
Defines functions convertModel parseModel

Documented in convertModel parseModel

#' Parse lavaan model
#' Turns a model written in [lavaan model syntax][lavaan::model.syntax] into a
#' [cSEMModel] list.
#' Instruments must be supplied separately as a named list 
#' of vectors of instruments. 
#' The names of the list elements are the names of the dependent constructs of 
#' the structural equation whose explanatory variables are endogenous. 
#' The vectors contain the names of the instruments corresponding to each 
#' equation. Note that exogenous variables of a given equation **must** be 
#' supplied as instruments for themselves.
#' By default `parseModel()` attempts to check if the model provided is correct
#' in a sense that all necessary components required to estimate the
#' model are specified (e.g., a construct of the structural model has at least
#' 1 item). To prevent checking for errors use `.check_errors = FALSE`.
#' @usage parseModel(
#'   .model        = NULL, 
#'   .instruments  = NULL, 
#'   .check_errors = TRUE
#'   )
#' @inheritParams csem_arguments
#' @inherit csem_model return
#' @example inst/examples/example_parseModel.R
#' @export
parseModel <- function(
  .model        = NULL, 
  .instruments  = NULL, 
  .check_errors = TRUE
  ) {

  ### Check if already a cSEMModel list; if yes return as is
  if(inherits(.model,"cSEMModel")) {

  ### Check if list
  } else if(is.list(.model)) {
    ## Check if list contains minimum necessary elements (structural, measurement)
    if(all(c("structural", "measurement") %in% names(.model))) {
      # Note: whenever a new element is added to cSEMModel it needs to be added
      # to this list to be able to detect valid and non valid elements.
      x <- setdiff(names(.model), c("structural", "measurement", "error_cor",
                                    "cor_specified", "construct_type", 
                                    "construct_order", "model_type", "instruments", 
                                    "structural2", "measurement2", "error_cor2", 
                                    "Phi", "cons_exo", "cons_endo", "vars_2nd",
                                    "vars_attached_to_2nd", "vars_not_attached_to_2nd"))
      if(length(x) == 0) {
        class(.model) <- "cSEMModel"
      } else {
        stop2("The following error occured in the `parseModel()` function:\n", 
              "The list provided contains element names unknown to cSEM: ", 
              paste0("'", x, "'", collapse = ", "), ".\n", 
              "See ?cSEMModel for a list of valid component names.")
    } else {
      stop2("The following error occured in the `parseModel()` function:\n",
            "Structural and measurement matrix required.")
  } else {
    ### Convert to lavaan partable ---------------------------------------------
    m_lav <- lavaan::lavaanify(model = .model, fixed.x = FALSE)
    ## Add column with starting values or labels
    m_lav$ustart2 <- ifelse(
      is.na(m_lav$ustart) & m_lav$label != "", m_lav$label, m_lav$ustart) 

    ### Extract relevant information -------------------------------------------
    # s  := structural
    # m  := measurement
    # co := error 
    tbl_s  <- m_lav[m_lav$op == "~", ] # structural 
    tbl_m  <- m_lav[m_lav$op %in% c("=~", "<~"), ] # measurement 
    tbl_co <- m_lav[m_lav$op == "~~" & m_lav$user == 1, ] # correlations
    # variances are ignored
    ## Collect starting values/population values if any are given
    pop_values <- c(tbl_s$ustart2, tbl_m$ustart2, tbl_co$ustart2)
    ## Get all relevant subsets of constructs and/or indicators
    # i  := indicators
    # c  := constructs
    # s  := structural model
    # m  := measurement/composite model
    # co := correlation / measurement error
    # l  := only linear (terms)
    # nl := only nonlinear (terms)
    # Typical name: "name_[i/c]_[s/m]_[lhs/rhs]_[nl/l]"
    ### Structural model ---------------------
    # Check if structural model has been supplied as subsets are collected
    # differently in this case
    if(nrow(tbl_s) == 0) {
      names_i  <- tbl_m$rhs
      names_c  <- names_c_all <- unique(tbl_m$lhs)
      names_co <- unique(c(tbl_co$lhs, tbl_co$rhs))
      names_c_2nd <- NULL
      names_c_nl  <- NULL
      names_c_attached_to_2nd <- NULL
      names_c_s_rhs_nl <- NULL
      names_c_m_rhs_nl <- NULL
      names_c_not_attachted_to_2nd <- NULL
      ## Checks and errors
      if(.check_errors) {
        ## Stop if only a single measurement equation is given
        if(length(names_c) == 1) {
            "The following error occured in the `parseModel()` function:\n",
            "At least two constructs required for the estimation."
