
Defines functions doNonlinearEffectsAnalysis

Documented in doNonlinearEffectsAnalysis

#' Do a nonlinear effects analysis
#' \lifecycle{maturing}
#' Calculate the expected value of the dependent variable conditional on the values of 
#' an independent variables and a moderator variable. All other variables in the model
#' are assumed to be zero, i.e., they are fixed at their mean levels. Moreover, it produces
#' the input for the floodlight analysis.
#' @usage doNonlinearEffectsAnalysis(
#'  .object            = NULL,
#'  .dependent         = NULL, 
#'  .independent       = NULL,
#'  .moderator         = NULL,
#'  .n_steps           = 100,
#'  .values_moderator  = c(-2, -1, 0, 1, 2),
#'  .value_independent = 0,
#'  .alpha             = 0.05
#'  )
#' @inheritParams csem_arguments
#' @return A list of class `cSEMNonlinearEffects` with a corresponding method 
#'   for `plot()`. See: [plot.cSEMNonlinearEffects()].
#' @seealso [csem()], [cSEMResults], [plot.cSEMNonlinearEffects()]
#' @example inst/examples/example_doNonlinearEffectsAnalysis.R
#' @export

doNonlinearEffectsAnalysis <- function(
  .object             = NULL,
  .dependent          = NULL, 
  .independent        = NULL,
  .moderator          = NULL,
  .n_steps            = 100,
  .values_moderator   = c(-2, -1, 0, 1, 2),
  .value_independent  = 0,
  .alpha              = 0.05
  ## Install rootSolve if not already installed
  if (!requireNamespace("rootSolve", quietly = TRUE)) {
      "Package `rootSolve` required. Use `install.packages(\"rootSolve\")` and rerun.")
  if(inherits(.object, "cSEMResults_multi")) {
    out <- lapply(.object, doNonlinearEffectsAnalysis, 
                  .dependent = .dependent, .independent = .independent,
                  .moderator   = .moderator, .n_steps = .n_steps)
    class(out) <- c("cSEMNonlinearEffects", "cSEMNonlinearEffects_multi")
  } else {
    ## Check whether .object is of class cSEMResults_resampled; if not perform
    ## standard resampling (bootstrap with .R = 499 reps)
    if(!inherits(.object, "cSEMResults_resampled")) {
      if(inherits(.object, "cSEMResults_default")) {
        args <- .object$Information$Arguments
      } else {
        args <- .object$Second_stage$Information$Arguments_original
      args[".resample_method"] <- "bootstrap"
      .object <- do.call(csem, args)
  ##  Select relevant quantities
  if(inherits(.object, "cSEMResults_default")) {
    m   <- .object$Information$Model
    est <- .object$Estimates$Estimates_resample$Estimates1$Path_estimates
    H   <- .object$Estimates$Construct_scores
    Q  <- .object$Estimates$Reliabilities
  else {
    m   <- .object$Second_stage$Information$Model
    est <- .object$Second_stage$Information$Resamples$Estimates$Estimates1$Path_estimates
    H   <- .object$Second_stage$Estimates$Construct_scores
    Q <- .object$Second_stage$Estimates$Reliabilities
  # Character string containing the names of the dependent and independent variables
  dep_vars   <- rownames(m$structural[rowSums(m$structural) != 0, , drop = FALSE])
  indep_vars <- colnames(m$structural[, colSums(m$structural[.dependent, ,drop = FALSE]) != 0 , drop = FALSE])
  ## Check if model is nonlinear.
  if(m$model_type != "Nonlinear"){
      "The following error occured in the `doNonlinearEffectsAnalysis()` function:\n",
      "The structural model must contain contain nonlinear terms.")
  ## Works only for one significance level, i.e., no vector of significances is allowed
  if(length(.alpha) != 1){
      "The following error occured in the `doNonlinearEffectsAnalysis()` function:\n",
      "Currently only a single significance level (.alpha) is allowed.")
  ## Check whether dependent, and two independent  variables are provided
  if(is.null(.dependent) | is.null(.independent) | is.null(.moderator)){
      "The following error occured in the `doNonlinearEffectsAnalysis()` function:\n",
      "All variables (.dependent, .independent , and .moderator) must be supplied.")
  # Check if the name of the dependent variable is valid
  if(!(.dependent %in% dep_vars)){
      "The following error occured in the `doNonlinearEffectsAnalysis()` function:\n",
      "The dependent variable supplied to `.dependent` is not a dependent variable in the original model.")
  # Check if the name of the moderator (.moderator) and the dependent variable (.independent) supplied are used 
  # in the original model
  if(!all(c(.moderator, .independent) %in% colnames(m$structural))){
      "The following error occured in the `doNonlinearEffectsAnalysis()` function:\n",
      "Independent and/or moderator variable are not part of the original model.")
    stop2("The following error occured in the `doNonlinearEffectsAnalysis()` function:\n",
          "Only one level for the independent variable is allowed for floodlight analysis.")
  ### Calculation Floodlight Analysis-------------------------------------------
  # Possible names of the interaction terms
  possible_names <- c(paste(.moderator, .independent, sep = '.'), 
                      paste(.independent, .moderator, sep= '.'))
  # Name of the interaction term
  xz <- possible_names[possible_names %in% indep_vars]
  if(length(xz) != 1){
      "The defined interaction term does not exist in the model or is not",
      " part of the equation of the dependent variable.")

