residual"), nchar(x$resid_df))
  w6 <- max(nchar("Convergence"), nchar(x$converge))
  w7 <- sum(w1, w2, w3, w4, w5, w6, 20)

  cat(fc("Model Overview", w7), "\n")
  cat(rep("-", w7), sep = "", "\n")
    fg("Data Set", w1), fs(), fg("Resp Var", w2), fs(), fg("Obs.", w3),
    fs(), fg("Df. Model", w4), fs(), fc("Df. Residual", w5), fs(),
    fc("Convergence", w6), "\n"
  cat(rep("-", w7), sep = "", "\n")
    fc(x$dataname, w1), fs(), fc(x$resp_name, w2), fs(), fc(x$n_obs, w3),
    fs(), fc(x$mod_df, w4), fs(), fc(x$resid_df, w5), fs(),
    fc(x$converge, w6), "\n"
  cat(rep("-", w7), sep = "", "\n\n")

  w8  <- nchar("Outcome")
  w9  <- max(nchar(c("Frequency", x$resp_prof[[1]], x$resp_prof[[2]])))
  w10 <- sum(w8, w9, w8, w9, 24)

  cat(fc("Response Summary", w10), "\n")
  cat(rep("-", w10), sep = "", "\n")
    fc("Outcome", w8), fs3(), fc("Frequency", w9), fs3(),
    fc("Outcome", w8), fs3(), fc("Frequency", w9), "\n"
  cat(rep("-", w10), sep = "", "\n")
    fc(0, w8), fs3(), fc(x$resp_prof[[1]], w9), fs3(),
    fc(1, w8), fs3(), fc(x$resp_prof[[2]], w9), "\n"
  cat(rep("-", w10), sep = "", "\n\n")

  w11 <- max(nchar(c("Parameter", x$parameter)))
  w12 <- 2
  w13 <- max(nchar(c("Estimate", format(round(x$est, 4), nsmall = 4))))
  w14 <- max(nchar(c("Std.Error", format(round(x$se, 4), nsmall = 4))))
  w15 <- max(nchar(c("z value", format(round(x$zval, 4), nsmall = 4))))
  w16 <- max(nchar(c("Pr(>|z|)", format(round(x$pval, 4), nsmall = 4))))
  w17 <- sum(w11, w12, w13, w14, w15, w16, 20)

  mln <- length(x$parameter)

  cat(fc("Maximum Likelihood Estimates", w17), "\n")
  cat(rep("-", w17), sep = "", "\n")
    fc("Parameter", w11), fs(), fc("DF", w12), fs(), fc("Estimate", w13),
    fs(), fg("Std. Error", w14), fs(), fl("z value", w15), fs(),
    fg("Pr(>|z|)", w16), "\n"
  cat(rep("-", w17), sep = "", "\n")
  for (i in seq_len(mln)) {
      fc(x$parameter[i], w11), fs(), fc(x$df[i], w12), fs(),
      fc(format(round(x$est[i], 4), nsmall = 4), w13),
      fs(), fg(format(round(x$se[i], 4), nsmall = 4), w14), fs(),
      fw(format(round(x$zval[i], 4), nsmall = 4), w15), fs(),
      fg(format(round(x$pval[i], 4), nsmall = 4), w16), "\n"
  cat(rep("-", w17), sep = "", "\n\n")

  if (x$odds_conf) {

    # odds ration estimates
    w18 <- max(nchar(c("Odds Ratio", x$blr_effects)))
    w19 <- max(nchar(c("Estimate", x$blr_odds_point)))
    w20 <- max(nchar(c("95% Wald", format(x$blr_conf$`2.5 %`,
      round(4), nsmall = 4))))

    w21 <- max(nchar(c("Conf. Limit", format(x$blr_conf$`97.5 %`,
      round(4), nsmall = 4))))

    w22 <- sum(w18, w19, w20, w21, 12)

    oddn <- length(x$blr_effects)