        # Note (01/2020) If only measurement model equations are given two cases 
        #                need to be distinguised:
        #         1. The model contains fixed values to be used by cSEM.DGP
        #         2. The model is used for the estimation
        #  The first case should cause an error since defaulting the correlations
        #  between constructs to zero (as lavaan does it) does not work for composites
        #  (identification requires at least two correlated composites).
        #  The second case currently also causes an error, i.e. users are forced
        #  to explicitly specify all correlations between constructs. This 
        #  is differnt to lavaan which has option auto.cov.y = TRUE set by default
        tmp <- setdiff(names_c, intersect(names_c, names_co))
        if(length(tmp) != 0) {
            "The following error occured in the `parseModel()` function:\n",
            "All construct correlations must be supplied explicitly using e.g.,: ", 
            paste0("`", names_c[1], " ~~ ", names_c[2],  "`")
        ## Stop if any construct has no observables/indicators attached
        tmp <- setdiff(setdiff(names_co, names_i), names_c)
        if(length(tmp) != 0) {
            "The following error occured in the `parseModel()` function:\n",
            "No measurement equation provided for: ", 
            paste0("`", tmp,  "`", collapse = ", ")
      # Note
      # - when there is no structural model supplied only correlations between
      #   first order constructs is allowed 
    } else {
      # Construct names of the structural model (including nonlinear terms)
      names_c_s_lhs    <- unique(tbl_s$lhs)
      names_c_s_rhs    <- unique(tbl_s$rhs)
      names_c_s        <- union(names_c_s_lhs, names_c_s_rhs)
      # Construct names of the structural model including the names of the 
      # individual components of the interaction terms
      names_c_s_lhs_l  <- unique(unlist(strsplit(names_c_s_lhs, "\\.")))
      names_c_s_rhs_l  <- unique(unlist(strsplit(names_c_s_rhs, "\\.")))
      names_c_s_l      <- union(names_c_s_lhs_l, names_c_s_rhs_l)
      # Nonlinear construct names of the the structural model 
      names_c_s_lhs_nl <- names_c_s_lhs[grep("\\.", names_c_s_lhs)] # must be empty
      names_c_s_rhs_nl <- names_c_s_rhs[grep("\\.", names_c_s_rhs)]
      # Construct names of the structural model without nonlinear terms
      names_c_s_no_nl  <- setdiff(names_c_s, names_c_s_rhs_nl)
      ### Measurement/composite model -----------------
      # All indicator names (observables AND constructs that serve as indicators for a 
      # 2nd order construct (linear and nonlinear))
      names_i          <- unique(tbl_m$rhs)
      # Indicator names that contain a "." (should only contain 
      # nonlinear 2nd order terms!)
      names_i_nl       <- names_i[grep("\\.", names_i)] # this catches all terms 
      # with a "."!
      # Construct names of the measurement model (including nonlinear terms;
      # Constructs of the rhs of the measurment model are considered first order constructs
      # attached to a second order construct)
      names_c_m_lhs    <- unique(tbl_m$lhs)
      names_c_m_rhs    <- intersect(names_i, c(names_c_m_lhs, names_i_nl))
      names_c_m        <- union(names_c_m_lhs, names_c_m_rhs)
      # Construct names of the measurement model including the names of the 
      # individual components of the interaction terms
      names_c_m_lhs_l  <- unique(unlist(strsplit(names_c_m_lhs, "\\.")))
      names_c_m_rhs_l  <- unique(unlist(strsplit(names_c_m_rhs, "\\.")))
      names_c_m_l      <- union(names_c_m_lhs_l, names_c_m_rhs_l)
      # Nonlinear construct names of the measurement model 
      names_c_m_lhs_nl <- names_c_m_lhs[grep("\\.", names_c_m_lhs)] # must be empty
      names_c_m_rhs_nl <- names_c_m_rhs[grep("\\.", names_c_m_rhs)]
      # Construct names of the measurement model without nonlinear terms
      names_c_m_no_nl  <- setdiff(names_c_s, names_c_s_rhs_nl)
      ## Hierachical constructs -------------------------
      # 1st order constructs attached to a second order construct
      names_c_attached_to_2nd <- names_c_m_rhs
      # 2nd order construct names
      names_c_2nd      <- unique(tbl_m[tbl_m$rhs %in% names_c_attached_to_2nd, "lhs"])
      # 1st order constructs not attached to a second order construct
      names_c_not_attachted_to_2nd <- setdiff(c(names_c_s, names_c_m), c(names_c_attached_to_2nd, names_c_2nd))
      # Higher order construct names
      names_c_higher   <- intersect(names_c_2nd, names_c_m_rhs) # must be empty
      ## Summary --------------------
      # All construct names (including nonlinear terms)
      names_c_all      <- union(names_c_s, names_c_m) 
      # All linear construct names
      names_c          <- names_c_all[!grepl("\\.", names_c_all)] 
      # All nonlinear construct names
      names_c_nl       <- names_c_all[grepl("\\.", names_c_all)] 

