#' Optimized R implementation of foursail (4SAIL)
#' The foursail (or 4SAIL) radiative transfer model is commonly used to simulate bidirectional
#' reflectance distribution functions within vegetation canopies. Foursail (4SAIL) refers
#' to "Scattering by Arbitrary Inclined Leaves" in a 4-stream model. The four-streams represents
#' the scattering and absorption of upward, downward and two directional radiative fluxes with
#' four linear differential equations in a 1-D canopy. The model was initially developed by
#' Verhoef (1984), who extended work by Suits (1971) 4-steam model.
#' @param rho input leaf reflectance from 400-2500nm (can be measured or modeled)
#' @param tau input leaf transmittance from 400-2500nm (can be measured or modeled)
#' @param bgr background reflectance. Usual input is
#' soil reflectance spectra from 400-2500nm (can be measured or modeled)
#' @param param A named vector of SAIL parameter values (note: program ignores case):
#' \itemize{
#' \item [1] = Leaf angle distribution function parameter a (LIDFa)
#' \item [2] = Leaf angle distribution function parameter b (LIDFb)
#' \item [3] = Leaf angle distribution function type (see ?lidfFun)
#' \item [4] = Leaf area index (LAI)
#' \item [5] = Hot spot effect parameter (hspot)
#' \item [6] = Solar zenith angle (tts)
#' \item [7] = Observer zenith angle (tto)
#' \item [8] = Sun-sensor azimuth angle (psi)
#' }
#' @return spectra matrixwith 4 reflectance factors and canopy transmission
#' for wavelengths 400 to 2500nm:
#' \itemize{
#' \item [1] = bi-hemispherical reflectance (rddt). White-sky albedo: the reflectance of the canopy
#' under diffuse illumination. The BRDF integrated over all viewing and illumination directions.
#' \item [2] = hemispherical directional reflectance (rsdt). Black-sky albedo: reflectance of a surface
#' under direct light without a diffuse component. It is the integral of the BRDF over all viewing
#' directions.
#' \item [3] = directional hemispherical reflectance (rdot). Diffuse reflectance in the vieweing
#' direction.
#' \item [4] = bi-directional reflectance (rsot). The ratio of reflected radiance in the viewing direction
#' to the incoming radiant flux in the solar direction.
#' \item [5] = Canopy transmission of diffuse light through the canopy (taud).
#' \item [6] = transmission of direct light through the canopy (taus).
#' }
#' @examples
#' ## lower-level implementation example
#' ## see ?fRTM for the typical mode of simulation
#' ## e.g. fRTM(rho~prospectd+foursail)
#' ## 1) get parameters
#' params<-getDefaults(rho~prospectd+foursail)
#' ## getDefaults("foursail") will also work
#' bestpars<-params$foursail$best
#' ## ensure the vector is named
#' names(bestpars) <- rownames(params$foursail)
#' ## 2) get leaf reflectance and transmission
#' rt<-fRTM(rho+tau~prospectd)
#' ## 3) get soil reflectance to model background reflectance
#' data(soil)
#' ## a linear mixture soil model
#' bgRef<- bestpars["psoil"]*soil[,"drySoil"] + (1-bestpars["psoil"])*soil[,"wetSoil"]
#' ## 4) run 4SAIL
#' foursail(rt[,"rho"],rt[,"tau"],bgRef,bestpars)
#' @references Suits, G.H., 1971. The calculation of the directional reflectance of a
#' vegetative canopy. Remote Sens. Environ. 2, 117-125.
#' @references Verhoef, W. (1984). Light scattering by leaf layers with application to
#' canopy reflectance modeling: The SAIL model. Remote Sens. Environ. 16, 125-141.