    cat(fc("Odds Ratio Estimates", w22), "\n")
    cat(rep("-", w22), sep = "", "\n")
      fc("Effects", w18), fs(), fc("Estimate", w19), fs(), " ", fg("95% Wald", w20),
      fl("Conf. Limit", w21), "\n"
    cat(rep("-", w22), sep = "", "\n")
    for (i in seq_len(oddn)) {
        fc(x$blr_effects[i], w18), fs(),
        fc(format(round(x$blr_odds_point[i], 4), nsmall = 4), w19), fs(),
        fc(format(round(x$blr_conf[[1]][i], 4), nsmall = 4), w20),
        fs(), fg(format(round(x$blr_conf[[2]][i], 4), nsmall = 4), w21), "\n"
    cat(rep("-", w22), sep = "", "\n\n")


  w23 <- 12
  w24 <- max(nchar(format(unlist(x$blr_cord[1:4], use.names = FALSE), nsmall = 4)))
  w25 <- 9
  w26 <- max(nchar(format(unlist(x$blr_cord[5:8], use.names = FALSE), nsmall = 4)))
  w27 <- sum(w23, w24, w25, w26, 21)

  cat(fc("Association of Predicted Probabilities and Observed Responses", w27), "\n")
  cat(rep("-", w27), sep = "", "\n")
    fl("% Concordant", w23), fs2(),
    fc(format(round(x$blr_cord[[2]], 4), nsmall = 4), w24), fs2(),
    fl("Somers' D", w25), fs2(),
    fc(format(round(x$blr_cord[[5]], 4), nsmall = 4), w26), "\n"
    fl("% Discordant", w23), fs2(),
    fc(format(round(x$blr_cord[[3]], 4), nsmall = 4), w24), fs2(),
    fl("Gamma", w25), fs2(),
    fc(format(round(x$blr_cord[[6]], 4), nsmall = 4), w26), "\n"
    fl("% Tied", w23), fs2(),
    fc(format(round(x$blr_cord[[4]], 4), nsmall = 4), w24), fs2(),
    fl("Tau-a", w25), fs2(),
    fc(format(round(x$blr_cord[[7]], 4), nsmall = 4), w26), "\n"
    fl("Pairs", w23), fs2(),
    fc(x$blr_cord[[1]], w24), fs2(),
    fl("c", w25), fs2(),
    fc(format(round(x$blr_cord[[8]], 4), nsmall = 4), w26), "\n"
  cat(rep("-", w27), sep = "", "\n\n")


print_model_fit_stats <- function(x) {
  w1 <- 24
  w3 <- 27
  w2 <- max(nchar(format(c(x$loglik_null, x$m_deviance, x$m_bic), nsmall = 3)))
  w4 <- max(nchar(format(c(x$loglik_model, x$lr_ratio, x$m_aic), nsmall = 3)))
  w <- sum(w1, w2, w3, w4, 12)

  cat(fc("Model Fit Statistics", w), "\n")
  cat(rep("-", w), sep = "", "\n")
  col1names <- c(
    "Log-Lik Intercept Only:", paste0("Deviance(", x$dev_df, "):"), "",
    "MCFadden's R2", "ML (Cox-Snell) R2:",
    "McKelvey & Zavoina's R2:", "Count R2:", "BIC:"
  col3names <- c(
    "Log-Lik Full Model:", paste0("LR(", x$lr_df, "):"), "Prob > LR:",
    "McFadden's Adj R2:", "Cragg-Uhler(Nagelkerke) R2:",
    "Efron's R2:", "Adj Count R2:", "AIC:"
  col2vec <- c(x$loglik_null, x$m_deviance, x$mcfadden, x$cox_snell, x$mckelvey,
               x$count_r2, x$m_bic)
  col2vals <- append(x = format(round(col2vec, 3), nsmall = 3), values = "",
                     after = 2)
  col4vals <- format(round(c(x$loglik_model, x$lr_ratio, x$lr_pval,
                             x$adj_mcfadden, x$nagelkerke, x$effron,
                             x$count_adj, x$m_aic), 3), nsmall = 3)
  nlen <- length(col3names)
  for (i in seq_len(nlen)) {
      fl(col1names[i], w1), fs(),
      fg(col2vals[i], w2), fs(),
      fl(col3names[i], w3), fs(),
      fg(col4vals[i], w4), "\n"
  cat(rep("-", w), sep = "", "\n\n")