    ## The the number of...
    number_of_constructs_all  <- length(names_c_all)
    number_of_constructs      <- length(names_c)
    number_of_indicators      <- length(names_i)
    ## Order
    construct_order <- rep("First order", length(names_c))
    names(construct_order) <- names_c
    construct_order[names_c_2nd] <- "Second order"
    ## Instruments
    if(!is.null(.instruments)) {
      names_construct_instruments <- names(.instruments)
      ## Note (05/2019): Currently, we only allow linear instruments (i.e. no 
      ##                 interaction terms). We may change that in the future.
      names_instruments_nl <- unlist(.instruments)[grep("\\.", unlist(.instruments))]
      if(length(names_instruments_nl) != 0) {
        stop2("The following error occured in the `parseModel()` function:\n",
              "Only linear instruments allowed. Dont know how to handle: ", 
              paste0("`", names_instruments_nl, "`", collapse = ", "))
      names_instruments <- unique(unlist(strsplit(unlist(.instruments),  "\\.")))
    ## Sometimes (e.g. for testMGD) we need to parse an incomplete model, hence
    ## errors and warnings related to incomplete models should be ignored in this case.
    if(.check_errors) {
      ### Checks, errors and warnings --------------------------------------------
      ## Stop if pop_values contains only a subset of values or labels
      if(!all(is.na(pop_values)) & anyNA(pop_values)) {
        stop2("The following error occured in the `parseModel()` function:\n",
              "Only a subset of population values given. Please specify",
              " all population values or none.")
      if(!is.null(.instruments)) {
        # Note (05/2019): Currently, we only allow instruments from within the model, 
        #                 i.e instruments need to have a structural   
        #                 and a measurement/composite equation. 
        #                 Reason: we need to figure out, how to deal with 
        #                 instruments that have no structural equation. If they are
        #                 not part of the structural model its unclear how to 
        #                 get composites/scores for them.
        ## Check if all instruments are part of the structural model (i.e. internal)
        tmp <- setdiff(names_instruments, names_c)
        if(!is.null(.instruments) && length(tmp) != 0) {
          stop2("The following error occured in the `parseModel()` function:\n",
                "Currently, only internal instruments allowed. External instruments: ", 
                paste0("`", tmp,  "`", collapse = ", "))
        ## Check if construct names for instruments are correct
        tmp <- setdiff(names_construct_instruments, names_c)
        if(!is.null(.instruments) && length(tmp) != 0) {
          stop2("The following error occured in the `parseModel()` function:\n",
                "Instruments supplied for unknown constructs: ", 
                paste0("`", tmp,  "`", collapse = ", "))
      ## Stop if one indicator is connected to several constructs
      if(any(duplicated(tbl_m$rhs))) {
          "The following error occured in the `parseModel()` function:\n",
          "At least one indicator is connected to several constructs.")
      if(nrow(tbl_s) != 0) {
        ## Stop if any interaction/nonlinear term is used as an endogenous (lhs) variable in the
        ## structural model 
        if(length(names_c_s_lhs_nl)) {
            "The following error occured in the `parseModel()` function:\n",
            "Interaction terms cannot appear on the left-hand side of a structural equation.")
        ## Stop if any interaction/nonlinear term is used as an endogenous (lhs) variable in the
        ## measurement model 
        if(length(names_c_m_lhs_nl)) {
            "The following error occured in the `parseModel()` function:\n",
            "Interaction terms cannot appear on the left-hand side of a measurement equation.")
        ## Stop if any construct has no observables/indicators attached
        tmp <- setdiff(c(names_c_s_l, names_c_m_rhs_l), names_c_m_lhs)
        # Note: code below not required as long as only internal instruments 
        #       are allowed 
        ## Check if any of the individual components of the instruments has no 
        ## observables/indicators attached
        # if(!is.null(.instruments)) {
        #   tmp <- c(tmp, setdiff(names_instruments, names_c_m_lhs))
        # }
        if(length(tmp) != 0) {
            "The following error occured in the `parseModel()` function:\n",
            "No measurement equation provided for: ", 
            paste0("`", tmp,  "`", collapse = ", ")
        ## Stop if a construct appears in the measurement but not in the 
        ## structural model
        tmp <- setdiff(names_c_m_lhs, c(names_c_s_l, names_c_m_rhs_l))
        # Note: code below not required as long as only internal instruments 
        #       are allowed 
        # If tmp is non-empty: check if the constructs are instruments
        # (only if not an error should be returned)
        # if(length(tmp) != 0 & !is.null(.instruments)) {
        #   tmp <- setdiff(tmp, names_instruments)
        # }
        if(length(tmp) != 0) {
            "The following error occured in the `parseModel()` function:\n",
            "The following constructs of the measurement model do not appear",
            " in the structural model: ", paste0("`", tmp, "`", collapse = ", ")
        ## Stop if any construct has a higher order than 2 (currently not allowed)
        if(length(names_c_higher) != 0) {
            "The following error occured in the `parseModel()` function:\n",
            paste0("`", names_c_higher, "`"), " has order > 2.", 
            " Currently, only first and second-order constructs are supported.")