#' @export
foursail <- function(rho, tau, bgr,param){
names(param) <- tolower(names(param))
## input paramters
LIDFa <- as.numeric(param["lidfa"])
LIDFb <- as.numeric(param["lidfb"])
TypeLIDF <- as.numeric(param["typelidf"])
lai <- as.numeric(param["lai"])
q <- as.numeric(param["hspot"])
tts <- as.numeric(param["tts"])
tto <- as.numeric(param["tto"])
psi <- as.numeric(param["psi"])
## leaf angles
litab <- c(5,15,25,35,45,55,65,75,81,83,85,87,89)
## number of angles
na <- length(litab)
## degrees to radians
rd <- pi / 180
## Sensor geometry: Compute geometric quantities
## output = list(cts,cto,ctscto,dso)
sensGeom <- sail_sensgeom(tts,tto,psi,rd)
cts <- sensGeom[[1]]
cto <- sensGeom[[2]]
ctscto <- sensGeom[[3]]
dso <- sensGeom[[4]]
## Leaf angle distribution function
lidfpar <- c(na,LIDFa, LIDFb)
names(lidfpar) <- c("na","a","b")
class(lidfpar) <- paste0("lidf.",TypeLIDF)
lidFun <- lidf(lidfpar)
## Angular distance - shadow length compensation
## output = list(ks,ko,sob,sof,sdb,sdf,dob,dof,ddb,ddf)
suitRes <- SUITS(na,litab,lidFun,tts,tto,cts,cto,psi,ctscto)
ks <- suitRes[[1]]
ko <- suitRes[[2]]
sob <- suitRes[[3]]
sof <- suitRes[[4]]
sdb <- suitRes[[5]]
sdf <- suitRes[[6]]
dob <- suitRes[[7]]
dof <- suitRes[[8]]
ddb <- suitRes[[9]]
ddf <- suitRes[[10]]
## if 3 or leaf refl-- Geometric leaf reflectance
## Input rho and tau from PROSPECT/ other particle model
## Correct using SUITS factors
RTgeomRes <- RTgeom(rho,tau,ddb,ddf,sdb,sdf,dob,dof,sob,sof)
sigb <- RTgeomRes[[1]]
att <- RTgeomRes[[2]]
m <- RTgeomRes[[3]]
sb <- RTgeomRes[[4]]
sf <- RTgeomRes[[5]]
vb <- RTgeomRes[[6]]
vf <- RTgeomRes[[7]]
w <- RTgeomRes[[8]]
## Canopy reflectance and transmittance
## Input LAI and leaf rho and tau
## Also give geometric factors
refTransRes <- cReflTrans(rho,tau,lai,att,m,sigb,ks,ko,sf,sb,vf,vb)
rdd <- refTransRes[[1]]
tdd <- refTransRes[[2]]
tsd <- refTransRes[[3]]
rsd <- refTransRes[[4]]
tdo <- refTransRes[[5]]
rdo <- refTransRes[[6]]
tss <- refTransRes[[7]]
too <- refTransRes[[8]]
rsod <- refTransRes[[9]]
## Hot spot effect
hspotRes <- HotSpot(lai,q,tss,ks,ko,dso)
tsstoo <- hspotRes[[1]]
sumint <- hspotRes[[2]]
## Bidirectional reflectance
finalOut <- sail_BDRF(w,lai,sumint,tsstoo,bgr,
## rddt Bi-hemispherical reflectance
## rsdt Directional-hemispherical reflectance for solar incident flux
## rdot Hemispherical-directional reflectance in viewing direction
## rsot Bi-directional reflectance factor
reflMat <- as.matrix(,finalOut))
colnames(reflMat) <- c('rddt','rsdt','rdot','rsot','tau')
} # foursail
#' R implementation of foursail (pure R)
#' The pure R version of foursail is included in the package as an easy
#' way to review the code, and to check more optimized versions against.
#' Model originally developed by Wout Verhoef.
#' @param rho input leaf reflectance from 400-2500nm (can be measured or modeled)
#' @param tau input leaf transmittance from 400-2500nm (can be measured or modeled)
#' @param bgr background reflectance. Usual input is
#' soil reflectance spectra from 400-2500nm (can be measured or modeled)
#' @param param A named vector of SAIL parameter values (note: program ignores case):
#' \itemize{
#' \item [1] = Leaf angle distribution function parameter a (LIDFa)
#' \item [2] = Leaf angle distribution function parameter b (LIDFb)
#' \item [3] = Leaf angle distribution function type (see ?lidfFun)
#' \item [4] = Leaf area index (LAI)
#' \item [5] = Hot spot effect parameter (hspot) - The foliage hot spot size
#' parameter is equal to the ratio of the correlation length of leaf
#' projections in the horizontal plane and the canopy height (Verhoef & Bach 2007).
#' \item [6] = Solar zenith angle (tts)
#' \item [7] = Observer zenith angle (tto)
#' \item [8] = Sun-sensor azimuth angle (psi)
#' }
#' @return spectra matrixwith 4 reflectance factors and canopy transmission
#' for wavelengths 400 to 2500nm:
#' \itemize{
#' \item [1] = bi-hemispherical reflectance (rddt). White-sky albedo: the reflectance of the canopy
#' under diffuse illumination. The BRDF integrated over all viewing and illumination directions.
