
Defines functions confint.cdfqrFT confint.cdfqrH logLik.cdfqr logLik.cdfqrFT logLik.cdfqrH deviance.cdfqrH deviance.cdfqrFT deviance.cdfqr nobs.cdfqrFT nobs.cdfqrH nobs.cdfqr formula.cdfqrFT formula.cdfqr .confint.cdfqr confint.cdfqr .update.cdfqr update.cdfqrFT update.cdfqrH update.cdfqr .vcov.cdfqr vcov.cdfqrH vcov.cdfqrFT vcov.cdfqrH .coef.cdfqr coef.cdfqrH coef.cdfqrFT coef.cdfqr .print.cdfqr print.cdfqrH print.cdfqrFT print.cdfqr summary.cdfqrFT summary.cdfqrH summary.cdfqr

Documented in coef.cdfqr confint.cdfqr confint.cdfqrFT confint.cdfqrH deviance.cdfqr formula.cdfqr logLik.cdfqrH nobs.cdfqr print.cdfqr summary.cdfqr update.cdfqr

#' @title S3 Methods for getting output from fitted cdfqr Objects.
#' @aliases summary.cdfqr
#' @description Give the S3 Methods for CDF-Quantile Distribution Models
#' @param x,object The fitted cdfqr model.
#' @param type,submodel The parts of coefficients or variance-covariance matrix to be extracted.Can be "full", "mean",or "sigma". 
#' @param formula. Changes to the formula. See \code{\link[Formula]{update.Formula}} for details.
#' @param zero.fo.,one.fo.,mu.fo., Changes to the formulas for zero/one component for hurdle models, and for location submodel for finite-tailed models.
#' @param evaluate If true evaluate the new updated model else return the call for the new model.
#' @param parm a specification of which parameters are to be given confidence intervals, either a vector of numbers or a vector of names. If missing, all parameters are considered.
#' @param level the confidence level required.
#' @param digits Number of digits to be retained in printed output.
#' @param ... Pass onto other functions or currently ignored
#' @examples
#' data(cdfqrExampleData)
#' fit <- cdfquantreg(crc99 ~ vert | confl, 't2','t2', data = JurorData)
#' summary(fit)
#' print(fit)
#' logLik(fit)
#' coef(fit)
#' deviance(fit)
#' vcov(fit)
#' confint(fit)
#' #Update the model
#' fit2 <- update(fit, crc99 ~ vert*confl | confl)
#' summary(fit2)

#' @export
#' @method summary cdfqr
summary.cdfqr <- function(object, ...) {

#' @export
summary.cdfqrH <-function(object, ...) {

#' @export
summary.cdfqrFT <- function(object, ...) {

#' @export
#' @rdname summary.cdfqr
print.cdfqr <- 
  function(x, digits = max(3, getOption("digits") - 3), ...){
    .print.cdfqr(x, digits = digits)

#' @export
print.cdfqrFT <- 
  function(x, digits = max(3, getOption("digits") - 3), ...){
    .print.cdfqr(x, digits = digits)

#' @export
print.cdfqrH <-
  function(x, digits = max(3, getOption("digits") - 3), ...){
    .print.cdfqr(x, digits = digits)
.print.cdfqr <-
  function(x, digits = max(3, getOption("digits") - 3), ...) {
    object <- x
    cat("Family: ",
        paste(object$family$fd, object$family$sd, collapse = "-"),
    cat("Call: ", deparse(object$call), "\n", fill = TRUE)
    if (length(object$coefficients$location)) {
      mutitile <- "Mu coefficients (Location submodel)\n"
      if (object$family$fd == 'km') {
        mutitile <- "1st shape parameter coefficients (log link)\n"
                   digits = digits,
                   signif.legend = FALSE)
    } else{
      mutitile2 <- "No coefficients in location submodel\n\n"
      if (object$family$fd == 'km') {
        mutitile2 <-
          "No coefficient for the 1st shape parameter (log link)\n"

