
Defines functions testMICOM

Documented in testMICOM

#' Test measurement invariance of composites
#' \lifecycle{stable}
#' The functions performs the permutation-based test for measurement invariance 
#' of composites across groups proposed by \insertCite{Henseler2016;textual}{cSEM}. 
#' According to the authors assessing measurement invariance in composite 
#' models can be assessed by a three-step procedure. The first two steps 
#' involve an assessment of configural and compositional invariance. 
#' The third steps involves mean and variance comparisons across groups. 
#' Assessment of configural invariance is qualitative in nature and hence 
#' not assessed by the [testMICOM()] function. 
#' As [testMICOM()] requires at least two groups, `.object` must be of 
#' class `cSEMResults_multi`. As of version 0.2.0 of the package, [testMICOM()] 
#' does not support models containing second-order constructs.
#' It is possible to compare more than two groups, however, multiple-testing 
#' issues arise in this case. To adjust p-values in this case several p-value 
#' adjustments are available via the `approach_p_adjust` argument. 
#' The remaining arguments set the number of permutation runs to conduct 
#' (`.R`), the random number seed (`.seed`), 
#' instructions how inadmissible results are to be handled (`handle_inadmissibles`),
#' and whether the function should be verbose in a sense that progress is printed
#' to the console.
#' The number of permutation runs defaults to `args_default()$.R` for 
#' performance reasons. According to \insertCite{Henseler2016;textual}{cSEM} 
#' the number of permutations should be at least 5000 for assessment to be 
#' sufficiently reliable.
#' @usage testMICOM(
#'  .object               = NULL,
#'  .approach_p_adjust    = "none",
#'  .handle_inadmissibles = c("drop", "ignore", "replace"), 
#'  .R                    = 499,
#'  .seed                 = NULL,
#'  .verbose              = TRUE
#'  )
#' @inheritParams csem_arguments
#' @return 
#' A named list of class `cSEMTestMICOM` containing the following list element:
#' \describe{
#' \item{`$Step2`}{A list containing the results of the test for compositional invariance (Step 2).}
#' \item{`$Step3`}{A list containing the results of the test for mean and variance equality (Step 3).}
#' \item{`$Information`}{A list of additional information on the test.}
#' }
#' @references
#'   \insertAllCited{}
#' @example inst/examples/example_testMICOM.R
#' @seealso [csem()], [cSEMResults], [testOMF()], [testMGD()]
#' @export

testMICOM <- function(
  .object               = NULL,
  .approach_p_adjust    = "none",
  .handle_inadmissibles = c("drop", "ignore", "replace"),
  .R                    = 499,
  .seed                 = NULL,
  .verbose              = TRUE
) {
  # Match arguments
  .handle_inadmissibles <- match.arg(.handle_inadmissibles)
  # Implementation is based on:
  # Henseler et al. (2016) - Testing measurement invariance of composites using
  #                          partial least squares
  if(.verbose) {
    cat(rule(center = "Test for measurement invariance based on Henseler et al (2016)",
             line = "bar3"), "\n\n")
  ## If second-order
  if(inherits(.object, "cSEMResults_2ndorder")) {
    stop2("Currently, second-order models are not supported by `testMICOM()`.")
  } else {
    ### Checks and errors ========================================================
    ## Check if at least two groups are present
    if(!inherits(.object, "cSEMResults_multi")) {
        "The following error occured in the `testMICOM()` function:\n",
        "At least two groups required."
    if(sum(unlist(verify(.object))) != 0) {
        "The following error occured in the `testMICOM()` function:\n",
        "Initial estimation results for at least one group are inadmissible.\n", 
        "See `verify(.object)` for details.")
    if(.verbose & all(.object[[1]]$Information$Model$construct_type == "Common factor")) {
        "The following warning occured in the `testMICOM()` function:\n",
        "All constructs are modelled as common factors.\n",
        "Test results are only meaningful for composite models!")