        ## Stop if a nonlinear term is used as a first order construct to build/measure
        ## a second order construct
        if(length(names_i_nl) != 0) {
          stop2("The following error occured in the `parseModel()` function:\n",
                "Only linear first order constructs may be attached to second order constructs.",
                " Dont know how to handle: ", 
                paste0("`", names_i_nl, "`", collapse = ", "))
        ## Stop if at least one of the components of an interaction term does not appear
        ## in any of the structural equations.
        tmp <- setdiff(names_c_s_l, names_c_s_no_nl)
        if(length(tmp) != 0) {
            "The following error occured in the `parseModel()` function:\n",
            "The nonlinear terms containing ", paste0("`", tmp, "`", collapse = ", "), 
            " are not embeded in a nomological net.")
    ## Construct type
    tbl_m$op <- ifelse(tbl_m$op == "=~", "Common factor", "Composite")
    construct_type  <- unique(tbl_m[, c("lhs", "op")])$op
    names(construct_type) <- unique(tbl_m[, c("lhs", "op")])$lhs
    construct_type <- construct_type[names_c]
    ## Type of model (linear or nonlinear)
    type_of_model <- if(length(names_c_nl) != 0) {
    } else {
    ### Create matrices specifying the relationship between constructs,
    ### indicators, and measurement errors -------------------------------------
    # Note: code below not required as long as only internal instruments 
    #       are allowed 
    # model_structural  <- matrix(0,
    #                             nrow = length(names_c_s_l),
    #                             ncol = length(names_c_s),
    #                             dimnames = list(names_c_s_l, names_c_s)
    # )
    ### Set up empty matrices
    model_structural  <- matrix(0,
                                nrow = number_of_constructs,
                                ncol = number_of_constructs_all,
                                dimnames = list(names_c, names_c_all)
    model_measurement <- matrix(0,
                                nrow = number_of_constructs,
                                ncol = number_of_indicators,
                                dimnames = list(names_c, names_i)
    model_cor_specified <- matrix(0,
                                  nrow = length(unique(c(tbl_co$lhs,tbl_co$rhs))),
                                  ncol = length(unique(c(tbl_co$lhs,tbl_co$rhs))),
                                  dimnames = list (unique(c(tbl_co$lhs,tbl_co$rhs)),
    ## For convenience its useful to have a separate matrix of measurement errors 
    model_measurement_error <- matrix(0,
                                      nrow = number_of_indicators,
                                      ncol = number_of_indicators,
                                      dimnames = list(names_i, names_i)
    ## Fill model_structural
    # if(nrow(tbl_s) == 0) { # only correlation given
    #   row_index <- match(tbl_co$lhs, names_c)
    #   col_index <- match(tbl_co$rhs, names_c_all)
    # } else { # path model is given
      row_index <- match(tbl_s$lhs, names_c)
      col_index <- match(tbl_s$rhs, names_c_all) 
    # }
    # Note: code below not required as long as only internal instruments 
    #       are allowed 
    # row_index <- match(tbl_s$lhs, names_c_s_l)
    # col_index <- match(tbl_s$rhs, names_c_s)
    model_structural[cbind(row_index, col_index)] <- 1
    ## If starting/population values are given create a supplementary structural 
    ## matrix that contains the starting values
    if(!anyNA(pop_values)) {
      model_structural2 <- model_structural
      model_structural2[cbind(row_index, col_index)] <- tbl_s$ustart2

    ## Fill model measurement
    row_index <- match(tbl_m$lhs, names_c)
    col_index <- match(tbl_m$rhs, names_i)
    model_measurement[cbind(row_index, col_index)] <- 1

    ## If starting values are given create a supplementary measurement matrix
    ## that contains the starting values
    if(!anyNA(pop_values)) {

      model_measurement2 <- model_measurement
      model_measurement2[cbind(row_index, col_index)] <- tbl_m$ustart2
    ## Fill model_measurement_error
    m_errors   <- tbl_co[tbl_co$lhs %in% names_i, , drop = FALSE]
    row_index <- match(m_errors$lhs, names_i)
    col_index <- match(m_errors$rhs, names_i)
    model_measurement_error[cbind(c(row_index, col_index), c(col_index, row_index))] <- 1
    # Currently, composite-based approaches (except GSCA ?) are unable to deal 
    # with measurement errors accros blocks (even if they were, it is not implemented in cSEM).
    if(.check_errors) {
      model_measurement_error_temp <- model_measurement_error
      for(i in names_c) {
        x <- which(model_measurement[i, ] == 1)
        model_measurement_error_temp[x, x] <- NA 
      contains_measurement_error <- sum(model_measurement_error_temp, na.rm = TRUE)
      if(contains_measurement_error > 0) {
        stop2("The following warning occured in the `parseModel()` function:\n",
              "Measurement errors across blocks not supported (yet).",
              " Remove specified across-block error correlation.")
