
Defines functions default sort getByIndex getNames find delete contains getByName indexOf replace add

Documented in add contains default delete find getByIndex getByName getNames indexOf replace sort

#----                         pmx_list class                             ----

#' PMX list class.
#' @slot list effective list which will contain the elements
#' @slot type type of the elements this list may contain
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
    type="character" # Interface / Main class type
  validity=function(object) {
    check <- expectOne(object, "type")
    for (elem in object@list) {
      methods::validObject(elem, complete=TRUE) # TEST=FALSE (default) raises error

#----                              add                                      ----

#' Add element to list.
#' @param object list object
#' @param x element to add
#' @param ... extra arguments, unused by this generic list
#' @return modified list object
#' @export
#' @rdname add
add <- function(object, x, ...) {
  stop("No default function is provided")

setGeneric("add", function(object, x, ...) {

#' @param pos position where x needs to be added in list
#' @rdname add
setMethod("add", signature=c("pmx_list", "pmx_element"), definition=function(object, x, pos=NULL) {
  if (methods::validObject(x)) {
    if (!is(x, object@type)) {
      stop(paste0("Element '", x %>% getName(), "' does not extend type '", object@type, "'."))
    } else if(object %>% contains(x)) {
      stop(paste0("Element '", x %>% getName(), "' is already present."))
    } else {
      if (is.null(pos)) {
        pos <- Position(object %>% length(), after=TRUE)
      if (pos@by_index) {
        index <- pos@index
      } else if (pos@by_element) {
        index <- object %>% indexOf(pos@element)
      } else {
        stop("Element position can only by index or by position")
      if (!pos@after) {
        index <- index - 1
      object@list <- object@list %>% append(x, after=index)

#' @rdname add
setMethod("add", signature=c("pmx_list", "pmx_list"), definition=function(object, x) {
  return(object %>% add(x@list))

#' @rdname add
setMethod("add", signature=c("pmx_list", "list"), definition=function(object, x) {
  for (element in x) {
    object <- object %>% add(element)

#----                             replace                                   ----

#' Replace element by another in list.
#' @param object list object
#' @param x element to replace
#' @return list object or an error if the element does not exist in the list
#' @export
#' @rdname replace
replace <- function(object, x) {
  stop("No default function is provided")

setGeneric("replace", function(object, x) {

#' @rdname replace
setMethod("replace", signature=c("pmx_list", "pmx_element"), definition=function(object, x) {
  if (object %>% contains(x)) {
    index <- object %>% indexOf(x)
    object@list[[index]] <- x
  } else {
    stop(paste("Element", x %>% getName(), "does not exist."))

#' @rdname replace
setMethod("replace", signature=c("pmx_list", "pmx_list"), definition=function(object, x) {
  return(object %>% replace(x@list))

#' @rdname replace
setMethod("replace", signature=c("pmx_list", "list"), definition=function(object, x) {
  for (element in x) {
    object <- object %>% replace(element)

#----                             indexOf                                   ----

#' Get the index of an element in list.
#' @param object list object
#' @param x element to know the index
#' @return index of this element
#' @export
#' @rdname indexOf
indexOf <- function(object, x) {
  stop("No default function is provided")

setGeneric("indexOf", function(object, x) {

#' @rdname indexOf
setMethod("indexOf", signature=c("pmx_list", "pmx_element"), definition=function(object, x) {
  logicalVector <- object@list %>% purrr::map_lgl(.f=function(.x) {
    retValue <- .x %>% getName() == x %>% getName()
    return(ifelse(is.na(retValue), FALSE, retValue))
  index <- which(logicalVector)
  if (length(index) > 0) {
    index <- index[[1]]

#----                           getByName                                   ----

#' Get an element from a list by name.
#' Never return more than 1 element.
#' @param object list object
#' @param name element name to search for
#' @return the element that was found or NULL if no element was found with the same name
#' @export
#' @rdname getByName
getByName <- function(object, name) {
  stop("No default function is provided")

setGeneric("getByName", function(object, name) {

#' @rdname getByName
setMethod("getByName", signature=c("pmx_list", "character"), definition=function(object, name) {
  if (is.na(name)) {
  return(object@list %>% purrr::detect(~(!is.na(.x %>% getName()) && .x %>% getName()==name)))

