
Defines functions .FBPcalc

.FBPcalc  <- function(input=NULL, output="Primary") {                                                                                           # The choice of output include: "Primarry" (default), "Secondary", and "All".
  # Description:
  #   Fire Behavior Prediction System calculations. This is the primary
  #   function for calculating FBP for a single timestep. Not all equations are
  #   calculated within this function, but have been broken down further.
  # Args:
  #   input:  Data frame of required and optional information needed to 
  #           calculate FBP function. View the arguments section of the fbp 
  #           manual (fbp.Rd) under "input" for the full listing of the 
  #           required and optional inputs.
  #   output: What fbp outputs to return to the user. Options are "Primary", 
  #           "Secondary" and "All".
  # Returns:  
  #   output: Either Primary, Secondary, or all FBP outputs in a data.frame
  #Quite often users will have a data frame called "input" already attached
  #  to the workspace. To mitigate this, we remove that if it exists, and warn
  #  the user of this case.
  if (!is.na(charmatch("input", search()))) {
    warning("Attached dataset 'input' is being detached to use fbp() function.")
  output <- toupper(output)
  #if input does not exist, then set defaults
  if (is.null(input)) {
    input[, "FUELTYPE"] <- as.character(input[, "FUELTYPE"])
  #set local scope variables from the parameters for simpler to referencing
  names(input) <- toupper(names(input))
  ID <- input$ID
  FUELTYPE <- toupper(input$FUELTYPE)
  FFMC <- input$FFMC
  BUI <- input$BUI
  WS <- input$WS
  WD <- input$WD
  FMC <- input$FMC
  GS <- input$GS
  LAT <- input$LAT
  LONG <- input$LONG
  ELV <- input$ELV
  DJ <- input$DJ
  D0 <- input$D0
  SD <- input$SD
  SH <- input$SH
  HR <- input$HR
  PC <- input$PC
  PDF <- input$PDF
  GFL <- input$GFL
  CC <- input$CC
  THETA <- input$THETA
  ACCEL <- input$ACCEL
  ASPECT <- input$ASPECT
  BUIEFF <- input$BUIEFF
  CBH <- input$CBH
  CFL <- input$CFL
  ISI <- input$ISI
  n0 <- nrow(input)
  #                         BEGIN
  # Set warnings for missing and required input variables.
  # Set defaults for inputs that are not already set.
  if (!exists("FUELTYPE") | is.null(FUELTYPE)){ 
    warning("FuelType is a required input, default FuelType = C2 is used in the 
    FUELTYPE <- rep("C2", n0)}
  if (!exists("FFMC") | is.null(FFMC)){ 
    warning("FFMC is a required input, default FFMC = 90 is used in the 
    FFMC <- rep(90, n0)}
  if (!exists("BUI") | is.null(BUI)){ 
    warning("BUI is a required input, default BUI = 60 is used in the 
    BUI <- rep(60, n0)}
  if (!exists("WS") | is.null(WS)){ 
    warning("WS is a required input, WS = 10 km/hr is used in the calculation")
    WS <- rep(10, n0)}
  if (!exists("GS") | is.null(GS)){ 
    warning("GS is a required input,GS = 0 is used in the calculation")
    GS <- rep(0, n0)}
  if (!exists("LAT") | is.null(LAT)){ 
    warning("LAT is a required input, default LAT=55 is used in the 
    LAT <- rep(55, n0)}
  if (!exists("LONG") | is.null(LONG)){ 
    warning("LONG is a required input, LONG = -120 is used in the calculation")
