#' Generate Three Circular Clusters with Noise
#' This function generates three circular clusters in 4D space with added noise dimensions.
#' @param n The total number of samples to generate.
#' @param num_noise The number of additional noise dimensions to add to the data.
#' @param min_n The minimum value for the noise dimensions.
#' @param max_n The maximum value for the noise dimensions.
#' @return A matrix containing the three circular clusters with added noise.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' set.seed(20240412)
#' circular_clusters_data <- three_circulars(
#' n = 300, num_noise = 2,
#' min_n = -0.05, max_n = 0.05
#' )
three_circulars <- function(n, num_noise, min_n, max_n) {
if (n <= 0) {
stop("Number of points should be a positive number.")
if (num_noise < 0) {
stop("Number of noise dimensions should be a positive number.")
if (missing(n)) {
stop("Missing n.")
if (missing(num_noise)) {
stop("Missing num_noise.")
# To check that the assigned n is divided by three
if ((n %% 3) != 0) {
warning("The sample size should be a product of three.")
cluster_size <- floor(n / 3)
} else {
cluster_size <- n / 3
theta <- stats::runif(cluster_size, 0.0, 2 * pi)
x <- cos(theta) + stats::rnorm(cluster_size, 10, 0.03)
y <- sin(theta) + stats::rnorm(cluster_size, 10, 0.03)
z <- rep(0, cluster_size) + stats::rnorm(cluster_size, 10, 0.03)
w <- rep(0, cluster_size) - stats::rnorm(cluster_size, 10, 0.03)
df1 <- matrix(c(x, y, z, w), ncol = 4)
x <- 0.5 * cos(theta) + stats::rnorm(cluster_size, 10, 0.03)
y <- 0.5 * sin(theta) + stats::rnorm(cluster_size, 10, 0.03)
z <- rep(0, cluster_size) + stats::rnorm(cluster_size, 10, 0.03)
w <- rep(0, cluster_size) - stats::rnorm(cluster_size, 10, 0.03)
df2 <- matrix(c(x, y, z, w), ncol = 4)
x <- stats::rnorm(cluster_size, 10, 0.03)
y <- stats::rnorm(cluster_size, 10, 0.03)
z <- rep(0, cluster_size) + stats::rnorm(cluster_size, 10, 0.03)
w <- rep(0, cluster_size) - stats::rnorm(cluster_size, 10, 0.03)
df3 <- matrix(c(x, y, z, w), ncol = 4)
df <- rbind(df1, df2, df3)
if (num_noise != 0) {
if (missing(min_n)) {
stop("Missing min_n.")
if (missing(max_n)) {
stop("Missing max_n.")
noise_mat <- gen_noise_dims(
n = dim(df)[1], num_noise = num_noise,
min_n = min_n, max_n = max_n
df <- cbind(df, noise_mat)
} else {
#' Generate Cell Cycle Data with Noise
#' This function generates a cell cycle dataset with added noise dimensions.
#' @param n The total number of samples to generate.
#' @param num_noise The number of additional noise dimensions to add to the data.
#' @param min_n The minimum value for the noise dimensions.
#' @param max_n The maximum value for the noise dimensions.
#' @return A matrix containing the cell cycle data with added noise.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' set.seed(20240412)
#' cell_cycle_data <- cell_cycle(
#' n = 300, num_noise = 2, min_n = -0.05,
#' max_n = 0.05
#' )
cell_cycle <- function(n, num_noise, min_n, max_n) {
if (n <= 0) {
stop("Number of points should be a positive number.")
if (num_noise < 0) {
stop("Number of noise dimensions should be a positive number.")
if (missing(n)) {
stop("Missing n.")
if (missing(num_noise)) {
stop("Missing num_noise.")
# To check that the assigned n is divided by three
if ((n %% 3) != 0) {
warning("The sample size should be a product of three.")
cluster_size <- floor(n / 3)
} else {
cluster_size <- n / 3
r1 <- 2
r2 <- 1
theta <- stats::runif(cluster_size, 0, 2 * pi)
x <- rep(0, cluster_size)
y <- r1 * cos(theta)
z <- r2 * sin(theta)
df1 <- matrix(c(x, y, z), ncol = 3)
x <- r2 * cos(theta)
y <- rep(0, cluster_size)
z <- r1 * sin(theta)
df2 <- matrix(c(x, y, z), ncol = 3)
x <- r1 * cos(theta)
y <- r2 * sin(theta)
z <- rep(0, cluster_size)
df3 <- matrix(c(x, y, z), ncol = 3)
df <- rbind(df1, df2, df3)
if (num_noise != 0) {
if (missing(min_n)) {
stop("Missing min_n.")
if (missing(max_n)) {
stop("Missing max_n.")
noise_mat <- gen_noise_dims(
n = dim(df)[1], num_noise = num_noise,
min_n = min_n, max_n = max_n
df <- cbind(df, noise_mat)
} else {
#' Generate Curvy Cell Cycle Data with Noise
#' This function generates a curvy cell cycle dataset with added noise dimensions.
