
Defines functions get_bib_year get_bib_month make_bibkey get_bib_inst_org get_bib_booktitle get_bib_address guess_bibtype get_bib_note get_bib_howpublised protect_bib_braces

protect_bib_braces <- function(x) {
  paste0("{", x, "}")

# Utils for as_bibentry ----
get_bib_howpublised <- function(x) {
  howpublished <- x$medium

  if (!is.null(howpublished)) {
    f <- toupper(substr(howpublished, 0, 1))
    rest <- substr(howpublished, 2, nchar(howpublished))
    howpublished <- paste0(c(f, rest), collapse = "")


get_bib_note <- function(x) {
  note <- x$notes

  # unpublished needs a note
  if (all(is.null(note), tolower(x$type) == "unpublished")) {
    note <- "Extracted with cffr R package"


guess_bibtype <- function(x) {
  init_guess <- switch(tolower(x$type),
    "article" = "article",
    "book" = "book",
    "manual" = "manual",
    "unpublished" = "unpublished",
    "conference" = "inproceedings",
    "conference-paper" = "inproceedings",
    "proceedings" = "proceedings",
    "magazine-article" = "article",
    "newspaper-article" = "article",
    "pamphlet" = "booklet",
    "report" = "techreport",
    "thesis" = "mastersthesis",
    # We would need to guess

  # Try guess Inbook ----
  # inbook is a book where chapter or pages are present
  has_chapter <- !is.null(clean_str(x$section))
  has_pages <- !is.null(
    clean_str(paste(unique(c(x$start, x$end)), collapse = "--"))

  if (all(init_guess == "book", any(has_chapter, has_pages))) {
    init_guess <- "inbook"

  # Try guess Phdthesis  ----
  if (init_guess == "mastersthesis") {
    ttype <- clean_str(gsub("[[:punct:]]", "", x$`thesis-type`, perl = TRUE))
    # phd
    if (all(!is.null(ttype), grepl("phd", ttype, ignore.case = TRUE))) {

  # Try guess InCollection  ----
  # Hint: is misc with collection-title and publisher
  if (init_guess == "misc") {
    if (!is.null(clean_str(x$`collection-title`))) {


get_bib_address <- function(x) {
  # BibTeX 'address' is taken from the publisher (book, others) or the
  # conference (inproceedings).
  # Set logic: conference > institution > publisher
  if (!is.null(x$conference)) {
    addr_search <- x$conference
  } else if (!is.null(x$institution)) {
    addr_search <- x$institution
  } else {
    addr_search <- x$publisher

  address <- clean_str(
      addr_search$address, addr_search$city, addr_search$region,
    ), collapse = ", ")

  # As a fallback, use also location
  if (is.null(address) && !is.null(x$location)) {
    address <- clean_str(x$location$name)


get_bib_booktitle <- function(x, bibtype) {
  # This map collection title.
  # If inproceedings, incollection to booktitle
  # rest of cases to series

  book_series <- list()
  tag_value <- clean_str(x[["collection-title"]])

  if (!bibtype %in% c("incollection", "inproceedings")) {
    book_series$series <- tag_value
  } else {
    # Only for incollections and inproceedings map booktitle
    book_series$booktitle <- tag_value

    # Fallback to conference name for inproceedings
    if (all(bibtype == "inproceedings", is.null(tag_value))) {
      book_series$booktitle <- clean_str(x$conference$name)

get_bib_inst_org <- function(x, bibtype) {
  # For inproceedings, proceedings and manual this field
  # is organization
  # For thesis it should be school

  inst_org <- list()
  # Just name
  inst_name <- clean_str(x$institution$name)

  if (bibtype %in% c("inproceedings", "proceedings", "manual")) {
    inst_org$organization <- inst_name
  } else if (grepl("thesis", bibtype, ignore.case = TRUE)) {
    inst_org$school <- inst_name
  } else {
    inst_org$institution <- inst_name

  # Fallback for techreport, search on affiliation first author

  if (bibtype == "techreport" && is.null(inst_org$institution)) {
    inst_org$institution <- clean_str(x$authors[[1]]$affiliation)


make_bibkey <- function(tobibentry) {
  # Be kind and provided a bibentry key

  y <- tobibentry$year

  # Init etall
  etall <- NULL

  # Also Some entries don't have authors, but editors
  # Others may have none (misc, pamphlet)

  init_aut <- tobibentry$author

  # Try get editor in null
  if (is.null(init_aut)) {
    init_aut <- tobibentry$editor

  # If none then get a key based in title
  if (any(is.null(init_aut), length(init_aut) == 0)) {
    r <- tolower(tobibentry$title)
    # Reduce lenght to 15 max
    r <- substr(r, 0, 15)
  } else {
    # First name/surname and et_all if additional authors
    # Bear in mind institutions has only given

    nauths <- length(init_aut)
    if (nauths > 1) etall <- "_etall"

    # Get info of first author
    unz <- unlist(init_aut[1])
    if ("family" %in% names(unz)) {
      r <- unz["family"]
    } else {
      r <- unz["given"]

    r <- tolower(paste0(r, collapse = ""))

  # Try hard to remove accents
  # First with iconv
  r <- iconv(r, from = "UTF-8", to = "ASCII//TRANSLIT", sub = "?")

  # Next to latex
  r <- encoded_utf_to_latex(r)

  # Finally keep only a-z letters for key
  r <- gsub("[^_a-z]", "", r)

  # Append etall and year
  key <- paste0(c(r, etall), collapse = "")
  key <- paste(c(key, y), collapse = ":")

get_bib_month <- function(x) {
  m <- x$month

  # Fallback

  if (is.null(m) && !is.null(x$`date-published`)) {
    # Should be YYYY-MM-DD to be valid on cff, so
    m <- as.integer(format(as.Date(x$`date-published`), "%m"))

  # Try to get 3 month string
  m_int <- suppressWarnings(as.integer(m))
  m_letters <- clean_str(tolower(month.abb[m_int]))

  if (!is.null(m_letters)) {
    month <- m_letters
  } else {
    month <- clean_str(m)


get_bib_year <- function(x) {
  year <- x$year

  # Fallback

  if (is.null(year) && !is.null(x$`date-released`)) {
    # Should be YYYY-MM-DD to be valid on cff, so
    year <- substr(x$`date-released`, 1, 4)


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cffr documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 8:41 p.m.