    LONG <- rep(-120, n0)}
  if (!exists("DJ") | is.null(DJ)){ 
    warning("Dj is a required input, Dj = 180 is used in the calculation")
    DJ <- rep(180, n0)}
  if (!exists("ASPECT") | is.null(ASPECT)){ 
    warning("Aspect is a required input, Aspect = 0 is used in the calculation")
    ASPECT <- rep(0, n0)}
  if (!exists("WD") | is.null(WD)) 
    WD <- rep(0, n0)
  if (!exists("FMC") | is.null(FMC)) 
    FMC <- rep(0, n0)
  if (!exists("ELV") | is.null(ELV)) 
    ELV <- rep(0, n0)
  if (!exists("SD") | is.null(SD)) 
    SD <- rep(0, n0)
  if (!exists("SH") | is.null(SH)) 
    SH <- rep(0, n0)
  if (!exists("D0") | is.null(D0)) 
    D0 <- rep(0, n0)
  if (!exists("HR") | is.null(HR)) 
    HR <- rep(1, n0)
  if (!exists("PC") | is.null(PC)) 
    PC <- rep(50, n0)
  if (!exists("PDF") | is.null(PDF)) 
    PDF <- rep(35, n0)
  if (!exists("GFL") | is.null(GFL)) 
    GFL <- rep(0.35, n0)
  if (!exists("CC") | is.null(CC)) 
    CC <- rep(80, n0)
  if (!exists("THETA") | is.null(THETA)) 
    THETA <- rep(0, n0)
  if (!exists("ACCEL") | is.null(ACCEL)) 
    ACCEL <- rep(0, n0)
  if (!exists("BUIEFF") | is.null(BUIEFF)) 
    BUIEFF <- rep(1, n0)
  if (!exists("CBH") | is.null(CBH)) 
    CBH <- rep(0, n0)
  if (!exists("CFL") | is.null(CFL)) 
    CFL <- rep(0, n0)
  if (!exists("ISI") | is.null(ISI)) 
    ISI <- rep(0, n0)
  #Convert Wind Direction from degress to radians
  WD <- WD * pi/180
  #Convert Theta from degress to radians
  THETA <- THETA * pi/180
  ASPECT <- ifelse(is.na(ASPECT), 0, ASPECT)
  ASPECT <- ifelse(ASPECT < 0, ASPECT + 360, ASPECT)
  #Convert Aspect from degress to radians
  ASPECT <- ASPECT * pi/180
  ACCEL <- ifelse(is.na(ACCEL) | ACCEL < 0, 0, ACCEL)
  if (length(ACCEL[!ACCEL %in% c(0, 1)]) > 0) 
    warning("Input variable Accel is out of range, will be assigned to 1")
  ACCEL <- ifelse(!ACCEL %in% c(0, 1), 1, ACCEL)
  DJ <- ifelse(DJ < 0 | DJ > 366, 0, DJ)
  DJ <- ifelse(is.na(DJ), 180, DJ)
  D0 <- ifelse(is.na(D0) | D0 < 0 | D0 > 366, 0, D0)
  ELV <- ifelse(ELV < 0 | ELV > 10000, 0, ELV)
  ELV <- ifelse(is.na(ELV), 0, ELV)
  BUIEFF <- ifelse(BUIEFF <= 0, 0, 1)
  BUIEFF <- ifelse(is.na(BUIEFF), 1, BUIEFF)
  HR <- ifelse(HR < 0, -HR, HR)
  HR <- ifelse(HR > 366 * 24, 24, HR)
  HR <- ifelse(is.na(HR), 0, HR)
  FFMC <- ifelse(FFMC < 0 | FFMC > 101, 0, FFMC)
  FFMC <- ifelse(is.na(FFMC), 90, FFMC)
  ISI <- ifelse(is.na(ISI) | ISI < 0 | ISI > 300, 0, ISI)
  BUI <- ifelse(BUI < 0 | BUI > 1000, 0, BUI)
  BUI <- ifelse(is.na(BUI), 60, BUI)
  WS <- ifelse(WS < 0 | WS > 300, 0, WS)
  WS <- ifelse(is.na(WS), 10, WS)
  WD <- ifelse(is.na(WD) | WD < -2 * pi | WD > 2 * pi, 
               0, WD)
  GS <- ifelse(is.na(GS) | GS < 0 | GS > 200, 0, GS)
  GS <- ifelse(ASPECT < -2 * pi | ASPECT > 2 * pi, 0, GS)
  PC <- ifelse(is.na(PC) | PC < 0 | PC > 100, 50, PC)
  PDF <- ifelse(is.na(PDF) | PDF < 0 | PDF > 100, 35, PDF)
  CC <- ifelse(CC <= 0 | CC > 100, 95, CC)
  CC <- ifelse(is.na(CC), 80, CC)
  GFL <- ifelse(is.na(GFL) | GFL <= 0 | GFL > 100, 0.35, 
  LAT <- ifelse(LAT < -90 | LAT > 90, 0, LAT)
  LAT <- ifelse(is.na(LAT), 55, LAT)
  LONG <- ifelse(LONG < -180 | LONG > 360, 0, LONG)
