
Defines functions check_linear_objective

Documented in check_linear_objective

#' Check linearity of objective function implied by a causal model and effect
#' @param causal_model An object of class "causalmodel" as produce by \link{create_causalmodel}
#' @param effectt A character string that represents the causal effect of interest
#' @details 
#' The effectt parameter describes your causal effect of interest. The effectt parameter must be of the form
#' \code{p{V11(X=a)=a; V12(X=a)=b;...} op1 p{V21(X=b)=a; V22(X=c)=b;...} op2 ...}
#' where Vij are names of variables in the graph, a, b are numeric values from 0:(nvals - 1), and op are either - or +. You can specify a single probability statement (i.e., no operator). Note that the probability statements begin with little p, and use curly braces, and items inside the probability statements are separated by ;. The variables may be potential outcomes which are denoted by parentheses. Variables may also be nested inside potential outcomes. 
#'  All of the following are valid effect statements:
#' \code{p{Y(X = 1) = 1} - p{Y(X = 0) = 1}}
#' \code{p{X(Z = 1) = 1; X(Z = 0) = 0}}
#' \code{p{Y(M(X = 0), X = 1) = 1} - p{Y(M(X = 0), X = 0) = 1}}
#' The effect must be fully specified, that is, all parents of a variable that is intervened upon need to be specified. The function cannot infer missing values or marginalize over some parents but not others. 
#' @returns A logical value that is TRUE if the objective function is linear
#' @export
#' @examples
#'  ## regular IV case
#' ivgraph <- initialize_graph(graph_from_literal(Z -+ X, X -+ Y, Ur -+ X, Ur -+ Y))
#' prob.form <- list(out = c("Y", "X"), cond = "Z")
#' iv_model <- create_causalmodel(graph = ivgraph,
#'             prob.form = prob.form)
#' check_linear_objective(iv_model, effectt = "p{Y(X = 1) = 1}")
#' #'  ## contaminated IV case
#' civgraph <- initialize_graph(graph_from_literal(Z -+ X, X -+ Y, Z-+ Y, Ur -+ X, Ur -+ Y))
#' cont_iv <- create_causalmodel(graph = civgraph, prob.form = prob.form)
#' check_linear_objective(cont_iv, effectt = "p{Y(X = 1) = 1}")

