
Defines functions calc_obs_pv_boot calib_pv

### Internal functions to allow estimation of calibration curves using the pseudo-value method.

#' Estimate data for calibration plots using pseudo-values.
#' @description
#' Called in calibmsm::calib_msm to apply the pseudo-value method.
#' @details
#' Calls heavily on calibmsm::calc_obs_pv_boot to estimate observed transition probabilities.
#' Bootstrapping may be applied depending on user input.
#' @returns A list of datasets for each calibration plot.
#' @noRd
calib_pv <- function(data.ms,

  ### Create the object of predicted risks over which the calibration plots will be plotted

  ### For calib_pv, this is the landmarked cohort of individuals, including those censored at time t,
  ### or tp.pred.plot if specified
  if (is.null(tp.pred.plot)){
    ## Note that tp.pred has been added to data.raw and the predicted transition probabilities (and relevant transformations)
    ## are contained within this dataset.
    data.to.plot <- apply_landmark(data.raw = data.raw, data.ms = data.ms, j = j, s = s, t = t, exclude.cens.t = FALSE)
  } else if (!is.null(tp.pred.plot)){
    data.to.plot <- tp.pred.plot

  ### Create plotdata object.

  ### 1) If a confidence interval was requested using bootstrapping, use calc_obs_pv_boot in conjuction with boot::boot.
  ### This must be done separately for each state.

  ### 2) If a confidence interval was requested using parametric form, call calc_obs_pv_boot once, specifying indices to be
  ### the sequence 1:nrow(data.raw), in order to calculate the plot data.

  ### 3) If a confidence interval was not requested, call calc_obs_pv_boot once, specifying indices to be
  ### the sequence 1:nrow(data.raw), in order to calculate the plot data.

  ### Note that 2) and 3) are the same. This is because the function calib_pseudo_func is dependent on CI and CI.type,
  ### which were defined as input into calib_pv. They will there give different output (as they should) when it is run.
  if (CI != FALSE & CI.type == "bootstrap" & is.null(pv.ids)){

    ### Define alpha for CI's
    alpha <- (1-CI/100)/2

    ### Create object to store plot data
    plotdata <- vector("list", length(transitions.out))

    ### Cycle through states
    for (state in 1:length(transitions.out)){

      ### Assign state.k
      state.k <- transitions.out[state]

      ### Print progress
      print(paste("Beginning bootstrapping for state = ", state.k, Sys.time()))

      ### Set seed for bootstrapping

      ### Put function through bootstrap
      boot.obs <- boot::boot(data.raw,
                             R = CI.R.boot,
                             data.ms = data.ms,
                             data.to.plot = data.to.plot,
                             j = j,
                             s2 = s,
                             t = t,
                             curve.type = curve.type,
                             rcs.nk = rcs.nk,
                             loess.span = loess.span,
                             loess.degree = loess.degree,
                             loess.surface = loess.surface,
                             loess.statistics = loess.statistics,
                             loess.trace.hat = loess.trace.hat,
                             loess.cell = loess.cell,
                             loess.iterations = loess.iterations,
                             loess.iterTrace = loess.iterTrace,
                             pv.group.vars = pv.group.vars,
                             pv.n.pctls = pv.n.pctls,
                             pv.precalc = pv.precalc,
                             pv.ids = pv.ids,
                             CI = FALSE,
                             transitions.out = state.k,
                             boot.format = TRUE)

      ### Extract confidence bands
      lower <- apply(boot.obs$t, 2, stats::quantile, probs = alpha, na.rm = TRUE)
      upper <- apply(boot.obs$t, 2, stats::quantile, probs = 1-alpha, na.rm = TRUE)

      ### Produce a warning if any NA values
      if(sum(is.na(boot.obs$t)) > 0){
                      "THERE ARE ", sum(apply(boot.obs$t, 1, function(x) {sum(is.na(x)) > 0})), " ITERATIONS WITH NA's \n",
                      "THE MEAN NUMBER OF NA's IN EACH ITERATION IS", mean(apply(boot.obs$t, 1, function(x) {sum(is.na(x))}))

      ### Assign output
      if ("id" %in% colnames(data.to.plot)) {
        plotdata[[state]] <- data.frame("id" = data.to.plot$id,
                                        "pred" = data.to.plot[,paste("tp.pred", state.k, sep = "")],
                                        "obs" = boot.obs$t0,
                                        "obs.lower" = lower,
                                        "obs.upper" = upper)
      } else {
        plotdata[[state]] <- data.frame(
          "pred" = data.to.plot[,paste("tp.pred", state.k, sep = "")],
          "obs" = boot.obs$t0,
          "obs.lower" = lower,
          "obs.upper" = upper)
  } else {

    ### NB: calc_obs_pv_boot has the ability to output calibration curve with confidence interval estimated parametrically, as well as outputting
    ### data in boot format (a vector), which was utilised when CI.type = "bootstrap". Here, we specify boot.format = FALSE, which will allow the
    ### confidence interval to be calculated parametrically.