#' \item [2] = hemispherical directional reflectance (rsdt). Black-sky albedo: reflectance of a surface
#' under direct light without a diffuse component. It is the integral of the BRDF over all viewing
#' directions.
#' \item [3] = directional hemispherical reflectance (rdot). Diffuse reflectance in the vieweing
#' direction.
#' \item [4] = bi-directional reflectance (rsot). The ratio of reflected radiance in the viewing direction
#' to the incoming radiant flux in the solar direction.
#' \item [5] = Canopy transmission of diffuse light through the canopy (taud).
#' \item [6] = transmission of direct light through the canopy (taus).
#' }
#' @author Marco D. Visser (R implementation)
r_foursail <- function(rho, tau,bgr,param){
names(param) <- tolower(names(param))
## input paramters
LIDFa <- as.numeric(param["lidfa"])
LIDFb <- as.numeric(param["lidfb"])
TypeLIDF <- as.numeric(param["typelidf"])
lai <- as.numeric(param["lai"])
q <- as.numeric(param["hspot"])
tts <- as.numeric(param["tts"])
tto <- as.numeric(param["tto"])
psi <- as.numeric(param["psi"])
## leaf angles
litab <- c(5,15,25,35,45,55,65,75,81,83,85,87,89)
## number of angles
na <- length(litab)
## degrees to radians
rd <- pi / 180
## Sensor geometry: Compute geometric quantities
## output = list(cts,cto,ctscto,dso)
sensGeom <- sail_sensgeom(tts,tto,psi,rd)
cts <- sensGeom[[1]]
cto <- sensGeom[[2]]
ctscto <- sensGeom[[3]]
dso <- sensGeom[[4]]
## Leaf angle distribution function
lidfpar <- c(na,LIDFa, LIDFb)
names(lidfpar) <- c("na","a","b")
class(lidfpar) <- paste0("lidf.",TypeLIDF)
lidFun <- lidf(lidfpar)
## Angular distance - shadow length compensation
## output = list(ks,ko,sob,sof,sdb,sdf,dob,dof,ddb,ddf)
suitRes <- SUITS(na,litab,lidFun,tts,tto,cts,cto,psi,ctscto)
ks <- suitRes[[1]]
ko <- suitRes[[2]]
sob <- suitRes[[3]]
sof <- suitRes[[4]]
sdb <- suitRes[[5]]
sdf <- suitRes[[6]]
dob <- suitRes[[7]]
dof <- suitRes[[8]]
ddb <- suitRes[[9]]
ddf <- suitRes[[10]]
## if 3 or leaf refl-- Geometric leaf reflectance
## Input rho and tau from PROSPECT/ other particle model
## Correct using SUITS factors
RTgeomRes <- RTgeom(rho,tau,ddb,ddf,sdb,sdf,dob,dof,sob,sof)
sigb <- RTgeomRes[[1]]
att <- RTgeomRes[[2]]
m <- RTgeomRes[[3]]
sb <- RTgeomRes[[4]]
sf <- RTgeomRes[[5]]
vb <- RTgeomRes[[6]]
vf <- RTgeomRes[[7]]
w <- RTgeomRes[[8]]
## Canopy reflectance and transmittance
## Input LAI and leaf rho and tau
## Also give geometric factors
refTransRes <- cReflTrans(rho,tau,lai,att,m,sigb,ks,ko,sf,sb,vf,vb)
rdd <- refTransRes[[1]]
tdd <- refTransRes[[2]]
tsd <- refTransRes[[3]]
rsd <- refTransRes[[4]]
tdo <- refTransRes[[5]]
rdo <- refTransRes[[6]]
tss <- refTransRes[[7]]
too <- refTransRes[[8]]
rsod <- refTransRes[[9]]
## Hot spot effect
hspotRes <- HotSpot(lai,q,tss,ks,ko,dso)
tsstoo <- hspotRes[[1]]
sumint <- hspotRes[[2]]
## Bidirectional reflectance
finalOut <- sail_BDRF(w,lai,sumint,tsstoo,bgr,
## rddt Bi-hemispherical reflectance
## rsdt Directional-hemispherical reflectance for solar incident flux
## rdot Hemispherical-directional reflectance in viewing direction
## rsot Bi-directional reflectance factor
reflMat <- as.matrix(,finalOut))
colnames(reflMat) <- c('rddt','rsdt','rdot','rsot','tau')
} # foursail
## Sensor geometry function
sail_sensgeom <- function(tts,tto,psi,rd){
cts <- cos(rd*tts)
cto <- cos(rd*tto)