    # Fill model_cor_specified
    row_index <- match(tbl_co$lhs, unique(c(tbl_co$lhs,tbl_co$rhs)))
    col_index <- match(tbl_co$rhs, unique(c(tbl_co$lhs,tbl_co$rhs)))
    model_cor_specified[cbind(c(row_index, col_index), c(col_index, row_index))] <- 1
    # Currently, only correlations between indicators (within block), 
    # measurement errors (within block), and exogenous 
    # constructs are supported. The rest causes an error (if .check_errors = TRUE)
    if(.check_errors & nrow(tbl_s) != 0) {
      # Extract endogenous and exogenous variables
      # vars_endo <- rownames(model_structural)[rowSums(model_structural) != 0]
      # vars_exo  <- setdiff(colnames(model_structural), vars_endo)
      ## TO DO: Figure out how to write this error
      ## Stop if construct correlation involving nonlinear terms are specified
      tmp <- intersect(rownames(model_cor_specified), c(names_c_s_rhs_nl, names_c_m_rhs_nl))
      if(length(tmp) > 0) {
        stop2("The following warning occured in the `parseModel()` function:\n",
              "Correlation between nonlinear terms not supported (yet).",
              " Remove specified construct correlations.")
    ## If starting values are given create one matrix containing the correlation between
    ## indicators, one for the correlation between measurement errors, and one for the
    ## correlation between constructs. Each contains the starting values
    if(!anyNA(pop_values)) {
      # Note: when a correlation between indicators is given with population values 
      # it depends on the construct
      # type whether this correlation represents a measurement error correlation
      # or a correlation between indicators. Suppose we have:
      #               indicator1 ~~ 0.3*indicator2
      # 1. If the construct the indicators are attached to is modeled as a common factor
      #    the expression refers to a correlation between the measurement errors
      #    of indicator 1 and 2.
      # 2. If the construct the indicators are attached to is modeled as a composite
      #    the expression refers to the correlation between the indicators itself.
      m_errors   <- tbl_co[tbl_co$lhs %in% names_i, , drop = FALSE]
      con_errors <- tbl_co[tbl_co$lhs %in% names_c, , drop = FALSE] 
      ## Correlation between indicators / measurement errors 
      row_index <- match(m_errors$lhs, names_i)
      col_index <- match(m_errors$rhs, names_i)
      model_cor_indicators <- model_measurement_error
      model_cor_indicators[cbind(c(row_index, col_index), c(col_index, row_index))] <- m_errors$ustart2
      ## Correlation between constructs (so far only the correlation between
      ## exogenous constructs is relevant)
      model_cor_constructs <- model_cor_specified[unique(c(con_errors$lhs, con_errors$rhs)),
                                                  unique(c(con_errors$lhs, con_errors$rhs)), drop = FALSE]

      row_index <- match(con_errors$lhs, rownames(model_cor_constructs))
      col_index <- match(con_errors$rhs, colnames(model_cor_constructs))
      if(nrow(model_cor_constructs) > 0) {
        model_cor_constructs[cbind(c(row_index, col_index), c(col_index, row_index))] <- con_errors$ustart2 
    ### Order model ============================================================
    # Order the structual equations in a way that every equation depends on
    # exogenous constructs and constructs that have been explained in a previous equation
    # This is necessary for the estimation of models containing nonlinear structural
    # relationships.
    ### Preparation ------------------------------------------------------------
    temp <- model_structural
    ## Extract endogenous and exogenous constructs
    cons_endo <- rownames(temp)[rowSums(temp) != 0]
    cons_exo  <- setdiff(colnames(temp), cons_endo)
    # Endogenous constructs that are explained by exogenous and endogenous constructs
    explained_by_exo_endo <- cons_endo[rowSums(temp[cons_endo, cons_endo, drop = FALSE]) != 0]
    # Endogenous constructs explained by exogenous constructs only
    explained_by_exo <- setdiff(cons_endo, explained_by_exo_endo)
    ### Order =======================
    # First the endogenous constructs that are soley explained by the exogenous constructs
    model_ordered <- temp[explained_by_exo, , drop = FALSE]
    # Add constructs that have already been ordered/taken care of to a vector
    # (including exogenous constructs and interaction terms)
    already_ordered <- c(cons_exo, explained_by_exo)