  LONG <- ifelse(is.na(LONG), -120, LONG)
  THETA <- ifelse(is.na(THETA) | THETA < -2 * pi | THETA > 
                    2 * pi, 0, THETA)
  SD <- ifelse(SD < 0 | SD > 1e+05, -999, SD)
  SD <- ifelse(is.na(SD), 0, SD)
  SH <- ifelse(SH < 0 | SH > 100, -999, SH)
  SH <- ifelse(is.na(SH), 0, SH)

  FUELTYPE <- sub("-", "", FUELTYPE)
  FUELTYPE <- sub(" ", "", FUELTYPE)
    warning("FuelType contains NA, using C2 (default) in the calculation")
  #                         END
  #                         START
  # Corrections
  #Convert hours to minutes
  HR <- HR * 60
  #Corrections to reorient Wind Azimuth(WAZ) and Uphill slode azimuth(SAZ)
  WAZ <- WD + pi
  WAZ <- ifelse(WAZ > 2 * pi, WAZ - 2 * pi, WAZ)
  SAZ <- ASPECT + pi
  SAZ <- ifelse(SAZ > 2 * pi, SAZ - 2 * pi, SAZ)
  #Any negative longitudes (western hemisphere) are translated to positive 
  #  longitudes
  LONG <- ifelse(LONG < 0, -LONG, LONG)
  #                         END
  #                         START
  # Initializing variables
  SFC <- TFC <- HFI <- CFB <- ROS <- rep(0, length(LONG))
  RAZ <- rep(-999, length(LONG))
  if (output == "SECONDARY" | output == "ALL" | output == "S" | 
      output == "A") {
    FROS <- BROS <- TROS <- HROSt <- FROSt <- BROSt <- TROSt <- FCFB <- 
            BCFB <- TCFB <- FFI <- BFI <- TFI <- FTFC <- BTFC <- TTFC <- rep(0, 
    TI <- FTI <- BTI <- TTI <- LB <- WSV <- rep(-999, length(LONG))
  CBHs <- c(2, 3, 8, 4, 18, 7, 10, 0, 6, 6, 6, 6, 0, 0, 0, 
            0, 0)
  names(CBHs) <- c("C1", "C2", "C3", "C4", "C5", "C6", "C7", 
                   "D1", "M1", "M2", "M3", "M4", "S1", "S2", "S3", "O1A", 
  CBH <- ifelse(CBH <= 0 | CBH > 50 | is.na(CBH), ifelse(FUELTYPE %in% 
         c("C6") & SD > 0 & SH > 0, -11.2 + 1.06 * SH + 0.0017 * 
         SD, CBHs[FUELTYPE]), CBH)
  CBH <- ifelse(CBH < 0, 1e-07, CBH)
  CFLs <- c(0.75, 0.8, 1.15, 1.2, 1.2, 1.8, 0.5, 0, 0.8, 0.8, 
            0.8, 0.8, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
  names(CFLs) <- c("C1", "C2", "C3", "C4", "C5", "C6", "C7", 
                   "D1", "M1", "M2", "M3", "M4", "S1", "S2", "S3", "O1A", 
  CFL <- ifelse(CFL <= 0 | CFL > 2 | is.na(CFL), CFLs[FUELTYPE], 
  FMC <- ifelse(FMC <= 0 | FMC > 120 | is.na(FMC), .FMCcalc(LAT, 
          LONG, ELV, DJ, D0), FMC)
  FMC <- ifelse(FUELTYPE %in% c("D1", "S1", "S2", "S3", "O1A", 
                                "O1B"), 0, FMC)
  #                         END
  #Calculate Surface fuel consumption (SFC)
  #Disable BUI Effect if necessary
  BUI <- ifelse(BUIEFF != 1, 0, BUI)
  #Calculate the net effective windspeed (WSV)
  WSV0 <- .Slopecalc(FUELTYPE, FFMC, BUI, WS, WAZ, GS, SAZ, 
                     FMC, SFC, PC, PDF, CC, CBH, ISI, output = "WSV")
  WSV <- ifelse(GS > 0 & FFMC > 0, WSV0, WS)
  #Calculate the net effective wind direction (RAZ)
  RAZ0 <- .Slopecalc(FUELTYPE, FFMC, BUI, WS, WAZ, GS, SAZ, 
                     FMC, SFC, PC, PDF, CC, CBH, ISI, output = "RAZ")
  RAZ <- ifelse(GS > 0 & FFMC > 0, RAZ0, WAZ)
  #Calculate or keep Initial Spread Index (ISI)
  ISI <- ifelse(ISI > 0, ISI, .ISIcalc(FFMC, WSV, TRUE))
  #Calculate the Rate of Spread (ROS), C6 has different calculations