ctscto <- cts*cto
tants <- tan(rd*tts)
tanto <- tan(rd*tto)
cospsi <- cos(rd*psi)
## angular distance measure also used in the hotspot effect
dso <- sqrt(tants*tants+tanto*tanto-2*tants*tanto*cospsi)
} # sail_sensgeom
## SUITS function to calculate SUITS coefficients
SUITS <- function(na,litab,lidv,tts,tto,cts,cto,psi,ctscto){
## Calculate geometric factors associated with extinction and scattering
## Initialise sums
rd <- pi/180
sof <- sob <- bf <- ko <- ks <- 0
## Weighted sums over LIDF
for(i in 1:na) { ## loop over leaf inclination discrete values
ttl <- litab[i]
ctl = cos(rd*ttl)
## SAIL volume scattering phase function gives interception and portions to be
## multiplied by rho and tau
volscatRes <- volscatt(tts,tto,psi,ttl,chi_s,chi_o,frho,ftau)
chi_s <- volscatRes[[1]]
chi_o <- volscatRes[[2]]
frho <- volscatRes[[3]]
ftau <- volscatRes[[4]]
## ks : Extinction coefficient for direct solar flux
## ko : Extinction coefficient for direct observed flux
## att : Attenuation coefficient for diffuse flux
## sigb : Backscattering coefficient of the diffuse downward flux
## sigf : Forwardscattering coefficient of the diffuse upward flux
## sf : Scattering coefficient of the direct solar flux for downward
## diffuse flux
## sb : Scattering coefficient of the direct solar flux for upward diffuse
## flux
## vf : Scattering coefficient of upward diffuse flux in the observed
## direction
## vb : Scattering coefficient of downward diffuse flux in the observed
## direction
## w : Bidirectional scattering coefficient
## Extinction coefficients
ksli <- chi_s/cts
koli <- chi_o/cto
## Area scattering coefficient fractions
sobli <- frho*pi/ctscto
sofli <- ftau*pi/ctscto
bfli <- ctl*ctl
ks <- ks+ksli*lidv[i]
ko <- ko+koli*lidv[i]
bf <- bf+bfli*lidv[i]
sob <- sob+sobli*lidv[i]
sof <- sof+sofli*lidv[i]
## Geometric factors to be used later with rho and tau
sdb <- 0.5*(ks+bf)
sdf <- 0.5*(ks-bf)
dob <- 0.5*(ko+bf)
dof <- 0.5*(ko-bf)
ddb <- 0.5*(1+bf)
ddf <- 0.5*(1-bf)
## RTgeom: correct rho and tau using SUITS factors
RTgeom <- function(rho,tau,ddb,ddf,sdb,sdf,dob,dof,sob,sof){
sigb <- ddb*rho+ddf*tau
sigf <- ddf*rho+ddb*tau
att <- 1-sigf
m2 <- (att+sigb)*(att-sigb)
## Old WHERE (m2 < 0) statement
m2[m2<0] <- 0
m <- sqrt(m2)
sb <- sdb*rho+sdf*tau
sf <- sdf*rho+sdb*tau
vb <- dob*rho+dof*tau
vf <- dof*rho+dob*tau
w <- sob*rho+sof*tau
} #RTgeom
## volume scattering function
volscatt <- function(tts,tto,psi,ttl,chi_s,chi_o,frho,ftau){
## tts= solar zenith
## tto= viewing zenith
## psi= azimuth
## ttl= leaf inclination angle
## chi_s= interception functions
## chi_o= interception functions
## frho= function to be multiplied by leaf reflectance rho
## ftau= functions to be multiplied by leaf transmittance tau
## Compute volume scattering functions and interception coefficients
## for given solar zenith, viewing zenith, azimuth and
## leaf inclination angle.
## chi_s and chi_o are the interception functions.
## frho and ftau are the functions to be multiplied by leaf reflectance rho and
## leaf transmittance tau, respectively, in order to obtain the volume scattering
## function.
## Wout Verhoef, april 2001, for CROMA
rd <- pi/180
costs <- cos(rd*tts)
costo <- cos(rd*tto)
sints <- sin(rd*tts)
sinto <- sin(rd*tto)
cospsi <- cos(rd*psi)
psir <- rd*psi
costl <- cos(rd*ttl)
sintl <- sin(rd*ttl)