    ## When there are feedback loops ordering does not work anymore, therefore
    #  ordering is skiped if there are feedback loops. Except for the
    #  the "replace" approach, this should not be a problem.
    # Does the structural model contain feedback loops
    if(any(temp[cons_endo, cons_endo] + t(temp[cons_endo, cons_endo]) == 2)) {
      model_ordered <- temp[c(already_ordered, explained_by_exo_endo), , drop = FALSE]
    } else {
      ## Order in a way that the current structural equation does only depend on
      ## exogenous variables and/or variables that have already been ordered
      counter <- 1
      explained_by_exo_endo_temp <- explained_by_exo_endo
      if(length(explained_by_exo_endo) > 0) {
        repeat {
          counter <- counter + 1
          for(i in explained_by_exo_endo_temp) {
            names_temp <- colnames(temp[i, temp[i, ] == 1, drop = FALSE])
            endo_temp  <- setdiff(names_temp, already_ordered)
            if(length(endo_temp) == 0) {
              model_ordered <- rbind(model_ordered, temp[i, , drop = FALSE])
              already_ordered <- c(already_ordered, i)
              explained_by_exo_endo_temp <- setdiff(explained_by_exo_endo_temp, already_ordered)
          } # END for-loop
          if(counter > 50)
              "The following error occured in the `parseModel()` function:\n",
              "Reordering the structural equations was not succesful."
          if(length(explained_by_exo_endo_temp) == 0) break
        } # END repeat
      } # END if-statement
    } # END else
    ## Return a cSEMModel object.
    # A cSEMModel objects contains all the information about the model and its
    # components such as the type of construct used. 
    n  <- c(setdiff(names_c, rownames(model_ordered)), rownames(model_ordered))
    m <- order(which(model_measurement[n, , drop = FALSE] == 1, arr.ind = TRUE)[, "row"])
    structural_ordered <- model_structural[n, c(n, setdiff(colnames(model_ordered), n)), drop = FALSE]
    # n1 <- intersect(n, colnames(model_ordered))
    # structural_ordered <- model_structural[n1, c(n1, setdiff(colnames(model_ordered), n1))]
    ## Renew endogenous and exogenous constructs as the ordering may have changed
    cons_endo <- rownames(structural_ordered)[rowSums(structural_ordered) != 0]
    cons_exo  <- setdiff(colnames(structural_ordered), cons_endo)
    model_ls <- list(
      "structural"         = structural_ordered,
      "measurement"        = model_measurement[n, m, drop = FALSE],
      "error_cor"          = model_measurement_error[m, m, drop = FALSE],
      "cor_specified"      = model_cor_specified,
      "construct_type"     = construct_type[match(n, names(construct_type))],
      "construct_order"    = construct_order[match(n, names(construct_order))],
      "model_type"         = type_of_model,
      "indicators"         = colnames(model_measurement[n, m, drop = FALSE]),
      # 08.11.2019: 
      # 1. First order constructs are never considered exogenous.
      # 2. Nonlinear terms are also never considered exogenous.
      "cons_exo"           = setdiff(cons_exo, c(names_c_attached_to_2nd, names_c_s_rhs_nl, names_c_m_rhs_nl)),
      "cons_endo"          = cons_endo,
      "vars_2nd"           = names_c_2nd,
      "vars_attached_to_2nd"     = names_c_attached_to_2nd,
      "vars_not_attached_to_2nd" = names_c_not_attachted_to_2nd
    ## Add population values to output if any are given
    if(!anyNA(pop_values)) {
      model_ls$structural2   <- model_structural2[n, colnames(structural_ordered), drop = FALSE]
      model_ls$measurement2  <- model_measurement2[n, m, drop = FALSE]
      model_ls$indicator_cor <- model_cor_indicators[m, m, drop = FALSE]
      model_ls$construct_cor <- model_cor_constructs
    ## Are there instruments? If yes add them
    if(!is.null(.instruments)) {
      for(i in names(.instruments)) {
        names_independent <- names(which(structural_ordered[i, ] == 1))
        ## Not sure how to deal with nonlinear terms. For now they are treated
        ## just like any other variable. If there is no instrument for a nonlinear
        ## term, it is treated as exogenous.
        names_exogenous   <- intersect(colnames(names_independent), .instruments[[i]])
        names_endogenous  <- setdiff(names_independent, .instruments[[i]])
        # First stage relations
        .instruments[[i]] <- matrix(1, nrow = length(names_endogenous), ncol = length(.instruments[[i]]),
                      dimnames = list(names_endogenous, .instruments[[i]]))
      model_ls$instruments <- .instruments
    class(model_ls) <- "cSEMModel"
  } # END else

#' Internal: Convert second order cSEMModel
#' Uses a [cSEMModel] containing second order constructs and turns it into an
#' estimable model using either the "2stage" approach or the "mixed" approach.
#' @usage convertModel(
#'  .csem_model        = NULL, 
#'  .approach_2ndorder = "2stage",
#'  .stage             = "first"
#'  )
#' @inheritParams csem_arguments
#' @return A [cSEMModel] list that may be passed to any function requiring
#'   `.csem_model` as a mandatory argument.
