#' @templateVar class mfx
#' @template title_desc_tidy
#' @description The particular functions below provide generic tidy methods for
#' objects returned by the `mfx` package, preserving the calculated marginal
#' effects instead of the naive model coefficients. The returned tidy tibble
#' will also include an additional "atmean" column indicating how the marginal
#' effects were originally calculated (see Details below).
#' @param x A `logitmfx`, `negbinmfx`, `poissonmfx`, or `probitmfx` object.
#' (Note that `betamfx` objects receive their own set of tidiers.)
#' @template param_confint
#' @template param_unused_dots
#' @evalRd return_tidy(
#' "term",
#' atmean = "TRUE if the marginal effects were originally calculated as
#' the partial effects for the average observation. If FALSE, then these
#' were instead calculated as average partial effects.",
#' "estimate",
#' "std.error",
#' "statistic",
#' "p.value",
#' "conf.low",
#' "conf.high"
#' )
#' @details The `mfx` package provides methods for calculating marginal effects
#' for various generalized linear models (GLMs). Unlike standard linear
#' models, estimated model coefficients in a GLM cannot be directly
#' interpreted as marginal effects (i.e., the change in the response variable
#' predicted after a one unit change in one of the regressors). This is
#' because the estimated coefficients are multiplicative, dependent on both
#' the link function that was used for the estimation and any other variables
#' that were included in the model. When calculating marginal effects, users
#' must typically choose whether they want to use i) the average observation
#' in the data, or ii) the average of the sample marginal effects. See
#' `vignette("mfxarticle")` from the `mfx` package for more details.
#' @examplesIf rlang::is_installed("mfx")
#' # load libraries for models and data
#' library(mfx)
#' # get the marginal effects from a logit regression
#' mod_logmfx <- logitmfx(am ~ cyl + hp + wt, atmean = TRUE, data = mtcars)
#' tidy(mod_logmfx, = TRUE)
#' # compare with the naive model coefficients of the same logit call
#' tidy(
#' glm(am ~ cyl + hp + wt, family = binomial, data = mtcars),
#' = TRUE
#' )
#' augment(mod_logmfx)
#' glance(mod_logmfx)
#' # another example, this time using probit regression
#' mod_probmfx <- probitmfx(am ~ cyl + hp + wt, atmean = TRUE, data = mtcars)
#' tidy(mod_probmfx, = TRUE)
#' augment(mod_probmfx)
#' glance(mod_probmfx)
#' @family mfx tidiers
#' @seealso [tidy()], [mfx::logitmfx()], [mfx::negbinmfx()], [mfx::poissonmfx()], [mfx::probitmfx()]
#' @export
tidy.mfx <-
function(x, = FALSE, conf.level = 0.95, ...) {
check_ellipses("exponentiate", "tidy", "mfx", ...)
x_tidy <- as_tibble(x$mfxest, rownames = "term")
colnames(x_tidy) <- c("term", "estimate", "std.error", "statistic", "p.value")
# Optional: Add "atmean" column
# If no "atmean" argument is specified in the model call, then will default to TRUE
if (!grepl("atmean", format(c(x$call)))) {
x_tidy$atmean <- TRUE
# Else, extract the user-specified "atmean" argument from the model call
} else {
x_tidy$atmean <- as.logical(gsub(".*atmean = |,.*|).*", "", format(c(x$call))))
if ( {
x_tidy <-
x_tidy %>%
conf.low = estimate - qt(1 - (1 - conf.level) / 2,
df = x$fit$df.residual
) * std.error,
conf.high = estimate + qt(1 - (1 - conf.level) / 2,
df = x$fit$df.residual
) * std.error
dplyr::select(x_tidy, term, contains("atmean"), everything())
#' @rdname tidy.mfx
#' @method tidy logitmfx
#' @export
tidy.logitmfx <- tidy.mfx
#' @rdname tidy.mfx
#' @method tidy negbinmfx
#' @export
tidy.negbinmfx <- tidy.mfx
#' @rdname tidy.mfx
#' @method tidy poissonmfx
#' @export
tidy.poissonmfx <- tidy.mfx
#' @rdname tidy.mfx
#' @method tidy probitmfx
#' @export
tidy.probitmfx <- tidy.mfx
#' @templateVar class mfx
#' @template title_desc_augment
#' @inherit tidy.mfx examples
#' @param x A `logitmfx`, `negbinmfx`, `poissonmfx`, or `probitmfx` object.
#' (Note that `betamfx` objects receive their own set of tidiers.)
#' @template param_data
#' @template param_newdata
#' @param type.predict Passed to [stats::predict.glm()] `type` argument.
#' Defaults to `"link"`.
#' @param type.residuals Passed to [stats::residuals.glm()] and
#' to [stats::rstandard.glm()] `type` arguments. Defaults to `"deviance"`.
#' @template param_se_fit
#' @template param_unused_dots
#' @evalRd return_augment(
#' "",
#' ".hat",
#' ".sigma",
#' ".std.resid",
#' ".cooksd"
#' )
#' @details This generic augment method wraps [augment.glm()] for applicable
#' objects from the `mfx` package.
#' @family mfx tidiers
#' @seealso [augment.glm()], [mfx::logitmfx()], [mfx::negbinmfx()],
#' [mfx::poissonmfx()], [mfx::probitmfx()]
#' @export
augment.mfx <- function(x,
data = model.frame(x$fit),
newdata = NULL,
type.predict = c("link", "response", "terms"),
type.residuals = c("deviance", "pearson"),
se_fit = FALSE, ...) {
# Use augment.glm() method on internal fit object
data = data,
newdata = newdata,
type.predict = type.predict,
type.residuals = type.residuals,
se_fit = se_fit, ...
