
Defines functions convertOutvarsToCapture mrgsolveCapture mrgsolveTable mrgsolveOde mrgsolveBlock convertAnyComment mrgsolveMain mrgsolveMatrix mrgsolveCompartment mrgsolveParam

Documented in convertAnyComment convertOutvarsToCapture mrgsolveBlock mrgsolveCapture mrgsolveCompartment mrgsolveMain mrgsolveMatrix mrgsolveOde mrgsolveParam mrgsolveTable

#' Get the parameters block for mrgsolve.
#' @param model CAMPSIS model
#' @param extra_params extra parameter names to be added. By default, they will be assigned a zero value.
#' @return character vector, 1 parameter per line. First one is header [PARAM].
#' @export
mrgsolveParam <- function(model, extra_params=character(0)) {
  params <- rxodeParams(model)
  retValue <- "[PARAM] @annotated"
  for (index in seq_along(params)) {
    param <- params[index]
    retValue <- retValue %>% append(paste0(names(param), " : ", as.numeric(param), " : ", names(param)))
  for (param in extra_params) {
    retValue <- retValue %>% append(paste0(param, " : ", as.numeric(0), " : ", param))

#' Get the compartment block for mrgsolve.
#' @param model CAMPSIS model
#' @return character vector, each value is a line
#' @export
mrgsolveCompartment <- function(model) {
  compartments <- model@compartments
  retValue <- "[CMT] @annotated"
  for (compartment in compartments@list) {
    retValue <- retValue %>% append(paste0(compartment %>% toString(), " : ", compartment@name))

#' Get the OMEGA/SIGMA matrix for mrgsolve.
#' @param model CAMPSIS model
#' @param type either omega or sigma
#' @return named matrix or character(0) if matrix is empty
#' @export
mrgsolveMatrix <- function(model, type="omega") {
  matrix <- rxodeMatrix(model, type=type)
  if (nrow(matrix) == 0) {
  if (type=="omega") {
    retValue <- "[OMEGA] @annotated @block"
  } else {
    retValue <- "[SIGMA] @annotated @block"
  names <- row.names(matrix)
  for (rowIndex in seq_len(nrow(matrix))) {
    retValue <- retValue %>% append(paste0(names[rowIndex], " : ",
                                    paste0(matrix[rowIndex, seq_len(rowIndex)], collapse=" "), " : ",

#' Get the MAIN block for mrgsolve.
#' @param model CAMPSIS model
#' @return MAIN block
#' @export
mrgsolveMain <- function(model) {
  records <- model@model
  properties <- model@compartments@properties
  retValue <- "[MAIN]"
  record <- records %>% getByName("MAIN")
  retValue <- mrgsolveBlock(record, init="[MAIN]")
  if (properties %>% length() > 0) {
    for (property in properties@list) {
      compartmentIndex <- property@compartment
      compartment <- model@compartments %>% find(Compartment(index=compartmentIndex))
      equation <- paste0(property %>% toString(model=model, dest="mrgsolve"), ";")
      retValue <- retValue %>% append(equation)

#' Convert CAMPSIS comment style to C/C++ code.
#' Only the first # is translated to //.
#' @param x any record line
#' @return same line with comments translated to C/C++
#' @keywords internal
convertAnyComment <- function(x) {
  return(sub(pattern="#", replacement="//", x=x))

#' Convert code record for mrgsolve.
#' @param record code record
#' @param init name of mrgsolve block
#' @param capture 'capture' instead of 'double'
#' @return translated record for mrgsolve
#' @export
mrgsolveBlock <- function(record, init=NULL, capture=FALSE) {
  retValue <- init
  if (is.null(record)) {
  for (statement in record@statements@list) {
    retValue <-
      retValue %>% append(statement %>% toString(
        dest = "mrgsolve",
        init = !capture,
        capture = capture

#' Get the ODE block for mrgsolve.
#' @param model CAMPSIS model
#' @return ODE block
#' @export
mrgsolveOde <- function(model) {
  records <- model@model
  odeRecord <- records %>% getByName("ODE")
  # Automatically replace simulation time 't' (default in CAMPSIS) by SOLVERTIME
  if (!is.null(odeRecord)) {
    odeRecord <- odeRecord %>% campsismod::replaceAll(pattern=VariablePattern("t"), replacement="SOLVERTIME")
  retValue <- mrgsolveBlock(odeRecord, init="[ODE]")

#' Get the TABLE block for mrgsolve.
#' @param model CAMPSIS model
#' @return TABLE block if at least one line in error record, character(0) otherwise
#' @export
mrgsolveTable <- function(model) {
  records <- model@model
  errorRecord <- records %>% getByName("ERROR")
  if (is.null(errorRecord)) {
  retValue <- mrgsolveBlock(errorRecord, init="[TABLE]", capture=TRUE)

#' Get the CAPTURE block for mrgsolve.
#' @param outvars outvars in method simulate
#' @param model CAMPSIS model
#' @return CAPTURE block or character(0) if no variable in outvars
#' @export
mrgsolveCapture <- function(outvars, model) {
  # Get rid of variables that are already in error block (and thus already captured in TABLE)
  outvars <- convertOutvarsToCapture(outvars, model=model)
  if (is.null(outvars) || outvars %>% length()==0) {
  } else {
    return(paste("[CAPTURE]", outvars))

#' Convert outvars argument to capture. Variables that are already in error block
#' will be discarded.
#' @param outvars character vector
#' @param model CAMPSIS model
#' @importFrom purrr keep map_chr
#' @return all variables to capture
#' @keywords internal
convertOutvarsToCapture <- function(outvars, model) {
  # List all variables that are already exported into mrgsolve TABLE block by pmxmod
  error <- model@model %>% getByName("ERROR")
  list <- NULL
  if (!is.null(error)) {
    list <- error@statements@list %>% purrr::keep(~is(.x, "equation")) %>% purrr::map_chr(~.x@lhs)
    outvars <- outvars[!(outvars %in% list)]

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campsismod documentation built on May 29, 2024, 8:48 a.m.