print_bivariate_analysis <- function(x) {
  w1 <- max(nchar(c("Variable", x$variable)))
  w2 <- max(nchar(c("Information Value", x$iv)))
  w3 <- max(nchar(c("LR Chi Square", format(round(x$likelihood_ratio, 4),
                                            nsmall = 4))))
  w4 <- max(nchar(c("LR DF", x$df)))
  w5 <- max(nchar(c("LR p-value", format(round(x$pval, 4),nsmall = 4))))
  w <- sum(w1, w2, w3, w4, w5, 16)

  cat(fc("Bivariate Analysis", w), "\n")
  cat(rep("-", w), sep = "", "\n")
    fc("Variable", w1), fs(), fc("Information Value", w2), fs(),
    fc("LR Chi Square", w3), fs(), fc("LR DF", w4), fs(),
    fc("LR p-value", w5), "\n"
  cat(rep("-", w), sep = "", "\n")
  n <- length(x[[1]])
  for (i in seq_len(n)) {
      fc(x$variable[i], w1), fs(), fc(format(round(x$iv[i], 2), nsmall = 2), w2), fs(),
      fc(format(round(x$likelihood_ratio[i], 4), nsmall = 4), w3), fs(),
      fc(x$df[i], w4), fs(),
      fc(format(round(x$pval[i], 4), nsmall = 4), w5), "\n"
  cat(rep("-", w), sep = "", "\n")

print_blr_segment <- function(x) {

  y1 <- unname(sapply(lapply(lapply(x$segment, as.character), nchar), max))
  y2 <- nchar(names(x$segment_data))
  w  <- mapply(max, y1, y2)

  wsum   <- sum(w, 11)
  rnames <- names(x$segment_data)
  dtable <- x$segment_data
  c1     <- c(rnames[1], dtable[[rnames[1]]])
  c2     <- c(rnames[2], format(round(dtable[[rnames[2]]], 2), nsmall = 2))
  clen   <- length(c1)

  cat(fc("Event By Attributes", wsum), "\n")
  cat(rep("-", wsum), sep = "", "\n")
  for (i in seq_len(clen)) {
    cat(fc(c1[i], w[1]), fs4(), fc(c2[i], w[2]), "\n")
    if (i == 1) {
      cat(rep("-", wsum), sep = "", "\n")
  cat(rep("-", wsum), sep = "", "\n\n")

print_blr_segment_dist <- function(x) {

  y1     <- unname(sapply(lapply(lapply(x$dist_table, as.character), nchar), max))
  y2     <- nchar(names(x$dist_table))
  w      <- mapply(max, y1, y2)
  wsum   <- sum(w, 16)
  rnames <- names(x$dist_table)
  dtable <- x$dist_table
  c1     <- c(x$var_name, dtable[[rnames[1]]])
  c2     <- c(rnames[2], dtable[[rnames[2]]])
  c3     <- c(rnames[3], dtable[[rnames[3]]])
  c4     <- c(rnames[4], format(round(dtable[[rnames[4]]], 2), nsmall = 2))
  c5     <- c(rnames[5], format(round(dtable[[rnames[5]]], 2), nsmall = 2))
  clen   <- length(c1)

  cat(fc("Event Segmentation", wsum), "\n")
  cat(rep("-", wsum), sep = "", "\n")
  for (i in seq_len(clen)) {
      fc(c1[i], w[1]), fs(), fc(c2[i], w[2]), fs(),
      fc(c3[i], w[3]), fs(), fc(c4[i], w[4]), fs(),
      fc(c5[i], w[5]), "\n"
    if (i == 1) {
      cat(rep("-", wsum), sep = "", "\n")
  cat(rep("-", wsum), sep = "", "\n\n")

print_blr_test_hosmer_lemeshow <- function(x) {
  w1 <- nchar("group")
  w2 <- max(nchar(c("Total", x$partition_table$n)))
  w3 <- max(nchar(c("Observed", x$partition_table$`1s_observed`)))
  w4 <- max(nchar(c("Expected", format(round(x$partition_table$`1s_expected`,
                                             2), nsmall = 2))))
  w5 <- max(nchar(c("Observed", x$partition_table$`0s_observed`)))
  w6 <- max(nchar(c("Expected", format(round(x$partition_table$`0s_expected`,
                                             2), nsmall = 2))))
  w7 <- w3 + w4 + 4
  w8 <- w5 + w6 + 4
  w  <- sum(w1, w2, w3, w4, w5, w6, 20)
  j  <- x$partition_table