    # if(.verbose & length(.object) > 2) {
    #   warning2(
    #     "The following warning occured in the `testMICOM()` function:\n",
    #     "Comparing more than two groups inflates the familywise error rate.\n",
    #     "Interpret statistical significance with caution.\n",
    #     "Future versions of the package will likely include appropriate correction options.")
    # }
    # if(.approach_p_adjust != 'none'){
    #   stop2("P-value adjustment to control the familywise error rate not supported yet.")
    # }
    ### Preparation ==============================================================
    ## Get pooled data (potentially unstandardized) 
    X <- .object[[1]]$Information$Data_pooled
    X <- processData(X, .model = .object[[1]]$Information$Model)
    ## Remove id column: 
    # If .id has been supplied, delete column with the id name otherwise skip
    # if(!is.null(.object[[1]]$Information$Arguments$.id)) {
    #   X <- X[, -which(colnames(X) == .object[[1]]$Information$Arguments$.id)]
    # }
    X <- as.matrix(X)
    # Collect initial arguments (from the first object, but could be any other)
    arguments <- .object[[1]]$Information$Arguments
    # Create a vector "id" to be used to randomly select groups (permutate) and
    # set id as an argument in order to identify the groups.
    X_list <- lapply(.object, function(x) x$Information$Arguments$.data)
    id <- rep(1:length(X_list), sapply(X_list, nrow))
    arguments[[".id"]] <- "id"
    ### Step 1 - Configural invariance ===========================================
    # Has to be assessed by the user prior to using the testMICOM function. See
    # the original paper for details.
    ### Step 2 - Compositional invariance ========================================
    # Procedure: see page 414 and 415 of the paper
    ## Compute proxies/scores using the pooled data 
    # (it does not matter if the data is scaled or unscaled as this does not 
    # affect the correlation)
    H <- lapply(.object, function(x) X %*% t(x$Estimates$Weight_estimates))
    ## Compute the correlation of the scores for all group combinations
    # Get the scores for all group combinations
    H_combn <- utils::combn(H, 2, simplify = FALSE)
    # Compute the correlation c for each group combination
    c <- lapply(H_combn, function(x) diag(cor(x[[1]], x[[2]])))
    # Set the names for each group combination
    names(c) <- utils::combn(names(.object), 2, FUN = paste0, 
                             collapse = "_", simplify = FALSE)
    ## Permutation ---------------------------------------------------------------
    # Start progress bar
    # if(.verbose){
    #   pb <- txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = .R, style = 3)
    # }
    # Save old seed and restore on exit! This is important since users may have
    # set a seed before, in which case the global seed would be
    # overwritten if not explicitly restored
    old_seed <- .Random.seed
    on.exit({.Random.seed <<- old_seed})
    ## Create seed if not already set
    if(is.null(.seed)) {
      set.seed(seed = NULL)