    if (length(object$coefficients$dispersion)) {
      if (length(object$coefficients$dispersion)) {
        Sigmatitile <- "Sigma coefficients (Dispersion submodel)\n"
        if (object$family$fd == 'km') {
          Sigmatitile <- "2nd shape parameter coefficients (log link)\n"
        printCoefmat(object$coefficients$dispersion, digits = digits)
      } else{
        Sigmatitile2 <- "No coefficients in Dispersion submodel\n"
        if (object$family$fd == 'km') {
          Sigmatitile2 <-
            "No coefficient for the 2nd shape parameter (log link)\n"
    if ("cdfqrFT" %in% class(object)) {
      if (length(object$coefficients$skew)) {
        cat("Theta coefficients (Skewness submodel)\n")
        printCoefmat(object$coefficients$skew, digits = digits)
        cat("No coefficients in the skewness submodel\n")
    if ("cdfqrH" %in% class(object)) {
      if (length(object$coefficients$zero)) {
        mutitile <- "Zero component coefficients\n"
                     digits = digits,
                     signif.legend = FALSE)
      if (length(object$coefficients$one)) {
        mutitile <- "One component coefficients\n"
                     digits = digits,
                     signif.legend = FALSE)
    coverge_msg <- ifelse(object$converged == 0,
                          "successful completion",
                          "has reached the maxit iterations")
    cat("Converge: ", coverge_msg, fill = TRUE)
    cat("Log-Likelihood: ",
        round(object$logLik, digits = digits),
        fill = TRUE)
    if (!is.null(object$grad))
      cat("Gradient: ", round(object$grad, digits = digits), "\n", fill = TRUE)

#' @export
#' @rdname summary.cdfqr
coef.cdfqr <- function(object, type = "full", ...){
  .coef.cdfqr(object, type = type)

#' @export
coef.cdfqrFT <-function(object, type = "full", ...){
  .coef.cdfqr(object, type = type)

#' @export

coef.cdfqrH <- function(object, type = "full", ...){
  .coef.cdfqr(object, type = type)

.coef.cdfqr <-
           type = c("full", "mean", "sigma", "skew", "zero", "one")) {
    type <- match.arg(type)
    sigma <- object$coefficients$dispersion[, 1]
    names(sigma) <- paste('(sigma)_', names(sigma), sep = "")
    if ("cdfqrFT" %in% class(object)) {
      skew <- object$coefficients$skew[, 1]
      names(skew) <- paste('(theta)_', names(skew), sep = "")
      if (!is.null(object$coefficients$location)) {
        mu <- object$coefficients$location[, 1]
        names(mu) <- paste('(mu)_', names(mu), sep = "")
      } else{
        mu = NULL
      full <-  c(skew, sigma, mu)
    } else{
      skew = NULL
      mu <- object$coefficients$location[, 1]
      names(mu) <- paste('(mu)_', names(mu), sep = "")
      full <-  c(mu, sigma)
    if ("cdfqrH" %in% class(object)) {
      if (!is.null(object$coefficients$zero)) {
        zero <- object$coefficients$zero[, 1]
        names(zero) <- paste('(zero)_', names(zero), sep = "")
      } else{
        zero <- NULL
      if (!is.null(object$coefficients$one)) {
        one <- object$coefficients$one[, 1]
        names(one) <- paste('(one)_', names(one), sep = "")
      } else{
        one <- NULL
      full <-  c(full, zero, one)
    } else{
      if (type == "zero" | type == "one") {
        zero = one = "The model is not a hurdle model. No zero/one component is involved"
    coef <- switch(
      full = {
      mean = {
      skew = {
      sigma = {
      zero = {
      one = {

#' @export
#' @rdname summary.cdfqr
vcov.cdfqr <- vcov.cdfqrFT <- vcov.cdfqrH <- function(object,
                                                      type = "full", ...){
  .vcov.cdfqr(object, type = type)

#' @export
vcov.cdfqrFT <-function(object,
                                                      type = "full", ...){
  .vcov.cdfqr(object, type = type)

#' @export
vcov.cdfqrH <- function(object,
                                                      type = "full", ...){
  .vcov.cdfqr(object, type = type)