    ### NB: If !is.null(pv.ids), i.e. pv.ids was specified, the function will just return a the pseudo-values themselves.
    plotdata <- calc_obs_pv_boot(data.raw = data.raw,
                                 indices = 1:nrow(data.raw),
                                 data.ms = data.ms,
                                 data.to.plot = data.to.plot,
                                 j = j,
                                 s2 = s,
                                 t = t,
                                 curve.type = curve.type,
                                 rcs.nk = rcs.nk,
                                 loess.span = loess.span,
                                 loess.degree = loess.degree,
                                 loess.surface = loess.surface,
                                 loess.statistics = loess.statistics,
                                 loess.trace.hat = loess.trace.hat,
                                 loess.cell = loess.cell,
                                 loess.iterations = loess.iterations,
                                 loess.iterTrace = loess.iterTrace,
                                 pv.group.vars = pv.group.vars,
                                 pv.n.pctls = pv.n.pctls,
                                 pv.precalc = pv.precalc,
                                 pv.ids = pv.ids,
                                 CI = CI,
                                 CI.type = CI.type,
                                 transitions.out = transitions.out,
                                 boot.format = FALSE)

  ### Define combined output object
  output.object.comb = list("plotdata" = plotdata)



#' Calculate pseudo-values and estimate observed event probabilities using pseudo-values.
#' @description
#' Estimate observed event probabilities for all states using pseudo-values.
#' Function is called by calibmsm::calib_pv, which is called by calibmsm::calib_msm.
#' This function does the heavy lifting, and has two major steps. First the pseudo-values
#' are calculated, taking advantage of functions calibmsm::calc_aj and calibmsm::calc_pv_aj.
#' Secondly, the pseudo-values are regressed on the predicted transition
#' probabilities, in order to generate fitted values (the observed event probabilities).
#' This second stage is implemented through the functions calibmsm::calc_obs_pv_rcs_model
#' or calibmsm::calc_obs_pv_loess_model.
#' @details
#' Function written in a format so that it can be used in combination with \code{\link[boot]{boot}}
#' for bootstrapping. Specifying `indices = 1:nrow(data.raw)` will produce calibration
#' curves as normal.
#' @returns If `boot.format = FALSE` a data.frame of predicted and observed event probabilities
#' is returned for each state in `transitions.out`. If boot.format = TRUE, a vector of observed
#' event probabilities is returned. Observed event probabilities are estimated for data points in
#' data.to.plot.
#' @noRd
calc_obs_pv_boot <- function(data.raw,
                             s2, # can't use 's' because it matches an argument for the boot function
                             boot.format = FALSE){

  ### Create object 's' from 's2'
  s <- s2

  ### If boot.format = TRUE and requested more than one state, stop
  if (boot.format == TRUE & (length(transitions.out) > 1)){
         THAN ONE STATE")

  ### The following steps will calculate the pseudo-values before fitting the calibration model
  if (is.null(pv.precalc)){

    ### Apply bootstrapping

    ### Create bootstrapped dataset
    data.raw.boot <- data.raw[indices, ]

    ### Create a new id for these individuals (calc_pv_aj relies on each individual having a unique identifier),
    ### meaning the duplicate values in the bootstrapped datasets will cause problems
    data.raw.boot$id2 <- 1:nrow(data.raw.boot)

    ### Create bootstrapped data.ms (we replicate the choice of patients that was chosen in data.raw)
    data.ms.boot <- apply_bootstrap_msdata(data.ms = data.ms, indices = indices)

    ### Extract transition matrix from original msdata object, as this will have been lost when bootstrapping
    tmat <- attributes(data.ms)$trans

    ### Apply attribute tmat to the bootstrapped data.ms dataset
    attributes(data.ms.boot)$trans <- tmat

    ### Set 'id' to be same as 'id2' in bootstrapped datasets, as the function calc_pv_aj works by removing individual
    ### with the 'id' variable
    data.ms.boot$id <- data.ms.boot$id2
    data.raw.boot$id <- data.raw.boot$id2

    ### Relabel data.ms.boot and data.raw.boot and remove '.boot' datasets
    data.raw <- data.raw.boot
    data.ms <- data.ms.boot
    rm(data.raw.boot, data.ms.boot)

    ### Apply landmarking

    ### For calib_pv, we need to apply landmarking to both data.raw and data.ms
    ### We model the pseudo-values on the predicted transition probabilities in the bootstrapped data.raw dataset
    ### However the calculation of the pseudo-values must be done in the bootstrapped data.ms dataset