  cat(fc("Partition for the Hosmer & Lemeshow Test", w), "\n")
  cat(rep("-", w), sep = "", "\n")
    fc("     ", w1), fs(), fc("     ", w2), fs(), fc("def = 1", w7), fs(),
    fc("def = 0", w8), "\n"
    fc("Group", w1), fs(), fc("Total", w2), fs(), fc("Observed", w3), fs(),
    fc("Expected", w4), fs(), fc("Observed", w5), fs(), fc("Expected", w6),
  cat(rep("-", w), sep = "", "\n")
  for (i in seq_len(10)) {
      fc(j$group[i], w1), fs(), fc(j$n[i], w2), fs(), fc(j$`1s_observed`[i], w3), fs(),
      fc(format(round(j$`1s_expected`[i], 2), nsmall = 2), w4), fs(), fc(j$`0s_observed`[i], w5), fs(),
      fc(format(round(j$`0s_expected`[i], 2), nsmall = 2), w6), "\n"
  cat(rep("-", w), sep = "", "\n\n")

  w9 <- max(nchar(c("Chi-Square", format(round(x$chisq_stat, 4), nsmall = 4))))
  w10 <- 2
  w11 <- 10
  w12 <- sum(w9, w10, w11, 8)

  cat(fc("Goodness of Fit Test", w12), "\n")
  cat(rep("-", w12), sep = "", "\n")
    fc("Chi-Square", w9), fs(), fc("DF", w10), fs(), fc("Pr > ChiSq", w11),
  cat(rep("-", w12), sep = "", "\n")
    fc(format(round(x$chisq_stat, 4), nsmall = 4), w9), fs(), fc(x$df, w10),
    fs(), fc(format(round(x$pvalue, 4), nsmall = 4), w11),
  cat(rep("-", w12), sep = "", "\n")

print_blr_lr_test <- function(x) {

  w9  <- max(nchar(c("Chi-Square", format(round(x$test_result[['lr_ratio']], 4),
                                         nsmall = 4))))
  w10 <- max(nchar(c("DF", x$test_result[['d_f']])))
  w11 <- 10
  w12 <- sum(w9, w10, w11, 8)
  j   <- x$test_result

  cat(fc("Likelihood Ratio Test", w12), "\n")
  cat(rep("-", w12), sep = "", "\n")
    fc("Chi-Square", w9), fs(), fc("DF", w10), fs(), fc("Pr > ChiSq", w11),
  cat(rep("-", w12), sep = "", "\n")
    fc(format(round(j$lr_ratio, 4), nsmall = 4), w9), fs(), fc(j$d_f, w10),
    fs(), fc(format(round(j$p_value, 4), nsmall = 4), w11),
  cat(rep("-", w12), sep = "", "\n")

print_blr_woe_iv <- function(x) {

  woe_iv <- x$woe_iv_table
  rnames <- names(woe_iv)
  y1     <- sapply(lapply(lapply(woe_iv, as.character), nchar), max)
  y2     <- nchar(rnames)
  w      <- mapply(max, y1, y2)
  wsum   <- sum(w, 24)
  c1     <- c(rnames[1], woe_iv[[rnames[1]]])
  c2     <- c(rnames[2], woe_iv[[rnames[2]]])
  c3     <- c(rnames[3], woe_iv[[rnames[3]]])
  c4     <- c(rnames[4], format(round(woe_iv[[rnames[4]]], 2), nsmall = 2))
  c5     <- c(rnames[5], format(round(woe_iv[[rnames[5]]], 2), nsmall = 2))
  c6     <- c(rnames[6], format(round(woe_iv[[rnames[6]]], 2), nsmall = 2))
  c7     <- c(rnames[7], format(round(woe_iv[[rnames[7]]], 2), nsmall = 2))
  clen   <- length(c1)