.vcov.cdfqr <- function(object, type = c("full","mean","sigma","skew", "theta", "zero", "one"), ...) {

  type = match.arg(type)
  if( "cdfqrH" %in% class(object)){
    vc <- object$vcov$cdf
    zero <- object$vcov$zero
    one <- object$vcov$one
    vc <- object$vcov
    if(type == "zero"|type == "one"){
      zero = one = "The model is not a hurdle model. No zero/one component is involved"

  if( "cdfqrFT" %in% class(object)){
    thetaind <- grep("theta", colnames(vc))
    skenwess <- vc[thetaind, thetaind, drop = FALSE]
    muind <- grep("mu", colnames(vc))
    location <- vc[muind, muind, drop = FALSE]
    location = NULL
  sigmaind <- grep("sigma", colnames(vc))
  dispersion <- vc[sigmaind, sigmaind, drop = FALSE]
  vc <- switch(type, full = {vc}, 
               mean = {location}, 
               sigma = {dispersion},
               theta = {skenwess}, 
               zero = {zero}, 
               one = {one})

#' @export
#' @rdname summary.cdfqr
update.cdfqr <- function(object, formula.,zero.fo., one.fo., mu.fo., ..., evaluate = TRUE){
  .update.cdfqr(object, formula.,zero.fo., one.fo., mu.fo., ..., evaluate = evaluate)

#' @export
update.cdfqrH <- function(object, formula.,zero.fo., one.fo., mu.fo., ..., evaluate = TRUE){
  .update.cdfqr(object, formula.,zero.fo., one.fo., mu.fo., ..., evaluate = evaluate)

#' @export
update.cdfqrFT <- function(object, formula.,zero.fo., one.fo., mu.fo., ..., evaluate = TRUE){
  .update.cdfqr(object, formula.,zero.fo., one.fo., mu.fo., ..., evaluate = evaluate)

.update.cdfqr <- function(object, formula.,zero.fo., one.fo., mu.fo., ..., evaluate = TRUE) {
  call <- object$call
  if (!missing(formula.))
    call$formula <- formula(update(Formula::Formula(formula(object)), formula.))

  if("cdfqrH" %in% class(object)){
    if (!missing(zero.fo.)) 
      call$zero.fo <- formula(update(Formula::Formula(formula(call$zero.fo)), zero.fo.))
    if (!missing(one.fo.)) 
      call$one.fo <- formula(update(Formula::Formula(formula(call$one.fo)), one.fo.))
  }else if("cdfqrFT" %in% class(object)){
    if (!missing(mu.fo.)) 
      call$mu.fo <- formula(update(Formula::Formula(formula(call$zero.fo)), mu.fo.))
    if (!missing(mu.fo.)|!missing(zero.fo.)|!missing(one.fo.))
      cat("The supply of zero/one/mu function is ignored as the model is not hurdle/finite tailed model.")
  extras <- match.call(expand.dots = FALSE)$...

  if (length(extras)) {
    existing <- !is.na(match(names(extras), names(call)))
    for (a in names(extras)[existing]) call[[a]] <- extras[[a]]
    if (any(!existing)) {
      call <- c(as.list(call), extras[!existing])
      call <- as.call(call)
  if (evaluate)
    eval(call, parent.frame())
  else call

#' @export
#' @rdname summary.cdfqr
confint.cdfqr <- function(object, parm, level = 0.95, submodel = "full", ...){
  .confint.cdfqr(object, parm, level = level, submodel = submodel)

