
Defines functions getModelComponents.merMod getModelComponents.lme getModelComponents

getModelComponents <- function(m, analytic) UseMethod("getModelComponents")

getModelComponents.lme <-
  function(m, analytic = TRUE) {
    model <- list()
    model$df <- NULL
    X <- model.matrix(formula(m),m$data)
    n <- nrow(X)
    Z <- as.matrix(get_Z(m))
    theta <- get_theta(m)
    Lambdat <- get_LambdaT(m)$LambdaT
    D <- get_LambdaT(m)$D
    Lambda <- t(Lambdat)
    model$Wlist <- list()
    model$eWelist <- list()
    # L <- get_L(m)

    sig2 <- sigma(m)^2
    R <- get_R(m) / sig2 # definition according to derivation of bc with weights
    # w <- sig2 / diag(get_R(m))
    Rinv <- solve(R)
    model$R <- R
    Zt <- t(Z)
    #Dinv <- solve(get_LambdaT(m)$D)
    V0inv <- solve(Matrix(Z %*% D %*% Zt + get_R(m))/sig2)

    RX <- get_RX(m)
    A <- V0inv - crossprod(crossprod(X %*% solve(RX), V0inv))
    y <- as.vector(getResponse(m))
    e <- residuals(m)

    ## prepare list of derivative matrices W_j
    ind <- get_Lind(m)
    len <- rep(0, length(Lambda@x))

    for (s in 1:length(theta)) {
      # model$Wlist <- lapply(theta, function(s){
      LambdaS <- Lambda
      LambdaSt <- Lambdat
      LambdaS@x <- LambdaSt@x <- len
      LambdaS@x[which(ind == s)] <- LambdaSt@x[which(ind == s)] <- 1
      diagonal <- diag(LambdaS)
      diag(LambdaS) <- diag(LambdaSt) <- 0
      Ds <- LambdaS + LambdaSt
      diag(Ds) <- diagonal
      model$Wlist[[s]] <- tcrossprod(Z %*% Ds, Z)
      model$eWelist[[s]] <- as.numeric(e %*% model$Wlist[[s]] %*% e)
      # model$Wlist[[s]]  <- model$Wlist[[s]]/norm(model$Wlist[[s]], type = "F")

    ## Write everything into a return list
    model$X <- X
    model$n <- n
    model$theta <- theta
    model$Z <- Z
    model$Lambda <- Lambda
    model$Lambdat <- Lambdat
    model$V0inv <- V0inv
    model$A <- A
    if (analytic) {
      model$B <- matrix(0, length(theta), length(theta))
    } else {
      stop("Numerical Hessian not calculated in nlme::lme objects!")
      # model$B <- m@optinfo$derivs$Hessian
    model$C <- matrix(0, length(theta), n)
    model$y <- y
    model$e <- e
    model$tye <- as.numeric(crossprod(y, e))
    model$isREML <- m$method == "REML"


getModelComponents.merMod <-
function(m, analytic) { 
  # A function that calculates all components needed to calculate the bias
  # correction as in Greven & Kneib (2010)
  # Args: 
  #   m     = Object of class lmerMod. Obtained by lmer()
  #   analytic = FALSE if the numeric hessian of the (restricted) marginal log-
  #              likelihood from the lmer optimization procedure should be used.
  #              Otherwise (default) TRUE, i.e. use a analytical version that 
  #              has to be computed.
  # Returns:
  #   model = List of components needed to calculate the bias correction
  model         <- list()
  model$df      <- NULL
  X             <- getME(m, "X")
  n             <- nrow(X)
  Z             <- getME(m, "Z")
  theta         <- getME(m, "theta")
  Lambda        <- getME(m, "Lambda")
  Lambdat       <- getME(m, "Lambdat")
  model$Wlist   <- list()
  model$eWelist <- list()
  L             <- getME(m, "L")
  w             <- weights(m)
    model$R <- diag(1/w)
    Rinv <- diag(w)
    D0inv <- solve(tcrossprod(Lambda))
    V0inv <- Rinv - crossprod(Rinv,Z) %*% solve(D0inv + t(Z)%*%Rinv%*%Z) %*% crossprod(Z,Rinv)

    I_v0inv       <- Matrix(0, n, n, sparse = TRUE)
    diag(I_v0inv) <- 1
    V0inv         <- I_v0inv - crossprod(solve(L, system = "L") %*% 
                                                   solve(L, Lambdat, system = "P") %*% t(Z))

# P             <- diag(rep(1, n)) - X %*%  chol2inv(getME(m, "RX")) %*% crossprod(X, V0inv)
  ## pre calculate matrices for faster computation
# A   <- crossprod(P, V0inv)
  A   <- V0inv - crossprod(crossprod(X %*% solve(getME(m, "RX")), V0inv))
  y   <- getME(m, "y") 
  e   <- y - getME(m, "mu")
  ## prepare list of derivative matrices W_j
  ind <- getME(m, "Lind")
  len <- rep(0, length(Lambda@x))
  for(s in 1:length(theta)) {
#  model$Wlist <- lapply(theta, function(s){
    LambdaS                    <- Lambda
    LambdaSt                   <- Lambdat
    LambdaS@x                  <- LambdaSt@x                    <- len
    LambdaS@x[which(ind == s)] <- LambdaSt@x[which(ind == s)]   <- 1
    diagonal                   <- diag(LambdaS)
    diag(LambdaS)              <- diag(LambdaSt)                <- 0
    Ds                         <- LambdaS + LambdaSt
    diag(Ds)                   <- diagonal
    model$Wlist[[s]]           <- tcrossprod(Z %*% Ds, Z)
    model$eWelist[[s]]         <- as.numeric(e %*% model$Wlist[[s]] %*% e)
#   model$Wlist[[s]]  <- model$Wlist[[s]]/norm(model$Wlist[[s]], type = "F")
  ## Write everything into a return list
  model$X       <- X        
  model$n       <- n        
  model$theta   <- theta    
  model$Z       <- Z      
  model$Lambda  <- Lambda 
  model$Lambdat <- Lambdat
  model$V0inv   <- V0inv
  model$A       <- A
  if(analytic) {
    model$B     <- matrix(0, length(theta), length(theta)) 
  } else {
    model$B     <- m@optinfo$derivs$Hessian  
  model$C       <- matrix(0, length(theta), n)   
  model$y       <- y   
  model$e       <- e  
  model$tye     <- as.numeric(crossprod(y, e))
  model$isREML  <- isREML(m)

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cAIC4 documentation built on Sept. 22, 2021, 5:07 p.m.