  ## Compute spotlights (= effects of independent (z) on dependent (y) for given 
  ## values of moderator (x))
  steps_flood <- seq(min(H[, .moderator]), max(H[, .moderator]), length.out = .n_steps)
  res_flood <- getValuesFloodlight(
    .model             = m,
    .path_coefficients = est,
    .dependent         = .dependent,
    .independent       = .independent,
    .moderator         = .moderator,
    .steps_mod         = steps_flood,
    .value_independent = .value_independent,
    .alpha             = .alpha

  # Determine Johnson-Neyman point 

  # Create function for interpolation
  # lower bound of the CI
  Int_lb<-approxfun(x=res_flood[,'value_z'], y=res_flood[,'lb'])
  # find zero places
                         interval = range(res_flood[,'value_z']))
  # Create function for Interpolation 
  # upper bound of the CI
  Int_ub<-approxfun(x=res_flood[,'value_z'], y=res_flood[,'ub'])
  # find zero places
                                  interval = range(res_flood[,'value_z']))
  if(length(zeros)>0){#At least one JN point
  } else if(length(zeros)==0){
    JN_matrix<-matrix(nrow=0,ncol=2,dimnames = list(c(),c('x','y')))
  out_flood <- list(
    "out"                   = res_flood,
    "Johnson_Neyman_points" = JN_matrix
  # Calculate information necessary for print ----------------------------------
  out_print <- getValuesFloodlight(
    .model             = m,
    .path_coefficients = est,
    .dependent         = .dependent,
    .independent       = .independent,
    .moderator         = .moderator,
    .steps_mod         = c(-2,-1,0,1,2),
    .value_independent = .value_independent,
    .alpha             =.alpha

  colnames(out_print) <- c('direct_effect', 'value_z', sprintf("%.6g%%L", 100*(1-.alpha)),
                           sprintf("%.6g%%U", 100*(1-.alpha)))
  ### Calculation Simple effects and surface analysis---------------------------------------
  if(inherits(.object, "cSEMResults_default")) {
    sum_object = summarize(.object = .object)
  } else if(inherits(.object, "cSEMResults_2ndorder")){
    sum_object = summarize(.object = .object$Second_stage)

  # Effects all
  effects_all <- sum_object$Estimates$Path_estimates
  nonlinear_vars <- indep_vars[grepl(pattern = '.',x = indep_vars,fixed = T)]
  # interactions of the .independent and the .moderator 
    if(sum(grepl(paste(c(.moderator, .independent),collapse = '|'  ),temp))==length(temp)){
      "The considered equation contains the following variables that do not\n",
      "only involve ",.independent, " and ", .moderator, ":\n\n",
      paste(indep_vars[!pointer],collapse =', '),"\n\n",
      "They will be ignored in calculating the predicted values of ", .dependent," i.e., \n",
      "The other variables are considered at their mean values."), call = FALSE)
  steps_ind_simple = matrix(seq(min(H[, .independent ]), max(H[, .independent ]),
                         length.out = .n_steps),ncol=1)
  # Calculation of simple effects analysis
  steps_mod_simple = .values_moderator

      temp <- sum_rel[sum_rel$Name==x,]
      indep_names <- unlist(strsplit(temp$Name,paste(.dependent,"~ ")))[2]
      indep_rel <- unlist(strsplit(indep_names,'\\.'))
      # Check which is the moderator and which is the independent variable
      moderat <- indep_rel[.moderator==indep_rel]
      indep <- indep_rel[.independent==indep_rel]
      #Reliabilities of composites are 1 so nothing happens, except in case of 
      # SOC of the type composite of common factor
      # The formula for the average is fine, as the expected value are only required 
      # for terms with a mximum power of 3. In this case, the formula is appropriate
      average <- mean(matrixStats::rowProds(H[,indep_rel,drop=FALSE]))/prod(Q[indep_rel])
  out_simpleeffects <- data.frame(values_dep = unlist(y_pred_list_simple),
                    values_ind = rep(steps_ind_simple,length(steps_mod_simple)),
                    values_mod = factor(rep(steps_mod_simple,each=length(steps_ind_simple))))
  # Calculation of surface analsyis
  steps_ind_surface = seq(min(H[, .independent ]), max(H[, .independent ]),
                   length.out = .n_steps)
  steps_mod_surface = seq(min(H[, .moderator ]), max(H[, .moderator ]),
                          length.out = .n_steps)
  steps_independent = rep(steps_ind_surface,each=length(steps_mod_surface))
  steps_moderator = rep(steps_mod_surface,times = length(steps_ind_surface))
  colnames(steps_surface)=c(.independent ,.moderator )
    temp <- sum_rel[sum_rel$Name==x,]
    indep_names <- unlist(strsplit(temp$Name,paste(.dependent,"~ ")))[2]
    indep_rel <- unlist(strsplit(indep_names,'\\.'))
    #Reliabilities of composites are 1 so nothing happens, except in case of 
    # SOC of the type composite of common factor
    # The formula for the average is fine, as the expected value are only required 
    # for terms with a mximum power of 3. In this case, the formula is appropriate
    average <- mean(matrixStats::rowProds(H[,indep_rel,drop=FALSE]))/prod(Q[indep_rel])
  y_pred_surface = Reduce('+',y_pred_list_surface)
  out_surface <- list(
    values_dep = matrix(y_pred_surface,ncol=length(steps_ind_surface),
    values_ind1 = steps_ind_surface,values_ind2=steps_mod_surface
  # Prepare and return output
  out <- list(
    "out_floodlight"    = out_flood,
    "out_surface"       = out_surface,
    "out_simpleeffects" = out_simpleeffects,
    "Information" = list(
      dependent         = .dependent,
      independent       = .independent,
      moderator         = .moderator,
      all_independent   = vars_rel,
      values_moderator  = .values_moderator,
      value_independent = .value_independent,
      alpha             = .alpha
    "Information_print" = out_print
  class(out) <- "cSEMNonlinearEffects"

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cSEM documentation built on Nov. 25, 2022, 1:05 a.m.