.confint.cdfqr <- function(object, parm, level = 0.95, submodel = "full") {
  cf_full <- object$coefficients
  cf_mean <- cf_full['location'][[1]]
  cf_sigma <- cf_full['dispersion'][[1]]
  cf <- do.call(rbind, object$coefficients)
  if (submodel == "location") {
    if(missing(parm)) parm.l = rownames(cf_mean) else parm.l = parm
      if (is.character(parm.l)){
        if (!all(parm.l %in% rownames(cf_mean)))
        stop("One or more required parameter(s) is not in the location submodel!")}
      if (is.numeric(parm.l)){
        if (!is.matrix(try(cf_mean[parm.l, ],T)))
          stop("One or more required parameter(s) is not in the location submodel!")}
    cf <- cf_mean<- cf_mean[parm.l, ,drop=FALSE]
    parm <- parm.l
  if (submodel == "sigma") {
    if(missing(parm)) parm.d = rownames(cf_sigma) else parm.d = parm
    if (is.character(parm.d)){
      if (!all(parm.d %in% rownames(cf_sigma)))
        stop("One or more required parameter(s) is not in the dispersion submodel!")}
      if (is.numeric(parm.d)){
        if (!is.matrix(try(cf_sigma[parm.d, ],T)))
          stop("One or more required parameter(s) is not in the dispersion submodel!")}
     cf <- cf_sigma<- cf_sigma[parm.d, ,drop=FALSE]
     parm <- parm.d
  if (submodel == "full") {
    if(missing(parm)) {
      parm.l = rownames(cf_mean)
      parm.d = rownames(cf_sigma)}else{
        parm.l = parm[[1]]
        parm.d = parm[[2]]
    if (is.character(parm.l)){
      if (!all(parm.l %in% rownames(cf_mean)))
        stop("One or more required parameter(s) is not in the location submodel!")}
    if (is.numeric(parm.l)){
      if (!is.matrix(try(cf_mean[parm.l, ],T)))
        stop("One or more required parameter(s) is not in the location submodel!")}
    if (is.character(parm.d)){
      if (!all(parm.d %in% rownames(cf_sigma)))
        stop("One or more required parameter(s) is not in the dispersion submodel!")}
    if (is.numeric(parm.d)){
      if (!is.matrix(try(cf_sigma[parm.d, ],T)))
        stop("One or more required parameter(s) is not in the dispersion submodel!")}
    cf_mean <- cf_mean[rownames(cf_mean)[parm.l%in%rownames(cf_mean)], ,drop=FALSE]
    cf_sigma <- cf_sigma[rownames(cf_sigma)[parm.d%in%rownames(cf_sigma)], ,drop=FALSE]
    cf <- rbind(cf_mean, cf_sigma)
    parm <- c(parm.l, parm.d)

  cf_est <- cf[, 1]
  cf_ses <- cf[, 2]
  a <- (1 - level)/2
  a <- c(a, 1 - a)
  fac <- qnorm(a)
  ci_name <- paste0(round(a*100, 2),"%")
  ci <- array(NA, dim = c(nrow(cf), 2L), 
              dimnames = list(parm, ci_name))
  ci[] <- cf_est + cf_ses %o% fac
  if(submodel == "full"){
    location <- ci[1:nrow(cf_mean), ,drop=FALSE]
    dispersion <- ci[(1+nrow(cf_mean)):nrow(ci), ,drop=FALSE]
    ci <- list(location = location,
               dispersion = dispersion)

#' @export
#' @rdname summary.cdfqr
 formula.cdfqr <- function(x, ...) {

#' @export
formula.cdfqrFT <-  function(x, ...) {

#' @export
#' @rdname summary.cdfqr
nobs.cdfqr <- function(object, ...) {

#' @export
 nobs.cdfqrH <- function(object, ...) {

#' @export
nobs.cdfqrFT <- function(object, ...) {

#' @export
#' @rdname summary.cdfqr
deviance.cdfqr <- function(object, ...) {
#' @export
 deviance.cdfqrFT <- function(object, ...) {
#' @export
deviance.cdfqrH <- function(object, ...) {