#' @param n The total number of samples to generate.
#' @param num_noise The number of additional noise dimensions to add to the data.
#' @param min_n The minimum value for the noise dimensions.
#' @param max_n The maximum value for the noise dimensions.
#' @return A matrix containing the curvy cell cycle data with added noise.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' set.seed(20240412)
#' curvy_cell_cycle_data <- curvy_cycle(
#' n = 300, num_noise = 2, min_n = -0.05,
#' max_n = 0.05
#' )
curvy_cycle <- function(n, num_noise, min_n, max_n) {
if (n <= 0) {
stop("Number of points should be a positive number.")
if (num_noise < 0) {
stop("Number of noise dimensions should be a positive number.")
if (missing(n)) {
stop("Missing n.")
if (missing(num_noise)) {
stop("Missing num_noise.")
# To check that the assigned n is divided by three
if ((n %% 3) != 0) {
warning("The sample size should be a product of three.")
cluster_size <- floor(n / 3)
} else {
cluster_size <- n / 3
r <- sqrt(3) / 3
theta <- stats::runif(cluster_size, 0, 2 * pi)
x <- cos(theta)
y <- r + sin(theta)
z <- cos(3 * theta) / 3
df1 <- matrix(c(x, y, z), ncol = 3)
x <- cos(theta) + 0.5
y <- sin(theta) - r / 2
z <- cos(3 * theta) / 3
df2 <- matrix(c(x, y, z), ncol = 3)
x <- cos(theta) - 0.5
y <- sin(theta) - r / 2
z <- cos(3 * theta) / 3
df3 <- matrix(c(x, y, z), ncol = 3)
df <- rbind(df1, df2, df3)
if (num_noise != 0) {
if (missing(min_n)) {
stop("Missing min_n.")
if (missing(max_n)) {
stop("Missing max_n.")
noise_mat <- gen_noise_dims(
n = dim(df)[1], num_noise = num_noise,
min_n = min_n, max_n = max_n
df <- cbind(df, noise_mat)
} else {
#' Generate Linked Data
#' This function generates linked data points.
#' @param n The total number of data points to be generated. Should be a product of two.
#' @param num_noise The number of additional noise dimensions to be generated.
#' @param min_n The minimum value for the noise added to the data points.
#' @param max_n The maximum value for the noise added to the data points.
#' @return A matrix containing the generated linked data points.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Generate linked data with noise with custom parameters
#' set.seed(20240412)
#' data <- two_circulars(n = 200, num_noise = 2, min_n = -0.05, max_n = 0.05)
two_circulars <- function(n, num_noise, min_n, max_n) {
if (n <= 0) {
stop("Number of points should be a positive number.")
if (num_noise < 0) {
stop("Number of noise dimensions should be a positive number.")
if (missing(n)) {
stop("Missing n.")
if (missing(num_noise)) {
stop("Missing num_noise.")
# To check that the assigned n is divided by two
if ((n %% 2) != 0) {
warning("The sample size should be a product of two.")
cluster_size <- floor(n / 2)
} else {
cluster_size <- n / 2
theta <- (0:(cluster_size - 1)) * (2 * pi / cluster_size)
cs <- cos(.4)
sn <- sin(.4)
df1 <- matrix(c(
cs * sin(theta),
-sn * sin(theta)
), ncol = 3)
df2 <- matrix(c(
1 + cos(theta),
sn * sin(theta),
cs * sin(theta)
), ncol = 3)
df <- rbind(df1, df2)
if (num_noise != 0) {
if (missing(min_n)) {
stop("Missing min_n.")
if (missing(max_n)) {
stop("Missing max_n.")
noise_mat <- gen_noise_dims(
n = dim(df)[1], num_noise = num_noise,
min_n = min_n, max_n = max_n
df <- cbind(df, noise_mat)
} else {
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