cs <- costl*costs
co <- costl*costo
ss <- sintl*sints
so <- sintl*sinto
## betas -bts- and betao -bto- computation
## Transition angles (beta) for solar (betas) and view (betao) directions
## if thetav+thetal>pi/2, bottom side of the leaves is observed for leaf
## azimut interval betao+phi<leaf azimut<2pi-betao+phi.
## if thetav+thetal<pi/2, top side of the leaves is always observed,
## betao=pi same consideration for solar direction to compute betas
## .......................................................................
cosbts <- 5
cosbts <- -cs/ss
cosbto <- 5
cosbto <- -co/so
if(abs(cosbts)<1){ ## no need for .d0 as R is double by default
bts <- acos(cosbts)
ds <- ss
} else {
bts <- pi
ds <- cs
## sun interception function
chi_s <- 2/pi*((bts-pi*.5)*cs+sin(bts)*ss)
if(abs(cosbto)<1){ ## no need for .d0 as R is double by default
bto <- acos(cosbto)
doo <- so
} else if(tto<90){
bto <- pi
doo <- co
} else {
bto <- 0
doo <- -co
## observed interception function
chi_o <- 2/pi*((bto-pi*.5)*co+sin(bto)*so)
## Computation of auxiliary azimut angles bt1, bt2, bt3 used
## for the computation of the bidirectional scattering coefficient w
## .....................................................................
btran1 <- abs(bts-bto)
btran2 <- pi-abs(bts+bto-pi)
bt1 <- psir
bt2 <- btran1
bt3 <- btran2
} else {
bt1 <- btran1
bt2 <- psir
bt3 <- btran2
} else {
bt2 <- btran2
bt3 <- psir
t1 <- 2*cs*co+ss*so*cospsi
t2 <- 0
t2 <- sin(bt2)*(2*ds*doo+ss*so*cos(bt1)*cos(bt3)) #
denom <- 2*pi*pi
frho <- ((pi-bt2)*t1+t2)/denom
ftau <- (-bt2*t1+t2)/denom
frho <- 0
ftau <- 0
} # volscatt
ReflTrans <- function(rho,tau,lai,att,m,sigb,ks,ko,sf,sb,vf,vb){
e1 <- exp(-m*lai)
e2 <- e1*e1
rinf <- (att-m)/sigb
rinf2 <- rinf*rinf
re <- rinf*e1
denom <- 1-rinf2*e2
## Jfunctions sun and observer
J1ks <- Jfunc1(ks,m,lai)
J2ks <- Jfunc2(ks,m,lai)
J1ko <- Jfunc1(ko,m,lai)
J2ko <- Jfunc2(ko,m,lai)
Ps <- (sf+sb*rinf)*J1ks
Qs <- (sf*rinf+sb)*J2ks
Pv <- (vf+vb*rinf)*J1ko
Qv <- (vf*rinf+vb)*J2ko
rdd <- rinf*(1-e2)/denom
tdd <- (1-rinf2)*e1/denom
tsd <- (Ps-re*Qs)/denom
rsd <- (Qs-re*Ps)/denom
tdo <- (Pv-re*Qv)/denom
rdo <- (Qv-re*Pv)/denom
tss <- exp(-ks*lai)
too <- exp(-ko*lai)
z <- Jfunc3(ks,ko,lai)
g1 <- (z-J1ks*too)/(ko+m)
g2 <- (z-J1ko*tss)/(ks+m)
Tv1 <- (vf*rinf+vb)*g1
Tv2 <- (vf+vb*rinf)*g2
T1 <- Tv1*(sf+sb*rinf)
T2 <- Tv2*(sf*rinf+sb)
T3 <- (rdo*Qs+tdo*Ps)*rinf
## Multiple scattering contribution to bidirectional canopy reflectance
rsod <- (T1+T2-T3)/(1-rinf2)
} # ReflTrans
## J1 function with avoidance of singularity problem
Jfunc1 <- function(k,l,t){
del <- (k-l)*t
Jout <- ((exp(-l*t)-exp(-k*t))/(k-l)) # for all del>1e-3
inc <- abs(del)<=1e-3
Jout[inc] <- (0.5*t*(exp(-k*t)+exp(-l*t))*(1-del*del/12))[inc]
} # Jfunc1
## J2 function
Jfunc2 <- function(k,l,t) {
} # Jfunc2
Jfunc3 <- function(k,l,t){
} # Jfunc3
## J4 function for treating (near) conservative scattering
## used in foursail2
Jout <- numeric(length(del))
Jout[sub2] <- 0.5*t[sub2]*(1.-del[sub2]*del[sub2]/12)
} # Jfunc4
## Hotspot function
HotSpot <- function(lai,q,tss,ks,ko,dso){
## Treatment of the hotspot-effect
alf <- 1e6
## Apply correction 2/(K+k) suggested by F.M. Breon
if(q>0) alf <- (dso/q)*2/(ks+ko)
if(alf>200) alf <- 200 ## inserted H. Bach 1/3/04
## The pure hotspot - no shadow
tsstoo <- tss
sumint <- (1-tss)/(ks*lai)
