test_that("ellipsis checking works", {
check_ellipses("exponentiate", "tidy", "boop", exponentiate = TRUE),
"\\`exponentiate\\` argument is not supported in the \\`tidy\\(\\)\\` method for \\`boop\\` objects"
check_ellipses("exponentiate", "tidy", "boop", exponentiate = TRUE, quick = FALSE),
"\\`exponentiate\\` argument is not supported in the \\`tidy\\(\\)\\` method for \\`boop\\` objects"
expect_silent(check_ellipses("exponentiate", "tidy", "boop", hi = "pal"))
test_that("ellipsis checking works (whole game, tidy)", {
mod <- nls(mpg ~ k * e^wt, data = mtcars, start = list(k = 1, e = 2))
tidy(mod, exponentiate = TRUE),
"\\`exponentiate\\` argument is not supported in the \\`tidy\\(\\)\\` method for \\`nls\\` objects"
test_that("ellipsis checking works (whole game, augment)", {
mod <- kmeans(mtcars, centers = 4)
augment(mod, data = mtcars, newdata = mtcars),
"\\`newdata\\` argument is not supported in the \\`augment\\(\\)\\` method for \\`kmeans\\` objects"
test_that("augment_newdata can handle function calls in response term (lm)", {
mt_lm <- lm(data = mtcars, mpg ~ hp)
mt_lm_log <- lm(data = mtcars, log(mpg) ~ hp)
aug_mt_lm_none <- augment(mt_lm)
aug_mt_lm_data <- augment(mt_lm, data = mtcars)
aug_mt_lm_newdata <- augment(mt_lm, newdata = mtcars[1:20, ])
aug_mt_lm_no_resp <- augment(mt_lm, newdata = mtcars[1:20, 2:ncol(mtcars)])
aug_mt_lm_log_none <- augment(mt_lm_log)
aug_mt_lm_log_data <- augment(mt_lm_log, data = mtcars)
aug_mt_lm_log_newdata <- augment(mt_lm_log, newdata = mtcars[1:20, ])
aug_mt_lm_log_no_resp <- augment(mt_lm_log, newdata = mtcars[1:20, 2:ncol(mtcars)])
expect_true(inherits(aug_mt_lm_log_none, "tbl_df"))
expect_true(inherits(aug_mt_lm_log_data, "tbl_df"))
expect_true(inherits(aug_mt_lm_log_newdata, "tbl_df"))
expect_true(inherits(aug_mt_lm_log_no_resp, "tbl_df"))
expect_equal(".resid" %in% colnames(aug_mt_lm_log_none), ".resid" %in% colnames(aug_mt_lm_none))
expect_equal(".resid" %in% colnames(aug_mt_lm_log_data), ".resid" %in% colnames(aug_mt_lm_data))
expect_equal(".resid" %in% colnames(aug_mt_lm_log_newdata), ".resid" %in% colnames(aug_mt_lm_newdata))
expect_equal(".resid" %in% colnames(aug_mt_lm_log_no_resp), ".resid" %in% colnames(aug_mt_lm_no_resp))
expect_equal(aug_mt_lm_log_none$.resid, log(mtcars$mpg) - unname(fitted(mt_lm_log, mtcars)))
expect_equal(aug_mt_lm_log_data$.resid, log(mtcars$mpg) - unname(fitted(mt_lm_log, mtcars)))
expect_equal(aug_mt_lm_log_newdata$.resid, log(mtcars$mpg[1:20]) - unname(predict(mt_lm_log, mtcars[1:20, ])))
test_that("augment_newdata can handle function calls in response term (glm)", {
mt_glm <- glm(data = mtcars, mpg ~ .)
mt_glm_log <- glm(data = mtcars, log(mpg) ~ .)