    ### Apply landmarking to data.raw and data.ms
    data.raw.lmk.js <- apply_landmark(data.raw = data.raw,
                                      data.ms = data.ms,
                                      j = j,
                                      s = s,
                                      t = t,
                                      exclude.cens.t = FALSE,
                                      data.return = "data.raw")
    data.ms.lmk.js <- apply_landmark(data.raw = data.raw,
                                         data.ms = data.ms,
                                         j = j,
                                         s = s,
                                         t = t,
                                         exclude.cens.t = FALSE,
                                         data.return = "data.ms")

    ### Restructure mstate data so that time s = time 0, and relabel transitions to 1, 2,...
    ### This is required in order to estimate Aalen-Johansene estimator and calculate pseudo-values

    ### Reduce transition times by s and remove observations which now occur entirely prior to start up
    data.ms.lmk.js <-
                    Tstart = pmax(0, Tstart - s),
                    Tstop = pmax(0, Tstop - s),
                    time = Tstop - Tstart) |>
      base::subset(!(Tstart == 0 & Tstop == 0))

    ### Remove observations for transitions which are not made in the landmarked cohort
    ### Otherwise mstate::msfit will throw out an unneccesary (in this context) warning

    ### Start by identifying which transitions these are
    suppressMessages(zero.transition.table <- data.ms.lmk.js |>
                       dplyr::group_by(from, to) |>
                       dplyr::summarise(Frequency = sum(status)))

    ### Only edit data.ms if some transitions have a frequency of zero
    if (any(zero.transition.table$Frequency == 0)){

      ### Extract the transitions
      zero.transition.from <- zero.transition.table$from[zero.transition.table$Frequency == 0]
      zero.transition.to <- zero.transition.table$to[zero.transition.table$Frequency == 0]

      ### Remove them from dataset
      for (i in 1:length(zero.transition.from)){
        data.ms.lmk.js <- base::subset(data.ms.lmk.js, !(from == zero.transition.from[i] & to == zero.transition.to[i]))

    ### Fit csh's with no predictors
    strata <- survival::strata
    csh.aj <- survival::coxph(survival::Surv(Tstart, Tstop, status) ~ strata(trans), data.ms.lmk.js)

    ### Extract numeric values for transitions that can occur in the landmarked cohort
    landmark.transitions <- as.numeric(sapply(csh.aj[["xlevels"]]$`strata(trans)`, gsub, pattern = ".*=", replacement =  ""))

    ### Create a mapping from the old transition numbers to new transition numbers which are in sequence
    map.transitions <- data.frame("new" = 1:length(landmark.transitions),
                                  "old" = landmark.transitions)

    ### Write a function to apply the mapping
    map.func <- function(x){
        if(!(x %in% landmark.transitions)){
        } else if (x %in% landmark.transitions)
          return(map.transitions$new[map.transitions$old == x])
      } else if (is.na(x))

    ### Create new tmat for the new transition numbers
    tmat.lmk.js <- apply(tmat, c(1,2), map.func)

    ### Define max.state (note this be will the same as ncol(tmat))
    max.state <- ncol(tmat.lmk.js)


    ### Data must now be split up into groups defined by predictor variables (pv.group.vars) and/or predicted risks (pv.n.pctls)

    ### Pseudo-values will be calculated seperately within each of these groups. We will also calculate
    ### the Aalen-Johansen estimate of observed risk within each of these groups to enable quicker
    ### estimation of pseudo-values

    ### To maximise code efficiency, there are some differences depending on whether groups have been defined using predictor
    ### variables or predicted risks.

    ### 1) If no grouping at all, just need to calculate pseudo-values for each individual within the entire group
    ### (don't need to do pseudo-values for each transition seperately, because the grouping is the same)

    ### 2) If grouping is only within variables, again, just need to calculate pseudo-values for each individual within the groups
    ### defined by the variables (don't need to do pseudo-values for each transition seperately, because the grouping is the same)

    ### 3) If grouping is done by predicted risk of each transition (with or without grouping by baseline variables),
    ### need to calculate pseudo-values for each individual seperately for each transition,
    ### as the ordering of individuals, and therefore group, will be different for each transition.

    ### Some references to other functions.
    ### calc_aj: function to calculate to Aalen-Johansen estimator
    ### calc_pv_aj: calculate pseudo-value for an individual based on the Aalen-Johansen estimator

    ### Write one function, which calculates Aalen-Johansen for a group (subset.ids), then calculates pseudo-values for individuals in that group
    ### Can also specify specific individuals to calculate pseudo-values for (pv.ids)
    calc_pv_subgroup <- function(subset.ids, pv.ids = NULL){

      ### Calcuate Aalen-Johansen
      obs.aj <- calc_aj(data.ms = base::subset(data.ms.lmk.js, id %in% subset.ids),
                        tmat = tmat.lmk.js,
                        t = t - s,
                        j = j)[["obs.aj"]]