#----                            contains                                   ----

#' Check if an element exists in list.
#' @param object list object
#' @param x element to check if exists
#' @return logical value, TRUE or FALSE
#' @export
#' @rdname contains
#' @keywords internal
contains <- function(object, x) {
  stop("No default function is provided")

setGeneric("contains", function(object, x) {

#' @rdname contains
setMethod("contains", signature=c("pmx_list", "pmx_element"), definition=function(object, x) {
  return(!is.null(object %>% find(x)))

#----                             delete                                    ----

#' Delete an element from this list.
#' @param object list object
#' @param x element to delete or element index
#' @return the updated list
#' @export
#' @rdname delete
delete <- function(object, x) {
  stop("No default function is provided")

setGeneric("delete", function(object, x) {
  if (is.numeric(x)) {
    x <- as.integer(x)
  if (is.integer(x) && x %>% length() > 1) {
    stop("Only 1 element can be deleted at a time")

#' @rdname delete
setMethod("delete", signature=c("pmx_list", "pmx_element"), definition=function(object, x) {
  index <- object %>% indexOf(x)
  if (index %>% length() > 0) {
    object@list <- object@list[-index]
  } else {
    stop(paste("Element", x %>% getName(), "does not exist."))

#' @rdname delete
setMethod("delete", signature=c("pmx_list", "integer"), definition=function(object, x) {
  if (x %>% length() != 1) {
    stop("x must be a single integer/numeric value")
  if (x > 0 && x <= object %>% length()) {
    object@list <- object@list[-x]
  } else {
    stop(paste("No element exists at index", x))

#----                              find                                     ----

#' Find an element in list.
#' @param object list object
#' @param x element to find, only key slots need to be filled in
#' @return the element from the list that has same name as x, or NULL if no element was found
#' @export
#' @rdname find
find <- function(object, x) {
  stop("No default function is provided")

setGeneric("find", function(object, x) {

#' @rdname find
setMethod("find", signature=c("pmx_list", "pmx_element"), definition=function(object, x) {
  return(object %>% getByName(x %>% getName()))

#----                            getNames                                   ----

#' Get element names from list.
#' @param object list object
#' @return character vector with all the element names of this list
#' @export
#' @rdname getNames
getNames <- function(object) {
  stop("No default function is provided")

setGeneric("getNames", function(object) {

#' @rdname getNames
setMethod("getNames", signature=c("pmx_list"), definition=function(object) {
  return(object@list %>% purrr::map_chr(~.x %>% getName()))

#----                             length                                    ----

#' Return the length of this list.
#' @param x list object
#' @return the length of this list, integer value
#' @rdname length
#' @keywords internal
setMethod("length", signature=c("pmx_list"), definition=function(x) {

#----                           getByIndex                                  ----

#' Get element by index.
#' @param object list object
#' @param x element index
#' @return element from the list whose index matches with provided index
#' @export
#' @rdname getByIndex
getByIndex <- function(object, x) {
  stop("No default function is provided")

setGeneric("getByIndex", function(object, x) {

#' @rdname getByIndex
setMethod("getByIndex", signature=c("pmx_list", "integer"), definition=function(object, x) {
  len <- object %>% length()
  assertthat::assert_that(len > 0, msg="x must be greater than 0")
  if (x > len) {
    stop(paste0("Can't find element at index ", x, " in list. List has a length of ", len, "."))

#' @rdname getByIndex
setMethod("getByIndex", signature=c("pmx_list", "numeric"), definition=function(object, x) {
  return(getByIndex(object, x=as.integer(x)))

#----                         sort (ABSTRACT)                               ----

# Reuse base::sort(x, decreasing = FALSE, ...) definition

#' Sort the specified list.
#' @param x list object
#' @param decreasing increasing or decreasing order
#' @param ... extra arguments
#' @return same list but ordered
#' @export
#' @rdname sort
sort <- function(x, decreasing = FALSE, ...) {
  stop("No default function is provided")

setGeneric("sort", function(x, decreasing = FALSE, ...) {

#----                       default (ABSTRACT)                              ----

#' Get default element from list.
#' @param object list object
#' @param ... additional arguments
#' @return the default element from list
#' @export
default <- function(object, ...) {
  stop("No default function is provided")

setGeneric("default", function(object, ...) {

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