      # Note (08.12.2019): Its crucial to call set.seed(seed = NULL) before
      # drawing a random seed out of .Random.seed. If set.seed(seed = NULL) is not
      # called sample(.Random.seed, 1) would result in the same random seed as
      # long as .Random.seed remains unchanged. By resetting the seed we make 
      # sure that sample draws a different element everytime it is called.
      .seed <- sample(.Random.seed, 1)
    ## Set seed
    ## Calculate reference distribution
    ref_dist         <- list()
    n_inadmissibles  <- 0
    counter <- 0
      progress_bar_csem <- progressr::progressor(along = 1:.R)
        # Counter
        counter <- counter + 1
        progress_bar_csem(message = sprintf("Permutation run = %g", counter))
        # Permutate data
        X_temp <- cbind(X, id = sample(id))
        # Replace the old dataset by the new permutated dataset
        arguments[[".data"]] <- X_temp
        # Estimate model
        Est_temp <- do.call(csem, arguments)   
        # Check status
        status_code <- sum(unlist(verify(Est_temp)))
        # Distinguish depending on how inadmissibles should be handled
        if(status_code == 0 | (status_code != 0 & .handle_inadmissibles == "ignore")) {
          # Compute if status is ok or .handle inadmissibles = "ignore" AND the status is 
          # not ok
          ## Compute weights for each group and use these to compute proxies/scores using
          # the pooled data (= the original combined data). Note that these
          # scores are unstandardized, however since we consider the correlation 
          # it does not matter whether we consider standardized or unstandardized 
          # proxies
          H_temp <- lapply(Est_temp, function(x) X %*% t(x$Estimates$Weight_estimates))
          ## Compute the correlation of the scores for all group combinations
          # Get the scores for all group combinations
          H_combn_temp <- utils::combn(H_temp, 2, simplify = FALSE)
          # Compute the correlation c for each group combination
          c_temp <- lapply(H_combn_temp, function(x) diag(cor(x[[1]], x[[2]])))
          # Set the names for each group combination
          names(c_temp) <- utils::combn(names(H_temp), 2, FUN = paste0, 
                                        collapse = "_", simplify = FALSE)
          ref_dist[[counter]] <- c_temp
        } else if(status_code != 0 & .handle_inadmissibles == "drop") {
          # Set list element to zero if status is not okay and .handle_inadmissibles == "drop"
          ref_dist[[counter]] <- NA
        } else {# status is not ok and .handle_inadmissibles == "replace"
          # Reset counter and raise number of inadmissibles by 1
          counter <- counter - 1
          n_inadmissibles <- n_inadmissibles + 1
        # Update progress bar
        # if(.verbose){
        #   setTxtProgressBar(pb, counter)
        # }
        # Break repeat loop if .R results have been created.
        if(length(ref_dist) == .R) {
        } else if(counter + n_inadmissibles == 10000) { 
          ## Stop if 10000 runs did not result in insufficient admissible results
          stop("Not enough admissible result.", call. = FALSE)
      } # END repeat 
    }) # END with_progress
    # close progress bar
    # if(.verbose){
    #   close(pb)
    # }
    # Delete potential NA's
    ref_dist <- Filter(Negate(anyNA), ref_dist)
    # Bind 
    temp <- do.call(rbind, lapply(ref_dist, function(x) do.call(rbind, x)))
    temp <- split(as.data.frame(temp), rownames(temp))
    # Order alphas (decreasing order)
    # .alpha <- .alpha[order(.alpha)]
    # critical_values_step2 <- lapply(lapply(temp, as.matrix), matrixStats::colQuantiles, 
    #                                 probs = .alpha, drop = FALSE) # lower quantile needed, hence 
    # alpha and not 1 - alpha
    # Calculate the p-value for the second step of MICOM
    pvalue_step2<- lapply(1:length(temp), function(x) {
      # Share of values above the positive test statistic
      # temp contains a list of the reference distributions
      rowMeans(t(temp[[x]]) <= c[[x]]) 
    names(pvalue_step2) <- names(temp)
    padjusted_step2 <- lapply(as.list(.approach_p_adjust), function(x){
      # Select p_values per composite and only adjust those
      temp <- purrr::transpose(pvalue_step2)
      temp1 <- lapply(temp,function(comp){
        stats::p.adjust(unlist(comp),method = x)
      # sort them back
    names(padjusted_step2) <- .approach_p_adjust

    # Decision 
    # TRUE = p-value > alpha --> not reject
    # FALSE = sufficient evidence against the H0 --> reject
    # decision_step2 <- lapply(padjusted_step2, function(adjust_approach){ # over the different p adjustments
    #   temp <- lapply(.alpha, function(alpha){# over the different significance levels
    #     lapply(adjust_approach,function(group_comp){# over the different group comparisons
    #       # check whether the p values are larger than a certain alpha
    #       as.matrix(group_comp > alpha,ncol=1)
    #     })
    #   })
    #   names(temp) <- paste0(.alpha*100, "%")
    #   temp
    # })
    # TRUE do not reject; FALSE: reject

    ### Step 3 - Equal mean values and variances==================================
    # Update arguments
    arguments[[".data"]] <- X
    arguments[[".id"]]   <- NULL
    # Estimate model using pooled data set
    Est <- do.call(csem, arguments)