  cat(fc("Weight of Evidence", wsum), "\n")
  cat(rep("-", wsum), sep = "", "\n")
  for (i in seq_len(clen)) {
      fc(c1[i], w[1]), fs(), fc(c2[i], w[2]), fs(),
      fc(c3[i], w[3]), fs(), fg(format(c4[i], nsmall = 2), w[4]), fs(),
      fg(format(c5[i], nsmall = 2), w[5]), fs(), fg(format(c6[i], nsmall = 2), w[6]), fs(),
      fc(format(c7[i], nsmall = 2), w[7]), "\n"
    if (i == 1) {
      cat(rep("-", wsum), sep = "", "\n")
  cat(rep("-", wsum), sep = "", "\n\n")

  l1     <- max(nchar(c("Variable", x$var_name)))
  l2     <- 17
  lsum   <- sum(l1, l2, 4)
  ivalue <- sum(woe_iv[['iv']])

  cat(fc("Information Value", lsum), "\n")
  cat(rep("-", lsum), sep = "", "\n")
  cat(fc("Variable", l1), fs(), fc("Information Value", l2), "\n")
  cat(rep("-", lsum), sep = "", "\n")
  cat(fc(x$var_name, l1), fs(), fc(ivalue, l2), "\n")
  cat(rep("-", lsum), sep = "", "\n")

print_forward_selection <- function(data) {
  if (data$steps < 1) {
    stop("No variables have been added to the model.")

  # width
  w3 <- max(nchar("Step"), nchar(data$steps))
  w1 <- max(nchar("Predictor"), nchar(data$predictors))
  w2 <- max(nchar("AIC"), nchar(format(round(data$aics, 3), nsmall = 3)))
  w4 <- max(nchar("BIC"), nchar(format(round(data$bics, 3), nsmall = 3)))
  w5 <- max(nchar("Deviance"), nchar(format(round(data$devs, 3), nsmall = 3)))
  w <- sum(w3, w1, w2, w4, w5, 16)

  ln <- length(data$aics)

  cat(format("Selection Summary", justify = "centre", width = w), "\n")
  cat(rep("-", w), sep = "", "\n")
    fl("Step", w3), fs(), fl("Variable", w1), fs(), fc("AIC", w2), fs(),
    fc("BIC", w4), fs(), fc("Deviance", w5), "\n"
  cat(rep("-", w), sep = "", "\n")
  for (i in seq_len(ln)) {
      fl(seq_len(data$steps)[i], w3), fs(), fl(data$predictors[i], w1), fs(),
      fg(format(round(data$aics[i], 3), nsmall = 3), w2), fs(),
      fg(format(round(data$bics[i], 3), nsmall = 3), w4), fs(),
      fg(format(round(data$devs[i], 3), nsmall = 3), w5), "\n"
  cat(rep("-", w), sep = "", "\n")

print_backward_elimination <- function(data) {
  if (data$steps < 1) {
    stop("No variables have been removed from the model.")

  # width
  w1 <- max(nchar("Full Model"), nchar(data$predictors))
  w2 <- max(nchar("AIC"), nchar(format(round(data$result$aic, 3), nsmall = 3)))
  w3 <- max(nchar("BIC"), nchar(format(round(data$result$bic, 3), nsmall = 3)))
  w4 <- max(nchar("Deviance"), nchar(format(round(data$result$deviance, 3), nsmall = 3)))
  w <- sum(w1, w2, w3, w4, 12)

  predictors <- c("Full Model", data$predictors)

  ln <- length(data$result$aic)

  cat("\n\n", format("Backward Elimination Summary", width = w, justify = "centre"), "\n")
  cat(rep("-", w), sep = "", "\n")
    fl("Variable", w1), fs(), fc("AIC", w2), fs(),
    fc("BIC", w3), fs(), fc("Deviance", w4), "\n"
  cat(rep("-", w), sep = "", "\n")
  for (i in seq_len(ln)) {
      fl(predictors[i], w1), fs(), fg(format(round(data$result$aic[i], 3), nsmall = 3), w2), fs(),
      fg(format(round(data$result$bic[i], 3), nsmall = 3), w3), fs(),
      fg(format(round(data$result$deviance[i], 3), nsmall = 3), w4), "\n"
  cat(rep("-", w), sep = "", "\n\n")

print_stepwise_selection <- function(data) {
  if (data$steps < 1) {
    stop("No variables have been added to or removed from the model.")