      ### Now calculate pseudo-values for each individual
      if (is.null(pv.ids)){
        ### Calculate pseudo-values (lapply part of function) and combine into dataset (rbind part of function)
        pv.temp <- do.call("rbind",
                           lapply(subset.ids, calc_pv_aj,
                                  data.ms = base::subset(data.ms.lmk.js, id %in% subset.ids),
                                  tmat = tmat.lmk.js,
                                  n.cohort = length(subset.ids),
                                  t = t - s,
                                  j = j)

        ### Add id and columns names
        pv.temp <- data.frame(subset.ids, pv.temp)
        colnames(pv.temp) <- c("id", paste("pstate", 1:max.state, sep = ""))

      } else if (!is.null(pv.ids)){
        ### Calculate pseudo-values (lapply part of function) and combine into dataset (rbind part of function)
        pv.temp <- do.call("rbind",
                           lapply(pv.ids, calc_pv_aj,
                                  data.ms = base::subset(data.ms.lmk.js, id %in% subset.ids),
                                  tmat = tmat.lmk.js,
                                  n.cohort = length(subset.ids),
                                  t = t - s,
                                  j = j)

        ### Add id and columns names
        pv.temp <- data.frame(pv.ids, pv.temp)
        colnames(pv.temp) <- c("id", paste("pstate", 1:max.state, sep = ""))




    if (is.null(pv.group.vars) & is.null(pv.n.pctls)){

      ### 1) No grouping

      ### For all individuals
      if (is.null(pv.ids)){

        ### Calculate psuedo-value for each individual
        pv.out <- calc_pv_subgroup(data.raw.lmk.js$id)

        ### For just individual specified in pv.ids
      } else if (!is.null(pv.ids)){

        ### Calculate psuedo-value for each individual in pv.ids
        pv.out <- calc_pv_subgroup(data.raw.lmk.js$id, pv.ids)


    } else if (!is.null(pv.group.vars) & is.null(pv.n.pctls)) {

      ### 2) Grouping only by baseline variables

      ### Split data into groups defined by the variables in pv.group.vars
      ## Create formula to split the dataset by (by pv.group.vars)
      split.formula <- stats::as.formula(paste("~ ", paste(pv.group.vars, collapse = "+"), sep = ""))
      ## Split the dataset into the respective groups
      data.groups <- split(data.raw.lmk.js, split.formula)

      ### Get group ids for subgroups in which the pseudo-values need to be calculated
      group.ids <- lapply(data.groups, function(x) as.numeric(x[,c("id")]))

      ### For all individuals
      if (is.null(pv.ids)){

        ### Calculate pseudo-values in each subgroup
        pv.out <- lapply(group.ids, calc_pv_subgroup)

        ### For just individual specified in pv.ids
      } else if (!is.null(pv.ids)){

        ### Identify which pv.ids fit into which subgroup
        group.pv.ids <- lapply(group.ids, function(x) x[x %in% pv.ids])

        ### Calculate pseudo-values in each subgroup, just for pv.ids
        pv.out <- lapply(1:length(group.ids), function(x) {
          if (length(group.pv.ids[[x]] > 0)){
            calc_pv_subgroup(subset.ids = group.ids[[x]], pv.ids = group.pv.ids[[x]])
          } else if (length(group.pv.ids[[x]] == 0)){


      ### Combine into single dataset
      pv.out <- do.call("rbind", pv.out)

      ### Sort by "id"
      pv.out <- dplyr::arrange(pv.out, id)

    } else if (is.null(pv.group.vars) & !is.null(pv.n.pctls)) {

      ### 3) Grouping only by predicted risk

      ### Write a function to calculate the pseudo-values for the transition probailities into a particular state,
      ### within subgroups defined by percentiles of the predicted transition probabilities into that state.

      ### Note that we now need to apply the function seperately to each state because the subgroups will change depending on the state of interest.
      ### In 1) and 2), we could calculate the pseudo-values for all states simultaneously within each subgroup.
      apply_calc_pv_subgroup_pctls <- function(state.k){

        ### Split data by predicted risk of state k
        data.pctls <- base::split(data.raw.lmk.js,
                                  cut(data.raw.lmk.js[,paste("tp.pred", state.k, sep = "")],
                                      breaks =  stats::quantile(data.raw.lmk.js[,paste("tp.pred", state.k, sep = "")],
                                      include.lowest = TRUE))

        ### Get group ids for subgroups
        group.ids <- lapply(data.pctls, function(x) as.numeric(x[,c("id")]))

        ### For all individuals
        if (is.null(pv.ids)){

          ### Calculate pseudo-values in each subgroup
          pv.temp <- lapply(group.ids, calc_pv_subgroup)

          ### For just individual specified in pv.ids
        } else if (!is.null(pv.ids)){

          ### Identify which pv.ids fit into which subgroup
          group.pv.ids <- lapply(group.ids, function(x) x[x %in% pv.ids])