#' @export
#' @rdname summary.cdfqr
logLik.cdfqrH <-  function(object, ...) {

#' @export
logLik.cdfqrFT <- function(object, ...) {

#' @export
logLik.cdfqr <- function(object, ...) {

#' @export
#' @rdname summary.cdfqr
confint.cdfqrH <- function(object, parm, level = 0.95, 
                           type = c("full","mean","sigma","zero","one"), ...) {
  type = match.arg(type)
  cf_full <- object$coefficients
  cf_mean <- cf_full['location'][[1]]
  rownames(cf_mean) <- paste( rownames(cf_mean), "_m", sep = "")
  cf_sigma <- cf_full['dispersion'][[1]]
  rownames(cf_sigma) <- paste( rownames(cf_sigma), "_d", sep = "")
  cf_zero <- cf_full['zero'][[1]]
  rownames(cf_zero) <- paste( rownames(cf_zero), "_z", sep = "")
  cf_one <- cf_full['one'][[1]]
  rownames(cf_one) <- paste( rownames(cf_one), "_0", sep = "")
  #cf <- do.call(rbind, object$coefficients)
  cf <- rbind(cf_mean, cf_sigma, cf_zero, cf_one)
  if(missing(parm)) parm = rownames(cf)
  if (type == "mean") {
    if (is.character(parm)){
      if (!all(parm %in% rownames(cf_mean)))
        stop("One or more required parameter(s) is not in the location submodel!")}
    if (is.numeric(parm)){
      if (!is.matrix(try(cf_mean[parm, ],T)))
        stop("One or more required parameter(s) is not in the location submodel!")}
    cf <- cf_mean<- cf_mean[parm, ,drop=FALSE]
  if (type == "sigma") {
    if (is.character(parm)){
      if (!all(parm %in% rownames(cf_sigma)))
        stop("One or more required parameter(s) is not in the dispersion submodel!")}
    if (is.numeric(parm)){
      if (!is.matrix(try(cf_sigma[parm, ],T)))
        stop("One or more required parameter(s) is not in the dispersion submodel!")}
    cf <- cf_sigma<- cf_sigma[parm, ,drop=FALSE]
  if (type == "one") {
    if (is.character(parm)){
      if (!all(parm %in% rownames(cf_one)))
        stop("One or more required parameter(s) is not in the one-component submodel!")}
    if (is.numeric(parm)){
      if (!is.matrix(try(cf_one[parm, ],T)))
        stop("One or more required parameter(s) is not in the one-component submodel!")}
    cf <- cf_one<- cf_one[parm, ,drop=FALSE]
  if (type == "zero") {
    if (is.character(parm)){
      if (!all(parm %in% rownames(cf_zero)))
        stop("One or more required parameter(s) is not in the zero-component submodel!")}
    if (is.numeric(parm)){
      if (!is.matrix(try(cf_zero[parm, ],T)))
        stop("One or more required parameter(s) is not in the zero-component submodel!")}
    cf <- cf_zero<- cf_zero[parm, ,drop=FALSE]
  if (type == "full") {
    if (is.character(parm)){
      if (!any(parm %in% rownames(cf)))
        stop("One or more required parameter(s) is not in the model!")
    if (is.numeric(parm)){
      if (!is.matrix(try(cf[parm, ],T)))
        stop("One or more required parameter(s) is not in the model!")}
    cf_mean <- cf_mean[parm[parm%in%rownames(cf_mean)], ,drop=FALSE]
    cf_sigma <- cf_sigma[parm[parm%in%rownames(cf_sigma)], ,drop=FALSE]
    cf_zero <- cf_zero[parm[parm%in%rownames(cf_zero)], ,drop=FALSE] 
    cf_one <- cf_one[parm[parm%in%rownames(cf_one)], ,drop=FALSE] 
    cf <- rbind(cf_mean, cf_sigma, cf_zero, cf_one)
  cf_est <- cf[, 1]
  cf_ses <- cf[, 2]
  a <- (1 - level)/2
  a <- c(a, 1 - a)
  fac <- qnorm(a)
  ci_name <- paste0(round(a*100, 2),"%")
  ci <- array(NA, dim = c(length(parm), 2L), 
              dimnames = list(parm, ci_name))
  ci[] <- cf_est + cf_ses %o% fac
  if(type == "full"){
    location <- ci[rownames(cf_mean), ,drop=FALSE]
    dispersion <- ci[rownames(cf_sigma), ,drop=FALSE]
    zero <- ci[rownames(cf_zero), ,drop=FALSE]
    one <- ci[rownames(cf_one), ,drop=FALSE]
    ci <- list(location = location,
               dispersion = dispersion,
               zero = zero,
               one = one)

#' @export
#' @rdname summary.cdfqr
confint.cdfqrFT <- function(object, parm, level = 0.95, submodel = "full", ...) {