  # width
  w1 <- max(nchar("Variable"), nchar(data$predictors))
  w2 <- max(nchar("AIC"), nchar(format(round(data$aic, 3), nsmall = 3)))
  w3 <- max(nchar("BIC"), nchar(format(round(data$bic, 3), nsmall = 3)))
  w4 <- max(nchar("Deviance"), nchar(format(round(data$dev, 3), nsmall = 3)))
  w5 <- nchar("Addition")
  w <- sum(w1, w2, w3, w4, w5, 16)

  ln <- length(data$aic)

  cat("\n\n", format("Stepwise Summary", width = w, justify = "centre"), "\n")
  cat(rep("-", w), sep = "", "\n")
    fl("Variable", w1), fs(), fc("Method", w5), fs(), fc("AIC", w2), fs(),
    fc("BIC", w3), fs(), fc("Deviance", w4), "\n"
  cat(rep("-", w), sep = "", "\n")
  for (i in seq_len(ln)) {
      fl(data$predictors[i], w1), fs(), fl(data$method[i], w5), fs(),
      fg(format(round(data$aic[i], 3), nsmall = 3), w2), fs(),
      fg(format(round(data$bic[i], 3), nsmall = 3), w3), fs(),
      fg(format(round(data$dev[i], 3), nsmall = 3), w4), "\n"
  cat(rep("-", w), sep = "", "\n\n")

print_blr_twoway_segment <- function(x) {

  cnames <- c(x$varnames[1], colnames(x$twoway_segment))
  k      <- cbind(rownames(x$twoway_segment),
                  format(round(x$twoway_segment, 3), nsmall = 3))
  nc     <- ncol(k)
  nr     <- nrow(k)
  wc     <- max(nchar(k))
  vname  <- x$varnames[2]
  w      <- (nc * wc) + (4 * (nc - 1))
  w2     <- w - wc - 4 - 3

  cat(paste0(rep(" ", wc)), fs(), fc(vname, w2), "\n")
  cat(rep("-", w), sep = "", "\n")
  for (i in seq_len(nc)) {
    cat(fc(cnames[i], wc), fs())
  cat(rep("-", w), sep = "", "\n")
  for (i in seq_len(nr)) {
    for (j in seq_len(nc)) {
      cat(fc(k[i, j], wc), fs())
    cat(rep("-", w), sep = "", "\n")

print_step_backward <- function(data) {

  n <- data$steps

  if (n < 1) {
    stop("No variables have been removed from the model based on p-values.")

  # width
  w1 <- nchar("Step")
  w2 <- max(nchar("Variable"), nchar(data$removed))
  w3 <- max(nchar("AIC"), nchar(format(round(data$aic, 4), nsmall = 4)))
  w4 <- max(nchar("BIC"), nchar(format(round(data$bic, 4), nsmall = 4)))
  w5 <- max(nchar("Deviance"), nchar(format(round(data$dev, 4), nsmall = 4)))
  w <- sum(w1, w2, w3, w4, w5, 16)

  cat(format("Elimination Summary", justify = "centre", width = w), "\n")
  cat(rep("-", w), sep = "", "\n")
    format("", width = w1), fs(), format("Variable", width = w2), fs(),
    format("", width = w3), fs(), format("", width = w4), fs(),
    format("", width = w5), fs(), "\n"
    format("Step", width = w1, justify = "centre"), fs(), format("Removed", width = w2, justify = "centre"), fs(),
    format("AIC", width = w3, justify = "centre"), fs(), format("BIC", width = w4, justify = "centre"), fs(),
    format("Deviance", width = w5, justify = "centre"), fs(),"\n"
  cat(rep("-", w), sep = "", "\n")

  for (i in seq_len(n)) {
      format(i, width = w1), fs(), format(data$removed[i], width = w2), fs(),
      format(round(data$aic[i], 4), width = w3, nsmall = 3), fs(), format(round(data$bic[i], 4), width = w4, nsmall = 3), fs(),
      format(round(data$dev[i], 4), width = w5, justify = "centre", nsmall = 4), fs(), "\n"
  cat(rep("-", w), sep = "", "\n")

print_step_forward <- function(data) {
  n <- length(data$predictors)

  if (n < 1) {
    stop("No variables have been added to the model based on p-values.")