          ### Calculate pseudo-values in each subgroup, just for pv.ids
          pv.temp <- lapply(1:length(group.ids), function(x) {
            if (length(group.pv.ids[[x]] > 0)){
              calc_pv_subgroup(subset.ids = group.ids[[x]], pv.ids = group.pv.ids[[x]])
            } else if (length(group.pv.ids[[x]] == 0)){


        ### Combine into single dataset
        pv.temp <- do.call("rbind", pv.temp)

        ### Add id, and only retain the pseudo-value for the state of interest (that we sorted the data by)
        ### The pseudo-values for each state are calculated seperately
        pv.temp <- pv.temp[, c("id", paste("pstate", state.k, sep = ""))]

        ### Sort by "id"
        pv.temp <- dplyr::arrange(pv.temp, id)



      ### Calculate pseudo-values in each subgroup
      pv.out <- lapply(transitions.out, apply_calc_pv_subgroup_pctls)

      ### Combine into a single dataset
      pv.out <- Reduce(function(...) merge(..., by = "id", all.x = TRUE), pv.out)

      ### Arrange
      pv.out <- dplyr::arrange(pv.out, id)

    } else if (!is.null(pv.group.vars) & !is.null(pv.n.pctls)) {

      ### 4) Grouping by baseline variables and predicted risk

      ### Again, we must go separate for each state
      apply_calc_pv_subgroup_pctls_vars <- function(state.k){

        ### Split data into groups defined by the variables in pv.group.vars, and then predicted risk of transition k

        ### Start by splitting up data by baseline variables

        ### Create formula to split the dataset by (by pv.group.vars)
        split.formula <- stats::as.formula(paste("~ ", paste(pv.group.vars, collapse = "+"), sep = ""))
        ### Split the dataset into the respective groups
        data.groups <- split(data.raw.lmk.js, split.formula)

        ### Split each dataset of data.groups into groups defined by percentile of predicted risk for state k

        ### Write a function to do this
        split_group_by_pctl <- function(data.in){
                      cut(data.in[,paste("tp.pred", state.k, sep = "")],
                          breaks =  stats::quantile(data.in[,paste("tp.pred", state.k, sep = "")],
                          include.lowest = TRUE))

        ### Apply to each group in data.groups
        data.groups.pctls <- lapply(data.groups, split_group_by_pctl)

        ### Create a single list containing each of these datasets
        data.groups.pctls <- unlist(data.groups.pctls, recursive = FALSE)

        ### Get group ids for subgroups
        group.ids <- lapply(data.groups.pctls, function(x) as.numeric(x[,c("id")]))

        ### For all individuals
        if (is.null(pv.ids)){

          ### Calculate pseudo-values in each subgroup
          pv.temp <- lapply(group.ids, calc_pv_subgroup)

          ### For just individual specified in pv.ids
        } else if (!is.null(pv.ids)){

          ### Identify which pv.ids fit into which subgroup
          group.pv.ids <- lapply(group.ids, function(x) x[x %in% pv.ids])

          ### Calculate pseudo-values in each subgroup, just for pv.ids
          pv.temp <- lapply(1:length(group.ids), function(x) {
            if (length(group.pv.ids[[x]] > 0)){
              calc_pv_subgroup(subset.ids = group.ids[[x]], pv.ids = group.pv.ids[[x]])
            } else if (length(group.pv.ids[[x]] == 0)){


        ### Combine into single dataset
        pv.temp <- do.call("rbind", pv.temp)

        ### Add id, and only retain the pseudo-value for the state of interest (that we sorted the data by)
        ### The pseudo-values for each state are calculated seperately
        pv.temp <- pv.temp[, c("id", paste("pstate", state.k, sep = ""))]

        ### Sort by "id"
        pv.temp <- dplyr::arrange(pv.temp, id)



      ### Calculate pseudo-values in each subgroup
      pv.out <- lapply(transitions.out, apply_calc_pv_subgroup_pctls_vars)

      ### Combine into a single dataset
      pv.out <- Reduce(function(...) merge(..., by = "id", all.x = TRUE), pv.out)

      ### Arrange
      pv.out <- dplyr::arrange(pv.out, id)


    ### STORED IN PV.OUT                   ###

    ### If pv.ids was specified, we just want to return
    ### the pseudo-values and nothing else,
    ### as no point modelling on a subset of the dataset
    if (!is.null(pv.ids)){

      ### Assign column names
      colnames(pv.out)[-1] <- paste("pv.state", transitions.out, sep = "")

      ### Assign output.object
      output.object <- pv.out

    ### If pv.ids was not specified, and we have calculated psudo-values for entire cohort,
    ### generate the observed event probabilities for each state by regressing the calculated pseudo-values
    ### on the predicted transition probabilities
    if (is.null(pv.ids)){

      ### Create object to store output
      output.object <- vector("list", length(transitions.out))
      names(output.object) <- paste("state", transitions.out, sep = "")