#' @keywords internal
convertModel <- function(
  .csem_model        = NULL, 
  .approach_2ndorder = "2stage",
  .stage             = "first"
) {
  ## Note: currently we dont include nonlinear relationships in the first
  ##       stage of 2/3stage approach. If we want to change this, we
  ##       need to update the code that subsets the relevant constructs/indicators
  ##       below.
  # All linear constructs of the original model
  c_linear_original <- rownames(.csem_model$structural)
  # All constructs used in the first step (= all first order constructs)
  c_linear_1step <- names(.csem_model$construct_order[.csem_model$construct_order == "First order"])
  # All second order constructs
  c_2nd_order <- setdiff(c_linear_original, c_linear_1step)
  # All indicators of the original model (including linear and nonlinear 
  # constructs that form/measure a second order construct)
  i_original <- colnames(.csem_model$measurement)
  i_linear_original <- intersect(c_linear_original, i_original)
  i_nonlinear_original <- grep("\\.", i_original, value = TRUE) 
  # Linear constructs that serve as indicators and need to be replaced
  i_linear_1step <- setdiff(i_original, c(c_linear_original, i_nonlinear_original))
  if(.stage %in% c("second")) {
    # Linear constructs that dont form/measure a second order construct
    c_not_attached_to_2nd <- setdiff(c_linear_1step, i_linear_original)
    c_2step <- c(c_not_attached_to_2nd, c_2nd_order)
    ## Second step structural model
    x1 <- c()
    for(i in c_2step) {
      col_names <- colnames(.csem_model$structural[i, .csem_model$structural[i, , drop = FALSE] == 1, drop = FALSE])
      # col_names_linear <- intersect(c_linear_original, col_names)
      # col_names_nonlinear <- setdiff(col_names, col_names_linear)
      temp <- if(!is.null(col_names)) {
        ## Modify terms
        temp <- strsplit(x = col_names, split = "\\.")
        temp <- lapply(temp, function(x) {
          x[x %in% c_not_attached_to_2nd] <- paste0(x[x %in% c_not_attached_to_2nd], "_temp")
          paste0(x, collapse = ".")
        # col_names_nonlinear <- unlist(temp)
        # col_names <- c(col_names_linear, col_names_nonlinear)
        col_names <- unlist(temp)
        # col_names[col_names %in% nc_not_to_2nd] <- paste0(col_names[col_names %in% nc_not_to_2nd], "_temp")
        paste0(ifelse(i %in% c_not_attached_to_2nd, paste0(i, "_temp"), i), "~", paste0(col_names, collapse = "+")) 
      } else {
      x1 <- paste(x1, temp, sep = "\n")
    ## Measurement model + second order structural equation 
    # Constructs that dont form/measure a second order construct
    x2a <- c()
    for(i in c_not_attached_to_2nd) {
      temp <- paste0(paste0(i, "_temp"), ifelse(.csem_model$construct_type[i] == "Composite", "<~", "=~"), i)
      x2a <- paste(x2a, temp, sep = "\n")
    # Second order constructs
    x2b <- c()
    for(i in c_2nd_order) {
      col_names <- colnames(.csem_model$measurement[i, .csem_model$measurement[i, , drop = FALSE ] == 1, drop = FALSE])
      temp  <- paste0(i, ifelse(.csem_model$construct_type[i] == "Composite", "<~", "=~"), paste0(col_names, collapse = "+"))
      x2b <- paste(x2b, temp, sep = "\n")
    ## Error_cor
    error_cor <- .csem_model$error_cor
    # - Only upper triagular matrix as lavaan does not allow for double entries such
    #   as x11 ~~ x12 and x12 ~~ x11
    error_cor[lower.tri(error_cor)] <- 0
    x3 <- list()
    for(i in .csem_model$vars_attached_to_2nd) {
      col_names <- colnames(error_cor[i, error_cor[i, , drop = FALSE] == 1, drop = FALSE])

      ## Continue here
      temp <- c()
      if(!is.null(col_names)) {
        for(j in col_names) {
         temp[j] <- paste0(i, "~~", j) 
      } else {
        temp <- "\n"
      x3[[i]] <- temp
    x3 <- paste(unlist(x3), collapse = "\n")
    # ## Construct correlation
    # construct_cor <- .csem_model$construct[.csem_model$cons_exo, .csem_model$cons_exo]
    # # - Only upper triagular matrix as lavaan does not allow for double entries such
    # #   as eta1 ~~ eta2 and eta2 ~~ eta1
    # construct_cor[lower.tri(construct_cor)] <- 0
    # x4 <- list()
    # for(i in .csem_model$cons_exo) {
    #   col_names <- colnames(construct_cor[i, construct_cor[i, , drop = FALSE] == 1, drop = FALSE])
    #   ## Continue here
    #   temp <- c()
    #   if(!is.null(col_names)) {
    #     for(j in col_names) {
    #       temp[j] <- paste0(i, "_temp", "~~", j, "_temp") 