aug_mt_glm_none <- augment(mt_glm)
aug_mt_glm_data <- augment(mt_glm, data = mtcars)
aug_mt_glm_newdata <- augment(mt_glm, newdata = mtcars[1:20, ])
aug_mt_glm_no_resp <- augment(mt_glm, newdata = mtcars[1:20, 2:ncol(mtcars)])
aug_mt_glm_log_none <- augment(mt_glm_log)
aug_mt_glm_log_data <- augment(mt_glm_log, data = mtcars)
aug_mt_glm_log_newdata <- augment(mt_glm_log, newdata = mtcars[1:20, ])
aug_mt_glm_log_no_resp <- augment(mt_glm_log, newdata = mtcars[1:20, 2:ncol(mtcars)])
expect_true(inherits(aug_mt_glm_log_none, "tbl_df"))
expect_true(inherits(aug_mt_glm_log_data, "tbl_df"))
expect_true(inherits(aug_mt_glm_log_newdata, "tbl_df"))
expect_true(inherits(aug_mt_glm_log_no_resp, "tbl_df"))
expect_equal(".resid" %in% colnames(aug_mt_glm_log_none), ".resid" %in% colnames(aug_mt_glm_none))
expect_equal(".resid" %in% colnames(aug_mt_glm_log_data), ".resid" %in% colnames(aug_mt_glm_data))
expect_equal(".resid" %in% colnames(aug_mt_glm_log_newdata), ".resid" %in% colnames(aug_mt_glm_newdata))
expect_equal(".resid" %in% colnames(aug_mt_glm_log_no_resp), ".resid" %in% colnames(aug_mt_glm_no_resp))
expect_equal(aug_mt_glm_log_none$.resid, log(mtcars$mpg) - unname(fitted(mt_glm_log, mtcars)))
expect_equal(aug_mt_glm_log_data$.resid, log(mtcars$mpg) - unname(fitted(mt_glm_log, mtcars)))
test_that("augment_newdata can handle function calls in response term (loess)", {
mt_loess <- loess(data = mtcars, mpg ~ hp + disp)
mt_loess_log <- loess(data = mtcars, log(mpg) ~ hp + disp)
aug_mt_loess_none <- augment(mt_loess)
aug_mt_loess_data <- augment(mt_loess, data = mtcars)
aug_mt_loess_newdata <- augment(mt_loess, newdata = mtcars[1:20, ])
aug_mt_loess_no_resp <- augment(mt_loess, newdata = mtcars[1:20, 2:ncol(mtcars)])
aug_mt_loess_log_none <- augment(mt_loess_log)
aug_mt_loess_log_data <- augment(mt_loess_log, data = mtcars)
aug_mt_loess_log_newdata <- augment(mt_loess_log, newdata = mtcars[1:20, ])
aug_mt_loess_log_no_resp <- augment(mt_loess_log, newdata = mtcars[1:20, 2:ncol(mtcars)])
expect_true(inherits(aug_mt_loess_log_none, "tbl_df"))
expect_true(inherits(aug_mt_loess_log_data, "tbl_df"))
expect_true(inherits(aug_mt_loess_log_newdata, "tbl_df"))
expect_true(inherits(aug_mt_loess_log_no_resp, "tbl_df"))
expect_equal(".resid" %in% colnames(aug_mt_loess_log_none), ".resid" %in% colnames(aug_mt_loess_none))
expect_equal(".resid" %in% colnames(aug_mt_loess_log_data), ".resid" %in% colnames(aug_mt_loess_data))
expect_equal(".resid" %in% colnames(aug_mt_loess_log_newdata), ".resid" %in% colnames(aug_mt_loess_newdata))
expect_equal(".resid" %in% colnames(aug_mt_loess_log_no_resp), ".resid" %in% colnames(aug_mt_loess_no_resp))
expect_equal(aug_mt_loess_log_none$.resid, log(mtcars$mpg) - unname(fitted(mt_loess_log, mtcars)))
expect_equal(aug_mt_loess_log_data$.resid, log(mtcars$mpg) - unname(fitted(mt_loess_log, mtcars)))
expect_equal(aug_mt_loess_log_newdata$.resid, log(mtcars$mpg[1:20]) - unname(predict(mt_loess_log, mtcars[1:20, ])))
test_that("as_glance_tibble", {
df1 <- as_glance_tibble(x = 1, y = 1, na_types = "rr")
df2 <- as_glance_tibble(x = 1, y = NULL, na_types = "rc")
df3 <- as_glance_tibble(x = 1, y = NULL, na_types = "rr")
purrr::map(df1, class),
purrr::map(df3, class)
expect_true(class(df1$y) == class(df3$y))
expect_false(class(df1$y) == class(df2$y))
as_glance_tibble(x = 1, y = 1, na_types = "rrr")
test_that("appropriate warning on (g)lm-subclassed models", {
x <- 1
class(x) <- c("boop", "glm")
warn_on_subclass(x, "tidy"),
"class \\`boop\\`.*only supported through the \\`glm\\` tidier method."
# only displayed once per session, per unique dispatch
warn_on_subclass(x, "tidy")
class(x) <- c("bop", "glm", "lm")
warn_on_subclass(x, "tidy"),
"class \\`bop\\`.*only supported through the `glm` tidier method."
# only displayed once per session, per unique dispatch
warn_on_subclass(x, "tidy")
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