Sharing your book


HTML books can be published online, see:

404 pages

By default, users will be directed to a 404 page if they try to access a webpage that cannot be found. If you'd like to customize your 404 page instead of using the default, you may add either a _404.Rmd or file to your project root and use code and/or Markdown syntax.

Metadata for sharing

Bookdown HTML books will provide HTML metadata for social sharing on platforms like Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn, using information you provide in the index.Rmd YAML. To setup, set the url for your book and the path to your cover-image file. Your book's title and description are also used.

This bs4_book provides enhanced metadata for social sharing, so that each chapter shared will have a unique description, auto-generated based on the content.

Specify your book's source repository on GitHub as the repo in the _output.yml file, which allows users to view each chapter's source file or suggest an edit. Read more about the features of this output format here:

Or use:


This gitbook uses the same social sharing data across all chapters in your book- all links shared will look the same.

Specify your book's source repository on GitHub using the edit key under the configuration options in the _output.yml file, which allows users to suggest an edit by linking to a chapter's source file.

Read more about the features of this output format here:

Or use:


Try the bookdown package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

bookdown documentation built on July 2, 2024, 9:06 a.m.