  ROS <- ifelse(FUELTYPE %in% c("C6"), .C6calc(FUELTYPE, ISI, 
          BUI, FMC, SFC, CBH, option = "ROS"), .ROScalc(FUELTYPE, 
          ISI, BUI, FMC, SFC, PC, PDF, CC, CBH))
  #Calculate Crown Fraction Burned (CFB), C6 has different calculations
  CFB <- ifelse(FUELTYPE %in% c("C6"), .C6calc(FUELTYPE, ISI, 
          BUI, FMC, SFC, CBH, option = "CFB"), ifelse(CFL > 0, 
          .CFBcalc(FUELTYPE, FMC, SFC, ROS, CBH), 0))
  #Calculate Total Fuel Consumption (TFC)
  #Calculate Head Fire Intensity(HFI)
  HFI <- .FIcalc(TFC, ROS)
  #Adjust Crown Fraction Burned
  CFB <- ifelse(HR < 0, -CFB, CFB)
  #Adjust RAZ
  RAZ <- RAZ * 180/pi
  RAZ <- ifelse(RAZ == 360, 0, RAZ)
  #Calculate Fire Type (S = Surface, C = Crowning, I = Intermittent Crowning)
  FD <- rep("I", length(CFB))
  FD <- ifelse(CFB < 0.1, "S", FD)
  FD <- ifelse(CFB >= 0.9, "C", FD)
  #Calculate Crown Fuel Consumption(CFC)
  CFC <- .TFCcalc(FUELTYPE, CFL, CFB, SFC, PC, PDF, option = "CFC")
  #Calculate the Secondary Outputs
  if (output == "SECONDARY" | output == "ALL" | output == "S" | 
      output == "A") {
    #Eq. 39 (FCFDG 1992) Calculate Spread Factor (GS is group slope)
    SF <- ifelse(GS >= 70, 10, exp(3.533 * (GS/100)^1.2))
    #Calculate Critical Surface Intensity
    CSI <- .CFBcalc(FUELTYPE, FMC, SFC, ROS, CBH, option = "CSI")
    #Calculate Surface fire rate of spread (m/min)
    RSO <- .CFBcalc(FUELTYPE, FMC, SFC, ROS, CBH, option = "RSO")
    #Calculate The Buildup Effect
    BE <- .BEcalc(FUELTYPE, BUI)
    #Calculate length to breadth ratio
    LB <- .LBcalc(FUELTYPE, WSV)
    LBt <- ifelse(ACCEL == 0, LB, .LBtcalc(FUELTYPE, LB, HR, CFB))
    #Calculate Back fire rate of spread (BROS)
    #Calculate Flank fire rate of spread (FROS) 
    FROS <- .FROScalc(ROS, BROS, LB)
    #Calculate the eccentricity  
    E <- sqrt(1 - 1/LB/LB)
    #Calculate the rate of spread towards angle theta (TROS)
    TROS <- ROS * (1 - E)/(1 - E * cos(THETA - RAZ))
    #Calculate rate of spread at time t for Flank, Back of fire and at angle 
    #  theta.
    ROSt <- ifelse(ACCEL == 0, ROS, .ROStcalc(FUELTYPE, ROS, HR, CFB))
    BROSt <- ifelse(ACCEL == 0, BROS, .ROStcalc(FUELTYPE, BROS, HR, CFB))
    FROSt <- ifelse(ACCEL == 0, FROS, .FROScalc(ROSt, BROSt, LBt))
    #Calculate rate of spread towards angle theta at time t (TROSt)
    TROSt <- ifelse(ACCEL == 0, TROS, 
                    ROSt * (1 - sqrt(1 - 1 / LBt / LBt)) / 
                    (1 - sqrt(1 - 1 / LBt / LBt) * cos(THETA - RAZ)))
    #Calculate Crown Fraction Burned for Flank, Back of fire and at angle theta.
    FCFB <- ifelse(CFL == 0, 0, ifelse(FUELTYPE %in% c("C6"), 
             0, .CFBcalc(FUELTYPE, FMC, SFC, FROS, CBH)))
    BCFB <- ifelse(CFL == 0, 0, ifelse(FUELTYPE %in% c("C6"), 
             0, .CFBcalc(FUELTYPE, FMC, SFC, BROS, CBH)))
    TCFB <- ifelse(CFL == 0, 0, ifelse(FUELTYPE %in% c("C6"), 
             0, .CFBcalc(FUELTYPE, FMC, SFC, TROS, CBH)))
    #Calculate Total fuel consumption for the Flank fire, Back fire and at
    #  angle theta
    #Calculate the Fire Intensity at the Flank, Back and at angle theta fire
    FFI <- .FIcalc(FTFC, FROS)
    BFI <- .FIcalc(BTFC, BROS)
    TFI <- .FIcalc(TTFC, TROS)