      ### Loop through and generate observed event probabilities
      for (state in 1:length(transitions.out)){

        ### Assign state.k
        state.k <- transitions.out[state]

        ### Calculate observed event probabilities
        if (curve.type == "loess"){
          obs <- calc_obs_pv_loess_model(pred = data.raw.lmk.js[,paste("tp.pred", state.k, sep = "")],
                                         pv = pv.out[,paste("pstate", state.k, sep = "")],
                                         data.to.plot = data.to.plot[,paste("tp.pred", state.k, sep = "")],
                                         loess.span = loess.span,
                                         loess.degree = loess.degree,
                                         loess.surface = loess.surface,
                                         loess.statistics = loess.statistics,
                                         loess.trace.hat = loess.trace.hat,
                                         loess.cell = loess.cell,
                                         loess.iterations = loess.iterations,
                                         loess.iterTrace = loess.iterTrace,
                                         CI = CI,
                                         CI.type = CI.type)
        } else if (curve.type == "rcs"){
          obs <- calc_obs_pv_rcs_model(pred = data.raw.lmk.js[,paste("tp.pred", state.k, sep = "")],
                                       pv = pv.out[,paste("pstate", state.k, sep = "")],
                                       data.to.plot = data.to.plot[,paste("tp.pred", state.k, sep = "")],
                                       rcs.nk = rcs.nk,
                                       CI = CI,
                                       CI.type = CI.type)

        ### Create output object
        if ("id" %in% colnames(data.to.plot)) {
          output.object[[state]] <- data.frame(
            "id" = data.to.plot$id,
            "pred" = data.to.plot[,paste("tp.pred", state.k, sep = "")],
            "pv" = pv.out[,paste("pstate", state.k, sep = "")])

        } else {
          output.object[[state]] <- data.frame(
            "pred" = data.to.plot[,paste("tp.pred", state.k, sep = "")],
            "pv" = pv.out[,paste("pstate", state.k, sep = "")])


      ### If boot.format is true, just return the observed event probabilities for the first state
      if(boot.format == TRUE){
        output.object <- output.object[[1]]$obs

      ### If pseudo-values have been user-inputted, skip the majority of steps and just fit the calibration model using pv.precalc and data.raw
  } else if (!is.null(pv.precalc)){

    ### Create object to store output
    output.object <- vector("list", length(transitions.out))
    names(output.object) <- paste("state", transitions.out, sep = "")

    ### Loop through and generate observed event probabilities
    for (state in 1:length(transitions.out)){

      ### Assign state.k
      state.k <- transitions.out[state]

      ### Calculate observed event probabilities
      if (curve.type == "loess"){
        obs <- calc_obs_pv_loess_model(pred = data.raw[,paste("tp.pred", state.k, sep = "")],
                                       pv = pv.precalc[,paste("pstate", state.k, sep = "")],
                                       data.to.plot = data.to.plot[,paste("tp.pred", state.k, sep = "")],
                                       loess.span = loess.span,
                                       loess.degree = loess.degree,
                                       loess.surface = loess.surface,
                                       loess.statistics = loess.statistics,
                                       loess.trace.hat = loess.trace.hat,
                                       loess.cell = loess.cell,
                                       loess.iterations = loess.iterations,
                                       loess.iterTrace = loess.iterTrace,
                                       CI = CI,
                                       CI.type = CI.type)
      } else if (curve.type == "rcs"){
        obs <- calc_obs_pv_rcs_model(pred = data.raw[,paste("tp.pred", state.k, sep = "")],
                                     pv = pv.precalc[,paste("pstate", state.k, sep = "")],
                                     data.to.plot = data.to.plot[,paste("tp.pred", state.k, sep = "")],
                                     rcs.nk = rcs.nk,
                                     CI = CI,
                                     CI.type = CI.type)

      ### Create output object
      if ("id" %in% colnames(data.to.plot)){
        output.object[[state]] <- data.frame(
          "id" = data.to.plot$id,
          "pred" = data.to.plot[,paste("tp.pred", state.k, sep = "")],
          "pv" = pv.precalc[,paste("pstate", state.k, sep = "")])

      } else {
        output.object[[state]] <- data.frame(
          "pred" = data.to.plot[,paste("tp.pred", state.k, sep = "")],
          "pv" = pv.precalc[,paste("pstate", state.k, sep = "")])



#' Estimate Aalen-Johansen estimator for a cohort of individuals
#' @description
#' Estimates Aalen-Johansen estimator for the transition probabilities in cohort data.ms.
#' Estimates transition probabilities at time t if in state j at time 0
#' The Aalen-Johansen estimator for the entire cohort (including individual person_id.eval)
#' is inputted manually (obs.aj), to speed up computational time if calculating pseudo-values
#' for multiple individuals from the same cohort.
#' Function is called in calibmsm::calc_obs_pv_boot
#' @param data.ms Validation data in `msdata` format
#' @param tmat Transition probability matrix
#' @param t Follow up time at which calibration is to be assessed
#' @param j Landmark state at which predictions were made
#' @noRd
calc_aj <- function(data.ms, tmat, t, j){