  # width
  w1 <- nchar("Step")
  w2 <- max(nchar("Variable"), nchar(data$predictors))
  w3 <- max(nchar("AIC"), nchar(format(round(data$aic, 4), nsmall = 4)))
  w4 <- max(nchar("BIC"), nchar(format(round(data$bic, 4), nsmall = 4)))
  w5 <- max(nchar("Deviance"), nchar(format(round(data$dev, 4), nsmall = 4)))
  w <- sum(w1, w2, w3, w4, w5, 16)

  cat(format("Selection Summary", justify = "centre", width = w), "\n")
  cat(rep("-", w), sep = "", "\n")
    format("", width = w1), fs(), format("Variable", width = w2), fs(),
    format("", width = w3), fs(), format("", width = w4), fs(),
    format("", width = w5), fs(), "\n"
    format("Step", width = w1, justify = "centre"), fs(), format("Entered", width = w2, justify = "centre"), fs(),
    format("AIC", width = w3, justify = "centre"), fs(), format("BIC", width = w4, justify = "centre"), fs(),
    format("Deviance", width = w5, justify = "centre"), fs(), "\n"
  cat(rep("-", w), sep = "", "\n")

  for (i in seq_len(n)) {
      format(i, width = w1), fs(), format(data$predictors[i], width = w2), fs(),
      format(round(data$aic[i], 4), width = w3, nsmall = 4), fs(),
      format(round(data$bic[i], 4), width = w4, nsmall = 4), fs(),
      format(round(data$dev[i], 4), width = w5, justify = "centre", nsmall = 4), fs(), "\n"
  cat(rep("-", w), sep = "", "\n")

print_stepwise <- function(data) {
  n <- data$steps

  if (n < 1) {
    stop("No variables have been added to or removed from the model based on p-values.")

  # width
  w1 <- nchar("Step")
  w2 <- max(nchar("Variable"), nchar(data$orders))
  w3 <- max(nchar("Removed"), nchar(data$method))
  w4 <- max(nchar("AIC"), nchar(format(round(data$aic, 4), nsmall = 4)))
  w5 <- max(nchar("BIC"), nchar(format(round(data$bic, 4), nsmall = 4)))
  w6 <- max(nchar("Deviance"), nchar(format(round(data$dev, 4), nsmall = 4)))
  w <- sum(w1, w2, w3, w4, w5, w6, 20)

  cat(format("Stepwise Selection Summary", justify = "centre", width = w), "\n")
  cat(rep("-", w), sep = "", "\n")
    format("", width = w1), fs(), format("", width = w2), fs(), format("Added/", width = w3, justify = "centre"), fs(),
    format("", width = w4), fs(),  fs(),
    format("", width = w5), fs(), format("", width = w6), fs(), "\n"
    format("Step", width = w1, justify = "centre"), fs(), format("Variable", width = w2, justify = "centre"), fs(),
    format("Removed", width = w3, justify = "centre"), fs(),
    format("AIC", width = w4, justify = "centre"), fs(), format("BIC", width = w5, justify = "centre"), fs(),
    format("C(p)", width = w6, justify = "centre"), fs(), "\n"
  cat(rep("-", w), sep = "", "\n")

  for (i in seq_len(n)) {
      format(i, width = w1, justify = "centre"), fs(), format(data$orders[i], width = w2, justify = "centre"), fs(),
      format(data$method[i], width = w3), fs(), format(round(data$aic[i], 3), width = w4, nsmall = 3), fs(),
      format(round(data$bic[i], 3), width = w5, nsmall = 3), fs(),
      format(round(data$dev[i], 3), width = w6, justify = "centre", nsmall = 4), fs(), "\n"
  cat(rep("-", w), sep = "", "\n")

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blorr documentation built on July 2, 2020, 2:15 a.m.