    # Procedure below:
    # 1. Create list of original group id's + .R permutated id's
    # 2. Extract construct scores, attach ids and convert to data.frame (for split)
    # 3. Split construct scores by its id column
    # --- Now the structure is a list of length 1 + .R each containing a list
    #     of the same length as there are numbers of groups (often just 2).
    # 4. Convert group data set to a matrix and delete id column
    # 5. Compute the mean and the variance for each replication (+ the original data of course)
    #    and data set for each group.
    # 6. Transpose list
    # --- Now we have a list of length 1 + .R containing two list elements
    #     "Mean" and "Var" which in turn contain as many list elements as there are
    #     groups
    meanvar <- c(list(id), replicate(.R, sample(id), simplify = FALSE)) %>% 
      lapply(function(x) as.data.frame(cbind(Est$Estimates$Construct_scores, id = x))) %>% 
      lapply(function(x) split(x, f = x$id)) %>% 
      lapply(function(x) lapply(x, function(y) as.matrix(y[, -ncol(y), drop = FALSE]))) %>% 
      lapply(function(x) lapply(x, function(y) list(
        "Mean" = colMeans(y), 
        "Var"  = {tt <- matrixStats::colVars(y); names(tt) <- colnames(y); tt})
      )) %>% 
      lapply(function(x) purrr::transpose(x))
    # Compute the difference of the means for each possible group combination 
    # and attach a name
    m <- meanvar %>% 
      lapply(function(x) {
        tt <- utils::combn(x[["Mean"]], m = 2, 
                           FUN = function(y) y[[1]] - y[[2]], 
                           simplify = FALSE)
        names(tt) <- utils::combn(names(.object), m = 2, FUN = paste0, 
                                  collapse = "_", simplify = FALSE)
    # Compute the log difference of the variances for each possible group combination
    # and attach a name
    v <- meanvar %>% 
      lapply(function(x) {
        tt <- utils::combn(x[["Var"]], m = 2, 
                           FUN = function(y) log(y[[1]]) - log(y[[2]]), 
                           simplify = FALSE)
        names(tt) <- utils::combn(names(.object), m = 2, FUN = paste0, 
                                  collapse = "_", simplify = FALSE)
    # Combine in a list and bind (log) differences for each replication in a list
    mv <- list("Mean" = m, "Var"= v) %>% 
      lapply(function(x) lapply(x, function(y) do.call(rbind, y))) %>% 
      lapply(function(x) cbind(as.data.frame(do.call(rbind, x), row.names = FALSE), 
                               id = rownames(do.call(rbind, x)))) %>% 
      lapply(function(x) split(x, f = x$id)) %>% 
      lapply(function(x) lapply(x, function(y) as.matrix(y[, -ncol(y), drop = FALSE])))
    # Extract the original group differences. This is the first row of each group
    # dataset
    mv_o <- lapply(mv, function(x) lapply(x, function(y) y[1, ]))
    # Test the means
    teststat_mean <- mv_o$Mean
    # Collect reference distribution
    ref_dist_mean <- lapply(mv$Mean,function(x){x[-1,,drop=FALSE]}) 
    # Calculate p-value
    pvalue_mean <- lapply(1:length(ref_dist_mean), function(x) {
      # Share of values above the positive test statistic
      rowMeans(t(ref_dist_mean[[x]]) > abs(teststat_mean[[x]])) +
        # share of values of the reference distribution below the negative test statistic 
        rowMeans(t(ref_dist_mean[[x]]) < (-abs(teststat_mean[[x]])))
    names(pvalue_mean) <- names(ref_dist_mean)
    # Adjust p-values: Correct pvalues by the number of groups
    padjusted_mean <- lapply(as.list(.approach_p_adjust), function(x){
      # Select p_values per composite and only adjust those
      temp <- purrr::transpose(pvalue_mean)
      # pAdjust needs to now how many p-values there are to do a proper adjustment
      temp1 <- lapply(temp,function(comp){
        stats::p.adjust(unlist(comp),method = x)
      # sort them back
    names(padjusted_mean) <- .approach_p_adjust
    # Make decision
    # decision_mean <- lapply(padjusted_mean, function(adjust_approach){ # over the different p adjustments