  ### Assign max state number
  max.state <- ncol(tmat)

  ### Fit csh's with no predictors
  strata <- survival::strata
  csh.aj <- survival::coxph(survival::Surv(Tstart, Tstop, status) ~ strata(trans), data.ms)

  ### Calculate cumulative incidence functions using the new transition matrix
    msfit.aj <- mstate::msfit(csh.aj, trans = tmat)

  ### Calculate Aalen-Johansen estimator
    pt.aj <- mstate::probtrans(msfit.aj, predt = 0)

  ### Note that warnings are suppressed at both these stages because user will be warned if there are states which can possibly be moved to, but no individual
  ### makes this transition, resulting in zero probabilities. For example in our vignette example, this happens when individuals are in
  ### starting state for 100 days, by definition they can no longer have an adverse event, and mstate gives a warning:
  ### "In max(x[!is.na(x)]) : no non-missing arguments to max; returning -Inf"
  ### There are no problems with this, as it just returns a zero probability of being in that state in the next step (mstate::probtrans), which
  ### A) is correct, and B) we aren't interested in those states anyway

  ### Extract the closest time in the data to the time we want to evaluate at
  t.dat <- pt.aj[[j]]$time[max(which(pt.aj[[j]]$time <= t))]

  ### Extract AJ estimator at this time point
  obs.aj <- pt.aj[[j]][pt.aj[[j]]$time == t.dat, paste("pstate", 1:max.state, sep = "")]

  ### Extract AJ standard error  at this time point
  obs.aj.se <- pt.aj[[j]][pt.aj[[j]]$time == t.dat, paste("se", 1:max.state, sep = "")]

  ### Create output object
  output.object <- list("obs.aj" = obs.aj, "obs.aj.se" = obs.aj.se)



#' Estimate pseudo-values for the transition probabilities based on the Aalen-Johansen estimator
#' @description
#' Estimates the pseudo-values for an individual (person_id.eval) from cohort data.ms.
#' Calculates psuedo-values for transition probabilities at time t if in state j at time 0
#' The Aalen-Johansen estimator for the entire cohort (including individual person_id.eval)
#' is inputted manually (obs.aj), to speed up computaitonal time if calculating pseudo-values
#' for multiple individuals from the same cohort.
#' Function is called in calibmsm::calc_obs_pv_boot
#' @param person_id.eval id of individual to calculate the pseudo-value for
#' @param data.ms Validation data in `msdata` format
#' @param obs.aj Aalen-Johansen estimator of the transition probabilities in the entire cohort (not excluding person_id.eval)
#' @param tmat Transition probability matrix
#' @param n.cohort Size of cohort (number of unique entries in data.ms)
#' @param t Follow up time at which calibration is to be assessed
#' @param j Landmark state at which predictions were made
#' @noRd
calc_pv_aj <- function(person_id.eval, data.ms, obs.aj, tmat, n.cohort, t, j){

  ### Calculate AJ estimate without patient in dataset
  est.drop.pat <- calc_aj(subset(data.ms, id != person_id.eval),
                          tmat = tmat,
                          t = t,
                          j = j)

  ### Retain just the estimate (not the standard error)
  est.drop.pat <- est.drop.pat[["obs.aj"]]

  ### Calculate the pseudo-value
  pv.pat <- n.cohort*obs.aj - (n.cohort-1)*est.drop.pat



#' Estimate observed event probabilities using pseudo-values and loess smoothers.
#' @description
#' Estimate observed event probabilities for a given input vector of pseudo-values and
#' predicted transition probabilities. This function is called in calibmsm::calc_obs_pv_boot.
#' @returns A vector of observed event probabilities.
#' @noRd
calc_obs_pv_loess_model <- function(pred, pv, data.to.plot,

  ### Fit model
  if (CI != FALSE){
    if (CI.type == "parametric"){
      loess.model <- stats::loess(pv ~ pred,
                                  span = loess.span,
                                  degree = loess.degree,
                                  control = stats::loess.control(surface = loess.surface,
                                                                 statistics = loess.statistics,
                                                                 trace.hat = loess.trace.hat,
                                                                 cell = loess.cell,
                                                                 iterations = loess.iterations,
                                                                 iterTrace = loess.iterTrace))
  } else {
    ### If not requiring standard errors for parametric confidence, let statistics = "none" for computational efficiency
    loess.model <- stats::loess(pv ~ pred,
                                span = loess.span,
                                degree = loess.degree,
                                control = stats::loess.control(surface = loess.surface,
                                                               statistics = "none",
                                                               trace.hat = loess.trace.hat,
                                                               cell = loess.cell,
                                                               iterations = loess.iterations,
                                                               iterTrace = loess.iterTrace))

  ## Calculate predicted observed probabilities (and confidence intervals if requested using parametric approach)
  ## Note we do not calculate standard errors if confidence interval has been requested using the bootstrap (or if no CI requested)
  if (CI != FALSE){
    if (CI.type == "parametric"){
      ## Need to split up individuals into smaller grouped otherwise predict.loess with SE = TRUE will give an
      ## error, as it will create a matrix that is too large.