#' @rdname augment.mfx
#' @method augment logitmfx
#' @export
augment.logitmfx <- augment.mfx
#' @rdname augment.mfx
#' @method augment negbinmfx
#' @export
augment.negbinmfx <- augment.mfx
#' @rdname augment.mfx
#' @method augment poissonmfx
#' @export
augment.poissonmfx <- augment.mfx
#' @rdname augment.mfx
#' @method augment probitmfx
#' @export
augment.probitmfx <- augment.mfx
#' @templateVar class mfx
#' @template title_desc_glance
#' @inherit tidy.mfx examples
#' @param x A `logitmfx`, `negbinmfx`, `poissonmfx`, or `probitmfx` object. (Note that `betamfx` objects receive their own set of tidiers.)
#' @template param_unused_dots
#' @evalRd return_glance(
#' "null.deviance",
#' "df.null",
#' "logLik",
#' "AIC",
#' "BIC",
#' "deviance",
#' "df.residual",
#' "nobs"
#' )
#' @details This generic glance method wraps [glance.glm()] for applicable
#' objects from the `mfx` package.
#' @family mfx tidiers
#' @seealso [glance.glm()], [mfx::logitmfx()], [mfx::negbinmfx()],
#' [mfx::poissonmfx()], [mfx::probitmfx()]
#' @export
glance.mfx <- function(x, ...) {
# Use glance.glm() method on internal fit object
#' @rdname glance.mfx
#' @method glance logitmfx
#' @export
glance.logitmfx <- glance.mfx
#' @rdname glance.mfx
#' @method glance negbinmfx
#' @export
glance.negbinmfx <- glance.mfx
#' @rdname glance.mfx
#' @method glance poissonmfx
#' @export
glance.poissonmfx <- glance.mfx
#' @rdname glance.mfx
#' @method glance probitmfx
#' @export
glance.probitmfx <- glance.mfx
#' @templateVar class betamfx
#' @template title_desc_tidy
#' @inherit tidy.mfx description details
#' @param x A `betamfx` object.
#' @template param_confint
#' @template param_unused_dots
#' @evalRd return_tidy(
#' "term",
#' atmean = "TRUE if the marginal effects were originally calculated as the
#' partial effects for the average observation. If FALSE, then these were
#' instead calculated as average partial effects.",
#' "estimate",
#' "std.error",
#' "statistic",
#' "p.value",
#' "conf.low",
#' "conf.high"
#' )
#' @examplesIf rlang::is_installed("mfx")
#' library(mfx)
#' # Simulate some data
#' set.seed(12345)
#' n <- 1000
#' x <- rnorm(n)
#' # Beta outcome
#' y <- rbeta(n, shape1 = plogis(1 + 0.5 * x), shape2 = (abs(0.2 * x)))
#' # Use Smithson and Verkuilen correction
#' y <- (y * (n - 1) + 0.5) / n
#' d <- data.frame(y, x)
#' mod_betamfx <- betamfx(y ~ x | x, data = d)
#' tidy(mod_betamfx, = TRUE)
#' # Compare with the naive model coefficients of the equivalent betareg call (not run)
#' # tidy(betamfx(y ~ x | x, data = d), = TRUE)
#' augment(mod_betamfx)
#' glance(mod_betamfx)
#' @family mfx tidiers
#' @seealso [tidy.betareg()], [mfx::betamfx()]
#' @export
tidy.betamfx <- tidy.mfx
#' @templateVar class betamfx
#' @template title_desc_augment
#' @inherit tidy.betamfx examples
#' @param x A `betamfx` object.
#' @template param_data
#' @template param_newdata
#' @param type.predict Character indicating type of prediction to use. Passed to
#' the `type` argument of [betareg::predict.betareg()]. Defaults to
#' `"response"`.
#' @param type.residuals Character indicating type of residuals to use. Passed
#' to the `type` argument of [betareg::residuals.betareg()]. Defaults to
#' `"sweighted2`.
#' @template param_unused_dots
#' @evalRd return_augment(".cooksd")
#' @details This augment method wraps [augment.betareg()] for
#' [mfx::betamfx()] objects.
#' @family mfx tidiers
#' @seealso [augment.betareg()], [mfx::betamfx()]
#' @export
augment.betamfx <- function(x,
data = model.frame(x$fit),
newdata = NULL,
type.predict = c("response", "link", "precision", "variance", "quantile"),
type.residuals = c("sweighted2", "deviance", "pearson", "response", "weighted", "sweighted"),
...) {
# Use augment.betareg() method on internal fit object
data = data,
newdata = newdata,
type.predict = type.predict,
type.residuals = type.residuals,
#' @templateVar class betamfx
#' @template title_desc_glance
#' @inherit tidy.betamfx examples
#' @param x A `betamfx` object.
#' @template param_unused_dots
#' @evalRd return_glance(
#' "pseudo.r.squared",
#' "df.null",
#' "logLik",
#' "AIC",
#' "BIC",
#' "df.residual",
#' "nobs"
#' )
#' @details This glance method wraps [glance.betareg()] for [mfx::betamfx()] objects.
#' @family mfx tidiers
#' @seealso [glance.betareg()], [mfx::betamfx()]
#' @export
glance.betamfx <- function(x, ...) {
# Use glance.betareg() method on internal fit object
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