    #   temp <- lapply(.alpha, function(alpha){# over the different significance levels
    #     lapply(adjust_approach,function(group_comp){# over the different group comparisons
    #       # check whether the p values are larger than a certain alpha
    #       as.matrix(group_comp > alpha,ncol=1)
    #     })
    #   })
    #   names(temp) <- paste0(.alpha*100, "%")
    #   temp
    # })
    # TRUE: do not reject; FALSE: reject
    # Test the variance
    teststat_var <- mv_o$Var
    # Collect reference distribution
    ref_dist_var <-  lapply(mv$Var,function(x){x[-1,,drop=FALSE]})
    # Calculate p-value
    pvalue_var <- lapply(1:length(ref_dist_var), function(x) {
      # Share of values above the positive test statistic
      rowMeans(t(ref_dist_var[[x]]) > abs(teststat_var[[x]])) +
        # share of values of the reference distribution below the negative test statistic 
        rowMeans(t(ref_dist_var[[x]]) < (-abs(teststat_var[[x]])))
    names(pvalue_var) <- names(ref_dist_var)
    # Adjust p-values, e.g., Bonferroni: Multiply all p-values by the number of comparisons
    padjusted_var <- lapply(as.list(.approach_p_adjust), function(x){
      # Select p_values per composite and only adjust those
      temp <- purrr::transpose(pvalue_var)
      # pAdjust needs to now how many p-values there are to do a proper adjustment
      temp1 <- lapply(temp,function(comp){
        stats::p.adjust(unlist(comp),method = x)
      # sort them back
    names(padjusted_var) <- .approach_p_adjust
    # Make decision
    # decision_var <- lapply(padjusted_var, function(adjust_approach){ # over the different p adjustments
    #   temp <- lapply(.alpha, function(alpha){# over the different significance levels
    #     lapply(adjust_approach,function(group_comp){# over the different group comparisons
    #       # check whether the p values are larger than a certain alpha
    #       as.matrix(group_comp > alpha,ncol=1)
    #     })
    #   })
    #   names(temp) <- paste0(.alpha*100, "%")
    #   temp
    # })
    ## Compute quantiles/critical values
    # probs <- c()
    # for(i in seq_along(.alpha)) { 
    #   probs <- c(probs, .alpha[i]/2, 1 - .alpha[i]/2) 
    # }

    # critical_values_step3 <- lapply(mv, function(x) lapply(x, function(y) y[-1, ])) %>% 
    #   lapply(function(x) lapply(x, function(y) matrixStats::colQuantiles(y, probs =  probs, drop = FALSE)))
    # ## Compare critical value and test statistic
    # # For Mean
    # decision_m <- mapply(function(x, y) abs(x) < y[, seq(2, length(.alpha)*2, by = 2), drop = FALSE],
    #                      x = mv_o[[1]],
    #                      y = critical_values_step3[[1]],
    #                      SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
    # # For Var
    # decision_v <- mapply(function(x, y) abs(x) < y[, seq(2, length(.alpha)*2, by = 2), drop = FALSE],
    #                      x = mv_o[[2]],
    #                      y = critical_values_step3[[2]],
    #                      SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
    ### Return output ==========================================================
    out <- list(
      "Step2" = list(
        "Test_statistic"     = c,
        "P_value"            = padjusted_step2, 
        # "Decision"           = decision_step2,
        "Bootstrap_values"   = ref_dist
      "Step3" = list(
        "Mean" = list(
          "Test_statistic"     = teststat_mean,
          "P_value"            = padjusted_mean 
          # "Decision"           = decision_mean
        "Var" = list(
          "Test_statistic"     = teststat_var,
          "P_value"            = padjusted_var
          # "Decision"           = decision_var
      "Information" = list(
        "Group_names"            = names(.object),
        "Number_admissibles"     = length(ref_dist),
        "Number_of_observations" = sapply(X_list, nrow),
        "Total_runs"             = counter + n_inadmissibles,
        "Seed"                   = .seed
  class(out) <- "cSEMTestMICOM"

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