  cf_full <- object$coefficients
  cf_theta <- cf_full['skew'][[1]]
  cf_sigma <- cf_full['dispersion'][[1]]
  if(!is.null(object$coefficients$location)){cf_mu <- cf_full['location'][[1]]}else{
    cf_mu = NULL
  cf <- do.call(rbind, object$coefficients)
  if (submodel == "theta") {
    if(missing(parm)) parm.t = rownames(cf_theta) else parm.l = parm
    if (is.character(parm.t)){
      if (!all(parm.t %in% rownames(cf_theta)))
        stop("One or more required parameter(s) is not in the skewness submodel!")}
    if (is.numeric(parm.t)){
      if (!is.matrix(try(cf_theta[parm.t, ],T)))
        stop("One or more required parameter(s) is not in the skewness submodel!")}
    cf <- cf_theta<- cf_theta[parm.t, ,drop=FALSE]
    parm <- parm.t
  if (submodel == "sigma") {
    if(missing(parm)) parm.d = rownames(cf_sigma) else parm.d = parm
    if (is.character(parm.d)){
      if (!all(parm.d %in% rownames(cf_sigma)))
        stop("One or more required parameter(s) is not in the dispersion submodel!")}
    if (is.numeric(parm.d)){
      if (!is.matrix(try(cf_sigma[parm.d, ],T)))
        stop("One or more required parameter(s) is not in the dispersion submodel!")}
    cf <- cf_sigma<- cf_sigma[parm.d, ,drop=FALSE]
    parm <- parm.d
  if (submodel == "sigma"&!is.null(cf_mu)) {
    if(missing(parm)) parm.l = rownames(cf_mu) else parm.l = parm
    if (is.character(parm.l)){
      if (!all(parm.d %in% rownames(cf_mu)))
        stop("One or more required parameter(s) is not in the dispersion submodel!")}
    if (is.numeric(parm.l)){
      if (!is.matrix(try(cf_mu[parm.l, ],T)))
        stop("One or more required parameter(s) is not in the dispersion submodel!")}
    cf <- cf_mu<- cf_mu[parm.l, ,drop=FALSE]
    parm <- parm.l
  }else if (submodel == "sigma"&is.null(object$coefficients$mu)) {
    stop("The model does not have the location component!")
  if (submodel == "full") {
    if(missing(parm)) {
      parm.t = rownames(cf_theta)
      parm.d = rownames(cf_sigma)
        parm.l <-rownames(cf_mu)
        parm.l <- NULL
      parm.t = parm[[1]]
      parm.d = parm[[2]]
      if(is.null(cf_mu)) parm.l = NULL else parm.l = parm[[3]] 
    if (is.character(parm.t)){
      if (!all(parm.t %in% rownames(cf_theta)))
        stop("One or more required parameter(s) is not in the skewness submodel!")}
    if (is.numeric(parm.t)){
      if (!is.matrix(try(cf_theta[parm.t, ],T)))
        stop("One or more required parameter(s) is not in the skewness submodel!")}
    if (is.character(parm.d)){
      if (!all(parm.d %in% rownames(cf_sigma)))
        stop("One or more required parameter(s) is not in the dispersion submodel!")}
    if (is.numeric(parm.d)){
      if (!is.matrix(try(cf_sigma[parm.d, ],T)))
        stop("One or more required parameter(s) is not in the dispersion submodel!")}
    cf_theta <- cf_theta[rownames(cf_theta)[parm.t%in%rownames(cf_theta)], ,drop=FALSE]
    cf_sigma <- cf_sigma[rownames(cf_sigma)[parm.d%in%rownames(cf_sigma)], ,drop=FALSE]
      cf_mu <- cf_mu[rownames(cf_mu)[parm.l%in%rownames(cf_mu)], ,drop=FALSE]
    cf <- rbind(cf_sigma, cf_theta, cf_mu)
    parm <- c(parm.d, parm.t, parm.l)
  cf_est <- cf[, 1]
  cf_ses <- cf[, 2]
  a <- (1 - level)/2
  a <- c(a, 1 - a)
  fac <- qnorm(a)
  ci_name <- paste0(round(a*100, 2),"%")
  ci <- array(NA, dim = c(nrow(cf), 2L), 
              dimnames = list(parm, ci_name))
  ci[] <- cf_est + cf_ses %o% fac
  if(submodel == "full"){
    sigma<- ci[1:nrow(cf_sigma), ,drop=FALSE]
    theta <- ci[(1+nrow(cf_sigma)):(nrow(cf_sigma) +nrow(cf_theta)), ,drop=FALSE]
      mu <- ci[(1+ nrow(cf_sigma) +nrow(cf_theta)):nrow(ci), ,drop=FALSE]
      mu = NULL
    ci <- list(
      sigma = sigma,
      theta = theta,
      mean = mu)

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