    #     }
    #   } else {
    #     temp <- "\n"
    #   }
    #   x4[[i]] <- temp
    # }
    # x4 <- paste(unlist(x4), collapse = "\n")
    ## Model to be parsed
    # lav_model <- paste(x1, x2a, x2b, x3, x4, sep = "\n")
    lav_model <- paste(x1, x2a, x2b, x3, sep = "\n")
  } else { # BEGIN: first step
    if(.approach_2ndorder %in% c("mixed")) {
      ## Structural model
      # First order equations
      x1 <- c()
      for(i in c_linear_original) {
        col_names <- colnames(.csem_model$structural[i, .csem_model$structural[i, , drop = FALSE] == 1, drop = FALSE])
        temp <- if(!is.null(col_names)) {
          paste0(i, "~", paste0(col_names, collapse = "+")) 
        } else {
        x1 <- paste(x1, temp, sep = "\n")
      ## Measurement model + second order structural equation 
      # First order constructs
      x2a <- c()
      for(i in c_linear_1step) {
        col_names <- colnames(.csem_model$measurement[i, .csem_model$measurement[i, , drop = FALSE ] == 1, drop = FALSE])
        temp  <- paste0(i, ifelse(.csem_model$construct_type[i] == "Composite", "<~", "=~"), paste0(col_names, collapse = "+"))
        x2a <- paste(x2a, temp, sep = "\n")
      # Second order constructs
      x2b <- c()
      for(i in c_2nd_order) {
        # i <- c_2nd_order[1]
        col_names_1 <- colnames(.csem_model$measurement[i, .csem_model$measurement[i, , drop = FALSE ] == 1, drop = FALSE])
        col_names_1_nonlinear <- grep("\\.", col_names_1, value = TRUE) 
        col_names_1_linear <- setdiff(col_names_1, col_names_1_nonlinear)
        col_names_2 <- .csem_model$measurement[col_names_1_linear, colSums(.csem_model$measurement[col_names_1_linear, ,drop = FALSE]) != 0, drop = FALSE]
        temp <- paste0(i, "_2nd_", colnames(col_names_2))
        temp <- paste0(i, ifelse(.csem_model$construct_type[i] == "Composite", "<~", "=~"), paste0(temp, collapse = "+"))
        x2b <- paste(x2b, temp, sep = "\n")
        ## add second order structural equation
        if(.csem_model$construct_type[i] == "Composite") {
          x2b <- paste(x2b, paste0(i, "~", paste0(col_names_1, collapse = "+" )), sep = "\n")
        } else {
          x2ba <- c()
          for(j in i_linear_original) {
            x2ba <- paste(x2ba, paste0(j, "~", i), sep = "\n")
          x2b <- paste(x2b, x2ba, sep = "\n")
      ## Error_cor
      # First order
      x3 <- c()
      for(i in i_linear_1step) {
        # - Only upper triagular matrix as lavaan does not allow for double entries such
        #   as x11 ~~ x12 vs x12 ~~ x11
        error_cor <- .csem_model$error_cor
        error_cor[lower.tri(error_cor)] <- 0
        col_names <- colnames(error_cor[i, error_cor[i, , drop = FALSE] == 1, drop = FALSE])
        temp <- if(!is.null(col_names)) {
          paste0(i, "~~", paste0(col_names, collapse = "+"))
        } else {
        x3 <- paste(x3, temp, sep = "\n")
      ## Model to be parsed
      lav_model <- paste(x1, x2a, x2b, x3, sep = "\n")
    } else { # First step of the two step approach
      ## Structural model
      x1 <- c()
      for(i in 2:length(c_linear_1step)) {
        temp <- paste0(c_linear_1step[i], "~", paste0(c_linear_1step[1:(i-1)], collapse = "+"))
        x1   <- paste(x1, temp, sep = "\n")
      ## Measurement model
      x2 <- c()
      for(i in c_linear_1step) {
        col_names <- colnames(.csem_model$measurement[i, .csem_model$measurement[i, , drop = FALSE] == 1, drop = FALSE])
        temp <- paste0(i, ifelse(.csem_model$construct_type[i] == "Composite", "<~", "=~"), paste0(col_names, collapse = "+"))
        x2   <- paste(x2, temp, sep = "\n")
      ## Error_cor
      x3 <- c()
      for(i in i_linear_1step) {
        # only upper triagular matrix as lavaan does not allow for double entries such
        # as x11 ~~ x12 vs x12 ~~ x11
        error_cor <- .csem_model$error_cor
        error_cor[lower.tri(error_cor)] <- 0
        col_names <- colnames(error_cor[i, error_cor[i, , drop = FALSE] == 1, drop = FALSE])
        temp <- if(!is.null(col_names)) {
          paste0(i, "~~", paste0(col_names, collapse = "+"))
        } else {
        x3 <- paste(x3, temp, sep = "\n")
      ## Model to be parsed
      lav_model <- paste(x1, x2, x3, sep = "\n")
    } # END first step of the 2/3 stage approach
  } # END first step

  model <- parseModel(lav_model)
  ## add

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