      ## Split data into groups of size 10000
      data.to.plot.list <- split(data.to.plot,
                                 rep(1:ceiling(length(data.to.plot)/10000), each = 10000, length.out = length(data.to.plot)))

      ## Define alpha for CIs
      alpha <- (1-CI/100)/2

      ## Predict observed and create data frame
      obs.data <- lapply(1:length(data.to.plot.list),
                         function(x) {
                           ## Predict observed
                           obs <- predict(loess.model, newdata = data.to.plot.list[[x]], se = TRUE)

                           ## Put into dataframe
                           obs.df <- data.frame("obs" = obs$fit,
                                                "obs.lower" = obs$fit - stats::qnorm(1-alpha)*obs$se,
                                                "obs.upper" = obs$fit + stats::qnorm(1-alpha)*obs$se)
                           ## Return

      ## Combine into one data frame
      obs.data <- do.call("rbind", obs.data)

  } else {
    ## Predict observed
    obs <- predict(loess.model, newdata = data.to.plot)
    ## Put into dataframe
    obs.data <- data.frame("obs" = obs)

  ### Return obs.data


#' Estimate observed event probabilities using pseudo-values and restricted cubic splines.
#' @description
#' Estimate observed event probabilities for a given input vector of pseudo-values and
#' predicted transition probabilities. This function is called in calibmsm::calc_obs_pv_boot.
#' @returns A vector of observed event probabilities.
#' @noRd
calc_obs_pv_rcs_model <- function(pred, pv, data.to.plot, rcs.nk, CI, CI.type){

  ### Start by transforming pred onto logit scale
  pred.logit <- log(pred/(1-pred))

  ### Create spline terms based on predicted risks
  rcs.pred <- Hmisc::rcspline.eval(pred.logit, nk=rcs.nk, inclx=T)
  colnames(rcs.pred) <- paste("rcs.x", 1:ncol(rcs.pred), sep = "")
  knots.pred <- attr(rcs.pred,"knots")

  ### Create spline terms in data.to.plot (using same knot locations derived from the predicted risks)
  ### Note that if data.to.plot == pred, these will be the same

  ### First transform onto logit scale
  data.to.plot <- log(data.to.plot/(1 - data.to.plot))

  ### Create spline terms
  rcs.data.to.plot <- data.frame(Hmisc::rcspline.eval(data.to.plot ,knots = knots.pred, inclx=T))
  colnames(rcs.data.to.plot) <- paste("rcs.x", 1:ncol(rcs.data.to.plot), sep = "")

  ### Create dataset in which to fit the model
  data.rcs <- data.frame("pv" = pv, rcs.pred)

  ### Define equation
  eq.LHS <- paste("pv ~ ", sep = "")
  eq.RHS <- paste("rcs.x", 1:ncol(rcs.data.to.plot), sep = "", collapse = "+")
  eq.rcs <- stats::formula(paste(eq.LHS, eq.RHS, sep = ""))

  ## Fit the model using logit link function
  rcs.model <- stats::glm(eq.rcs, data = data.rcs, family = stats::gaussian(link = "logit"), start = rep(0, ncol(rcs.pred) + 1))

  ## Calculate predicted observed probabilities (and confidence intervals if requested using parametric approach)
  ## Note we do not calculate standard errors if confidence interval has been requested using the bootstrap
  if (CI == FALSE){
    ## Predict observed
    obs <- predict(rcs.model, newdata = rcs.data.to.plot, type = "link")
    ## Put into dataframe
    obs.data <- data.frame("obs" = 1/(1+exp(-obs)))
  } else if (CI != FALSE){
    if (CI.type == "bootstrap"){
      ## Predict observed
      obs <- predict(rcs.model, newdata = rcs.data.to.plot, type = "link")
      ## Put into data frame
      obs.data <- data.frame("obs" = 1/(1+exp(-obs)))
    } else if (CI.type == "parametric"){
      ## Predict observed
      obs <- predict(rcs.model, newdata = rcs.data.to.plot, type = "link", se.fit = TRUE)
      ## Define alpha for CIs
      alpha <- (1-CI/100)/2
      ## Put into dataframe
      obs.data <- data.frame("obs" = 1/(1+exp(-obs$fit)),
                             "obs.lower" = 1/(1+exp(-(obs$fit - stats::qnorm(1-alpha)*obs$se.fit))),
                             "obs.upper" = 1/(1+exp(-(obs$fit + stats::qnorm(1-alpha)*obs$se.fit)))


  ### Return obs.data


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