
Defines functions is_tag renders_to_tag_class is_fill_item.default is_fill_item.htmlwidget is_fill_item is_fillable_container.default is_fillable_container.htmlwidget is_fillable_container is_fill_carrier remove_all_fill warn_css_selector_null fillable_attributes as_fill_item as_fillable_container as_fill_carrier

Documented in as_fillable_container as_fill_carrier as_fill_item is_fillable_container is_fill_carrier is_fill_item remove_all_fill

#' Test and/or coerce fill behavior
#' Filling layouts in bslib are built on the foundation of fillable containers
#' and fill items (fill carriers are both fillable and fill). This is why most
#' bslib components (e.g., [card()], [card_body()], [layout_sidebar()]) possess
#' both `fillable` and `fill` arguments (to control their fill behavior).
#' However, sometimes it's useful to add, remove, and/or test fillable/fill
#' properties on arbitrary [htmltools::tag()], which these functions are
#' designed to do.
#' @references The [Filling Layouts](https://rstudio.github.io/bslib/articles/filling.html)
#'   article on the bslib website introduces the concept of fillable containers
#'   and fill items.
#' @seealso These functions provide a convenient interface to the underlying
#'   [htmltools::bindFillRole()] function.
#' @details
#' Although `as_fill()`, `as_fillable()`, and `as_fill_carrier()` can work with
#' non-tag objects that have a [as.tags] method (e.g., htmlwidgets), they return
#' the "tagified" version of that object.
#' @examplesIf rlang::is_interactive()
#' library(shiny)
#' shinyApp(
#'   page_fillable(
#'     # without `as_fill_carrier()`, the plot won't fill the page because
#'     # `uiOutput()` is neither a fillable container nor a fill item by default.
#'     as_fill_carrier(uiOutput("ui"))
#'   ),
#'   function(input, output) {
#'     output$ui <- renderUI({
#'       div(
#'         class = "bg-info text-white",
#'         as_fill_item(),
#'         "A fill item"
#'       )
#'     })
#'   }
#' )
#' @return
#'   * For `as_fill()`, `as_fillable()`, and `as_fill_carrier()`: the _tagified_
#'     version `x`, with relevant tags modified to possess the relevant fill
#'     properties.
#'   * For `is_fill()`, `is_fillable()`, and `is_fill_carrier()`: a logical vector,
#'     with length matching the number of top-level tags that possess the relevant
#'     fill properties.
#' @param x An [htmltools::tag()].
#' @param ... Currently ignored.
#' @param min_height,max_height Any valid [CSS unit][htmltools::validateCssUnit]
#'   (e.g., `150`).
#' @param gap Any valid [CSS unit][htmltools::validateCssUnit].
#' @param class A character vector of class names to add to the tag.
#' @param style A character vector of CSS properties to add to the tag.
#' @param css_selector A character string containing a CSS selector for
#'   targeting particular (inner) tag(s) of interest. For more details on what
#'   selector(s) are supported, see [tagAppendAttributes()].
#' @export
as_fill_carrier <- function(x, ..., min_height = NULL, max_height = NULL, gap = NULL, class = NULL, style = NULL, css_selector = NULL) {


  attrs <- fillable_attributes(
    min_height = min_height,
    max_height = max_height,
    gap = gap,
    class = class,
    style = style

  if (rlang::is_missing(x)) {
    attrs <- c(
      list(class = "html-fill-item html-fill-container", fill_dependency())

  x <- bindFillRole(x, item = TRUE, container = TRUE, .cssSelector = css_selector)
  tagAppendAttributes(x, .cssSelector = css_selector, !!!attrs)

#' @rdname as_fill_carrier
#' @export
as_fillable_container <- function(x, ..., min_height = NULL, max_height = NULL, gap = NULL, class = NULL, style = NULL, css_selector = NULL) {


  attrs <- fillable_attributes(
    min_height = min_height,
    max_height = max_height,
    gap = gap,
    class = class,
    style = style

  if (rlang::is_missing(x)) {
    attrs <- c(attrs, list(class = "html-fill-container", fill_dependency()))

  x <- bindFillRole(x, container = TRUE, .cssSelector = css_selector)

  tagAppendAttributes(x, .cssSelector = css_selector, !!!attrs)

#' @rdname as_fill_carrier
#' @export
as_fill_item <- function(x, ..., min_height = NULL, max_height = NULL, class = NULL, style = NULL, css_selector = NULL) {


  attrs <- fillable_attributes(
    min_height = min_height,
    max_height = max_height,
    class = class,
    style = style

  if (rlang::is_missing(x)) {
    attrs <- c(attrs, list(class = "html-fill-item", fill_dependency()))

  x <- bindFillRole(x, item = TRUE, .cssSelector = css_selector)

  tagAppendAttributes(x, .cssSelector = css_selector, !!!attrs)

fill_dependency <- local({
  fill_dep <- NULL

  function() {
    if (!is.null(fill_dep)) return(fill_dep)
    fill_dep <<- htmltools::findDependencies(
      htmltools::bindFillRole(htmltools::tags$div(), container = TRUE)

fillable_attributes <- function(
  min_height = NULL,
  max_height = NULL,
  gap = NULL,
  class = NULL,
  style = NULL
) {
    style = css(
      min_height = validateCssUnit(min_height),
      max_height = validateCssUnit(max_height),
      gap = validateCssUnit(gap)
    class = class,
    style = style

warn_css_selector_null <- function(x) {
  if (is.null(x)) return()

    "Ignoring non-NULL `css_selector` because an input tag `x` was not provided.",
    call = rlang::caller_env()

#' @rdname as_fill_carrier
#' @export
remove_all_fill <- function(x) {
  # NOTE: this doesn't remove the `htmltools-fill` dependency from `x`
    x, item = FALSE, container = FALSE,
    overwrite = TRUE

#' @rdname as_fill_carrier
#' @export
is_fill_carrier <- function(x) {
  classes <- paste0("html-fill-", c("container", "item"))
  renders_to_tag_class(x, classes)

#' @rdname as_fill_carrier
#' @export
is_fillable_container <- function(x) {

#' @export
is_fillable_container.htmlwidget <- function(x) {
  # won't actually work until (htmltools#334) gets fixed
  renders_to_tag_class(x, "html-fill-container", ".html-widget")

#' @export
is_fillable_container.default <- function(x) {
  renders_to_tag_class(x, "html-fill-container")

#' @rdname as_fill_carrier
#' @export
is_fill_item <- function(x) {

#' @export
is_fill_item.htmlwidget <- function(x) {
  # won't actually work until (htmltools#334) gets fixed
  renders_to_tag_class(x, "html-fill-item", ".html-widget")

#' @export
is_fill_item.default <- function(x) {
  renders_to_tag_class(x, "html-fill-item")

renders_to_tag_class <- function(x, class, selector = NULL) {
  x <- try(as.tags(x), silent = TRUE)
  if (inherits(x, "try-error")) {
  xq <- tagQuery(x)
  if (length(selector)) {
    xq <- xq$find(selector)
    function(y) tagQuery(y)$hasClass(class),

is_tag <- function(x) {
  inherits(x, "shiny.tag")

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bslib documentation built on May 29, 2024, 6:31 a.m.