check_linear_objective <- function(causal_model, effectt) {
    stopifnot(inherits(causal_model, "causalmodel"))
    respvars <- causal_model$data$response_functions
    prob.form <- causal_model$data$prob.form
    # q.list <- create_q_matrix(respvars, right.vars = prob.form$out, cond.vars= prob.form$cond, 
    #                           constraints = NULL)
    # q.vals <- q.list$q.vals
    # q.vals.all.lookup <- q.list$q.vals.all.lookup
    q.vals.all.lookup <- causal_model$data$q.vals
    q.vals.all <- q.vals.all.lookup[, -c(ncol(q.vals.all.lookup), ncol(q.vals.all.lookup) - 1)]
    variables <- list(unique(q.vals.all.lookup$vars), 
    parent_lookup <- lapply(respvars, \(var) {
        unlist(lapply(var$values, \(fun) {
        })) |> unique()
    obsvars <- as.list(names(q.vals.all.lookup)[-c(ncol(q.vals.all.lookup) - 1, ncol(q.vals.all.lookup))])
    names(obsvars) <- unlist(obsvars)
    effect <- parse_effect(effectt)
    chk0 <- lapply(effect$vars, btm_var)
    interven.vars <- unique(unlist(chk0))
    allnmes <- unique(unlist(lapply(effect$vars, names)))
    realnms <- unlist(prob.form)
    obsvarnames <- names(obsvars)
    var.eff <- check_linear <-  NULL
    for(v in 1:length(effect$vars)) {
        thisterm <- effect$vars[[v]]
        res.mat.list <- vector(mode = "list", length = length(thisterm))
        for(v2 in 1:length(thisterm)){
            thisvar <- thisterm[[v2]]
            outcome <- names(thisterm)[v2]
            #intervene <- vector(mode = "list")
            if(effect$pcheck[[v]][v2] == FALSE) { ## observation
                gee_r <- function(r, i) {
                    parents <- parent_lookup[[i]]
                    #parents <- adjacent_vertices(graph, obsvars[i], "in")[[1]]
                    #parents <- parents[!names(parents) %in% c("Ul", "Ur")]
                    if (length(parents) == 0){
                        x <- respvars[[obsvarnames[i]]]$values[[which(respvars[[obsvarnames[i]]]$index == r[i])]]
                        do.call(x, list())
                    } else {
                        lookin <- lapply(parents, function(gu) {
                            as.numeric(gee_r(r, which(obsvarnames == gu)))
                        names(lookin) <- parents
                        inres <- respvars[[obsvarnames[i]]]$values[[which(respvars[[obsvarnames[i]]]$index == r[i])]]
                        do.call(inres, lookin)
                res.mat <- matrix(NA, ncol = ncol(q.vals.all), nrow = nrow(q.vals.all))
                q.vals.mat <- as.matrix(q.vals.all.lookup[, -c(ncol(q.vals.all.lookup), ncol(q.vals.all.lookup)-1)])
                for(k in 1:nrow(q.vals.all)) {
                    for(j in 1:ncol(q.vals.all)) {
                        res.mat[k, j] <- gee_r(r = q.vals.mat[k, ], i = j)
                colnames(res.mat) <- obsvarnames
                res.mat.list[[v2]] <- res.mat
            } else { ## intervention
                thisintervene <- unlist(list_to_path(thisvar, outcome))
                basevars <- sapply(strsplit(names(thisintervene), " -> "), "[", 1)
                parents <- parent_lookup[[outcome]]
                                  names(thisvar))) > 0) {
                    isets <- unique(btm_var(thisvar))
                    missingpaths <- lapply(isets, function(cc) {
                        #allpaths <- all_simple_paths(graph, from = cc, to = outcome, mode = "out")
                        allpaths <- check_parents(parent_lookup, cc, outcome)
                        if(!is.list(allpaths)) {
                            allpaths <- list(allpaths)
                        ap2 <- NULL
                        for(i in 1:length(allpaths)) {
                            la <- unlist(allpaths[[i]])
                            if(la[1] == cc & la[length(la)] == outcome) {
                                ap2[[length(ap2) + 1]] <- la
                        paths2 <- unlist(lapply(ap2, function(x) paste(x, collapse = " -> ")))
                        setdiff(paths2, names(thisintervene))
                    for(pp in 1:length(missingpaths)) {
                        if(length(missingpaths[[pp]]) == 0) {
                        addval <- thisintervene[which(isets[pp] == basevars)[1]]
                        addval2 <- rep(addval, length(missingpaths[[pp]]))
                        names(addval2) <- missingpaths[[pp]]
                        thisintervene <- c(thisintervene, addval2)
                gee_rA <- function(r, i, path = NULL) {
                    parents <- parent_lookup[[obsvarnames[i]]]
                    names(parents) <- parents
                    #parents <- adjacent_vertices(graph, obsvars[i], "in")[[1]]
                    #parents <- parents[!names(parents) %in% c("Ul", "Ur")]
                        #thisintervene <- intervene[[childcall]]
                    if(!is.null(path) && path %in% names(thisintervene)) {
                    } else if (length(parents) == 0){
                        x <- respvars[[obsvarnames[i]]]$values[[which(respvars[[obsvarnames[i]]]$index == r[i])]]
                        do.call(x, list())
                    } else {
                        lookin <- lapply(names(parents), function(gu) {
                            as.numeric(gee_rA(r, which(obsvarnames == gu), path = paste(gu, "->", path)))
                        names(lookin) <- names(parents)
                        inres <- respvars[[obsvarnames[i]]]$values[[which(respvars[[obsvarnames[i]]]$index == r[i])]]
                        do.call(inres, lookin)
                res.mat <- matrix(NA, ncol = ncol(q.vals.all), nrow = nrow(q.vals.all))
                for(k in 1:nrow(q.vals.all)) {
                    for(j in 1:ncol(q.vals.all)) {
                        res.mat[k, j] <- gee_rA(r = unlist(q.vals.all.lookup[k, -c(ncol(q.vals.all.lookup), 
                                                                                   ncol(q.vals.all.lookup)-1)]), i = j, 
                                                path = obsvarnames[j])
                colnames(res.mat) <- obsvarnames
                res.mat.list[[v2]] <- res.mat
        var.dex <- rep(TRUE, nrow(q.vals.all))
        for(i in 1:length(effect$values[[v]])) {
            var.dex <- var.dex & res.mat.list[[i]][, names(effect$values[[v]])[i]] == effect$values[[v]][[i]]
        matp <- q.vals.all.lookup[var.dex, ]
        tswag <- table(matp[, ncol(matp) - 1], matp[, ncol(matp)]) # if linear, this should all be 1s
        var.eff[[v]] <- unique(as.character(q.vals.all.lookup[var.dex, "vars"]))
        check_linear[[v]] <- all(tswag == 1)

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