    #Calculate Rate of spread at time t for the Head, Flank, Back of fire and
    #  at angle theta.
    HROSt <- ifelse(HR < 0, -ROSt, ROSt)
    FROSt <- ifelse(HR < 0, -FROSt, FROSt)
    BROSt <- ifelse(HR < 0, -BROSt, BROSt)
    TROSt <- ifelse(HR < 0, -TROSt, TROSt)
    #Calculate the elapsed time to crown fire initiation for Head, Flank, Back
    # fire and at angle theta. The (a# variable is a constant for Head, Flank, 
    # Back and at angle theta used in the *TI equations)
    a1 <- 0.115 - (18.8 * CFB^2.5 * exp(-8 * CFB))
    TI <- log(ifelse(1 - RSO/ROS > 0, 1 - RSO/ROS, 1))/(-a1)
    a2 <- 0.115 - (18.8 * FCFB^2.5 * exp(-8 * FCFB))
    FTI <- log(ifelse(1 - RSO/FROS > 0, 1 - RSO/FROS, 1))/(-a2)
    a3 <- 0.115 - (18.8 * BCFB^2.5 * exp(-8 * BCFB))
    BTI <- log(ifelse(1 - RSO/BROS > 0, 1 - RSO/BROS, 1))/(-a3)
    a4 <- 0.115 - (18.8 * TCFB^2.5 * exp(-8 * TCFB))
    TTI <- log(ifelse(1 - RSO/TROS > 0, 1 - RSO/TROS, 1))/(-a4)
    #Fire spread distance for Head, Back, and Flank of fire
    DH <- ifelse(ACCEL == 1, .DISTtcalc(FUELTYPE, ROS, HR, CFB), ROS * HR)
    DB <- ifelse(ACCEL == 1, .DISTtcalc(FUELTYPE, BROS, HR, CFB), BROS * HR)
    DF <- ifelse(ACCEL == 1, (DH + DB)/(LBt * 2), (DH + DB)/(LB * 2))
  #Create an id field if it does not exist
  if (exists("ID") && !is.null(ID)) ID<-ID else ID <- row.names(input)  
  #if Primary is selected, wrap the primary outputs into a data frame and
  #  return them
  if (output == "PRIMARY" | output == "P") {
    FBP <- data.frame(ID, CFB, CFC, FD, HFI, RAZ, ROS, SFC, 
    FBP[, c(2:3, 5:ncol(FBP))] <- apply(FBP[, c(2:3, 5:ncol(FBP))], 
                                        2, function(.x) ifelse(FUELTYPE %in% c("WA", "NF"), 
                                                               0, .x))
    FBP[, "FD"] <- as.character(FBP[, "FD"])
    FBP[, "FD"] <- ifelse(FUELTYPE %in% c("WA", "NF"), "NA", FBP[, "FD"])
  #If Secondary is selected, wrap the secondary outputs into a data frame
  #  and return them.
  else if (output == "SECONDARY" | output == "S") {
    FBP <- data.frame(ID, BE, SF, ISI, FFMC, FMC, D0, RSO, 
                      CSI, FROS, BROS, HROSt, FROSt, BROSt, FCFB, BCFB, 
                      FFI, BFI, FTFC, BTFC, TI, FTI, BTI, LB, LBt, WSV, 
                      DH, DB, DF, TROS, TROSt, TCFB, TFI, TTFC, TTI)
    FBP[, 2:ncol(FBP)] <- apply(FBP[, 2:ncol(FBP)], 2, function(.x) ifelse(FUELTYPE %in% 
                          c("WA", "NF"), 0, .x))
  #If all outputs are selected, then wrap all outputs into a data frame and
  #  return it.
  else if (output == "ALL" | output == "A") {
    FBP <- data.frame(ID, CFB, CFC, FD, HFI, RAZ, ROS, SFC, 
                      TFC, BE, SF, ISI, FFMC, FMC, D0, RSO, CSI, FROS, 
                      BROS, HROSt, FROSt, BROSt, FCFB, BCFB, FFI, BFI, 
                      FTFC, BTFC, TI, FTI, BTI, LB, LBt, WSV, DH, DB, DF, 
                      TROS, TROSt, TCFB, TFI, TTFC, TTI)
    FBP[, c(2:3, 5:ncol(FBP))] <- apply(FBP[, c(2:3, 5:ncol(FBP))],2, function(.x) 
                                  ifelse(FUELTYPE %in% c("WA", "NF"),0,.x))
    FBP[, "FD"] <- as.character(FBP[, "FD"])
    FBP[, "FD"] <- ifelse(FUELTYPE %in% c("WA","NF"),"NA",FBP[,"FD"])

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