} else {
## Outside the hotspot
fhot <- lai*sqrt(ko*ks)
## Integrate by exponential Simpson method in 20 steps
## the steps are arranged according to equal partitioning
## of the slope of the joint probability function
x1 <- 0
y1 <- 0
f1 <- 1
ca <- exp(-1*alf)
fint <- (1-ca)*.05
sumint <- 0
for(i in 1:20){
if(i<20) {
x2 <- -log(1-i*fint)/alf
} else {
x2 <- 1
y2 <- -(ko+ks)*lai*x2+fhot*(1-exp(-alf*x2))/alf
f2 <- exp(y2)
sumint <- sumint+(f2-f1)*(x2-x1)/(y2-y1)
x1 <- x2
y1 <- y2
f1 <- f2
tsstoo <- f1
} # HotSpot
#' The SAIL BDRF function
#' @param w goemeric reflectance parameter
#' @param lai leaf area index
#' @param sumint exp int
#' @param tsstoo Bi-directional gap fraction
#' @param rsoil background reflectance
#' @param rdd Bi-hemispherical reflectance over all in & outgoing directions
#' (white-sky albedo).
#' @param tdd Bi-hemispherical transmittance (diffuse transmittance in all directions)
#' @param tsd Directional hemispherical transmittance for solar flux
#' @param rsd Directional hemispherical reflectance for solar flux (diffuse solar angle)
#' @param tdo Directional hemispherical transmittance (diffuse in viewing direction)
#' @param rdo Directional hemispherical reflectance in viewing direction
#' @param tss Direct transmittance of solar flux
#' @param too Direct transmittance in viewing direction
#' @param rsod Multi scattering contribution
#' @return spectra matrixwith 4 reflectance factors and canopy transmission
#' for wavelengths 400 to 2500nm:
#' \itemize{
#' \item [1] = bi-hemispherical reflectance (rddt). White-sky albedo: the reflectance of the canopy
#' under diffuse illumination. The BRDF integrated over all viewing and illumination directions.
#' \item [2] = hemispherical directional reflectance (rsdt). Black-sky albedo: reflectance of a surface
#' under direct light without a diffuse component. It is the integral of the BRDF over all viewing
#' directions.
#' \item [3] = directional hemispherical reflectance (rdot). Diffuse reflectance in the vieweing
#' direction.
#' \item [4] = bi-directional reflectance (rsot). The ratio of reflected radiance in the viewing direction
#' to the incoming radiant flux in the solar direction.
#' \item [5] = Canopy transmission of diffuse light through the canopy (taud).
#' \item [6] = transmission of direct light through the canopy (taus).
#' }
sail_BDRF <- function(w,lai,sumint,tsstoo,rsoil,
rdd,tdd,tsd,rsd,tdo,rdo,tss,too,rsod) {
rsos <- w*lai*sumint # Single scattering contribution
rso <- rsos+rsod # Total canopy contribution
dn <- 1-rsoil*rdd # Interaction with the soil
## rddt: bi-hemispherical reflectance factor
rddt <- rdd+tdd*rsoil*tdd/dn
## rsdt: directional-hemispherical reflectance factor
## for solar incident flux
rsdt <- rsd+(tsd+tss)*rsoil*tdd/dn
## rdot: hemispherical-directional reflectance factor in viewing direction
rdot <- rdo+tdd*rsoil*(tdo+too)/dn
## rsot: bi-directional reflectance factor
rsodt <- rsod+((tss+tsd)*tdo+(tsd+tss*rsoil*rdd)*too)*rsoil/dn
rsost <- rsos+tsstoo*rsoil
rsot <- rsost+rsodt # total
## transmission of light through the canopy
## taus = tranmission of diffuse light from solar direction
## plus gap fraction in solar direction
taus <- (tsd+tss) ## direct and diffuse transmission of light
} ## sail_BDRF
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